I have something to do with you

138 fell from the sky

Luo Wen'er is flying.

Yes, it's flying.

very slow and stable.

Clouds are either strands, or swam behind you in groups, as if they were the aftertaste of a dream.

Indeed, she had a long dream before she found such strange, which was intertwined with modern society and this time and space.

The dream is upside down, making her a little confused about where she is, whether she came to this time and space from modern society or from this time and space to modern times.

She seemed to hear a voice calling her, ethereal and ethereal.

She tried her best to wake herself up, but she seemed to have entered an eternal nightmare. No matter how hard she tried, it was useless.

So the voice gradually faded away, but suddenly another voice laughed in his ear and said, "Do you want to keep or lose this thing?"

Then, a golden light flew up and enveloped her in an moment.

By the way, it's lightning, golden lightning!

The thrilling scene suddenly reappeared in my mind... The wind, the sweeping branches and leaves, the light and dark electric light, the rainstorm, the shocking roar, the flying blood...

A sharp blade fell from the sky, and the reflected cold light reflected a strange but ferocious face.

The cold light suddenly fell, approaching in front of me, and the wind hit my face, and I lived and died for a moment.

But there is another light, which is dazzling and as fast as lightning.

That face disappeared immediately, and it seemed that she disappeared together.

She seemed to float up and hung in the air. At the same time, a long moan came from the depths of the light, long and ancient, as if calling.

So, the light held her and involuntarily flew to the mysterious distance...

In the dizziness, the joking voice sounded again: "This thing is a success, and this thing is also a failure. Do you want to keep it or lose it?"

Do you want to keep it or lose it? Do you want to keep it or lose it? Do you want to stay or lose it...

Time seemed to be still here, and these two sentences kept repeating, making her upset.

A voice roared from the bottom of my heart: "Shut up!"

When she heard that she really roared out, she suddenly woke up with excitement.

Then I found myself shuttling quietly, slowly and smoothly in the clouds.

She was in a trance for a moment. She suspected that she was dreaming, but after a while, it proved that all this was real.

However, how is it possible?

However, this is what happened.

Whether she was at a loss or sitting and waiting for death, it didn't help. She flew involuntarily.

I don't know how long it has been flying, and the clouds are gradually thinning, and you can actually see the scenery on the ground.

Green trees, fields, mixed with various wild flowers.

Green mountains and rivers guard the flat official road.

In the official road, there is a team of gorgeous people and horses moving forward. There are quite a lot of people, but at her height, it looks like a slowly moving colored insect.

It seems to be a large family. She thought to herself that if they occasionally looked up and suddenly saw a person flying in the sky, she didn't know how she would feel. And if I fall from the sky...

When he moved under his heart, his body suddenly shook and glided towards the little bug.

Hey, I didn't say I wanted to go down!

Oh, my God, if you don't go down, what's going on?

Ah, don't be so fast, okay? I'm out of breath...

I will fall into a meat pie...

Oh, my God, stop, stop--


However, no matter how hard Luo Wener struggled, she could not slow down the speed of the fall, let alone the determination of the unknown object that controlled her to leave her.

She wore through the clouds and fog, with a cold air, the roaring wind, shouting in horror, and rushed to the arms of the earth in a hurry...


The team on the ground walked well and suddenly heard a squeak.

"There are assassins!"

Everyone is panicked.

However, after searching around, I found that the sound was coming from the sky.

Looking up, I suddenly saw a woman with a shawl hair... It seemed to be a woman, falling from the sky, so fast that it was comparable to a meteor.

They were at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it, so they took out their weapons and pointed straight to the sky, but they heard the woman shout, "Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

Some people also screamed in the crowd: "Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

So he immediately carried the sedan chair and ran away, but he heard the woman shout: "Don't move, don't move..."

Do you let it or not, move or not?

In a short moment, everyone thought about it several times, and because of the irregular pace and inconsistent direction, the car swayed left and right, and could not move at all. Then they heard the woman screaming, roaring, and smashing down with lightning.

Hearing the loud sound of "bang", the woman was like a green onion, with her big head facing down and straight to the top of the sedan chair.



For a long time, I suddenly heard a changed cry: "Protect--"


Luo Wener only felt a splitting headache.

She remembered that she suddenly fell from the sky when a team of people passed by.

She was afraid of hitting them and asked them to get out of the way. Then she thought, wouldn't she fall to the ground if they let her way? He also told them not to let it, and the result...

He raised his hand with difficulty and rubbed his head... There was a thick bandage on it.

She can't remember what happened in the end, because the speed was so fast that she couldn't see anything at all. She seemed to hit a hard thing and heard a loud noise...

Fortunately, there was no hole in the head, but there was an extra bag.

She put down her hand and looked around again.

It was dark, and the light cast from nowhere was spread obliquely at its feet, pulling the long shadows of several railings to the ground, while several stars of smoke and dust were quietly flying between light and dark.

The firewood under her body was very dry and not wet around, but it was full of a faint mildew. She frowned and couldn't help vomiting.

Don't ask, this must be a cell.

It's no wonder that I have to put my alien things here to feel at ease. I just hope I don't get some strange equipment to dissect her again.

But will she stay here forever?

Thousand wings, where are you? What time is it now? Our wedding was the next day, but I disappeared... Have you found out? Are you looking for me? Or...

bite the lip.

Shang Keyi also passed the door on the same day. Will you...

Her heart twitched, which made her cough repeatedly. And this move is even more painful.

She covered her head and reluctantly shouted, "Come on... Come on, I'm going out and let me out..."