I have something to do with you

Why did 566 come

Snowflakes are drifting quietly, and the year is getting closer and closer.

Recently, the two little guys have been staying in the tasting shop and were seen to death by their mother. Who made them cause trouble?

Doudong loves to move and the room is small, so she has to move herself from the stool under the stool and back. Sometimes take down the small bottles on the cabinet shelf one by one, sigh, and put them up one by one: "Small bottles, you are as pitiful as Doudou."

Pretending not to see Luo Wen'er's eyes, he walked to the table and looked at Mao Mao's writing. Somehow, he was in a bad mood.

Mao Mao's mouth is pouting and his eyes are red, but he still maintains his demeanor, holding a brush and scratching on the paper.

I don't know what's going on. Although Mao Mao has always loved beauty, it has become more serious recently. She pays great attention to it, and her expression is getting more and more...

She put down the white porcelain bottle she was wiping and looked at the table suspiciously... Who did they meet outside these days? Do you mean...

Or is everything just your own multi-mindedness, or is it extravagant?

Doudou is drawing on the glazed window with her little finger, taking a breath from time to let the frost melt. However, she deliberately brought out a tone to remind Luo Wener how pitiful she was.

Luo Wener also knows that it doesn't matter to always confin them like this. Children just want to be free and grow up healthily, but as soon as they are released, they will cause trouble. Now she simply doesn't know what these two children can do next.

She plans to close them for a few days, let them have a long memory, then send them to Tianxiang Tower, and then ask Zhang Shun to take their children. The backyard is big enough that they can play there without worrying about edamame being bullied, and with normal children, edamame should also be able to follow normality.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly I heard the sound of the door, and then the snowflakes wrapped in wind chimes and rolled into the store with the cold.

Doudou was the first to see the person coming. As soon as her eyes lit up and her mouth opened, she was about to make a sound. However, Mao Mao winked at her, so she "hummed" and turned her head and continued to play with the frost.

People were slightly surprised to see that the two little dolls suddenly lost their enthusiasm that day, but the next moment...

A small golden folding fan appeared in front of Mao Mao's eyes.

The folding fan is so exquisite that it only needs to be gently shaken to bring out a gorgeous streamer.

Doudou is staring in a daze, and there is one more thing at hand.

is a small bracelet, unlike silver and gold, inlaid with a circle of lifelike six snowflakes.

Although Doudou is a girl, she is usually not interested in these accessories, and this bracelet is not as good as the hairy folding fan. She has flattened her mouth and is ready to twist her body.

However, the person picked up the bracelet again and didn't know what it was. A millet-sized marble popped up and hit the wind chime on the window lattice, causing the wind chime to swing desperately.

Doudou's eyes lit up and he reached out to get the bracelet.

"Doudou!" Luo Wener shouted angrily, "Maomao!"

The two immediately raised their heads and smiled sweetly at the person: "Thank you..."

Seeing his mother's luck, he hurriedly swallowed his father back and called "uncle" weakly.

Luo Wener was almost pissed off. How could she ask them to thank her? She wants them to return the things! Did they mean to be right with her or something?

What's wrong with this man? Send something as soon as you come, do you still think it's not troublesome enough? And he figured out the nature of the two children... Mao Mao likes to be handsome, and Doudou likes to practice martial arts. How can he know so clearly?

was suddenly shocked, but it was difficult to say anything to him. He walked to the table with a green face, knocked on the table, and stared at the child.

Mao Mao and Doudou hurriedly hid the things and looked at the people pitifully.

These two guys really understand!

The man smiled shallowly: "It's just a little thing, just think of it as making amends to the two of you."

Are you there?

Two people?

He didn't treat us as children.

Every child used to hope to grow up quickly, but the people around him always regard them as ignorant children, which is really distressing. So when they heard this, the two little guys suddenly felt that they were magnificent.

Luo Wen'er's face was already ugly. She obviously felt the danger of this man. From the first time she saw him, no, maybe it should be regarded as a reunion...

"This young man, the fragrance you mentioned is limited in the ability of the shop and can't be modulated. I'm afraid it will only disappoint you and the old man..."

Indeed, it should be as clear as water, as light as the wind, as beautiful as a dream, as gorgeous as flowers, as ethereal as clouds, as holy as the moon, as bright as stars, and as subtle as the night sky... Mental illness can be adjusted!

Of course, being able to say so many inexplicable words is a mental illness, and it is really difficult to rack your brains to challenge yourself.

