I have something to do with you

620 failed?

It's amazing!

The beard immediately clapped his hands and jumped up happily, and said with girlish joy: "I'll find someone to buy you stinky tofu!"

"Brother, brother, I have to go back..." Mao Mao pretended to be anxious in the back.

"What's the reply? Just stay with her, don't let her quarrel, don't let her make trouble..."

The beard has run away.

Mao Mao looked at no one around, carefully closed the door and squatted in front of Doudou: "I remember that when we were young, my mother hugged us and sang this song..."

Doudou flattened his mouth and cried loudly again.

"You're missing. My mother is very anxious and fainted..."

"I'm looking for you everywhere. I fell a lot, my ankle was broken, and my head is broken. Now I'm **..."

"Many people say that you can't come back, but my mother said that I will find you back no matter what!"

"Mom, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..." Doudou grabbed her bun and was in pain.

"What's the use of saying this now?" Mao Mao picked up the stool she threw on the ground and sat on it.

After tossing around for such a long time and hasn't eaten yet, he really can't stand it.

"Then what are you doing here?" Mao Mao raised his head sobbingly and looked at his little black face: "Are you here to save me?"

"Why would I be like this if I hadn't come to save you?"

Mao Mao was angry when he saw his current sloppyness, and thought that he would eat stinky tofu later. In order to show his love, he had to wolf it down, and his stomach began to churtle.

And Doudou obviously didn't believe him, which annoyed him again: "Anyway, we have made a detailed plan. If you want to go out and see your mother, you have to listen to me!"

After thinking about it, "You did a good job just now. I'm really worried that you will 'recognize' me."

"Is I that stupid?" Doudou wiped his tears and gave him a white look.

But Mao Mao's eyes clearly said that you are so stupid.

Thinking of running away in anger, Doudou really had nothing to say.

With his head down, he couldn't help sobbing twice, and finally whispered, "Say it, I'll listen to you."

The hair is long and breathes a sigh of relief.

After so many years and being oppressed for so many years, he finally gained the power to rule and manage Doudou, and he was very gratified.

"But how do we get out?"

This is also a problem that Mao Mao is worried about.

After staying here for most of the day, he found that things were far from as simple as he thought, and his father's secret code never came, does this mean...

In response to Doudou's expectant eyes, he quickly smiled and patted Doudou on the shoulder: "Don't worry, with my mother and father, and me, we will go out soon!"



A Zi watched Luo Wener stand by the window.

She has been standing there since the morning, looking out motionless. He knew what she was waiting for, but the news...

He clenched his fists and felt that every word he spit out was critical: "Our people have lost..."


Luo Wener turned around and looked at him fixedly, as if looking elsewhere through him. The pupil is big and black, but there is no light, as if two bottomless black holes will devour the owner at any time.

"Xiaowen, don't worry, we just..."

Everything went smoothly.

Mao Mao is responsible for attracting attention. Hongyu deliberately pretends not to like the smell of stinky tofu to hide away to create opportunities, and they also follow closely. Unexpectedly, when he followed the edge of the Beijiang River, the man who took Mao Mao suddenly jumped into the river with Mao Mao.

The people of the Yuanyuan people are not used to water, which is bad.

They don't think that the man is going to commit suicide with hair, but...

"I think there should be a secret channel underwater, as long as we... Xiaowen, where are you going?"

"I said that if... I will be with them..."


"You're right. I shouldn't risk Mao Mao. I'll take it now..."

"Xiaowen," A Zi shouted, "It's not that time yet!"

Luo Wen'er looked at him in a glan.

A Zi took a deep breath: "We already know where the hair disappeared and is looking for it closely. You also said that Mao Mao is very smart and Doudou is also brave. They will be fine. You used to believe them so much, why now..."

looked into her eyes seriously and didn't miss a trace of emotion: "And don't you think that such a big thing has happened, shouldn't you let him know?"


Who is he?

However, in the face of those bright and brilliant amethyst-like eyes, she lowered her eyes: "I think he already knows..."

Yes, he has always known everything and always expected everything, but since Doudou disappeared, he has never appeared or heard a trace of news. The people running all over the street are soldiers from the five cities. They harassed the good people and then let them put their grievances on her.

And he... He should be drunk in the gentle countryside, and he will soon have many children. Mao Mao and Doudou are really nothing to him, nothing...

Looking at the sneer gradually emerging from the corners of her lips and gradually graying face, Azi only felt that her heart was getting colder and colder: "Xiaowen, I found that you are not the same as before..."

"Previous? What did I look like before?"

"Very brave and calm. I never give up hope. No matter what happens, I will find a way to solve it. You don't know, I envied you at that time, even if you escaped later. But now..."

"Sno wonder..." Her voice was as soft as if she were talking to herself.

"What did you say?" Ah Zi didn't hear clearly.

" No wonder..." she repeated.

A Zi frowned and instantly understood her whisper.

He sighed, pulled her into a deep depression, and held her in his arms.

He stroked her thin shoulder, his lips moved slightly, and wiped his temples, as if kissing: "Xiaowen, have you forgotten? I once said that I would never leave you. No matter when or where you become, you are Xiaowen. And Azi will never leave Xiaowen!"


Maomao doesn't know if he is living a yearning life.

At this moment, he is lying on his side on the beach, with his head in one hand and on his bent leg in the other, shaking with a big fan. His eyes were half open and half closed, looking like a leisurely look. From time to time, he waved the fan and pointed to the person around him far away. He hummed and didn't know what he was saying. The accused even kowtowed and was frightened.

Doudou looked respectfully. His little hands massaged him attentively, then waved his little fist and gently beat his young shoulder. From time to time, he asked, "Fairy boy, are you comfortable?"

If this scene is seen by Luo Wener, 80% of the scene will immediately think of Zhou Xing's version of Wei Xiaobao dressed as the undefeated in the East.

Of course, Mao Mao is uncomfortable. He hasn't taken a shower for several days, because if he washes, the smell of stinky tofu will be gone. Although his father's mouse has not been found, he dares not give up hope.

Recently, he was dizzy after eating this stinky tofu, but he still had to pretend to be energetic to deal with these admirers every day.

Since he "redued" Doudou, his beard spread his fairy boy's name all over the organization. He secretly called them "dog-ass group".