lust to think about evil gods

171 independent war in the four directions

After thinking about it, Jin Xiaofeng still decided to stay close, just like a cat guarding the mouse hole. As soon as the fire snake came out of the hole, it would kill it.

Jin Xiaofeng stole the fire snake egg, naturally in order to absorb the essence of the egg for his own use and enhance his cultivation. Although it was a little too much to do so, he could not care about it. Compared with the big event after enhancing his cultivation, he felt that everything he should do.

Observing the terrain, Jin Xiaofeng hid behind a small mound. His consciousness unfolded and paid attention to the movement around him, and his eyes kept staring at the hole of the fire snake.

The slight ground vibration attracted the attention of Jin Xiaofeng. In order to successfully kill the fire snake, he did not use the boundary. He held the strange sword given to him by Jingqi in his hand. Zhenyuan penetrated and only waited for a blow.

At this time, Jin Xiaofeng saw a little fiery red in the cave, and then a triangular snake's head, spitting out letters and looking around warily.

Jin Xiaofeng did not move, and the fire snake did not seem to see his existence, and climbed out two or three feet away.

"This is the right time!" Jin Xiaofeng moved, and the strange-shaped sword in his hand turned into a black light and shot out, "poo!" Accurately penetrated the head of the fire snake and nailed it to the ground!

It was suddenly attacked. Although the fire snake was killed, its long tail was thrown around in the hole, causing its body to twist.

Jin Xiaofeng flew forward and pulled out his sword. He was sure that the fire snake had died before dragging its body out, and then moved the sword to expand the mouth of the hole, but he found another problem: the hole was extraordinary depth, and he was afraid it would waste too much time with his strength alone.

After thinking about it, Jin Xiaofeng decided to put up with it. He climbed to the depths of the cave and blocked the body of the fire snake behind him in case of being attacked by the enemy behind his back.

With the white light of the stick, it took Jin Xiaofeng some time to finally successfully enter the depths of the cave and saw two red snake eggs, which were bigger than his fist. He took off his clothes and wrapped the egg on his back, and then expanded the hole for a distance so that he could turn his head. Come and go out.

"It's really troublesome." Jin Xiaofeng complained while crawling out. When he came to the mouth of the cave, he found an abnormal situation, that is, the body of the fire snake was missing!

came out of the cave and quickly flew into the air to open the boundary. Jin Xiaofeng entered a state of high alert, and his consciousness did not dare to relax, but he did not find any living things.

Jin Xiaofeng thought of a possibility: "Is it possible that a beast dragged the body away and ate it?"

"If it's a beast, it's easy to do." Jin Xiaofeng decided to find a safe place to digest the two fire snake eggs first.

According to the memory left by the giant, Jin Xiaofeng came to a valley, which was extremely quiet and there were no living things. He found a small cave and went inside. He wrapped the fire snake egg with a boundary before carefully breaking the egg shell with a sword.

As soon as the eggshell broke, a force full of vitality emerged from the egg. If it hadn't been bound by the boundary, I'm afraid it would have drifted away.

Jin Xiaofeng was very satisfied with his achievements, expanded the boundary, and entered the boundary himself.

absorbed the essence of the fire snake egg in one breath, and Jin Xiaofeng began to digest it. He only felt unprecedented relaxation and pleasure, as if he had just came to eat and drink enough in the morning, and his whole body was full of strength.

"It's amazing!" Jin Xiaofeng couldn't help sighing.

The fire was carried out, and a red flame in the palm of his hand was beating happily. When his mind moved, the flame suddenly exploded and blew up the small cave into earth and stone. When these earth and stones met the boundary of the golden smile wind, they were bounced away and hit into powder.

"My cultivation should have improved?" Jin Xiaofeng thought a little complaedly.

I can't wait to receive the essence of the second fire snake egg in the same way. Jin Xiaofeng only felt that his ears and eyes were smart, and his divine consciousness suddenly reached an unprecedented level.

"I don't know if my cultivation is enough to soar?" Jin Xiaofeng knew nothing about the realm of Feichang and could only guess it.

An idea suddenly came up in his heart, and Jin Xiaofeng said to himself, "Should I go to settle accounts with that octopus?"

After thinking about it, he still gave up the idea. If the magma touched his body, it would definitely not be able to stand it. The previous painful experience when absorbing fire and fog from the volcano still remains in his mind.

According to the memory left by the giant, the infernal purgatory is divided into seven different spaces. Each space has the most powerful existence. With the cultivation of the giant, only the powerful power in the last space is beyond his ability. As for the strongest space full of the power of fire, he has died in Lin Jue. In Yu's hand, together with the fire sword, he was also taken away.

If you want to find weapons, there is a space in the infernal purgatory. This space has a large collection of weapons, both good and bad, but there is a very fast creature guarded by it. This kind of creature feeds on the qi of gold and iron, and its body is almost transparent. Although the divine consciousness can clearly find him, it is different from using double This is very unaccustomed to Jin Xiaofeng, which will become a fatal flaw for him.

Jin Xiaofeng knew this well, so he didn't plan to try it.

