I have something to do with you

564 Is he a father?!

A scene of the past, a word of exhortation, a soft voice, and a heavy miss.

It's her and him.

She was a little confused about who was writing this letter.

She seems to have become him, pouring out his thoughts on herself...

In the Bichi Palace, there is a person crooked in **, covering his chest, closing his eyes, and the corners of his lips are infinitely soft.

"...How's your health? How is business? Don't be too tired, money is always endless. You are too stubborn to carry everything by yourself. Doudou is very much like you..."

"...It's going to autumn. You're not in good health. Remember to put on your clothes early to avoid getting sick, which makes me miss you. Mao Mao is a boy. Don't be too spoiled. You still need to fall. But this child doesn't seem to be able to suffer. When there is a chance in the future, he will find a famous teacher to**..."

"...It's not far away, but the personnel is complicated, so don't miss me too much. Heaven has love and the moon has a heart. I've been looking at you..."


People found that as long as two children suddenly screamed in the Yiren Pinxiang store, that is to say, their father wrote to them again.

It's really strange that there has been no news for four years. Why is there a letter from home every month recently? Isn't it fake?

They also stopped the messenger to secretly inquire and learned that the letter was sent from Lin Guo.

But Lin Guo is not far away. Why use letters to send feelings?

Some people remember that there is a branch of Tianxiang Building in Linguo, which was managed by a former clerk named Zhao Yi, and now he is a dignified shopkeeper.

No wonder, it turned out that he had a private affair with his friend at the beginning, and the bead was secretly knotted. It is said that he went on a study tour, and the eight achievements are in the State of Lin. Wasn't it just that she walked with her front foot and Zhao Yi roared and rushed away with her back foot? So...

In a blink of an eye, it entered the twelfth lunar month.

Snowflakes are fluttering, and the world is silvery and white.

This morning, the children of Yiren Pinxiang Store called again.

Then, as soon as the door rang and the bell rang, it ran to the Tianxiang Tower again.

Also, when the weather is cold, there will be fewer people on the street. In addition to restaurants, where else is the business easy to do?

As usual, he showed off and teased Uncle Yu Jiao as usual. On the way back to the incense shop, Mao Mao suddenly said, "Doudou, do you think my brother looks good in white clothes?"


I was immediately slapped on the face: "I'm my sister!"

looked up and down at him: "This green cotton robe was recently made for you by your mother. Don't you like it?"

"No," Mao Mao looked back: "I think I still look better in white."

"What white do you wear? You forgot that my mother looked depressed as soon as she saw white. Since it snowed, my mother has been in a bad mood. His voice lowered and pulled his little red jacket: "My mother hates purple the most. I wanted a purple skirt last time, and I was yelled at by my mother. You said..."

Looking at it, seeing Wanying's absent-minded follow, she lowered her voice even more: "Dad wrote many letters, but he didn't come back. Did he beg for his little wife outside? Does the little wife like to wear purple clothes? So..."

"Little wife?" Mao Mao became nervous: "In case my father comes back, will he also bring back the little wife and the little wife's child back? The shopkeeper of the rice shop took two wives, but no matter which wife gave birth to, the child would belong to the first wife. Does this mean that someone is going to rob us?

The two looked at each other and suddenly felt a deep crisis.

The little hand was held in one place with firm eyes: "In case... we will drive them out!"

nodded, and Mao Mao looked back again.

"What are you looking at?"

"I always feel that the uncle in white is following us..."

"Uncle in white clothes?"

"That's the one you said is beautiful." Mao Mao stared away uncomportedly and said the word "beautiful" very lightly.

"Really?" Doudou immediately turned his head, but only saw the white snow.

"You can't see him," Mao Mao shook his head and said, "You have to feel it with your heart..."

"Feeling it with your heart?" Doudou turned his head again and suddenly shivered: "What you said, it shouldn't be a ghost, right?"

Mao Mao is the most timid. Hearing this, the buns on both sides of his head are going to be squeezed to the top of his brain, and he no longer cares about his demeanor and runs away.

Doudou followed closely.

The two rushed into the store crazily.



A man in a gray robe slowly turned around...

The two of them were stunned, and then...




Surprise, surprise, exclamation, fly into your arms...

In less than a blink of an eye, the two little guys have hugged the legs of the man in gray, with aggrieved and missing faces, and their delicate voices kept shouting wildly.

A woman in front of the cabinet suddenly turned her head and opened her eyes wide. Probably because it was too unbelievable, the white porcelain bottle in his hand shook and fell to the ground with a crack.

The little doll around me has never seen this situation, and "wow" cried: "Mom, Dad..."


The two children quickly analyzed the situation... Is it okay to come back with their families?

