yu feng xing

Chapter 58: Ice Tomb Master

Before people arrived, a cold air came to his face and went straight into the bone marrow. Obviously, there was no snow and frost everywhere, but it seemed to be in the ice and snow.

And the group of people are approaching like a cloud of moving snow from a distance.

Everyone couldn't help shivering, and even some people were too afraid of the cold. They held themselves in their hands and urged internal forces to warm up.

The red light flashed in Chen Rufeng's eyes, and the angry sword was clenched in his hand, full of vigilance against the visitors.

Ze Kunyun and Lan Yuer saw the person coming gradually. Although they did not see the appearance clearly, they had guessed the identity of the person. Ze Kunyun's face was half shocked and half happy, while Lan Yuer was frightened and complex.

When they got closer, many people exclaimed.

Chen Rufeng only heard someone shouting, "It's an ice tomb!" He is cold!"

The leader's face was handsome, white as snow, his hair drooping his shoulders, and his eyebrows were ice, and his lips were like sealed in the snow, almost bloodless. Coupled with a white robe, except for his black hair, his appearance seemed to melt in the white snow.

Behind him were several ice tomb disciples, one of whom was particularly eye-catching. Her long hair was on her chest, but her lips were always pale, her nose was high, and her face was as deep as frost, white and flawless, like gently blowing a broken eggshell. She had a white jade pendant under her two earlobe, and her figure was exquisite and her whole body was exuded. The temperament of snowy and frosty is not allowed to be stained with half.

After the eyes of the men in the heroes lingered on Leng Feijue for a moment, they all gathered on the woman, and several people were fascinated by it. It's just that the woman's face can't hold a change. It seems that everything outside the world is dusty in her eyes and can't occupy a place in her vision.

"My brother has been in isolation for several months, and it seems that his skills have also made great progress. Congratulations!" Ze Kunyun was deeply aware of his cold temperament and indifference, and did not greet him too warmly. He just held his fist from afar and talked about it to express his respect.

He arched his hand like a cold snow. "When I just got out of the customs, I hurried to get there. Please forgive me for the abruptness."

Ze Kunyun smiled and said, "I used to think that Brother Feijue was closed and couldn't come. I feel sorry. Now Brother Feijue doesn't mind coming by boat, which really gives Ze a great face one day!"

Leng Fei nod his head, turned his eyes to Chen Rufeng's ferocious face, and said coldly, "This must be Chen Rufeng, the famous Tianfeng gang leader who has recently shocked the world?"

Chen Rufeng held the hilt of the sword, "It's right down!" He glanced at Leng Feijue and thought to himself that this man had teamed up with Ze Xingyun and the Demon King Xingshi on that day. He was one of the few famous masters in the world at that time. He should be the same age as Ze Xingyun. Why does he look just not much older than himself? Is there a wonderful way to stay in the ice tomb? In this way, the woman next to him should be a certain age. At this point, he glanced at the woman unnaturally, but it attracted a cold stare.

"This is a little disciple, Lin Ji." Leng Feiju saw Chen Rufeng's eyes swimming past Lin Ji and introduced him. Although Chen Rufeng's face was still fierce at this time, he still turned slightly red.

Lin Ji put away his cold eyes to Chen Rufeng, looked straight ahead, and returned to the state of "nothing in his eyes".

"I just said that I was not convinced. Is there a better candidate in my mind?" Lan Yuer stood up with a delicate smile and looked at the cold two cold pupils with resentment and seductively, "Is it possible... Do you think you are the most suitable person?"

Leng Fei hummed disdainfully: "The people in my ice tomb have always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and they are even more uninterested in the alliance leader. I just saw that Master Chen's action was vicious and ruthless. If he really put him in the position of leader of the alliance, I'm afraid it will make the gangs frightened and live in fear.

This said what Ze Kunyun thought in his heart. Although Ze Kunyun did not speak, he also nodded gently.

Chen Rufeng sneered and said, "If the alliance leader does not stand up his power and does not convince you, how can he lead many gangs? In the future, the world alliance will only cause a lot of inconvenience.

said coldly: "I hope Master Chen knows that this is the 'lord', not the 'hegemony'. What you need to do is not to control the gangs, but to gather them together and do what they can do after discussion. You can't be arbitrarily and arbitrarily.

"Each person's style of doing things is different, and I hope the cold tomb owner will be considerate." Chen Rufeng smiled coldly and said that his position was stable.

"If you want everyone to convince you as Master Chen said, then please convince someone." As soon as the cold words came out, it was cold.

Chen Rufeng's eyebrows moved, "The meaning of the cold tomb master's words is to follow the high and low, right?"

The cold air is even more vigorous, like snowflakes flying from the cold body.

The angry wind sword came out of its sheath, and the blade trembled slightly, pointing to the cold and snow-like face.

Ze Kunyun had a difficult face and frowned and said, "Both of them are the heads of the prestigious sects in the world, or peace is the most important."

"Lord Ze League, won't you discuss martial arts at every World League meeting?" A cold question, Ze Kunyun is difficult to answer.

"If you are afraid of hurting harmony, how could you set this rule of martial arts at the beginning? It's normal for martial arts friends, but you are too worried about it. Leng Feijue said so, Ze Kunyun had to sigh and step back and let go.

Cold Feijuru's eyes shot at Chen Rufeng, "Master Chen has no objection, right?"

The angry wind sword and sword light flashed by, and the arrogance swept away. Chen Rufeng smiled and said, "Of course not!"

