yu feng xing

Chapter 41: A duel

Zeyu and the golden masked man came on the stage one after another, and the two of Kunpengmen and the Shadow Pavilion naturally had no chance and ended miserably.

Looking that the four gangs had been defeated, Chen Rufeng only felt a burst of coolness in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were dark.

But the four gangs are connected to the front line, and their power is still hidden in Luoyang. The Qingshi Martial Arts Hall is not over for a day, and it cannot be taken lightly for a day. Especially now, the people sent by the four gang have been defeated one after another. I'm afraid they won't stop here.

Next, Pei Xinqing came on the court, and Chen Rufeng deliberately arranged a weak hand to fight against her. After a few rounds, Pei Xinqing easily won. The two old men who watched the battle under the stage saw it clearly and knew that it was from Chen Rufeng. Although it was unfair, they didn't say much. They just smiled complaedly and high-fiveed.

As for Jun Moxiao, as Chen Rufeng expected, he defeated his opponent generously in the ring. After the war, Jun Mo smiled and glanced at Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng's hand involuntarily covered the box containing four "Yanmo Dan" hidden in his arms and looked humbly at Han Ling, who was watching the battle attentively.

Han Ling seemed to be fascinated and bent his mouth and smiled faintly. I don't know if it was the appreciation of the talents of the last Qingshi Martial Arts Hall.

Soon, the first eight list will be decided. Jun Moxiao, Ling Xiaoyu, Ding Yu, Pei Xinqing, Ze Yu and the mysterious golden masks are among them, and the remaining two are also elite young disciples of the prestigious gang in the world.

At noon, the sun is high, bringing weak warmth to the people in the field, but it can never cover the frost.

Just as everyone was taking a lunch break, Chen Rufeng and other Tianfeng helped a group of people to draw up a battle list. At this time, there was bad news that Ding Yu was so exhausted that he could not play after the war. Chen Rufeng's scalp was numb again, so he had to let one of the remaining seven people win without fighting, but if Ling Xiaoyu or Pei Xinqing got this good result, he would be too favored.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Rufeng finally left this opportunity to win without fighting to the golden masked man. He weighed it and let Jun Moxiao and Zeyu fight in this round. The two strong hands were a great obstacle to Ling Xiaoyu or Pei Xinqing's heroic youth martial arts hall.

After lunch, another battle between dragons and tigers began.

Ling Xiaoyu and Percyinqing, who took the lead, defeated their opponents respectively. The next match was supposed to be between Ding Yu and the golden masked man, but Chen Rufeng came to the stage to announce that Ding Yu could not conduct the next competition due to serious injury, and judged the golden masked man to win without fighting. Immediately there was a noise under the stage, and there were deep and shouting, and a face was indifferent. Most people felt that it was not inappropriate for Chen Rufeng to deal with it like this. Although it was useless to take advantage of the golden masked man, it was also a helpless move.

Chen Rufeng glanced at the golden masked man, and his eyes under the mask were closed, worry-free and unpredictable.

"The next scene, Zeyu, don't laugh!"

This shout came out, and the whole seat was silent.

Two gangs in the four gangs of Jianghu, the Red Devil Altar and the elite of Qianjianmen, are finally about to get in hand.

Everyone focused their eyes on this duel, because both sides are of the same level, and the outcome is unpredictable. Presumably the process is also very wonderful.

Ze Yu stepped on the ground and stepped on the ring. Jun Mo smiled and flew down like a fairy, maintaining a consistent calm smile.

"You are the son of the master of Ze. Presumably, swordsmanship should also have the same beauty as the master. Don't laugh, I will come to teach you now!" Don't smile and hold the boxing.

Zeyu politely bowed his hand and responded: "Mr. Jun is one of the four envoys of the Red Devil Altar, and he is also extraordinary."

After the politeness of both sides, the sound of gongs and drums sounded like a thunderbolt, and Ze Yu's sword came out of its sheath. Jun Moxiao put his hands behind his back, and his clothes and robes were blown without wind.

