Capture the Beast

Chapter 23: Identifying Parents

Ximen Dongliu looked at Bingying kneeling down with a smile. No one knew that the joy in his heart was about to overflow. The daughter who has been lost for nearly six years has finally returned to him and Ruosu, and it will definitely become another pride of his Dongliu Villa!

As the wife of the landlord, Lin Ruosu also had tears in her eyes, and her hot eyes seemed to look at Bingying enough to fill the gap and missing of the past six years. If she hadn't made an appointment with Ximen Dongliu, she would have rushed over and hugged her daughter and cried.

"Bing Ying, you have lived in Jiuchi Mountain since you were a child, right?" Ximen Dongliu is the owner of a village after all. He is extremely cautious in doing things. Of course, he can't be careless about such a big thing as his daughter. Although he intuitively told him that Bingying was his daughter, he still wanted to find out what happened before and after Bingying so as not to give the enemy a opportunity.

Bingying knelt down and her legs were a little numb, but since she had decided to recognize Simon Dongliu and Lin Ruosu as her parents, she felt that it was normal for her children to kneel down to her parents for a few days and nights, so she willingly endured. Hearing Ximen Dongliu's question, she replied, "Yes, Lord. I have lived in Jiuchi Mountain since I became sensible.

To be precise, it should be the first day she traveled, and she occupied the baby girl's body. Counting the time and dress, the baby girl must be the daughter of Simon Dongliu and Lin Ruosu who were robbed. Of course, she also found a jade pendant on her neck engraved with the word 'su', which must be the love between Ximen Dongliu and Lin Ruosu.

Ximen Dongliu asked again, "You told Hanlong that you live alone in Jiuchi Mountain, right? There are countless beasts and raptors in Jiuchi Mountain, and even people with strong martial arts dare not enter the mountain easily. How did you survive?

This is where he is most suspicious. Dongliu Villa is so powerful that he has to prevent someone from deliberately arranging Bingying to come in and pretending to be his daughter. Because he and Ruosu will unconditionally love this daughter, if this daughter has a different heart, it will be the disaster of Dongliu Villa.

However, Bingying had already thought about this problem. She found that not only Ximen Dongliu, but also Yu Fenghanlong and his master and elder brother were skeptical of what she said. Think about it, this is indeed an impossible thing. But she can't say that she crossed over and occupied this body, can she? I'm afraid that Lin Ruosu's delicate beauty will suddenly faint. After all, Lin Ruosu can't accept the fact that her daughter is dead and even her body is occupied by another soul.

So she thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a good explanation. She said with difficulty, "Actually... I don't live alone in the mountains. For the past five years, there has been a great master taking care of me. However, two months before Feng Hanlong and the others entered the mountain, he left, saying that he was about to be dead and wanted to go to his favorite place. And the master said that I was not allowed to tell anyone about him, and I would keep my promise, so I never mentioned it to anyone.

Master? The death? Isn't that the monk of Shaolin Temple? Ximen Dongliu thought in his heart and looked at Bingying and asked, "So, he taught your internal strength, your invulnerable physique, and the ability to control beasts?"

"No, I don't know that he passed on my internal strength, and I don't know that he is invulnerable." Bingying thought that Ximen Dongliu was really powerful. He must have heard everything from Feng Hanlong and knew that she did not know that she had internal strength and was not afraid of poison, so she asked this question to test her.

She scratched her head and explained, "When I was with the master, he taught me how to communicate with animals, which is probably what the owner called 'managing beasts'. He didn't say much about anything else. And he basically meditated and never said anything to me. It was Feng Hanlong who entered the mountain, and I knew that I still had such two samples. And my martial arts was also taught to me by Master Wei Yan.

Ximen Dongliu's hanging heart was finally relieved. Of course, he didn't want Bingying to be sent by the enemy. He hoped that she was really his daughter, so that he could make Ruosu happy, and he would have no regrets in his life. He turned his head and nodded gently to his wife, indicating that he had passed the barrier, indicating that she could ask Bingying the last question.

Lin Ruosu held her excitement and asked in a trembling voice, "What do you have with you?"

Bingying deliberately touched her whole body and said with a strange expression, "No, I seldom take things out, not even silver."

Lin Ruosu was anxious and asked again, "Maybe the master will take care of it for you for the time being, for fear that you will lose it. Think about it, did the master give you anything before he left? That's the best evidence to prove that Bingying is her daughter. Bingying must not lose it...

