lust to think about evil gods

158 cross the disaster

Lin Jueyu said, "You have too much nonsense. Why should I believe you? Besides, what if it's true? I have made up my mind that you can't change mine. Even if you manipulated my body and trapped my genshen, my heart will never change!"

Pangu sighed and said sadly, "To tell you the truth, when I broke through the chaos, my body was destroyed. Later, I created 'nightless rivers and mountains', and my cultivation has been left. Even if you don't kill yourself, I won't live long. Can't you understand my feelings as a dying person? I can't let go of all sentient beings in the world, but the limit is coming. I want to entrust this heavy responsibility to you, but you always want to die. Do you really want this world to be buried with you?

Lin Jueyu smiled and said disdainfully, "Wear a high hat for me. This move doesn't work. Can't I give you my body? Do I have to do it? What a big joke!"

Pangu's tone suddenly changed and said, "Young man, I, Pangu, have always been superior since my existence. I have never spoken to people so lowly. You are the first and will be the last. Even if I beg you to live, after flying up, go to Lingxiaojie to ask me if I'm telling you the truth, how about it?

Lin Jueyu said, "What if I refuse?"

Pangu said, "If you refuse, the world will really be buried with you. Is there no more people and things in this world that are worth remembering? Can you watch it be destroyed by the hands of the elephant indifferently?

Lin Jueyu said, "But I can't figure it out. If the elephant destroys the world, what about himself?"

Pangu replied, "He will destroy himself."

Lin Jueyu said puzzledly, "How could this happen? Is he crazy?"

"He is not a madman. I can only say that he is not a person. I don't know what he is. Maybe he is the outcast of the ancestors of the gods. He is full of hatred for the whole world." Pangu suddenly said, "I suddenly found that you are also a madman, as desperate as disgust."

Lin Jueyu doubted, "Why don't I know what you said? I've seen me several times, but he didn't take action against me. He gave me the impression that he didn't hate everything as much as you said."

Pangu said, "This is just the illusion you see. The cultivation of elephant disgust is high. I'm afraid that no one in the world can beat you, except you."

"What joke are you telling? I don't know how bad my cultivation is? Now I've talked enough nonsense to you. If you really want to find someone to save the world, you'd better ask someone else to be smart. I'm not interested!" Lin Jueyu said that he wanted to take the sword, but found that he still couldn't move.

Pangu said apologetically, "Young man, just believe me for the last time. After soaring, you will be glad that you heard what I said today."

Seeing that Lin Jueyu was silent, Pangu continued to say, "Well, after you ask the people in Lingxiaojie, you will decide whether to suicide or not. At that time, I no longer exist. What do you want? No one can interfere anymore?"

Lin Jueyu had no interest and said indifferently, "I've said it many times. Even if you speak fluently, I won't be moved anymore. Since your life is not long, why do you care about me?"

Pangu was silent. When he didn't say anything, Lin Jueyu found that his Zhenyuan flowed again and ran faster and faster. Later, he was like he was in a stove, extremely hot and unspeakably uncomfortable!

Lin Jueyu was helpless and called Pangu in the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately he did not get any response.

Suddenly, at this time, Lin Jueyu suddenly had a warning in his heart and involuntarily looked up at the sky. He saw dark clouds in the sky and formed a strange whirlpool. What's more strange was that the whirlpool's heart was above his head, as if there would be a terrible weapon to take his life at any time.

However, Lin Jueyu soon calmed down. He was determined to die, and now it's fine. If there is really any powerful power coming down from the sky, it is also his wish to destroy himself and Yaner together.

Pangu's voice said, "I didn't expect that your cultivation progressed so fast. After receiving my strength, you caused a disaster. Remember what I said, you must wait until you have been to the sky before deciding whether to bury the world for you." After saying this, there was no more movement.

"That sounds good, but unfortunately I don't believe it." Lin Jueyu found that he could move again and put down the sword in his hand. The wound pierced by the sharp sword had stopped the bleeding and left a very terrible scar, but he no longer cared about this, because he could disappear forever with Yan'er and no longer have to suffer.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. It is an instinctive reaction of life, but Lin Jueyu did not move, not that he was controlled by Pangu, but that he did not want to move at all and just wanted to die earlier.

"Rumble..." The thunder from the sky, and the atmosphere between heaven and earth was extremely low, which made people a little breathless. Lin Jueyu hugged Yan'er's body that had begun to get cold and said gently, "Yan'er, we can finally enjoy peace together forever."

There was no wind or rain, only a dull feeling. Lin Jueyu looked at Yan'er's peaceful face and slowly closed his eyes. In his heart, there was only Yan'er's face left.

"Alas...what's the need?" Pangu, who had been silent, suddenly let out a long sigh, and Lin Jueyu found that his body was out of control again.

Pangu said, "Young man, live well, there will be hope, and there will be miracles. The person you hold in your arms may be your beloved, but everything is not just a save. I will do everything to help you soar to the world of Lingxiao. Please ask again!"

Lin Jueyu scolded, "You old and immortal bastard! Why am I so unlucky to meet such a shameless waste!"