The people under the stage can't take their eyes off, and the two heroes are fighting for each other.

Zeyu first made a move, and the dragon Xiaojian got up with him, like an arch bridge across. The pure sword spirit was scattered with the sword as the heart, but there was a gathering in the dispersion, turning into eight arrows, shooting at Jun Mo Moxiao.

"Mountain and River Swordsmanship - Rift Mountain and Stone Rain!"

Chen Rufeng was surprised to see this swordsmanship as soon as it came out. On that day, he fought with Zeyu. The "mountain and river swordsmanship" used by Zeyu only had three styles of pulling mountains and rivers, swallowing mountains and rivers, and breaking mountains and rivers. Now he has added more scattered swordsmanships. It seems that Zeyu's swordsmanship has improved a lot after three days.

This sword move can be said to be an improvement of the broken mountains and rivers. The sword spirit has attacked Jun Moxiao seamlessly. Even if Jun Moxiao has the ability to pass through the sky, it is impossible to block it undamaged.

Jun Moxiao did not dodge. His hands were held in front of his lower abdomen, and there was a black gas gathering, and the dark lines were moving, like eyes opened in the dark, and it was like a bottomless deep hole, bottomless.

This is the secret method of the Red Devil Altar, which is eaten by demons.

The sword spirit is like a flying stone splashed after the mountain is broken, covering its face, and its momentum cannot be slowed down.

However, when he was about to break around Jun Moxiao, the sword spirit suddenly stopped. As if being resisted by an invisible shield, you can't enter any more.

Ze Yu also felt that the tip of his sword seemed to touch a stubborn stone, which was shaken by great force and was difficult to move even if he wanted to pull it away. In the blink of an eye, the sword spirit shifted one after another, pointing to the black gas held by Jun Moxiao's hands.

"suck!" Jun Mo laughed and ordered, and the sword spirit obediently obeyed and rushed to the black gas. It disappeared in the black gas like raindrops into the river, and was swallowed up by the black gas.

However, after inhaling the sword gas, the black gas rose a little. Jun Mo smiled and raised his mouth, changed his hands, and finally threw the black gas out like throwing stones and rushed directly to Zeyu.

Zeyu's sword spirit has just been broken, and the dragon whistling sword is blocked by invisible strange forces. At this time, there is a black gas attack, roaring and cracking in the air, which shows the fierceness. If it is hit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I panicked, and the sweat of beans slid across my forehead.

Chen Rufeng frowned when he saw it, thinking that Zeyu would not be defeated so easily, and there must be a backhand.

Zeyu gritted his teeth, grasped the Longxiao sword, and tried his best to pull it out. The sword spirit exploded from the sword body and barely broke away from the strange power of the invisible bondage. However, seeing that the group sucked out the black gas from the sword, Zeyu urged the real power of his whole body and used the "pull of the mountain river". The sword was concentrated on the power that was enough to move the mountain, cut off with layers of sword shadows and split on the black gas.

The fierce momentum was shaken away, and Ze Yu sensitively set up the Longxiao Sword. The sword body made a few iron noises, and his body was also knocked back a few steps. Jun Moxiao was also blown up by the vigor, and his feet stood firm and motionless.

Zeyu has been disrupted. If Jun Moxiao takes advantage of the victory and pursues at this time, Zeyu must be more at a disadvantage and difficult to turn over.

Sure enough, Jun Mo smiled and stretched forward, and the claws of the black shadow suddenly pulled out and rushed to Zeyu, who had no time to adjust in the future.

Zeyu's expression was tense, and he knew that it was too late to change the shape of the sword at this time. At this time, he made up his mind and shouted angrily: "Mountain and river swordsmanship - piles of mountains!"

This move is also Zeyu's newly realized swordsmanship. It is intended to be used for defense. The mountains are stacked, which can only break through in a moment and three times, form a thick line of defense to resist the fierce attack of the enemy.

