I have something to do with you

382 unusual

Until he was ready to go to bed, Hu Lun's dissatisfaction still rang in his ears: "Just to see this, it's too late to go around such a long way. Don't you forget how dissatisfied the princes were last year?"

Last year, the princes' alliance was injured in prison. Qian Yumo did not leave until February 2nd, and the annual pilgrimage of the emperor is on February 2nd.

Luo Wener doesn't know how Qian Yumo was ridiculed at that time, but she can imagine that he must have put on a careless look. He must have regarded the accusations and ridicule of those people as a robe to cover his true self, but his heart really didn't feel anything?

Imagine his forced smile, recalling today, he stood on the edge of spring, smiling at the corners of his lips...

She hasn't seen him smile like this for a long time. He is a little happy, a little spoiled, a little warm, as soft as this bright spring color, so intoxicating that people want to reach out and touch it.

It's just that she didn't understand why he didn't approach her like in a dream, but stood far away and stood in a place that seemed to never be touched, just like this spring that should not belong to this season.

At that moment, my heart moved, as if there was a feeling that jumped out. It was not the cold of spring, as if it was silvery on the edge of spring.

After returning, I still have the warmth of spring in my heart, sweeping away the heavy that has been piled up for many days, only bright and open.

Qian Yumo didn't tease her anymore, and didn't even look at her. He seemed to be a little tired and soon fell asleep.

I asked the royal doctor and learned that it was okay. She was remorized and even smiled at Hu Lun's complaints.

Hu Lun suddenly stopped talking and wanted to say something. Finally, he sighed and got out of the car depressed.

The car calmed down again. Luo Wener quietly looked at the sleeping man for a moment, put down the tent, and returned to her little bed.

The motorcade was still moving forward smoothly. I don't know how long it took. The person who slept in the bed of Bai Ling's ink calligraphy and painting opened his eyes. It was snowy and clear, and there was no hazyness of waking up from a big dream.

Then, he got out of bed, quietly walked to the small bed opposite, opened the tent, lay down, and held the sleeping man in his arms.

This bed is so small that he can hardly stretch his legs and feet, but this is better. He can get closer to her. The key is that every trace here is imbued with her breath.

Looking at the slightly upturned corners of her lips, I couldn't help thinking of her standing on the grass, facing the incredible spring color and the light smile from the corners of her lips. And when she looked back, he saw the brilliance in her eyes, which had been annihilated since she entered the palace. At this moment, she was re-lighted by the green and full of vitality.

He really wants to walk into it and be illuminated by this brilliance. However, at this moment, he stood in the distance and looked at her.

Maybe this is the only time. He wants to keep this scene in his memory forever.

It's not that he doesn't know the depression in her heart, but that he trapped her in the palace, just like breaking a bird's wings, but he really doesn't want to lose her.

He wants to make her happy, but life in the palace, her nature... She can't be happy at all.

That day, she scolded Jingqiao. He was very happy, because it meant that she was finally going to step into this trembling court, and she did a good job.

But when he saw her laughing so easily today, as if she had turned into a bird and flying freely, he found that he was still wrong.

Maybe it's time to let go. He should not be so selfish. He knows that life is passing quietly between his fingers but wants to tie her around him. If he... what should she do?

It's just that Dongfang Ning is still watching closely. After the farce of Liquan Hall, she is afraid to know more about Luo Wener's position in his heart, right?

Indeed, it was he who deliberately let her know, because at that time, he wanted to keep Luo Wener by his side to seek a dangerous but reliable umbrella for her, and now...

He must do something to cut off Dongfang Ning's thoughts so that Luo Wener will not suffer any calculations and injuries after leaving the palace. And in this way, he has nothing to do with her, in this life...

The arm tightened, and then the person in his arms frowned and grunted dissatisfiedly, but swuggled to his chest.

The bottom of his eyes suddenly became hot, and he only forced himself to swallow the sourness of his throat. He picked up the little finger of her left hand, put it between his teeth, and gently bit it.

She is unconscious.

Once, he was heartbroken for this unconscious little finger, but at this moment, he suddenly thought, how good it would be if everything could be as unfeeling like this little finger?

Clouds, if there is that day, I don't know how sad and angry you will be. I only know that my sadness is more than you.

Cloud, that day, it should not be too far. When you come back from the cool threshold, I will give you freedom.

