I have something to do with you

121 good or bad

However, he stopped, and for a moment, his breathing seemed to be still.

Luo Wen'er is struggling with a few straps around her waist. She doesn't understand that she has been wearing ancient clothes well recently. Why did these straps make trouble for her? Is there something wrong with this dress?

She understood and solved the system, but a pair of big hands took it over. After only three or two times, she adjusted all the belts.

She stared at the rough and strong big hands incredulously: "What do you..."

Hold her in your arms and be careful, as if afraid of frightening the clouds around her body: "Wenwen, you are so beautiful..."

Qian Yuyi sighed, grabbed her shoulder and looked at it carefully, finally embarrassed her.

She turned her eyes uncompliedly and saw a thin cloud falling from her head...

Through the faint clamb color, I looked at it at each other and was speechless for a long time.

For a long time, he held her again and stroked her smooth and damp hair: "Wenwen, I suddenly changed my mind. On the wedding day, I will hide you directly here so that no one will see you..."

Luo Wener sneered.

"I'm serious!"

I clamped her shoulder and looked at her seriously. Suddenly, my head lowered and kissed her lips...

His breath passed through the thin veil to her lips, and a little wet marks quickly opened on the cyan color.

Her hand slowly slid down her thin shoulders and fell on her waist. With just a force, she leaned tightly against his chest.

The kiss only lingerated on her lips, but the heat... ambiguous... spread little by little.

Her body is so soft and slender that he can't help spoiling her.

"Wenwen," his enthusiasm fell on his ear: "I want to marry you today..."

The delicate body in her arms was shocked, as if to avoid her.

He grabbed her hand and leaned down to her waist...

The hand touched a high-spirited firmness and jumped, which made her heart jump to her throat.

"Wenwen, I can't help it..."

Despite her struggle, she picked her up and strode towards the red silk tent on the ground...


The curtain was like a wave, which fascinated her eyes, but the face carved like a knife and an axe became clearer and clearer.

The silver ball painted with golden ray flowers turned, so the sweet fragrance became more and more intoxicating, making people can't help sighing again and again.

"Clothes..." She said softly and blushed.

He kissed her ear: "I will be very careful. This is your wedding dress. I will definitely not break it, and I want you to keep it well..."

He whispered again, "To tell you the truth, I've been studying for several days..."


The little fist he waved was clenched by him, and the rest of the words were swallowed by him. She whined feebly and could only look at the curtain that seemed to be blown by the wind swinging gently, allowing the redness to be a little soft and fresh...

A sudden cool on my body, a red cloud suddenly flew up and fell, and finally integrated into the blooming glow...


The room was very quiet, and I could only hear my heartbeat gradually calm down.

Qian Yuyi closed his eyes for a while, opened his eyes again, and looked at the little man lying on his side.

He knew that she was still shy, so he hid himself tightly, but he didn't expect that the smooth shoulder was a little white in front of his eyes and emitted a faint fragrance.

He straightened up, but saw that she was closing her eyes and there were still wet marks on the corners of his eyes, but it seemed that he had fallen asleep.

The hand rested on her shoulder, and the kiss gently touched her ears. Between her neck and shoulders, she saw that the long eyelashes began to tremble slightly, like two small feather fans scratching his heart, just like just now, her suppressed crying and unstoppable trembling aroused the infinite pity in his heart.

"Wenwen, you are so good..." he muttered.

She did not respond, but moved forward.

He followed closely.

She moved again, and he followed again.

Luo Wener suddenly heard him angry: "Cut this bed tomorrow!"

She suddenly opened her eyes, but heard him say, "The bed is small, you can't go anywhere, you can only stay in my arms."

Why does this guy always speak amazingly?

"Wenwen," hugged her tightly and stroked the crystal between her temples: "Did it hurt you just now?"

She didn't say anything, but buried her face in the quilt. After a long time, she nodded.

The person behind him immediately looked like something important and said seriously, "I'll help you blow!"

Without her stopping, he got into the bed, and then...

"Qian Yuyi, what are you going to do?" She was shocked.

However, a strange feeling suddenly hit her. She couldn't help grabbing the quilt and making an uncontrollable whisper.

"Thousand Wings, let go!"

But where is her opponent? In just a while, she could only hold on to the quilt, and bursts of calls that she couldn't believe rolled out of her lips...


Luo Wen'er was almost a little weak and lay **, feeling that everything around her was floating, and she was also floating in the clouds.

Qian Yuyi moved to her face, looked at the unusually red lips, and couldn't help kissing: "Now, I smell like you."