Lan Yuer opened her mouth when she wanted to speak, but finally calmed down and retreated aside. She is absolutely ranked second in the Jianghu Directory. Her martial arts are one by a lot higher than herself. In addition, he has been practicing for a long time, so it is impossible to know what level he has been promoted. Even if Chen Rufeng has the help of demon spirit and has an endless source of true qi, the depth of internal strength has also greatly increased, but it is still difficult to be defeated.

If Chen Rufeng is defeated, he is afraid that the position of the leader of the world's alliance will be taken away like the delicious food in his mouth.

But Chen Rufeng is still affected by the magic spirit at this moment. Even if Leng Fei is the tomb owner of one of the four major factions in the world, he is also a master as famous as Ze Kunyun. He doesn't pay attention to it at all.

As long as anyone dares to stop him from going, he will definitely be ruthless.

After the cold hands are folded, the expression is clear and there is no joy.

Chen Rufeng's angry wind sword suddenly pointed straight, and a faint wind roared out of the sword.

"Cold tomb master, the younger generation will not be polite to you." After saying that, Chen Rufeng walked with the sword, and the sword light turned into a long rainbow in mid-air. In everyone's eyes, they only saw a shadow flashing past, and the angry wind sword had cut five inches above the cold forehead.

The sharp edge of the sword fell out and turned into a knife-like wind.

The angry wind sword shook, like cutting on a hard object, at a five-inch place.

However, a piece of ice suddenly appeared in the middle of the angry wind sword, and the fragments suddenly appeared and broke and scattered.

The sword was a little paused, and the coldness had taken a strong step. His body was like a layer of frost, and the snow lifted his body, and he jumped ten feet high with light steps.

"There are three cold unique skills, one is the ice condensed jade palm, the second is to step on the snow to break the ice leg, and the third is the Xuanshuang cold wave bomb. The moves are fierce and wonderful, and Chen Rufeng's chances of winning are very slim." Lan Yuer's delicate face rarely sank, and she was secretly worried about Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng was shocked when he saw that the sword was suddenly stopped by ice, and his sword strength was still stopped as fast as thunder. But he quickly bypassed his body and stabbed several swordsmanships to Leng Feijue, like a messy arrow.

The cold look did not change, and his palms were full of frost, which were shot out one after another. The cold frost on his palms shook, and several swords suddenly stopped in mid-air, slowly cooling into ice strips inch by inch, and smashing them.

"Cold jade palm!" Some of the heroes have heard of the cold stunts, but they have never witnessed it with their own eyes. Today, they can't help shouting out at first sight.

Chen Rufeng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this situation, but he was not an easily defeated person. The angry wind and the sword light rose, and the rolling wind condensed the body of the sword. First, he cut it to the ground with the sword wind. With the strength of the sword wind, he lifted and then cut it again. It seemed that there were hundreds of millions of sword shadows criscrossed, the wind roared, and the gusts of wind surged through the sky. The encirclement of the earth is endlessly cold.

The cold light appeared at the corners of his eyes, and his palms danced like branches in the wind. White snow and frost fluttered with his palms. When countless strong swords fell, an ice cover like an upside-down rice bowl protected the coldness, and continued to accelerate and condense with the continuous impact of the wind and sword spirit. The more and more thickened, the strength seemed to be for the ice. Gai is endlessly providing strength.

Chen Rufeng saw something wrong, and the angry sword suddenly retracted. The anger of the wind burst in mid-air in an instant, and the sword spirit was also spontaneously broken. For a moment, the dust and smoke in the air was full of sight. Hearing another sudden cracking sound, countless pieces of ice flew out of the thick smoke and threw them at Chen Rufeng, like an ice sculpture flying knife. The handle flashed coldly. When Chen Rufeng broke his strength, he smashed the ice cover, turned these thick ice blocks into weapons, and unfolded to Chen Rufeng with bursts of cold ice. Counterattack.

In shock, the angry sword suddenly cut open an arc of sword light, as if the waves swept the beach and swept away all the ice pieces.

At this moment, the effect of the "Yanmo Dan" that Chen Rufeng took earlier has passed, and the magic gas hidden in his body is gradually unable to be borrowed. Coupled with the physical strength consumed by the four people who have just fought against Lu Chiyin, he is now close to running out of oil, but he is still conscious and knows that he must not give up at this moment.

Leng Feifei flew out of the thick smoke under the protection of the cold snow and waved his palms. Before his palm arrived, Chen Rufeng only felt a sense of coldness and stiffness all over his body. He was no longer flexible. He was even powerless to dodge, so he had to wave his sword to catch it.

The cold jade palm came with snow fog, and the air in front of the palm seemed to be layered with ice. The overwhelming palm was several times better than the wind under the cold pressure.

Chen Rufeng carried the sword to defend in panic, and the sword body against every cold jade palm. He only felt that the blade of the angry wind sword was about to be frozen and broken. He was frightened, and the speed of the sword was even worse than before. On the contrary, the cold ice condensed jade palm became faster and faster, and he stepped forward to Chen Rufeng.

If it goes on like this, you will definitely lose!

The angry wind sword suddenly lighted down, and even Leng Feijue had the illusion that he froze the sword into ice with one palm and broke it.

But after the blink of an eye, a very soft force pushed back. The angry wind sword picked out along this softness. Although the speed was slow, it could take advantage of the situation and stabbed the cold jade palm to the weak point.

The cold palm sensed a sharp sense of threat, and decisively closed the palm, and the other palm came out again with snow. Chen Rufeng pulled out of the sword. The power of soft water attracted the strongest place as its own strength, and then took the wind cyclone to return to the other party. He was unprepared for a moment, and his palms were suddenly shaken away. Although his eyes seemed to be cold and not surprised, he was surprised and knew that he did underestimate the other party.