I have something to do with you

678 West Side of the Painting Building (Final Chapter 1)

"Amo, Amo..."

"Wen'er, Wen'er..." A voice sounded eagerly, and then rushed out of the door: "Doctor, doctor, the patient woke up!"


This is...

White, just white...


Luo Wener held on to sit up, but was supported by one person.

She took so much effort to merge several swaying faces in front of her into one: "Sister Fang?"

"Do you recognize me?" Sister Fang was overjoyed: "I'm really worried that no one will recognize you when you wake up..."

I used to click on her forehead and suddenly realized that the other party was still a patient. I hurriedly withdrew my hand and was about to open my mouth when I heard Luo Wener ask urgently, "I'm..."

"Hospital!" Sister Fang said simply: "I knew that the first sentence asked by anyone who woke up from a coma was accurate. I have been preparing for a year..."

"One year?"

"Isn't it? You have been sleeping for a year. We all thought you wanted a vegetable. How could you think..." Sister Fang suddenly burst into tears and quickly put her hands together: "Thank you, Bodhisattva for blessing! The boss's prayer is effective..."

"Wait," Luo Wener frowned and felt a splitting headache: "What are you talking about? Am I..."

Is she dreaming? Why did she wake up and return to modern society?

She slept for a year? Didn't she spend 14 years in that time and space?

And...boss, boss pray? Pray for her? How could...

Sister Fang's eyes were shining and suddenly rushed to the hospital bed: "I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Luo Wener closed her eyes and tried to recall, but...


What news can be worse than now? She must be dreaming, dreaming...


"Ji Qingchuan got married with that Bai Fumei, but... cough, here's the good news!" For a moment, Luo Wener stared at the "closed eyes and recuperated": "Your mother has found it!"

Successfully saw Luo Wener open her eyes and couldn't help but be proud: "Guess who it is?"

Still can't hide his words: "It's the boss!"

Dream, is a dream...

Luo Wener closed her eyes again, but couldn't stop Sister Fang's excitement: "When she put you in front of the orphanage, it was also difficult for her, but she kept a heart, that is, the jade pendant on your neck, but it is an ancestral treasure. Later, as soon as I saw you, I felt familiar with you, and then looked at this jade pendant..."

Sister Fang's voice trembled as if she had met her flesh and blood.

"It's just that she doesn't dare to admit it. I'm afraid you will blame her for being cruel in those years. But she really takes good care of you. I said, so many girls, why does she teach you with one hand? At that time, I felt that you were really similar to the boss. This time you didn't wake up. She was so anxious that she watched you for a few days and nights, and finally fainted. She did everything to wake you up. The ward you are living in now costs 500 yuan a day, which is not medicine. I heard that Laoshan has aura, but it flew over the day before yesterday. Don't say it, it's really smart! The boss is the top ten richest people in our city, and now you are very prosperous. You don't know, Ji Qingchuan's eyes widened when he heard the news..."

"Langshan, is it a Taoist temple?"

Sister Fang was very excited and listened to this question. She didn't react for a moment and just opened her mouth wide: "Oh?"


Well, she didn't travel. She did fall into the crack, but the crack was only three meters deep, so she fainted for a year.

In this year, she had a dream, a long dream.

Maybe Sister Fang is right. She has read too many novels, so she feels that the dream is so real.

Perhaps, because she has read the history of all the libraries in the city and searched on the Internet, she can't find that era, the boundless country, and the slightest trace of that belongs to that time and space.

And the things that belong to her... such as the mobile phone, such as the big box, she asked Sister Fang, but Sister Fang blinked: "At that time, the situation was so chaotic that the boss cried. How could he have time to care about those? Look, this is the new iPhone5 she bought for you, the local tycoon..."

Qian Yuhong, your last change is really thorough.

Or, you are just a dream woven by myself?

So, she is still a beautician in the women's hall, doing the work of a year ago. Boss... She is not used to changing her name now. Fortunately, she is not "embarrassed" and still makes her as busy as everyone else.

