Capture the Beast

Chapter 21: Back to Zhuang Blocked

As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food, not to mention the big promise of Ximen Dongliu in addition to ten thousand taels of gold?

Although Bingying knew that people looking for her in the world were going crazy, she and Wen Chenyang did not expect that people in martial arts would start to rob when they saw a five-year-old girl! So after she and Wen Chenyang came out of the snowy mountain, they found that something was wrong from the first step into the town.

As soon as she appeared in the town, it caused a sensation. As soon as most people saw her temperament and appearance, they almost confirmed that she was the lady they were looking for with a high reward in Dongliu Villa. The rest of the doubtful take a closer look at her move, and it is confirmed that she has good internal strength.

Of course, there is also Wen Chenyang beside her, who seems to be a master, which makes everyone dare not act rashly. At first, people with three-legged cat kungfu came to explore the way, pretending to provoke conflicts with Wen Chenyang, and then observed Wen Chenyang's martial arts skills.

However, Wen Chenyang has been learning from Sun Jianghao since he was a child. After practicing martial arts in Xueshan for nearly 15 years, he has obtained the true biography of Sun Jianghao. In addition, he has also learned some of Shi Xiuxiu's exquisite knife skills. Naturally, he is also a first-class master in martial arts. As soon as he showed his hand, he shocked a group of small roles.

But the conditions offered by Ximen Dongliu are extremely attractive, and there are many people who are not afraid of death. And because this is only a small town under the snowy mountains, the news of Bingying here has not spread to other places so quickly, and there are no top masters. Since it's hard, they will come soft.

Bingying frowned. She just wanted to have a stable meal. Although the food in this inn is not as good as that cooked by the eldest brother, it is barely enough to fill your stomach and then rush to Dongliu Villa. Naturally, she has her plan - instead of letting outsiders steal the limelight, it's better to let her big brother get 10,000 taels of gold and get a promise from Simon Dongliu.

Big brother feels plain and has no desire. So in the future, she can take this promise for herself and ask the eldest brother to ask Ximen Dongliu to allow her to do fast arrest.

Bingying thought happily, but she still had to deal with those middle-aged men who pretended to be kind but actually had a rat. As she put food in her mouth, she said vaguely, "Don't you hear of urging money without urging food? I'm very hungry now. Wait until I finish eating.

Those people hurriedly responded submissively, thinking that the girl was just cheated by the man. They tried to deceive her and follow them. They stayed aside and waited for the two to finish eating.

Wen Chenyang is a person with an excellent personality. If others don't provoke him, he will not take the initiative to provoke others. Seeing that the group of people stopped doing nothing, he quietly ate with Bingying.

His food was extremely elegant, and his slender fingers gently twisted the bamboo chopsticks and moved slowly, which stunned Bingying. Bingying couldn't help eating what he ate. Occasionally, he would also give Bingying some pieces of meat and laughed that she would eat more to grow up quickly.

Bingying saw the brother who loved her in a trance and remembered that her brother had died at work at a young age, and she felt a little sad. My brother hasn't even married and had children. He has a crush, but unfortunately he didn't confess to the woman until his death, and she doesn't know who her brother likes and can't tell the woman for him.

In this nonsense, a meal was finally solved. It was not until Wen Chenyang called Bingying several times that she woke up and looked down to see that three dishes had been eaten out - most of them were eaten by her. She touched her stomach in surprise and thought that her appetite was big again. Is it really eating? She couldn't help laughing. Her memory when she was a child was so vague that she didn't know what it felt like to eat a big meal, but now she finds that she is quite proud.

"Miss, can you go with us now? Your father and mother are waiting for you at Dongliu Villa. Seeing that they had finished eating, the leading green-robed man immediately said.

Bingying stretched out and asked with a strange expression, "Why should I go with you? This is my elder brother. Naturally, he will take me to Dongliu Villa. She roughly estimated that at least 20 or 30 people in this inn are uneasy and kind-hearted. If they really fight... I'm afraid that if they don't have long fists and feet, they will be killed or injured. After thinking about it, I can only deter these people with the help of snow bamboo.

The man in green robe smiled and said, "Even your big brother is likely to lie to you. Besides, we have never heard that the daughter of the owner of Dongliu Villa still needs to worship people outside the villa as teachers. Miss, please be careful not to be deceived.

Bingying said to herself, "It's strange... The eldest brother who has been with me for so long and cooks for me every day can't believe it, but he should believe a strange uncle who I have never met. Who should I trust?" Although her voice was not loud, it was particularly clear in the quiet inn lobby, because everyone was listening to her answer.

