yu jie

Chapter 35 Play Big (3 Updates)

Observing the terrain, Sulcha took a branch and drew a few specific positions and ordered everyone to set traps.

The mountain bear took out a short-handled shovel from his backpack and began to dig pits as traps. Gu Changtian flew to the tree trunk and tied a traction line to make sharp knife piles, and Ma boldly was responsible for setting up the trigger device. Li Tian and Xiao Wu don't know anything about these, so they can only fight with everyone and learn from them.

The most difficult thing to create traps is actually the bold trigger device, which requires both carefulness and skill. This is an absolute technical work, impatient and rough. The mechanism made does not need to be triggered by prey. It may be automatically triggered by itself due to instability. Ma Daring is also regarded as the boss because he is proficient in this way.

Surza is responsible for the planning and strategy of the whole hunting operation. It is up to consider and decide where to set up sharp knife piles and wooden thorn piles, where to set up tripping ropes and bould stone hammers, where to dig thorn traps, and where to hang the wire mesh. After the prey appeared, when entering the ambush circle, everyone's lure route and attack method were also under the unified command of Surza.

However, to be honest, Li Tian doubts that these things can destroy demons in a fairy realm. Because even if you encounter these traps in a state of anger, there is not necessarily no possibility of escape. After many traps and organs were completed, Li Tian found that Sulcha wore gloves and sprinkled a thick layer of lime on all the attack weapons.

"What is this?" Li Tian asked.

"The work in front of us alone can't seriously damage demons at all. We must rely on this thing!" Surza said proudly.

"Isn't this lime? What effect can it have?"

"Hey? It looks like lime, but it is not real lime, but powder! Once this dust falls on the demon or is sucked by the demon, it will interfere with its mind and absorb its true qi. Whether the scattered skills have been released to the demon is the key to winning!"

"So that's it! I didn't expect that there were such strange things as scattered skills in the world! Where did you get this? Li Tian felt a chill when he heard this. Fortunately, he had not met any opponent who used this kind of thing against him before, otherwise he would have been hit.

Surcha said, "Sanggong powder was bought in Tianling Shop and Dibao Shop. The price is very expensive, one or two thousand taels of silver, and not everyone can buy it. Only with the consent of the government office in Dafeng City. Our bounty hunter industry can be said to be a high-cost and high-risk industry. If you do well, you will get rich, and if you don't do well, you will die!"

"Oh! No wonder there are not many people in your industry. Li Tianna said.

Surza smiled and said, "Ha ha, yes! In fact, money is a small matter, and the key is life!"

"Military division! All the disguises of traps, organs and other ambush have been done!" Zhanshan bear patted the dust on his body and came over and reported.

"Good! Now we are ready to attract monsters!" Sulcha said and turned his eyes to Li Tian.

It used to find the monster through traces, and then the mountain bear used it to lure it into the ambush, but now the mountain bear has no choice, because it doesn't know where the monster is. This matter has to rely on Li Tian, who made a bold statement before.

"Well, you wait here. I'll go up the mountain to explore it. Once it causes bleeding, I'll bring it here!" Li Tian replied, turning around to leave.

"Oh, wait! Don't worry yet!" Surza grabbed Li Tiandao, and then took his hand to this large place full of traps and organs, and pointed out the route after running here in detail. Li Tian listened attentively and wrote it down one by one.

These traps are no longer ordinary hunting traps. They are the graves of warriors and nightmares of warriors! If you attract the monster and don't harm the monster, but harm yourself, it's not worth the loss!

"Pay attention to those routes and marks, and don't make mistakes! Remember! Remember!" Surza repeatedly told him.

"Yes! Xiaotian, you must keep it in mind! Be careful!" Xiaowu also reminded him uneasily.

"Don't worry! Guys, I'll go first!" Li Tiangong held his fist, turned around, jumped up, gently touched the ground, and ran away.

"Be careful!"

When he saw Li Tian passing through the ambush, he pointed to the broken branches and dead leaves on the trap, and his face suddenly changed and screamed loudly.


However, Li Tian stepped on the grassland like a dragonfly, without heavy pressure, and directly flew over all the ambush and entered the depths of the mountains and forests.