Luo Wen'er opened her eyes and was angry with him. However, after experiencing the tender and sweet eyes, it can't be fierce in any case, adding a little charm.

"I know you don't like me to be with them, but they said that I have to study so that I can please you..."

Qian Yuyi, what did you make up for with those unscrupulous guys?

Carefully looked at her: "Wenwen, just... are you happy?"

Luo Wen'er stared at him, turned her head, and was still a little breathless.

However, she suddenly realized a serious question... How on earth did he study? Those guys are all...

She immediately turned her head, blushed, and her eyes flashed: "Have you...and anything else..."

He looked at her for a moment, and she almost thought that her dream had come true.

"It's not that I haven't thought about..."

She immediately opened her eyes.

"But I think that whether I am good or bad, I can only let you see. If you think I'm not good, I can learn and change it until you are satisfied with me. He looked at her nervously: "Wenwen, I just, is it good or bad?"

What did she say to this man? He is still domineering, but always cares about her feelings; he is still arrogant, but extremely gentle to her; he is a little clumsy, but a little simple and cute; he is extremely confident, but often shows nervousness and nervousness in front of her...

How can she make him understand that she likes him so much?

also looked at him for a moment, suddenly raised his head and kissed him gently on the lips.

Thousand wings immediately rejoiced, as if infinitely encouraged, and couldn't help but suppress it...

"Thousand Wings--

"We are both husband and wife. Can you stop calling me so famous and surnamed all the time?"

"Then what do you want me to call you?"

"A kind one..."

"Little wing?"

"I have grown up."


"Do you think this has its characteristics?"

"Small wings?"

"I'm not a dog!"

It's Luo Wen'er's turn to be happy.

"Okay, how dare you play with me? Let's see how I deal with you!"

"Ah, Qian Yuyi, you...uh..."


The hibiscus tent was warm and had a good night.

Second day...

Thousand wings are energetic and proud of the spring breeze. Luo Wener is out of strength and dying.

Just last night, when the great pain almost tore her apart, she was still thinking that such a major thing would make her sigh for a long time. However, now, she is lying ** without even the strength to think, and only a burst of drowsiness.

I don't know how long I slept. In the haze, I seemed to hear a strange voice calling her name: "Wenwen, Wenwen..."

The long eyelash trembled, but he did not open his eyes, so the voice increased eight times and kept screaming: "Wenwen, Wenwen, Wenwen..."

Luo Wen'er finally opened her eyes... A colorful little guy was standing on the golden shelf not far away and stamping her feet and shouting.

Seeing her wake up, she hurriedly moved this way, nodded and bowed, and kept shouting, "Wenwen is awake, Wenwen is awake. The princess is auspicious, the princess is auspicious..."

How's it going? Do you like it?"

The tall figure only shook, and the next moment he sat by the bed, bowed his head and kissed her.

"Your Majesty, your lord, your lord is auspicious..." The little parrot is screaming again.

Luo Wen'er wanted to get up, but she only moved and suddenly felt that her whole body was scattered, and no place was under her control.

"Don't move!" Qian Yuyi quickly stopped her.

A warm airflow slowly swam through the body, cleaning away a lot of pain like spring water.

"Are you better?"

Luo Wener looked at him angrily and suddenly said, "Qian Yuyi, you said you wanted to revenge yesterday."

Qian Yuyi locked his eyebrows slightly and immediately remembered what he said to teach Qian Yuhong a lesson in the carriage. He was about to open his mouth, but he heard her say, "Who on earth are you revenge for?"

The little parrot hurriedly followed, and his tone became more angry: "Who should I revenge for? Who will revenge for?

Qian Yuyi was stunned and immediately laughed and put his lips in her ear: "How can I bear it?"

The little parrot shouted, "How can I bear it?" How can I bear it?"

It was Luo Wen'er's turn to smile: "This little thing is smart and learned it after listening to it once."

The parrot immediately boasted: "Smart! Smart!"

Qian Yuyi's eyebrows were sinking: "I was going to use this little thing to make you happy, but I didn't want to make such noise. I'll get it out in a while!"

"No, since it's for me, I have to stay here!"

He held her hand holding his wrist: "If it stays here..."

He smiled extremely ambiguously, came to her ear and said very low...

Luo Wen'er's face turned red in an instant: "Qian Yuyi, you bastard!"

He grabbed the soft pillow and beat him.

Qian Yuyi blocked it with only one arm and said with a smile, "Are you going to murder your own husband so soon?"

"Murder your own husband! Murder my own husband!" The parrot hissed and shook the gold chain on its feet.