I have something to do with you

389 life and death

No wonder, it seems that as a newly married couple, it is inevitable that women can't think about it for a while.

In order to settle down this woman, there was a brief and fierce debate, and finally, Wang Fu chose the third son.

Everyone understood what was going on, so they stopped quarreling, so the third son happily took the woman and the man home.

The woman was arranged in the big house of the third son's house.

She was not polite. As soon as she entered the house, she pushed her third son out and closed the door.

The third son is affordable and a little naive, otherwise he won't be 30 years old and can't find his daughter-in-law. Someone advised him that as soon as the man died, the woman must be unhappy. In a few days, she will be good to her, and she will realize it herself.

The third son was obedient, hugged the quilt and ran to the wood room to sleep.

As soon as he left, Luo Wener rushed out with a basin, put the snow into the basin, and then ran back to the room and slam the door.

She untied Qianyumo's robe and took it off layer by layer.

I'm not in the mood for scruples and shyness. Now the most important thing is to save him.

She tried, but he didn't die, but his breath was weak and difficult to detect.

She wiped his body with snow until the snow-colored skin turned slightly red.

She untied the veil he had been tied to his left wrist... He said that it was his amulet, and she also thought that the veil must be a love gift from the woman he loved, but in order to let the blood circulate, she had to let the tightly tied veil leave him temporarily.

However, when she untied the veil, the corners of her eyes immediately jumped...

That's a deep trace. To be precise, it's like removing the skin and pulling a piece of meat out of thin air. Deep red, but thin, she could see the slightly beating blood vessels, and she even felt that she saw the blood flowing slowly.

Is this where he collect blood for the ninth son every full moon night?

He has been the lord of the country for eight years, 12 months a year...

She only felt that her breathing was blocked and her whole brain was filled with cotton wool. She just wanted to comfort the wound, but she withdrew her trembling hand at the moment she touched it.

She remembered that two years ago, after they came back from the woody, he "disappeared" for half a month. Later, she knew that he had "sleeped" like this moment and didn't know how he woke up. At that time, she ran to the Shushui Bridge in another courtyard on that full moon night to go to the appointment he had made.

That night, he took her hand and walked across the short bridge.

There is a blood mark on her sleeve, and she doesn't know why...

That night, he said to her... three feet away, it was me.

Now, he is beside her, but in front of her, he closes his eyes and sleeps quietly.

This person, always like this, always hides the saddest things carefully.

Luo Wener hurriedly lowered her eyes and tried not to look at the ferocious wound. Although the lips are trembling, their hands are more orderly.

She worked so hard that she didn't even have time to tidy up her eyes. However, when his hand moved to his leg, he was suddenly blocked by something, and the next moment, his face suddenly changed...

She remembered that before the two were buried in the snow, Qian Yumo, who was running with her in his arms, suddenly stagnated and turned his head...

It is also this stagnation. They did not escape the disaster of extinction. It turned out that it was because of this...

Her hand trembled and held a small lever at the bend of his leg.

No blood, it is also non-toxic. It seems that he just wants to stop his footsteps and let him be buried in this avalanche. So, is the group of soldiers who suddenly became abnormal also the handwriting of this person?

She bit her lip, and her men suddenly exerted strength...

Only a soft sound was heard, and the short arrow was pulled out by her.

After a moment, the blood slowly flowed out.

Hands and feet are quickly bandaged.

At this moment, she has to thank the cosmetic surgery she had observed and the tense military years. Otherwise, wouldn't she have to be in a hurry today?

But even with such pain, the sleeping person's face is still calm.

Trying not to think about the worst possible result, she continued to rub him with snow and repeated it several times until she felt that his breathing was getting longer and his body was not so stiff. She exhaled, set up firewood and began to boil water.

He pulled a strip of clothes and threw it in hot water, soaked it for a long time, took it out, twisted it half dry, and carefully turned it over.

He received a heavy blow to the back of his head, swollen a large piece, and shed blood, not much, but his hair has been glued together.

He is a very clean person. His snow-white clothes seem to be similar, but she knows that he changes at least three times a day. If he wakes up and finds himself dirty like this, he may feel uncomfortable and faint.

While gently rubbing, she recalled the moment of the moment... The hill-like snow originally appeared on her side, but he turned around and blocked a heavy blow for her...

He said that he would die together, but at the moment of life and death, he did not forget to open up a safe place for her. At that moment when he might say goodbye to the light forever, he did not forget to take care of her with his warmth.

At that moment when she seemed to fall into darkness forever, she seemed to have finally found the strangeness of his journey and the source and result of uneasiness hidden in the depths of her heart.

Her hands trembled a little, but at this moment, tears fell happily, but she laughed again... She believed that as long as he was alive, he would definitely wake up!


In the following days, Luo Wener took care of Qian Yumo wholeheartedly.

She closed the door for a few days, and Sanzi knocked on the door, rubbed his hands, and said with some embarrassment... Since the person is gone, she should not be too sad. It will stink if she stays in the house. If she can't move, he can help her bury the person.

As a result, it was separated from the door with a "bang".

The third son touched his nose... Wang Fu taught him that Wang Fu is the smartest in the village. Why did he go wrong?

Luo Wener closed the door, stared at the sleeping man for a while, silently took off her clothes, got into the quilt, and hugged him.

On the night he was rescued, he began to have a fever. She did not dare to cool him down with cold water. She just applied an ice towel to his forehead and used her body temperature to help him sweat to dispel the cold.

His body kept coming out of water. I don't know whether it was sweat or cold. She wiped him one by one until dawn and the heat receded.

She still didn't dare to leave half a step. She felt that only by staying closest to him could she feel him more clearly.

So, whenever she is awake, talk to him and say that they have recognized everything today. So she was surprised to find that she remembered every detail between them, and she thought it was just a few words, but she said it all day and continued the next day.

Then, recalling the misunderstanding that had happened and the separation that had happened, she also said her entanglement and sadness at that time.