It's just a false alarm! Sur couldn't help touching his chest and gasping. How could he think that Li Tian's body would be so good?

Ma boldly nod his head and said, "Ha ha, that's good! Not bad! This boy is good at it!"

"Wo! Wheops! Wheops!"

Li Tian shuttled like flying in the forest and didn't stop until more than ten miles of mountain road. After observing the surroundings, it was still quiet. Except for the sparse trees, there were lush weeds all over the ground. OK, try the evil soul introduction here first!

"My Lord God, God and earth, landlord all creatures, all demons and monsters are outside the creatures, dodge quickly and quickly destroy themselves."

Li Tian recited this spell and somehow felt a strange breath and evil spirit in his body. It does not belong to the 180 evil spirits in Li Tian's hell, but is a combination of the combination of 30 evil spirits, which has some new characteristics and functions. This breath is very weak and difficult to detect. But as soon as they come out of their bodies, they combine with various breaths in the air and produce new evil spirits, and the new air flies farther away, combined with new evil spirits. In this way, the evil spirit continues to multiply and expand.


The speed of breeding expansion is so fast, such as a super gunpowder explosion, which instantly hits dozens of miles. The powerful aura brushed the air, the earth, trees, flowers and plants, making a sound like a strong wind. In less than half a minute, the ripples of evil spirits hit the edge of the mountain forest with a radius of 300 miles. This evil spirit is also strange. At the range of 300 miles, it suddenly stops breeding, decomposes, disappears, and turns into the original 30 evil spirits into heaven and earth.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there seemed to be no response. Li Tian felt that the blood madness might not be within 300 miles, so he ran and continued to chant spells.

"My Lord God, God and earth, landlord all creatures, all demons and monsters are outside the creatures, dodge quickly and quickly destroy themselves."

"My Lord God, God and Earth..."


As the spell came out of his mouth over and over again, the evil spirit became more and violent, with Li Tian as the center, constantly blowing the wind of the evil soul to a large area of 300 miles around him.


The members of the Wanhua Holy Hand Group dozens of miles away obviously felt the breeze blowing on their faces.

"It's windy. Won't it rain later? It's terrible to get wet with the camouflaged powder! Oh, I don't know how Li Tian is now!" Surza said worriedly.


Suddenly, Li Tian's consciousness felt a trace of vibration on the earth a miles away, but this shock had not yet shocked Li Tian.

Li Tian couldn't help but stop and concentrate on observation. His divine consciousness is 360 feet, covering 1,200 meters, and the vibration of this area can be clearly felt.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Yes, it's really a vibration! To be sure, this is definitely not the effect blown by the evil wind. It seems that it really attracted the monster and the blood madness, and the shock is obviously approaching in this direction! Obviously, the monster hid within 300 miles, felt the evil spirit, was furious, and followed the sound.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong..."

"It's not good! Come on!" Li Tian was shocked, stepped on the trunk, flew dozens of feet, stepped on the treetops, and grazed more than ten meters.

The monster behind him is not yet close to him and is outside the scope of divine consciousness, but the momentum is already as if it is in his ears, which is extremely fening. Without thinking about it, Li Tian can guess that this blood maniac must be very huge and act very quickly.


Li Tian ran wildly and shouted, "Sulcha--!"

He wants to pass on the news to the Wanhua Holy Hand Group as soon as possible, so that they can ambush and prepare for it.

Suddenly, the guy has rushed into his 360-foot range.

At this moment, Li Tian thoroughly saw the real appearance of the blood maniac. Sure enough, he is blood-red and wolf-headed, light, fast, agile and flexible. Stepping on the grass, traceless and silent.

"It's strange that this guy is so light that he can shake the earth?" Li Tian thought about it, but he did not dare to neglect it and sprinted forward with all his strength.

At this time, a scene that surprised him even more appeared!

A giant beast with an elephant body and a lion's head appeared!

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" The hooves step on the woodland, and the ground shakes the mountains.

Is this... a rampage?

Li Tian's heartbeat almost stopped, attracting two monsters at one time. How can we deal with this? How can this make the holy hand of Wanhua bear!

This time, it's a big trouble!