I have something to do with you

418 is too outrageous

Lijiao immediately objected, and the high-sounding words are bound to be said. For example, because of the arrogance of several parluts, the dignified family gave in. Is this okay? It seems to be afraid of them. In case of any dissatisfaction in the future, there will be a lot of noise. What is the face of the family and even the court? The unresolate has always been measured, so we must not give them any room for fantasy to humiliate the power of my Lord, and I hope the king will think twice.

In fact, because the Li family has also reclaimed a lot of private land, the nobles killed by the Hui people have the Li family. If the private land is abolished, won't it cut off the road to wealth? What's more, revenge for the people?

Regardless of the world, the endless family alone, because the family is getting bigger and bigger, the income is quite rich, and the more the expenditure is, especially the higher the status, the more they need money to fill their face, so there are many people who open private land, which has simply become a trend. If they are selfless, they will be laughed at.

Qian Yumo also knew that it was not easy for a family, and it was difficult to return for many years, so he also opened one eye and turned a blind eye. As a result, the provisions originally prohibited by the law were discussed in the court today.

However, in so many families, Shan Ying did not have private land, so Ying Ruocheng became more and more righteous and sonorous, demanding the abolition of private land, with the indignation of civilians, and the government of the Qing Dynasty.

As a result, he was immediately besieged, and Feng Liang was so angry that "the cheap people are slaves of the nobles, and they will die a thousand times!"

Jiang Yuanhou, the secretary of the Ministry of War, who has always seemed to be neutral, said negatively: "Lord Ying can be alone. Who will let the British family be in charge of the household department for generations? The silver of this treasury is the silver of the British family. Even the king uses silver to discuss with Lord Ying..."

"You..." Ying Ruocheng choked and almost lost his breath.

It is no wonder that Jiang Yuanhou has a problem. Not only is the boundless family, but also all the families of the vassal states are the same. A family with a surname is only in charge of one department, which is passed down from generation to generation, and the father dies and the son inherits. They stick to their positions, like tigers guarding food, and then coveted the meat in other people's hands.

Today, with this civil unrest on private land, Ying Ruocheng was called into the challenge. However, on weekdays, who doesn't envy that Shang Jing can openly and righteously exchange with envoys from various countries, and can not only receive heavy gifts from others, but also pay oil on those tributes? Who is not jealous of Li Ji's right to ascend his official position, for fear of offending him and flattering him? Who is not jealous that Feng Liang is in charge of prison justice, which is second only to the king's life and death? It seems that Jiang Yuanhou is a little miserable, because the great general of the current dynasty is a thousand wings, and it is not assigned to him at all. He can only play a role in the deployment or change of defense and recruitment. Therefore, whenever there is a dispute in the court, he is mostly silent. Today, because the Jiang family also has private land. If he wants to abolish it, he has nothing to make any extra money. Isn't this killing him?

However, after thinking about it, Luo Wen'er had to admire the foresight of the former king... Thanks to Qian Yuyi, the powerful god of war, otherwise, the five major institutions of the country will fall into the hands of the family, and the most important thing is the Ministry of War, because once it is "anti-water", the throne will be in danger, and the life of the lord of the country is difficult to protect. However, if Qianyu wings force the palace... Anyway, they are all from the Qianyu family, and the fat water does not flow to outsiders.

This is the foresight of the previous king...

In Tianjia, interests are always above all else.

Luo Wener looked at Qian Yumo, who was crooked on the throne.

Yu Yu covered his look. I don't know whether he was distracted or appreciating the farce. However, when she saw the charming corners of her lips hooked, she couldn't help bending her lips, so...

"It's so outrageous!"

The five families were fighting in the court with their own people and horses, regardless of the existence of the national lord, but suddenly heard a high shout, as if someone had dropped a fishing line out of thin air and instantly protruded into the rapid river.

Everyone followed the sound and focused their eyes on Shang Yi, who wore the moon-blue frowned golden embroidered silk gauze palace costume...

That was the female voice just now, and she was the only woman in the whole Chaoyang Hall.

Everyone forgot to quarrel for a moment and looked at each other in con's face... Didn't they hear it wrong? This Shangyi has been standing beside Wang Shang like a decoration. Why did she suddenly speak today?

What did she just say?

Is it outrageous?

Who is she talking about?

It's so outrageous!

For a moment, the group was furious and was waiting to return the color. Suddenly, he heard the Shangyi speak again, and his voice was clear, like a ring, like Qingquan and Ming: "It's really outrageous that a group of people dare to kill nobles and occupy the government!"

Everyone looked a little relaxed... It turned out that they were talking about the group of pars, but isn't Shang Yi's reaction too slow? They have been discussing this since the last dynasty, and the report flew to Wang Shang's desk yesterday. How did she know that she was angry? Besides...