Pangu responded to Lin Jueyu's scolding with a smile: "Good scolding, continue!"

Lin Jueyu scolded Pangu for the most unpleasant words, but Pangu was unmoved. At this time, there was a change in the sky!

Although the body is controlled by Pangu, Lin Jueyu's consciousness can still freely observe around. Pangu controlled his body and looked up at the sky and saw a faint lightning flash in the sky, which was a sign that the thunder was about to split!

"You are lucky enough to help you soar. If there is anything else to complain about, just watch it! Although I don't have much strength left, this Tianlei still can't beat me, Pangu!" Pangu suddenly became heroic. At this moment, a flash of lightning struck in the sky, and the target was Lin Jueyu's head!

Lin Jueyu only felt that he waved his hand, and the first lightning was swept out by a force. His body stood up and let Yan'er's body lie at his feet.

Lin Jueyu was in a hurry and scolded, "Bastard! Put Yan'er's body in a place that can't be struck by lightning!"

"She is dead, just let her go!" Pangu didn't even look at Lin Jueyu's eyes again. Lin Jueyu could not feel the flow of Zhenyuan in his body. He knew that Pangu was using his own strength to fight against the disaster for him.

Soon, the sky became darker and darker, as if it was getting dark. Without warning, another bright purple lightning struck down! The target is still Lin Jueyu's head!

"Kid, if it hadn't been for me, I'm afraid that the second disaster would not kill you." Pangu waved his hand gently while talking, flew the lightning out and hit the ground not far away, "Papa!" A shock, accompanied by the power of the earth and mountains, disappeared into the air.

In this way, Pangu stopped six lightnings for Lin Jueyu in a row. At this time, the sky was completely dark. Lin Jueyu was too lazy to think whether it was really dark or just the sky above his head turned black.

"Sand..." Countless sand and dust were blown up by the wind. Lin Jueyu clearly realized that the wind was spinning around him. Soon, more and more dust and sand, covering his sight. Together with his consciousness, he was also blocked, and he was no longer clear about the situation outside the strong wind.

"Kid, what are you thinking? Take good care!" As soon as Pangu's words fell, a dazzling blue electric light suddenly split down in the sky! Lin Jueyu saw the color of death from the lightning.

This time, Pangu did not easily dismiss the electric light, but raised his hands high and crossed his wrists. A powerful force came from the palms of his hands and met a lightning blow!

"Bang!" A loud noise scared the defenseless Lin Jueyu. His body trembled, and the lightning was still successfully forced away by Pangu. Wherever the lightning went, the ground blew up a large pit several feet in size, which smelled burnt under the drive of the wind wall.

Pangu suddenly said, "The seventh lightning has been taken over, and there are still two left. Do you still want to be obsessed?"

Lin Jueyu said coldly, "I'm just obsessed. What can you do for me? You can control my body and bind my yuan spirit, but you can't change my mind.

"Okay, have backbone!" Pangu praised, grabbed the void with his hands, and the endless air was sucked into his hand, forming a huge transparent air mass.

Lin Jueyu said sarcasticly, "You are bragging. It seems that you can't catch this eighth lightning."

"Nonsense! Take good care of your boy!" Pangu was furious and slowly raised the air mass. He saw that the air mass was seven or eight feet in size, which was indeed the only one Lin Jueyu had seen in his life.

"Everything is expected." Pangu said something to Lin Jueyu.

In the sky, a purple electric light flashed in the cloud whirlpool, and a dazzling purple electric knife hit it!

Pangu double high and up, facing a lightning-destructive blow with air mass!

Without the imagined thunderous roar, the air mass in Pangu's hand was dispersed in an instant. Pangu's hands swept quickly, and the airflow surged, taking away the remaining energy of lightning away completely.

Lin Jueyu suddenly found that he could move again and said proudly, "Pangu, it seems that you really don't have a long life. You'd better leave my body quickly and go somewhere else. Maybe you can re-cultivate into a supreme power. My fate is still up to me."

"Don't be complacent!" After Pangu finished speaking, he suddenly became silent, and Lin Jueyu saw Yan'er's body move!

Lin Jueyu was shocked and shouted, "Pangu! Put down Yan'er!"

Pangu shook his head using Yaner's body and said, "You have no choice!" Fly up and rush to the sky!

" Stop it!" Lin Jueyu was so anxious that he was about to fly up, but he saw that the clouds in the sky began to dissipate. Later, even all the dark clouds disappeared, and the yin gas in the human world disappeared.

A strong uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart. Lin Jueyu understood that this was the precursor of the last thunderstorm. Zhenyuan ran and disappeared in an instant. He appeared beside Pangu, grabbed him and said angrily, "What are you crazy? Put down Yan'er's body!"

"Impossible." Pangu replied faintly. At this moment, a large blue electric light flashed in the sky, making a "Zizi" sound. These blue electric lights were gathering together. It seemed that the strongest blow was about to be launched!