And during this period, let's get together well, because maybe there will never be a future...


In the following days, Qian Yumo changed many routes. Hu Lun began to complain and complained repeatedly, but later he became quiet. He often peeked at Luo Wener, as if he wanted to say something, and forced himself to swallow, and his eyes became deeper and deeper day by day.

And during this period, Luo Wener was really happy. She was surprised by the vastness of space and the strange environment, just like a spring in the snowy sea. However, perhaps there are such strange things in the space where she once lived, but she has lived in that city for the past 20 years and has never come out of that world.

Now, I have traveled so many places in just a few days and seen the scenery I have never seen before, all of which is like a dream.

And the man was always by her side, sometimes taking her to run wildly, watching the flowers fall like rain, and sometimes standing in the distance, staring at her with an expression that she could not see clearly or understand.

He said that he was angry that Yuzhou would abduct her to see the scenery at night. Now, he would take her to travel all over the world. When he comes back from the cool threshold, he will make a bigger detour and see the rest of the world.

Recently, he always likes to say something that usually refuses to say directly or even damage his self-esteem and face. He is a little unusual, but she can't find a reason, but it's really a pleasure to be so free and enjoy the scenery.

She knew that he would be embarrassed at such a late threshold, and also reminded him, but he only smiled at it and said that the final appearance has always been the highlight, so let those self-righteous princes blush, and the wealth he gave to the emperor of Yuanjun is enough to make them shut up in a moment and let them understand what it is. The more you say, the more shameful it will be.

But she doesn't know what this is for? So he was no longer uncomfortable with him.

This year's Lantern Festival was spent in the car without fireworks, but it was equally romantic and romantic that it made people feel more like a dream. But that day, after he emphasized that he was the highlight, he suddenly inadvertently brought out a sentence... Anyway, it was only this time.

She was shocked and immediately looked at his look.

He scratched her little nose with a smile: "No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you see it more times, it's not surprising. It's good to leave only one amazing time."

It's just that she always feels that there seems to be something strange about this, but as long as he doesn't want to say it, no one can say a word.

So under these nine points of joy and one doubt, they arrived at the cool threshold, the capital of the Yuanyu Dynasty.

It is true that at the foot of the emperor, although the cool threshold is not as prosperous and rich as Shengjing, it is a little more atmospheric and open. For example, the street is twice as wide as the main street of Shengjing.

Of course, Wuya is not without that financial resources, but compared with the Yuan Dynasty, it is a minister and cannot be over.

However, after walking a while and seeing more, Luo Wener found with a keen vision that although nobles and merchants from all over the world gathered because of the alliance of princes and the pilgrimage to the emperor, there were people from different countries to see the excitement. It can be said that there was a lot of traffic and voices, but it could not hide a rotten atmosphere inside.

It's like a rotten apple. At first look, it is still intact and bright, but as time goes by, it gradually appears on the skin. Although it can last for a while, it is already empty.

She didn't know why she had such a feeling. When she turned back to Qian Yumo for proof, she only saw a smile of appreciation in his eyes.

As usual, the vassal states entered Beijing and were greeted by horses. Coupled with the exaggerated honors brought by Qian Yumo and the carriage that could not be seen at the tail, it suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Qian Yumo asked her to open a small crack in the window, and all kinds of sounds came in.

There are envy, jealousy, sneering, curses... It is transformed according to the normal psychological development order after seeing beautiful things, but it all turns into the smile of the corners of his lips, and from time to time he nods slightly to show his appreciation. Then he crooked in **, closed his eyes and slept leisurely.

Luo Wener looked at him in a complicated mood... has he been like this for so many years? No matter how others evaluate him and insult him, are they willing to consolidate and strengthen the image of a stupid king? According to his ability, it is easy to be a wise king, but why...

Sometimes she can guess his heart, and sometimes she can't touch it, but now, she knows that his heart is not easy.

Who can really be generous in the face of unwarranted accusations? But he has to act indifferently. He closed his eyes. Did he not want her to see his contradictions or did he want to block everything? However, he had to suffer to judge whether his acting skills were successful and decided to take it to the next level.

At this moment, he isolated himself in a small space and did not allow anyone to step in, even if she...

Maybe, as long as he is in front of people, he will seal himself. Even if he smiles, it is just the streamer of the water, only with her...