Immediately let go of "Dad", work together to pull the woman and the child, and push it out: "Go out, go out, our family doesn't want you!"

Luo Wener didn't know what was going to happen. She saw the two children go crazy and hurried to stop them: "Mao Mao, Doudou, what are you doing?"

However, the two children pushed the woman out alive.

Luo Wen'er couldn't stop it and was hit by a stag.

The man in gray stepped forward and took her by the waist.

"Thank you..." She didn't have time to think about this, so she rushed to stop the two children: "Are you crazy?"

The man in gray was stunned and raised his hand with deep eyes...

Doudou turned around...

At this moment, the man in gray has moved to the door because he helped Luo Wener.

Doudou was shocked: "Dad, don't go..."

Mao Mao immediately turned around and said, "Dad, don't leave us!"

The two rushed back and didn't forget to close the door quickly... But you can't let Dad fly!


There was a woman's roar: "What are you doing?"


Outside the door, there was Sanlang who felt that there was no danger and didn't take action, and Wanying in the snow who didn't know what suddenly happened, and the crowd who heard the noise drive out or stopped.

They looked at each other... Is this shopkeeper's father-in-law really back?




Two little brains rubbed around the legs of the man in gray. People are like koalas climbing a big tree, and Ren Luo Wener can't pull it down.

She was so angry that she didn't know where to get a small rattan: "If you don't come down, I will, I will beat you!"

Mao Mao turned around and shook her charming eyes: "Dad will protect us!"

He looked up again and flattered him, "Is that right, Dad..."


Luo Wener was anxious, angry and ashamed, and her face turned red.

The man in gray looked at her with a light lip: "Think about it, they need a father..."

How can Luo Wener not know? But...

She squatted down, hugged the two children, and tried to remove them: "Mao Mao, Doudou, you got the wrong person, he is not. Dad is still out of town, making money for Mao Mao and Doudou..."

"Why not?" Mao Mao held the thigh tighter.

This thigh is slender, strong, powerful and hard. This is Dad's thigh!

"Father is one head taller than mother!"

"Dad is neither fat nor thin!"

"Dad's shoulders are very wide!"

"Dad is very beautiful!"

"Dad's eyes are black and bright!"

"Dad's lips are always upturned, and he will smile at Doudou!"

It seems that men in gray are very satisfied with these conditions.

Luo Wen'er has a headache.

There are many people who meet these conditions. You can't call one "Dad" at all, right?

"Mom, I know, you are afraid of that woman coming to rob your father. Don't worry, if she dares to do it, she will ask Brother Sanlang and Sister Wanying to beat her! Besides, I just watched it. That woman is not as good-looking at all. That rotten child is not as good-looking as my sister and me. How can Dad ask them not to want us? Isn't it, Dad..."

"I'm my sister!" Doudou immediately corrected and patted him again.

But Mao Mao was very strong this time. He didn't cry, but also raised his face and tried to give a smile to the man in gray.

Luo Wener couldn't do it, so she had to stand up and smile at the man in gray: "Sir, can you..."

Can you clarify the facts?

The man in gray looked at her with a faint smile, his eyes were quiet, sympathetic, funny, joking, and some indescribable emotions.

However, he just doesn't talk.

Luowen's face gradually became ugly.

What are you looking at? Don't you understand what I mean? Is it fun to be a father? Are you happy to take advantage of it?


Just as Luo Wener's anger had swelled to a critical point, the man in gray finally opened his mouth slowly.

The big palm fell on two fluffy little brains, and the voice was low, like strings singing in the depths: "I'm leaving..."

The two suddenly looked up: "Dad doesn't want us?"

Luo Wener clenched her fist... Can you make it clear?

The man in gray did not answer, but looked up and looked at her and smiled.

What does it mean?

Luo Wener thinks this man is very sinister, no wonder...

"Uncle has something to do, you..."

"He is my father!" Doudou interrupted her sharply.

Luo Wen'er finally couldn't help but take Doudou down.

"Papa", Doudou's buttocks were gloriously slapped twice, and immediately kicked his legs and howled heartbreakingly: "Mom hit me, Dad, save me quickly..."

"What else do you say? What else do you say?"

Luo Wener was about to continue. A long arm suddenly leaned over and picked up Doudou and wiped the tears off her face: "Does it hurt?"

Mao Mao's eyes suddenly lit up and jumped to Luo Wen'er: "Mom, you hit me too..."

Luo Wener felt that she still died on the spot.

She stood up, walked to the door, and pulled the door open...

Outside the door, there are countless wooden chickens in a daze.

turned around and stared at the man in gray seriously.

The man smiled faintly, put down the beans, and walked slowly to the door...