Capture the Beast

Chapter 139: Saving

In the sun, Bingying quietly sneaked into the mansion of her uncle Huayuan, roughly observed the terrain and hid in the corner above the beams of the main hall. She caught a glimpse of Hua Yuan discussing things with some officials in the main hall and wanted to listen to it by the way. In terms of her current skills, it is difficult for the whole uncle's mansion to find her, and even if they find her, it is impossible to subdue her.

Bingying, who has practiced the art of demonic face, even lost her original martial arts at night, and like Jin Ji, her character at night has also changed, which is her nature. At this moment, she inadvertently remembered her delicate posture in front of Jin Ci at night and couldn't help but be ashamed. But then she thought that Jin Ji would also recall what Ruoxi had done in front of her at night, and she almost couldn't help laughing - he must be very angry, right?

It seems that if this situation is to change, we can only wait 49 days after the chaotic beads are soaked in water. Counting the time, it's only 40 days. However, she naturally won't provide Jin Ji to enjoy. To be honest, she is reluctant to let Huangfu Ruoxi disappear. Although she has got the secret of Jin Ji now, she may not be separated from Jin Ji after 40 days. Because she wants to watch Ruoxi atone for her life, Jin Ji is annoyed, which may be the joy of the rest of her life.

"Grandfather, this time the movement is too big. Will it disturb the emperor and the queen?" An official below opened his mouth, and the previous officialdom finally came to an end, and Bingying was also very bored. However, she knew in her heart that those people were actually waiting for their uncle to clean up their servants. At this moment, all the servants withdrew before they dared to talk about business.

Hua Yuan sneered and said, "The queen is my sister. Anyway, she will stand on my side. As for the emperor... Do you think the emperor dares to touch the queen? Military power is still in my father's hands. My father loves me the queen sister, so the emperor dares not really touch my queen sister.

"But..." The official hesitated, but did not dare to ask.

Hua Yuan said angrily, "That's about the husband and wife's boudoir. How can it be taken seriously? You have to see how the emperor treats the queen in front of people and don't listen to those rumors!" Of course, he knew what these officials were thinking, which was nothing more than the scandals the emperor did to the queen. But it was just what the emperor did in private to vent his anger, because every time Dad and he asked about the queen, the queen denied it. If the queen admits, Dad will not let the emperor go!

Sched officials immediately responded, echoing Hua Yuan's words and did not dare to mention the palace scandal again.

"In a word, our happy nest is in the country of Yala. As long as we send this group of women out of Dong Dai and go to the kiln of the country of Yala, no one can do anything about us. Even if the emperor and queen get the wind, there is no evidence, right? After they searched my whole uncle's house, I didn't hide half a good woman here, hahaha..." Hua Yuan laughed proudly.

"That's right, then ask your uncle to show where those women are hiding, and the subordinates and others can arrange people to send them to the country of Yala." The official asked again.

Bingying suppressed her anger for a long time, and at this moment, she pricked up her ears to listen to the key point. At the same time, she felt strange. As far as she knew, there were male prostitutes in the brothels of Yala. Why did her uncle transport women to Yala? Is it possible that this uncle doesn't know the customs of Yala and wants to do a loss-making business?

Huayuan looked around and whispered, "In the woods in the western suburbs of the city, there are my people guarding there. You send someone quickly..." Without saying that, the person who fell from the sky was given a hole, and could only stare at the ordinary but beautiful woman, and cried in her heart, 'It's over'. The comer is not good, and the good man does not come. He was all known by the woman in front of him. Looking at her martial arts and the smile on her face, she knew that he was afraid he had grown up this time.

Bingying quickly clicked the acupuncture points of six or seven people in the hall and didn't give them time to call for help. Then, she shuttled a few times among a group of wooden people and asked with a smile, "Wearing the old man's official uniform, holding the people's taxes, eating the people's rice and food, and being the parents of the people, but doing the deeds that harm the people of the people, don't you think - is it't it?"

Answer her, of course, in silence, because they couldn't speak.

Bingying doesn't expect them to speak, because this group of national moths will not be found by their conscience. If they had remembered what was said in the book of Sages, they would not have done what they have done today. She said to another person on the beam, "Why don't you come and help me collect evidence?"

A figure quickly came down from the beam and fell in front of Bingying. It was Ye Bing. He laughed in a low voice and said, "You have already found out." Seeing that Bingying ignored him, he looked around the official who was spotted the acupuncture point and asked, "Isn't it more important to save people first?" He just heard her and asked him to help her collect evidence of guilt, but he thought it was more important to save the women who had been abduction first.

