I have something to do with you

633 internal and external troubles

As Duan Yuzhou said, the royal family has nothing to do with the common people, but under the nest, is there a complete egg? Moreover, this matter is extraordinary, otherwise Zhang Shun would not have rushed to report it.

In fact, it is not a day or two for the thirteen princess to quarrel with the Lord of the Kingdom.

The thirteenth princess got married and only waited for the crown harem. However, on the day of the wedding, the Lord of Wuya spit blood and fainted. When she woke up, she was also sick and couldn't salute the husband and wife at all.

The thirteenth princess had previous doubts, tried in all kinds of ways, and even transferred the national doctor and all kinds of medicine. However, the disease of the Lord Wuya not only did not see any better, but also became more and more serious.

So there are rumors in the palace that the thirteenth princess is an endless nemesis.

The thirteenth princess is very tactically in the harem of the Celestial Empire, but when she reaches the end of the world, she looks like a toothless tiger. She has also been arrogant for a while, but no one has been confronting her head-on.

Especially before her wedding, she didn't even have a name. When she was in the harem, her status seemed awkward. Moreover, the king was sick and did not summon any concubines. Everyone just wanted to compete for favor. What's more, no one had no children and no succession problem, resulting in the thirteen princess being powerful and nowhere to do for a while.

After a few years, one day, the lord didn't know what he thought of and wanted to give the thirteenth princess a title, but he was rejected.

Everyone was puzzled and wanted to get married at the beginning, but now how...

But the answer came out soon.

The thirteenth princess actually wanted to divorce the king, but because the wedding was not successful, she was still unmarried and could find a good man to marry another. However, if she got a name, it would be different.

Unexpectedly, the lord heard it and was furious for a moment. He actually said that the thirteen princess was born as an endless person, and died as an endless ghost. She was about to do the wedding immediately, but she was angry and fell ill again, and the matter could not be over.

The thirteenth princess is also a strong man. Since she recognizes peace, she must make peace. Anyway, she doesn't salute and immediately wants to leave.

Although the state was ill, he also sent people to guard him, causing the thirteenth princess to be locked up.

The deeper the oppression, the stronger the resistance. In addition to looking for life, the thirteen princesses used various means to fight for peace and separation.

This incident shocked the emperor of Yuanjun.

The emperor loves her so much that he has repeatedly issued decrees to persuade her and comfort the Lord of the Endless Kingdom. However, the Lord of the Endless Kingdom does not spit out his mouth.

It's also true that the lord of the country and Li are still separated, which is unheard of. Even if the Lord of the Endless Kingdom is thick-skinned and has a bad reputation, he does not want to bear this groundbreaking humiliation.

Therefore, in recent years, the princes have agreed to discuss whether the thirteen princess should be separated from the Lord of Wuya. Among them, Dongfang Xu, the head of the country, is the most fiercest. He even said that if the Lord of Wuya dares to delay the youth of the thirteenth princess, he will send troops to Wuya.

These righteous words can't help but remind people of the early years, the Lord of the State of the Ming Dynasty's pursuit of the thirteen princesses...

Fortunately, the Lord of Wuya has been in poor health in recent years, so he will no longer attend the alliance of princes. Otherwise, everyone is really worried that the Lord of the Kingdom will be furious for his beauty and smash the Lord of Wuya on the spot.

And in this year, the owner of Wuya is in good health and can play flowers day and night. Everyone thought that the thirteenth princess should also change her mind. I don't want the thirteenth princess to be determined, and I don't know what evil she hit.

Yuanjun's emperor saw that his daughter's attitude was tough, and the Lord of Wuya was still stubborn, so he changed his trick. On the pretext that his birthday was approaching, he had not seen his beloved daughter for several years. He missed her very much. Please send someone to send the thirteenth princess back to the cool threshold.

This is also the previous decree to order the two and divorce.

Because if it is clear, the Lord of Wuya will definitely refuse, and if he is so loyal and filial, the Lord of Wuya will have to follow.

This happened a month ago, but because of the accident in the Salesian Bureau, Mao and Doudou... So even though the streets and alleys were hotly discussed, they did not enter Luo Wen'er's ears.

And when the bustle subsided, the thirteen princess had left the palace.

However, when the thirteen princess's honor guard came out of the boundless territory, and the lord of the country also received a letter of flying pigeons. When he came to welcome the beautiful woman excitedly, he witnessed an assassination with his own eyes.

The assassin's martial arts skills were strong. When he rushed to the front of the car, he lifted the thin silk, red and gold silk curtain, and saw the thirteen princesses who had been killed by a sword.

There was a thin opening between his throat, like spider silk. It was not until he picked up the beautiful woman that the mouth began to bleed out.

The identity of the assassin is a mystery, but the lord of the country insists that the lord of the boundless country intends to kill the princess. Because he never wanted to leave, and expected that the princess would never return, he assassinated the princess for his face.

It seems...very likely.

The lord of the country wrote angrily, demanding that he send troops to get justice for the thirteen princesses, and also punish the crime of disrespecting the heavenly dynasty and murdering the princess.

And Wuya is waiting to send troops to Wuya.

Because the "appreciation" of the Heavenly Wing Holy King has used half of the country, and his troops have also been reduced by half as before. However, the lord of the State of Qi was uniting with other vassal states to fight together. Beihua, the head of the State of Hui, was the first to respond and pulled out the banner of being incompetent with Wuyi.

Due to time, Wu Ye's reaction has not yet spread to the boundless, but according to Wu Ye's consistent scoundrel, it is likely to be a counterattack.

If so, boundless is the enemy, and it is more likely to be surrounded and annihilated.

I heard that someone has written a letter, imploring the Lord of Wuya to recruit the Holy King of Heavenly Wings to return to Beijing and fight together.

In any case, the Heavenly Wing Holy King has always been the god of war in the hearts of the boundless people. As long as you hear this name, you will feel that the war has won half.

Feishu has gone to Daliao, but a month has passed and he has not heard any reply.

This may not be the most important thing. The most important thing is that as soon as the state master issued the decree, he vomited blood and fainted in the court on the spot.


Qianyu Mo is ill...

I don't know whether Luo Wen'er is true or not.

Because he is used to acting, his acting skills are so pure that it is difficult to distinguish between reality.

I still remember the night of the nightless conspiracy, and she saw him.

At that time, he was energetic and more energetic than in his early years. She also thought sourly that picking yin and yang is indeed a panacea.

How could he suddenly fall ill like this?

Recurrence of the old disease? It's not impossible. This is what she is most worried about, but what she thinks more about is whether this will be his delaying plan? Just like in the past few years, although he was sick and well, most of the time, when it was said that he was bedridden, he wandered out with Mao Mao and Doudou.

But if it is a delaying plan, how can he turn defeat into victory in the face of an unprecedented crisis?

Of course, about the death of the thirteen princesses, even if Wuya people suspect that it was him, she does not believe it.

Qian Yumo will never be stupid enough to cause trouble. According to his ability, if he wants the thirteenth princess to be killed, why wait until today?