The sword still maintained a defensive posture, but there was a lot of sword spirit, lined up, as if forming a wall to block the black claws from advancing.

The black claws made a gloomy roar, as if to catch a living person into the deep ground, and drew down horrifyingly. The sharpness left five shocking scratches on the wall-like sword spirit.

Long Xiaojian cut horizontally with thorns, "Mountain and river swordsmanship - Qi swallows mountains and rivers!"

The sword spirit suddenly turned into a roar, whistling, and the mountains and rivers were all in the air!

Under the pull of sword spirit, the black claws struggled several times and broke into powder.

I didn't expect Zeyu to turn the defensive sword gas into attack sword spirit so perfectly, and immediately reversed the situation!

It is really a talent that has suddenly emerged from Qianjianmen recently, and even Chen Rufeng is still worried about whether his current strength can be equal to Ze Yu.

Jun Mo smiled and shouted in his heart. He knew that if he let Zeyu fight close to him, he could not defeat the ingenious swordsmanship of Qianjianmen, so he had always distanced himself from Zeyu, but he did not expect that Zeyu's swordsmanship was so wonderful, and now he had to bow hard.

Zeyu flew there with the dragon Xiao sword and stabbed straight away with a sword. There was no cleverness in pure sword fighting, but there was no flaw to find. Jun Moxiao raised his eyebrows, and the fists were black. The fists and swords were handed over, but Ze Yu's crisp and straight sword that stabbed to the end prevailed, forcing Jun Moxiao to retreat a few steps. At the same time, Zeyu also stood in front of Jun Moxiao and launched his swordsmanship.

For a while, the shadow of the sword was dain, and the falling points were changeable, and there was no trace of it. Jun Mo smiled and resisted with his palm and cut down diagonally in front of him. His black palm came out, occupying most of his body, hoping to block Ze Yu's sword attack without omission.

The light of the sword flashed, and the place where it was cut was full of energy and aggressiveness. It stabbed into the palm. Jun Mo smiled and shattered most of the sword spirit, but there was still some sword gas that took advantage of the gap and hurt Jun Moxiao.

The pure protective magic spirit offset most of the sword spirit. Jun Mo snorted a few times and hurriedly tried his best to stimulate the palm and smashed all the remaining sword spirit together.

However, at this time, Zeyu had already killed with a sword, and the sword was the final sword, picking it to Jun Moxiao's chest.

Jun Mo's smiling eyes were awe-lived, and his palms were patted at a speed like electricity, and he said, "Heaven's magic palm!"

With a palm, there is a faint palm coming from different directions, and the palms are extremely fast. The position occupied by these two palms is very vicious, and it is impossible to resist at the same time. However, these two palms are not all real, but a virtual palm, which is born from each other. If they are connected with the virtual palm, the real palm will attack. Therefore, only by fighting against the real palm can this break this "magic palm".

Now Zeyu is facing a dilemma. If the sword is stabbed to the real place, it can lay the foundation for victory. If it falls on the virtual place, he will be hit by Jun Moxiao, and he will immediately fall back to the wind. The palm is so fierce that it is impossible to take care of both palms at the same time, and a decision must be made between these electric sparks.

The virtual palms come one after the other.

Is it real before or after?

Within't much thought, Zeyu simply closed his eyes and hit the sword with his intuition.

The sword is full of energy, and people move with the sword and stab out regardless of the consequences.

Zeyu felt that he was under great strength on his wrist and immediately knew that he had won the risk.

Jun Moxiao's palm was bounced back, staggered a few steps, bent down and gasped, raised his head, but threw a look of appreciation at Zeyu.

Ze Yu's sword was like a rotation, in the sheath in mid-air, and his feet landed, which won a burst of applause from the stage.

"Wiser, Qianjianmen, Zeyu!" This is said loudly from Junmo's smile.