Shang Yi is a nine-grade female official. To put it bluntly, she is just serving the king in clothes and hats. If you want to be more advanced, you can also serve a pen and ink and sort out a memorial or something. I heard that this Shangyi is still the same as Wang Shang...

People contempt and even winced at each other regardless of the past.

But even if she is favored by the king, this court is not a place where a woman can act coquettishly!

So Ying Ruocheng, who always believed that he was the embodiment of justice and could indeed say a few words of justice, took a step forward and wanted to scold him, but he saw that Shang Yi also took a step forward and said righteously, "As the saying goes, if you are not a family, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice. The reason why these civilians are bold is that they are not in it and can't feel the hard work of all adults!"

Everyone was a little confused, but next, Luo Shangyi praised them well and made them feel light all over. They only felt that they had really worked hard, but they were not understood by the world and criticized by them. They were all wronged.

Jiang Yuanhou felt that he was the most aggrieved. Because of the existence of thousands of wings, he could not play an important role as a minister of the Ministry of War in the court. Even his private land was not as many as others, but his own people also suffered this time. What's the matter?

However, it is strange that this Luo Shangyi is usually silent like air, but when it comes to their contributions and even their family background, it is simply a treasure.

What's going on?

On the one hand, they were photographed comfortably, and on the other hand, they had a faint uneasiness. Some of them felt that they were caught in the palm of their hands, and inexplicably felt that someone must be peeping in the dark when they didn't know it. Otherwise, how could they know themselves so clearly?

Is it the king's dark guard or...

They were stunned and hurriedly looked around at their usual "political enemies" and saw that the other party was also staring at them...

As they doubted each other and looked at each other secretly, a heavy sound fell on the dragon case, which made their hearts beat. Then they saw Shang Yi hold the desk with one hand, clenching his fist in the other, and his face was full of sadness: "You are my boundless loyalty, the important ministers loyal to the boundless generation, and the founding of the country since the country. The good general guarded on the side is a monument that proves the boundless wealth and strength, but now it is said by the mob that it is a 'worm' that only eats but does not work. It is an 'embroider pillow' that can't be used, and it is a 'tofu with a ponytail' that can't afford but can't be put down. It's really..."

Everyone was waiting for righteous indignation, and even Ying Ruocheng was indignant to support the dispatch of troops to suppress it. Suddenly, they heard an abnormal noise in front of them, which was very low, but it could not be ignored, but when they had to be searched carefully, they disappeared.

I thought it was an illusion, but I let out again.

This time it was louder, so Shang Jing, who was the best in the five generations, found that Wang Shang's shoulder trembled with this sound.

He hurriedly fixed his eyes and saw Qian Yumo's shoulder shrugging, and the strange sound finally came out one after another.

The king cried?!

Everyone was shocked that 91 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, this is unprecedented.

So he hurriedly put down his indignation and knelt down one after another.

However, he didn't know how to comfort him for a moment, so some people said, "The king was angry..."

But what is "angry"?

Another part of people said, "My condolences..."

Is this even more unreliable? What's so sad about this?

However, Qian Yumo was really sad. Everyone saw him tilting his body, his elbows on the armrest, his hands on his forehead, and the jade covering his face. They couldn't see his expression at all. They could only see the purple, gold and silver clothes flashing under the sobs.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a moment, so they looked at Shang Yi... She was the person next to the king, and it was the most suitable for her to come out at this moment.

Luo Wener also felt inappropriate, attached to her body and whispered, "Your King, King..."

Qian Yumo was so sad that he muttered a few words in his sobs.

Shang Jing is the closest, but he didn't hear it clearly with his pointed ears. He only saw Luo Wener's face look embarrassed... Why does he always feel a little familiar with this Shang Yi?

"The king said that although the mob was insulting the adults, they were actually scolding the king's incompetence..."

"Wang Shang..."

Everyone looked sad, and their bodies were lower. They didn't know whether they felt something or were acting. The voices were vibratoed. Only the corners of Ying Ruocheng's eyes were wet and her beard trembled and she couldn't take care of themselves.

Then Qian Yumo muttered two more sentences.

Luo Wener looked more embarrassed. She straightened up and hesitated for a long time and said, "The king said that he is incompetent, otherwise how could you make noise in front of him and treat the king as nothing?"

"The king is angry, ministers and so on..."

"The king said that you have always regarded him as nothing, always arbitrary, and never asked his opinions. Although he is the lord of a country, he seems to be a decoration and can only be at your mercy. If you are moths, embroidered pillows, and tofu with a ponytail, then what is Wang Shang? Now that there is such a big mess, those moons are scolding you on the surface, but aren't they actually scolding the king? What's wrong with the king's face? If this spreads out, where will Wu Ya's face exist?