Thinking of the soul refining method, Jin Xiaofeng frowned slightly and thought, "Since I learned it, I have never used it again. It seems that I have to find a target."

Recognizing the direction, Jin Xiaofeng flew to the space where there were many spiritual objects and easily passed through the transmission hole. He saw a completely different scene from the spiritual world.

In this space, the sky is full of gold. This kind of gold is as thick and light as smoke, slowly drifting towards the distance, and there are mountains and water, but there is no wind, and there is no spirit.

Jin Xiaofeng understands that the spirits are in the water. He can't figure out why the spirits are in the water. He only knows that if he wants to find spirits, there must be spirits in the water.

Flying to the edge of a river, I saw that the river was not the colorless and transparent appearance of the human world, but exuded a faint smell of decay. The water was light red, which made the golden smile and almost vomited.

Unfold the boundary and isolate the smell of rotten odor. Jin Xiaofeng slapped it out and splashed the river water several feet high. Suddenly, some black gas flew out of the river and rushed to Jin Xiaofeng!

"Hey hey!" Jin Xiaofeng wanted this result. The soul refining method had been ready for a long time. His other hand was aimed at a group of spirits and raised his palm. He only felt that his palm power spread like water in an instant, and these spirits were beaten and dissipated as soon as they met his palm.

Seeing that his palm was so powerful, Jin Xiaofeng was happy that he could learn the soul refining method and said proudly, "It's really a good skill!"

A voice sounded behind Jin Xiaofeng: "It's really a good hand, but it's a pity that these spirits have no dispute with the world, but they died in your hands for no reason."

Jin Xiaofeng was shocked. His consciousness had never been relaxed, and he actually came behind him. With this cultivation alone, it was enough to defeat him with overwhelming strength. Fortunately, he did not plot, otherwise he would never know how he died.

Turning around and looking back, he saw a blonde man who he knew was the annihilation of the dragon clan that took the 'chen sword' from his hand!

"It's you!" Jin Xiaofeng obviously recognized the delusionment.

said wildly, "It's me. I didn't expect that we would meet here. Did you come here to slaughter spirits?"

Jin Xiaofeng was exposed, and there was a fever on his face. He defended, "Of course not. I'm just trying new skills."

"I hope so, but I want to remind you that all creatures in the world have the meaning of their existence, and no one is qualified to take their lives at will, and see you later!" Madness seemed to look down on Jin Xiaofeng's behavior, disdain to talk to him more, and hurried away.

Jin Xiaofeng was taught by the inexplicable extermination, and his original good mood also became very bad. Looking at the direction of the delusionment, he scolded, "What are you? Are you qualified to teach me a lesson? Let's wait and see!"

"Since the soul refining method is so powerful, why don't I challenge the strongest power in this space?" Jin Xiaofeng ate two fire snake eggs and made great progress. At the same time, his confidence was also unprecedented. What he needed was real experience.

The strongest spirit in this space is easy to find. Jin Xiaofeng flew all the way down the river and saw a very large lake. If it hadn't been for the giant's memory that it was a lake, he would have thought it was the sea.

When he came to the lake, he pointed to the lake and shouted, "Little devil! Come out and fight with grandpa!" This is what giants used to do when they were bored.

Soon, dark fog rose on the lake. These black fogs converged into the lake, forming a huge human shape, and soon became the size of an ordinary person. They flew to Jin Xiaofeng and shouted, "Small human beings, how dare you provoke? Are you impatient to live? Report your name, and I will complete you!"

Jin Xiaofeng stretched out a finger and shook it and said, "You talk too early. Be careful that you will regret it soon. I'm here just to defeat you, not to work hard with you. If you want to die, I can help you."

"Presumptuous!" This strongest spirit flew to Jin Xiaofeng in an instant and was about to invade his body. Fortunately, his white boundary blocked him.

This spirit was blocked by the white boundary of Jin Xiaofeng and flew back a few feet. He was shocked and said, "White jade fairy stick?"

"What did you say? Is this thing called the white jade fairy stick? Jin Xiaofeng put away the boundary and turned back to the white jade wood Kunzi as it was in his hand, which seemed very surprised.

"It's really a white jade stick. Who are you?" When this spirit mentioned the white jade fairy stick, his mood seemed to suddenly become extremely excited.

Jin Xiaofeng said, "You won't know if you say it. I'm Jin Xiaofeng, the eldest disciple of the volcano in the human world!"

This spirit really didn't know and asked, "Are you from the human world? Where is the volcano?

Jin Xiaofeng said, "Yes, I came from the human world. I came here to practice cultivation. Li Volcano is a practice sect. Have you finished your nonsense? I still want to do two more tricks with you!"

"Come with me, don't! You take the white jade fairy stick, and it's obvious that you can't bully me, and you still fart!" After saying that, the spirit flew into the lake. Ren Jin laughed and shouted, and there was no more movement.

"What's the matter?" Jin Xiaofeng put away the white jade fairy stick and turned around and flew to another space.

This space is the most powerful space in the Infernal Purgatory, because there are many powerful weapons here, and I don't know how they were sent here.

As soon as he entered this space, Jin Xiaofeng felt an unusual depressing atmosphere, as if there was a master showing momentum in front of himself, which cast an indelible shadow in his heart.