So many people in the inn laughed because of this. That's the truth. Since these people want to stand out, others will also gloat and stand by.

Before the man in green robe changed his face, Bingying clapped her hands and said, "Okay, I will also give you a chance. If you can hug my little baby, I will go with you.

The man in green didn't care about her previous words and hurriedly said, "No problem. What is your little baby? Take it out and let us touch it." He smiled secretly in his heart that he was still a child and easy to be deceived. If she takes out what poison she is, few people in the world are afraid of, and a child can't take out any powerful poison.

"Xuezhu, come out quickly." Bingying reached out and patted the back of her neck twice and shouted.

Snow bamboo? Everyone in the inn changed their faces and looked at the little girl's left neck suddenly with a plush head. Then, a little thing that was snow-white, like a mink and a squirrel with a tail jumped on the table and looked at the crowd proudly. Its dark eyes kept turning, as if looking for prey.

It was late. At that time, almost five or six people took action at the same time, and the hidden weapon hit different parts of Xuezhu. Everyone understands the fierceness of Xuezhu, known as the 'King of Beasts'. If you give it time to walk around this inn, I'm afraid there will be no more living people in the inn.

However, Xuezhu seemed to have expected that someone would take action against it, and rushed to the beam with a 'sw], and the speed was comparable to Sun Jianghao's light skill. And the hidden weapons sent out by those people were also caught by Wen Chenyang one by one and returned them in the direction of the original hidden weapon. Hearing a few 'oops' screams, it seemed that they had been hit by the hidden weapon.

"Don't blame me for not warning you. If anyone dares to hurt my little baby again, I will let him taste the power of snow bamboo!" Bingying snorted coldly, looked around the inn, and raised her hand to summon Xuezhu. As she touched the smooth white hair of the snow bamboo, she said, "I miss my master flying on the snow. He is invincible in the world, and he has never hurt this snow bamboo. With your three-legged cat kung fu, do you also want to hurt Xuezhu?

Everyone was in an uproar. It turned out that the eldest lady of Dongliu Villa had worshipped Sun Jianghao, who flew on the snow as her teacher, so the man beside her, who was called the "big brother", must be Wen Chenyang, the 'white-shirted man" who became one of the first-class masters at a young age. It's hard enough to deal with a Wen Chenyang, but now it still needs to add Xuezhu, the king of beasts. This business is really difficult to do, and everyone sighed in their hearts.

Bingying looked at the man in green robe who was already scared to death, raised her hand with a smile and said, "Well, let's continue the previous topic. I said, as long as you touch and hug my little baby, I will go with you. Now Xuezhu is in my hand. You take it away and I will go with you.

The man in green robe couldn't help taking a step back. Looking back, he saw that the four companions behind him were also as dishearted and knew that there was no chance. After all, no one is willing to bet on their lives.

He turned his head and was about to open his mouth, but he saw that Xuezhu suddenly grinned fiercely and made a posture to rush over. He was so scared that he ran out of the inn quickly. His accomplices were also scared and crawled out of the inn, regardless of the laughter of the people behind him.

Bingying giggled, laughing at these self-respecting chivalrous people who were so timid and afraid of death, but she saw that Wen Chenyang's face was a little vigilant, so she stopped to look at him and waited for him to speak. She doesn't quite understand what's going on in the world, and she still needs to listen to the big brother's arrangement.

Wen Chenyang took the sword in his hand, got up and walked to Bingying and took her little hand. He said loudly to the people in the inn, "There is no intention to hurt people. Please don't pester it anymore, otherwise the sword has no eyes, and I'm afraid I can't leave my life to enjoy the 10,000 taels of gold. Goodbye." After saying that, he walked out of the inn with Bingying, turned around a few alleys and found a carriage. He got into the carriage with Bingying and let the driver drive to Dongliu Villa.

Bingying knew the truth of 'be careful sailing a ten-thousand-year ship', but she still didn't understand this world, so she asked, "Big brother, why are we in a hurry?" Originally, it was agreed to rest in the inn for one night before leaving.

Wen Chenyang smiled and said, "My little sister is new to the world, and I don't understand many things. There are only some second- and third-class people in this town. The real master did not know that the little sister appeared in the town, so we narrowly escaped. If we stay at the inn, there will definitely be eyeliners and pigeons from all sects. At that time, the masters of all factions will gather, and we can't leave even if we want to leave.

Bing Ying suddenly realized that the world is really dangerous. However, she is not interested in this world at all. Her interest is just to be a catcher. She touched the snow bamboo in her arms and smiled gently.