So today, she carried a huge box to the branch for delivery.

There are cars in the store, but now, she especially likes to transport on foot. Everyone thinks that she has become a little weird since she woke up. In fact, she just wants to... She may be really weird. She feels that as long as she dresses like that day, she will...

But there is no dream, no time travel, there is only...

She stood downstairs again.

Is the mottled color, silently standing, from that time and space, or from an unanswerable dream?

The hand slowly brushed the old doorpost, and the fingertips fell on two rows of curved moon-shaped pits.

That year, she came to a strange ancient city with an invincible man and saw this painting building.

She rushed down the carriage and left her teeth on the doorpost...

At that time, did she foresee that the dream would eventually wake up?

So at this moment, are these two rows of traces... or an unexpected coincidence left by someone in a certain month of a certain year? Or, she saw it earlier, so she added it to her dream...

Eyes up...

If it weren't for a dream, the end of this road would be her Tianxiang Building, but now, there is a large supermarket. If you stand on the fourth floor, you can also see this painting building, just like in those years, she stood in Tianxiang Tower and looked at it.

Dream, it's really a dream...

But what is this?

She took out the jade pendant from her neck and turned it over...

The smooth bottom surface was engraved with a traditional word "cloud". The strokes were powerful and the pen was elegant. In an instant, it turned into a little red on the man's chest.

She clenched the jade pendant.

Only in this way can she be sure that everything she once had is not a dream.

Only so, she feels that she has not lost everything that belongs to that time and space.


Amo, where are you?

... "I heard that people died and wanted to cross the bridge and drink Meng Po soup. Once you drink Meng Po soup, you will forget the past. So, I want to find you with this trace. If I really forget, you have to help me remember, if in the future..."

Amo, I remember, I remember, but where are you?

Tears surged into my eyes.

She lowered her head and didn't want passers-by to pay attention to her strangeness.

However, his warm smile, the streamer that disappeared with the stars, occupied her mind again and again.

Amo, where have you been?

Amo, do you still remember me?

Will you carry that trace? Although you forget why there is that trace, you are looking for it sadly and persistently in the vast sea of people like me...

Amo, are you and I separated in different time and space? Even if we look for it, it is like two straight lines of different planes, never intersect?

Finally, I couldn't help crying and attracted the various eyes of passers-by.

She wanted to stop, but it became more and more turbulent.

She wanted to escape, but she couldn't see the road clearly, so she directly hit the pillar.

"Oh, girl, what's wrong with you?"

It turns out that it is not a pillar.

"I'm sorry..."

She only had time to say this and hurriedly turned around.

However, "Shila..."

The beautician's sign on her chest scratched the man's shirt. When she moved like this, the skirt was directly torn apart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She panicked and quickly picked up the down cloth and pasted it.

She is really confused. This is not paper. How can it be glued?

It's all her fault. As soon as she sees white...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, right..."

The tone stopped abruptly.

She raised her hand and her fingertips trembled, unbelievably, slowly, but persistently moved to the man's chest...

The sight was blurred and clear, and the faint red turned and bloomed in front of him.

zhi, it finally fell on it.

The concave and convex touch, the sketched lines, and the flowing lines are precisely her "clouds"...

She opened her mouth, but only shed a string of tears.

There was a hand that gently held her trembling.

She raised her head and wanted to see him clearly, but she couldn't stop crying.

There is a sound in my ear.

It's like countless dreams, but it's real, knocking on my heart: "You said, the cars here are very fast, and there are big iron birds here. They fly so high that I can't catch up with them. I can only work very hard. Now, I finally caught up..."


Thousands of thoughts and thousands of words are not worth the true feelings at this moment.

She didn't know if she called out. She just hugged the person in front of her and never let go again!


On the street, people come and go, and from time to time, people cast curious or surprised eyes.

Is it a little couple who is quarreling?

But at this time, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the wind is strong.

It's a good time for love...