"Damn it, this feeling is so bad!" Jin Xiaofeng supported the white boundary, and this feeling of pressure disappeared from his heart. He secretly wiped a cold sweat and scolded in his heart, "This is really not a place for people to stay!"

The divine consciousness caught a little movement, and Jin Xiaofeng's strange-shaped sword stopped him, "Zang!" A sword sound successfully blocked a sneak attack.

"Skily, come out!" Jin Xiaofeng's strange sword was in his hand, and his divine consciousness reached hundreds of feet. He found the existence of dozens of light shadows. These light shadows flew around him and took different routes, so that Jin Xiaofeng did not know which one to attack.

"It's just that the body will be hidden. It's no big deal." Although Jin Xiaofeng said this, he was surprised and said secretly, "These things are very alert. If you want to kill them, I'm afraid it's difficult. You'd better take the sword directly. When they are in a hurry, I have a chance."

Thinking of this, Jin Xiaofeng suddenly accelerated and rushed forward. It was the place to collect weapons. Although it was a collection, it was better to throw it around.

The sky here has always been gloomy, and there is smoke and dust floating by from time to time. Jin Xiaofeng saw a lot of swords and iron weapons pushed into a hill, and couldn't help but be surprised: "My God, there are so many weapons!"

Jin Xiaofeng naturally knows nothing about identifying weapons, but he has the simplest way to test the sword. He has a sword in his hand, which happens to test the sword.

The sword test, of course, does not mean that Jin Xiaofeng used the strange sword given to him by Jingqi and these mountains of swords, because even if it is a good sword, I am afraid that after thousands of fierce cuts, it will become scrap iron.

The secret fire is true, and the divine consciousness pays attention to the back of himself. There are always more than a dozen hidden things kept 20 feet away from him. At such a distance, Jin Xiaofeng could not hit him, so he had to raise his guard.

"Hey!" Jin Xiaofeng suddenly laughed and saw the fire shining into the sky. The power of the fire suddenly bombarded the sword forest. The sound of gold and iron was endless. Many weapons were broken and shattered, and some of them were thrown far away by scattered strength and fell to the ground.

When the firelight dissipated, the mountain of weapons turned into fragments on the ground, leaving only a few swords scattered on the ground.

"Wang..." It's like the sound of sawing wood, and Jin Xiaofeng smiled proudly, because his consciousness had noticed that these things were flying towards him!

He was waiting for this opportunity. The strange sword in his hand had already been waiting for a blow. Without looking back, his consciousness had already firmly locked these round things.

When these things were close enough to me, Jin Xiaofeng's strange sword suddenly broke into dozens of pieces, and these dozens of pieces of swords scattered in an instant, penetrating more than half of these unknown things.

"Hey!" Jin Xiaofeng's sword flew back and reorganized a sword and took it in his hand. He looked at the direction of the remaining invisible things and shouted, "If you still want to escape, I will destroy the weapons here!"

As soon as this statement came out, these hidden things stopped the momentum. They no longer fled, nor dared to fly close, and dispersed separately, without giving Jin Xiaofeng a chance to completely destroy it.

"Okay, then I'll pick a sword and take it away." Jin Xiaofeng flew up in contempt and began to look at all the still intact weapons on the ground.

Look at it, shake your head, throw it away, look at it again, or shake your head and throw it away. Jin Xiaofeng threw weapons to one place. Soon, he raised a sword in his hand. With Zhenyuan's concentration, the sword body began to emit a flash of red light, which was unique to his fiery Zhenyuan.

"Wang..." These hidden things can no longer stay. They can see what Jin Xiaofeng is going to do and rush to Jin Xiaofeng together! It seems that I'm determined to fight with him this time!

But Jin Xiaofeng didn't seem to care at all. He still split it out with a sword, and suddenly the fire soared to the sky, illuminating dozens of feet.

"Hang!" A harsh sound came from the pile of weapons. Jin Xiaofeng flew up after splitting a sword. The strange sword intended to take action at any time to prevent himself from being besieged.

The flash of fire was just a moment. When his vision returned to clarity, Jin Xiaofeng only saw that the weapons on the ground were intact, only a dozen swords and a knife.

"Huh? What kind of knife is this? Jin Xiaofeng noticed this knife. The shape of the knife body is not strange, the back of the knife is straight and thick, and the knife body is not wide, and it is inconspicuous in the weapon stack.

These invisible things finally rushed to. Although Jin Xiaofeng changed his position, the hand without a sword had already secretly carried the "soul refining method" to see the coming of these things and suddenly slapped it out!

Without the sound of the ordinary palm, Jin Xiaofeng clearly felt that his palm covered several feet, and all these stealth things were tricked!

"It seems that I overestimate you." Jin Xiaofeng flew down, stepped forward, took the knife in his hand and weighed it. It was not heavy. As soon as the fire entered, the knife body began to emit a fiery red light. He raised his hand and cut it diagonally. A red light drew an arc that expanded far and finally disappeared invisible.

"Good knife! Haha!" Jin Xiaofeng achieved his goal and stopped further and flew to the road.