Lin Jueyu was helpless. With one move, the broken virtual sword flew to his hand. His other injured hand tightly pulled Pangu, who occupied Yaner's body, and the real yuan in his body turned at high speed, and the broken sword was golden!

The electric light in the sky suddenly made people unable to open their eyes. Pangu raised his hands high and drew half a circle left and right. His hands were together, but there was nothing in his arms.

Lin Jueyu looked at the right time and once again carried out the "no secret". His body suddenly became light, and all Zhenyuan concentrated in the broken sword together. The space around him suddenly condensed, and the wind and clouds were still, leaving him alone to become the master of heaven and earth!

The last lightning finally fell. Pangu loosened his hands and appeared horizontally above Lin Jueyu's head. The lightning hit Yaner's body and finally split Pangu into flying dust!

Lin Jueyu stabbed out with all his strength and just met this peerless disaster!

As soon as his body was shocked, Lin Jueyu only felt that the broken sword in his hand was like it was about to collapse, but the next moment, his body involuntarily fell to the ground and the broken sword fell to his hand. Just now, he exhausted his strength with one blow, and he has no strength to stand up again.

The wind wall around began to disperse, and the dust in the sky began to drift away. Lin Jueyu was covered with sand and dust all over his body. He did not move, and any of his body was placed on the ground as if he were dead.

After a while, Lin Jueyu's physical strength began to recover. He did not sit up. First, he looked around with his consciousness and did not see Yan'er's body. He was shocked and remembered that Pangu had blocked the thunder blow for him with Yan'er's body!

"Pangu, you bastard!" Lin Jueyu saw Yan'er's body being split into ashes by lightning with his own eyes, and couldn't help thinking, "It's over, now Yan'er's body has been destroyed, but I still live alone in this world. Why? Why do I have to suffer!" Lying on the ground and roaring hoarsely, the sound floated far away in the wind...

The sky lit up and became brighter and brighter, which made Lin Jueyu unable to open his eyes. He held the broken sword tightly in his hand. His divine consciousness was strengthened by the rebirth mirror and found that there was a strong true fluctuation in the light in the sky.

A beam of light shone from the sky, and Lin Jueyu felt his body float up and floated up. At the same time, he also felt warm and comfortable that he wanted to sleep beautifully.

Soon flew into the clouds, and Lin Jueyu only felt that the feeling around him suddenly changed. When he opened his eyes again, he saw himself lying on a grass. The gentle wind blew through his cheeks. The sky was as clear as washing, and the colorful clouds floated gently. Everything made people feel so comfortable.

Trying to run Zhenyuan, Lin Jueyu found that his injury was intact, and his cultivation was refined another layer. He got up and looked, surrounded by clouds and fog, and the landscape was picturesque, as beautiful as in a dream.

Lin Jueyu seemed to understand something and said to himself in surprise, "Did I really come to Lingxiao?"

"Yes, this is the Lingxiao world. Unexpectedly, the Phoenix family also has the heart to practice, and they are so young. An old Taoist priest with a long beard appeared in front of Lin Jueyu out of thin air. Lin Jueyu suddenly felt: "I seem to have seen him somewhere!"

"Are I really in the Lingxiao world?" Lin Jueyu couldn't believe everything he saw.

The old Taoist priest said, "Yes, this is the Lingxiao world. What's wrong? Do you have any questions?"

Lin Jueyu grabbed the Taoist priest's hand and asked eagerly, "Taoist priest, can I cross time and go back to the past and change history?"

"Why are you asking this?" The old Taoist priest said such a strange question for the first time after seeing the ascension.

Lin Jueyu said, "I want to go back to the past and want to change something. Taoist priest, please be honest with me."

The old Taoist priest thought about it and said, "I don't know about this. Why don't you ask Yuanyi? He is the most knowledgeable person here. Maybe he can answer it. Poor Taoism used to be dedicated to practice Taoism, and he came here without asking about world affairs. It's better not to ask me."

Lin Jueyu arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Taoist priest. How can I get to find Yuanyi?"

"Come with me." The old Taoist priest waved his sleeve robe, and a magic array with various runes appeared on the ground. Lin Jueyu stood inside, and the two disappeared together.

When he appeared again, the old Taoist priest said to Lin Jueyu, " Put away the weapons. Yuan Yi is in this valley. If you call his name, he will say that he is willing to see you. If he calls three times and doesn't respond, you can come back tomorrow. He is a strange temper. You have to give in more."

"I understand. Thank you for your guidance." Lin Jueyu said goodbye to the old Taoist priest and walked towards him. After turning a corner, the original green mountains and green water suddenly turned into Songting Waterfall. The sound of the water shocked the sky. A big stone on the cliff stretched out to the edge of the cliff, and there was a grassy on the big stone. It was estimated that Yuanyi lived in it.

Lin Jueyu shouted loudly according to the moment of foresight: "Yuan Yi!" Although the sound is loud, I don't know if it is oblivioned by the sound of the waterfall.

Seeing that no one responded, Lin Jueyu gathered in his throat and shouted again, "Yuan Yi!" This time, the sound spread far away, covering the sound of the waterfall and echoing in the valley for a long time.