yu feng xing

Chapter 43: Return to the Source

The sky is bright.

Cuihua Mountain, just like just emerged from the quilt, the sun gradually covered a large area of mountains, vigorous and did not happen.

Once the birthplace of the Tianfeng Gang, it is now used for the division of the altar. Except for the left and right protection and the elders, most of the people who were originally the Chai Gang stayed here. Therefore, most of the people collected in the general altar at the old site of Jinghaimen are the gangs who entered the gang after their fortune.

Although it is divided into the altar, its work and rest are no different from those of the general altar. At the beginning of genius, Fu Yuanjing urged his disciples to get up and practice. The gangs gathered here are dominated by the old gang of Chai Gang. Only a few gangs who are familiar with internal martial arts stay here, so they just practice their fists and feet.

The empty platform was full of energetic gangs, and Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing glanced at them with satisfaction.

Morning fog and dew linger outside the wall.

The sound of punching and shouting for the crowd was sonorous and powerful. The listeners seemed to feel that their fists hit their eardrums. Although they were not internal workers, their foreign skills were very solid.

Compared with the general altar of Tianfeng Gang, this place is a little more quiet and sunny, and it is not inferior because of the number of people. Moreover, everyone here is loyal to their gangs. Most of their families live here, and they have long been determined to be rooted in this Cuihua Mountain.

After Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing arrived from Funiu Mountain, they filled all the old parts of Funiu Mountain into the Tianfeng Gang. In addition, the two have always been temperamental and happy and won people's hearts, so they became harmonious and united, and did not feel resentful because they were in the altar.

After all, people in the Tianfeng Gang are not necessarily very good.

While the two were watching everyone practicing, Guo Tongwu caught a glimpse of a vague figure outside the gate through the morning fog, which was gradually approaching.

Since it became a division altar, few guests have come, and even the Qianjianmen in a mountain rarely visit, but from time to time they touch it on the mountain and say a few greetings.

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing looked at the gradually clear comer with a little surprise, but they felt that his pace was slow, as if there were thousands of stones on his feet, and every step required him to overcome great obstacles.

The comer is still holding a person.

Those practitioners also found that their eyes were different. They stared at the door behind them, but they did not dare to slow down for fear of being scolded, so they had to sneak a glimpse of them with their spare time and saw that someone was coming in at the gate with great effort.

As the man's face became clearer and clearer, some people stopped and stared at the man astonished regardless of whether they would be blamed.

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing also looked at him in a blink of time. They didn't even have the intention of scolding those helpers who stopped their hands and feet. They were all attracted by the man.

The man's face was like a dry pond, bloodless and exhausted, as if he had exhausted all his sorrows. His eyes were dull, and there were only tears in the corners of his eyes.

All the expressions are dead.

It seems that people can see the withered grass and trees, which are lifeless.

All of them couldn't help stopping and staring at him.

and the person he is holding.


"Big brother!"

staggered a few steps, and Chen Rufeng, carrying his burden, walked into the Tianfeng gang, shaky, still holding a person tightly in his hands.

Soon, others saw the man in his arms.

Jiang Shengtian closed his eyes peacefully and smiled at the corners of his mouth, as if he had finally completed a great thing, and was a little satisfied.

In summer, there is a coolness all around.

Even the sunshine can't bring any warmth.

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing came to help him in shock for fear that he would fall. They saw Jiang Shengtian with pale lips and a blood-stained wound on his chest.

The sky suddenly collapsed, and all the gangs gathered around. As soon as Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing's hands were supported, Chen Rufeng's whole strength was empty and slid down softly, still holding Jiang Shengtian's body tightly.

"I'm back..." Chen Rufeng looked at Jiang Shengtian's face and muttered.

In the old days, there was originally a chair left and one chair, and there was only one person sitting on the right chair, and his eyebrows were sad.

The whole Tianfeng gang was dead, and some gangs couldn't help secretly wiping their faces with their sleeves.

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing are sad, and every breath is painful.

Chen Rufeng has been staring at the door of the Tianfeng Gang, and the scenes of the past echoed in his mind. From the first time the two stepped into the Tianfeng Gang for the first time, the heroic words at the construction gang ceremony to Jiang Shengtian's sleeves...

He closed his eyes, and countless needles stuck straight into his heart.

Jiang Shengtian's body has been placed in the room and covered with white cloth.

"Big brother..." After a long silence, Fu Yuanjing forced to endure the pain and asked, "Second brother...why..."

"Who the hell killed him? I, Guo Tongwu, have tried my best to avenge him!" Guo Tongwu clenched his fists with sadness.

But Chen Rufeng didn't speak for a long time.

His eyes were confused and lost, as if all the scenery in front of him were illusory and unreal. Just waiting for the moment he woke up, everything would return to reality.

"The person who killed him is me." Chen Rufeng trembled and shocked Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing.

"What...what?" Guo Tongwu stared at him in disbelief.

"But the person who killed him was Li Linfu." Chen Rufeng then told the two the whole story. Every time he said a word, he took a deep breath. In the end, his heart was almost broken. Jiang Shengtian's last plea is still vivid in my mind.

"How can this be!" Guo Tongwu jumped up angrily and his blue veins surged, "Li Linfu... Li Linfu... He not only had to help us three or four times, but also killed his second brother..."

Chen Rufeng's eyes were desolate and bleak, and his heart was full of strength. He actually fell asleep in a daze.

"Hmm!" In the study of the prime minister's mansion, there were also people who were furious. The scrolls were messy, and almost the desks were about to be overturned. Li Linfu looked at this chaotic scene angrily, "This Jiang Shengtian, who doesn't even want his life, will betray me!!" The sleeves were brushed, and the pen holder swept to the ground with the pen. Li Linfu was like an annoyed tiger and couldn't wait to find a low prey to bite his anger.

As usual, Ye Zhihang watched his gaffe and did not say a word.

"I have already said that even if you are a close relative, you must not expose your weakness in front of him..." Before Ye Zhihang finished speaking, Li Linfu had already glared at him like a beast about to rush over.

Ye Zhihang ignored it and continued: "Now that it has been made a big mistake, we have to think of a way to remedy it."

"Those account books must be handed over to Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng and I are enemies of heaven. Is it possible that he will let me go?"

"Even so, if he insists on publicizing these accounts, we are sure that the Tianfeng Gang will be completely destroyed before that." Ye Zhihang said lightly, with a dark look.

Originally, Li Linfu only covered his eyes for a moment before he lost his mind. Now after listening to what Ye Zhihang said, his anger calmed down a little and asked, "Do you have a good idea?"

"I'll talk to him in person." Ye Zhihang picked up his arms and sank his head.