He has been here more than once. Every time she took out a work that she thought was a successful challenge, he shook his head gently, and then said that something was missing or something was wrong in the fragrance. It was really hard for her to think that he made sense.

But since you are picky, why don't you do it yourself?

He said that people who know whether the dishes are delicious or not may not be good cooks.

But why does a person who clearly know that his appearance will only make people suspicious or bring danger to himself appear frequently in the territory of other countries?

Xuanyuan Shang!

That day, he walked into the store, turned around and smiled faintly at her...

The eyes like an open mirror immediately dazzled her eyes, so that she once again forgot what kind of person he was.

However, when he said that he wanted to make a piece of incense for an old friend, a familiar breath came, which suddenly shocked her.

She once found this breath in an injured teenager.

Three years ago, on a rainy night, she bandaged a wound for an injured teenager.

The teenager's body not only smells of blood, but also has a faint plum fragrance, and there is also a cold smell of ice and snow.

She felt this kind of breath around countless Xueling people when she participated in the incense fighting conference.

He is from Xueling.

She looked at the teenager's pale face, but her men did not stop.

She didn't understand why the teenager fell under her window, or why someone chased a teenager and killed him. She only knew that he was a child, injured, weak, and a child who needed her protection.

And, a child should not pose any threat.

So, she didn't mention his identity to anyone.

He was later named Little Green, a strange teenager.

She only waited for him to recover from his injury and leave automatically, but she didn't expect that after the lightning and thunderstorm of autumn, she opened her eyes and never saw him again.

Wanying said that Xiao Lv probably thought she couldn't do it, so she left.

But she felt that he was not such a cruel child. In such a situation, he rushed into the rain to find a stable woman for her.

However, if you are not familiar with the place, maybe you have lost your way, maybe you have been taken away, or maybe...

She has been waiting for him for some time.

At that time, when she was recuperating in the small courtyard, she often looked at the door, hoping to see the strange teenager. She still remembers that his injury had not healed...

However, half a year later, everyone forgot him, including himself.

But he didn't expect that three years later, he would appear in front of him again.

Differences, this time, he is tall, burly but not tough, wearing a clear and shallow silk robe, a pair of deep eyes that can brighten the night sky to make people forget everything in an instant, and wrapped in the ice and snow-like fragrance of plum blossoms.

The appearance is changeable, the body shape is changeable, but the innate breath is never changed.

At that moment, she didn't know whether she was distracted because she saw those too dazzling eyes, or because she was in a trance because she smelled the familiar breath. She just thought that the so-called bone shrinking work could exist. It was really difficult for him to shrink himself for so long that he could be amplify to today's situation. At that time, he made himself a pair of mung bean eyes, which turned out to be just to cover up the most obvious characteristics of his body.

But now, why does he appear clearly? Except for this summer robe, he was no different from what she saw when she met with the princes a few years ago.

Xuanyuanshang, what are you doing here?

By the way, you have contributed to the restoration of the Nangong Garden in Xueling. You are the son of Xuanyuan in the past and the Duke of Ning now. You should call for wind and rain in the court of Xueling. Why did you come here?

For a moment, she thought of Qian Yumo.

Qian Yumo once said that Xuanyuan is by no means simple. In this world, there is only one opponent that can make Qian Yumo interested.

However, according to "The Rhyme of the Capital", the Lord of Wuya is still seriously ill, so does he want to take advantage of people's danger?

Now, Prime Minister Xie Zhong is dead. Because of the thirteen princesses, the Celestial Empire has not sent the Prime Minister again, and Ying Qiuran naturally assumed this important position. The endless court can now be described as a piece of iron. However, they are not afraid of robbing, but afraid of thieves, not to mention "thieves" like Xueling.

Xiling was once evenly matched with Wuyi, and because Nangongwan was in power, there was civil strife for more than ten years in public and secretly. At the beginning, Xuanyuan Shang reminded Qian Yumo that the dragon was boundless again, hoping that Qian Yumo would move to China and not interfere in the government of Xueling. Now, under the leadership of the new Duke of Ning, Xueling has regained its strength, boldly adopted the innovative measures of the past, and the court is clear.

The strength of the opponent is undoubtedly a threat to yourself. What's more, I'm afraid it's not just an opponent.

Luo Wen'er regretted that if she had learned that the teenager was him, would she... help her!

But now, did he suddenly fall from the sky to laugh at her original benevolence?

And she also wants to take the opportunity to find out his intention. However, even Qian Yumo should treat such a shrewd person cautiously. How can she easily succeed?

But now, he actually stretched out his claws to Mao Mao and Doudou. What does he know? What on earth is he going to do?