Bingying then took out the jade pendant from her skirt and said blankly, "Is this it? When the master left, he only gave me such a thing and ordered me not to take it down at any time.

Alas, in fact, it's good to have such a pair of talented men and women as parents. And they look so pitiful that they have been thinking about their daughter for so many years. However, she likes this 'dad' more, because he is a rare good man. Knowing that his wife can no longer have children, but he still refuses to take a concubine, he really has a deep affection for his wife. She decided to repay the kindness of her filial piety to the owner of this body in the future.

As soon as she saw the familiar jade pendant, Lin Ruosu no longer cared about the lady's demeanor. She hurriedly ran in the direction of Bingying, grabbed the jade pendant and looked at it carefully for a while, then hugged Bingying in her arms and cried silently: "Daughter, you are really my miserable daughter..."

The jade pendant was given to Lin Ruosu by Ximen Dongliu, and he naturally knew that there would be no fake. At this moment, he really wants to find the master and thank him for taking care of Bingying and teaching her so smartly.

Ximen Dongliu walked over step by step, squatted down and held Lin Ruosu and Bingying in his broad arms, and his eyes were unconsciously wet. He muttered, "Ruosu, we should thank the master. If it hadn't been for him, we would never have seen our daughter again.

"Um..." Lin Ruosu choked and nodded heavily. If there is a chance to find the master, she is willing to kneel down and kowtow to him.

Bingying was a little breathless when she was held by them. She said in a muffled voice, "The master is dead. Maybe she can find it." Of course, she knows that the death is dead, but at least she has to make it up. She has just left the mountain, and it is normal that she doesn't know the meaning of the word 'ji'. Besides, she was afraid that the Dongliu Villa would release the news of looking for the master she had fabricated, and the world would not calm down.

Ximen Dongliu was stunned and couldn't help but be amused by her childlike words. He laughed and said, "Then you don't have to look for it. He must be a master outside the world. Let's remember this kindness on the head of Shaolin Temple. He turned his head and ordered Ye Bing, "Ye Bing, send some people to donate sesame oil money to Shaolin Temples all over the country tomorrow. The more the better."

"Yes, Lord." Ye Bing took the order, but the corners of his eyes paid attention to Bing Ying's every move.

Maybe the owner and his wife were immersed in the joy of losing their daughter and ignored some details, but Ye Bing did not ignore them. His intuition told him that Bingying was not happy to be reunited with her parents. Normally, a five-year-old girl, who has been alone for five years, is most eager for her parents, but there is no joy in her eyes, so she has to teach him to doubt.

Although his feelings for Bingying are a little special, he is still the housekeeper of Dongliu Villa and has the obligation to guard against the safety of the villa. So he decided to pay more attention to Bingying in the future in case she really has bad intentions. Her martial arts and mind are much more than her age.

Lin Ruosu wiped her tears, touched Bingying's face and said, "Silly child, why don't you call your parents?" God knows how long she has been looking forward to this 'mother'. Now, she can't wait. She still has a gift for her daughter.

Bingying retreated from the arms of Ximen Dongliu and Lin Ruosu and said to them, "Father and mother, please be worshipped by your daughter three times." After saying that, she kowtowed three times and thought to herself: In fact, it's not difficult to call her parents and it feels good. Thinking of her parents and brother who died early, she felt a little sad.

After kowtowed, Bingying inadvertently glanced at Wen Chenyang, who was standing not far away and looking at her with a smile, and couldn't help moving. Dad, mother, and big brother... Is this God to make up for the family affection she has long lost? If so, she is really grateful to God.

Ximen Dongliu and Lin Ruosu looked at each other, took out their gifts and handed them to Bingying together.

Those are two swords that seem to be extremely sharp. The hilt of the sword is emerald, but the one in Lin Ruosu's hand is lighter in color. The two swords are much smaller than ordinary long swords. At first glance, they are used by women. The body of the sword is extremely smooth, and the tip of the sword is shocking, because as long as the tip of the sword is gently sent forward, it can definitely kill the person opposite with a sword!

Bingying looked up at the two swords in front of her and couldn't help reaching out and holding them in her hand. After two gestures, she suddenly fell in love with the two swords. I have been worried about weapons, but I didn't expect them to prepare them for her long ago.

Then she shook her head again. This was not for her. It should be given to Ximen Dongliu and Lin Ruosu to their real daughter. She has occupied other people's bodies, pretended to be other people's parents, and taken away other people's identities. How can she be ashamed to take away other people's swords?

She reluctantly returned it and said, "This sword - I don't want it."