"They will not be in danger for the time being, but we have to settle them down first. Otherwise, once Huayuan's people find something strange, we won't be able to grasp Huayuan's criminal evidence, and we can't give those women a real justice." Bingying briefly explained, and then ordered Ye Bing to help her take Huayuan and others to the beam of the hall and tie them with the rope she carried with her to prevent them from falling.

Before that, Hua Yuan had ordered all his subordinates to leave the hall and ordered the bodyguard not to let anyone enter the hall without his order. Therefore, as long as there is no strange sound in the hall, the guards outside will not let anyone in. Before dark, she should have time to look for Hua Yuan's evidence of guilt. After that, she could rescue the women, let them go home, and send Huayuan's evidence to the palace to fulfill her promise.

After doing all this, Bingying and Ye Bing slipped out of the hall and went straight to Huayuan's bedroom. After rummaging through the boxes, they did not find any letters about the exchanges between Hua Yuan and the officials. Finally, Bingying's mind flashed and an important thing came to her mind: Huayuan's letters to the officials were the most important, so those letters must be in the officials' homes.

Because Ye Bing has been following Huangfu Zhenglong for a long time, he knows those officials and naturally knows where those officials' mansions are. Bingying didn't know those officials at all. They were all slang ministers, and she just never made friends with such officials. So she asked Ye Bing to go to the officials' homes to look for it, and she continued to stay in her uncle's palace to look for evidence of guilt.

As time went by, the guards of the uncle's mansion did not find that their fearful master had already been stuffed on the beam of the hall, still guarding the door conscientiously, and even the eldest lady did not let her in.

When the sun was about to set, Ye Bing returned to his uncle's mansion and said to Bingying with bent eyebrows, "I have received all the letters from Hua Yuan to the officials. As long as the emperor dares to do it, he will be sentenced to death. A single crime of betraying the enemy is enough for him.

Bingying glanced at Ye Bing and found that he was also jealous of evil in his bones, but he had been suppressed by a word 'loyalty' and could not really be himself. Thinking of the indifferent teenager at the beginning, she couldn't help laughing at her delusions. Time will always change a person. Ye Bing has long been her first love, but she didn't understand at the beginning. After a painful death, everything was seen through.

"I also found some evidence here, which are evidence of bribery given to Hua Yuan by other officials, which must also play a role." Bingying sighed that it was really choking that a national uncle could kill so many people. She said to Ye Bing, "Let's go to the woods in the western suburbs to save those women."

Ye Bing nodded and then left her uncle's house with her. I'm afraid that it won't be until dark that the guards of the uncle's mansion will find the strangeness in the hall, and even if Huayuan regains his freedom, he won't have time to stop Bingying's actions.

When Bingying and Ye Bing subdued the lackeys placed beside the group of women and safely delivered the women to the people waiting in the drunken countryside, they realized the shame after doing a little thing for the people. They just did a little thing, but it was a big thing in the hearts of the people. They were grateful to them and even worshipped them as gods.

"Thank you, Boss Bing, thank you, Mr. Ye..."

"Boss Bing and Mr. Ye are our reborn parents, great benefactors..."

The ups and downs of thanks made Bingying and Ye Bing uncomfortable at the same time. Bingying was a little ashamed because she refused to agree to save people before, but now she has to bear the kindness of others. As for Ye Bing, it was because he had never done anything for the people, and he felt uneasy after receiving such a big gift for the first time. Bingying is not like this. After all, she will encounter this situation when she rescues the hostages or helps the victim's family catch the murderer when she is a policeman.

After finally sending the people away, Bingying breathed, returned to her usual look, and made up her mind not to be easily fooled by Ye Bing. She was about to open her mouth to warn Ye Bing not to blackmail her like this and test her, but Ye Bing took the lead.

"Bingying, today you make me look at it with new eyes, and I also feel a sense of achievement in working for the people." Ye Bing said sincerely, "But why did you let Hua Yuan see your face? You are not afraid that the queen will..."

This is the most incomprehensible place for Ye Bing. Even he is masked, in order to prevent the emperor from taking into account the queen's face and not punish Hua Yuan. Then Hua Yuan will use all means to retaliate against him. Bingying saw Huayuan with her true face and put herself directly in danger. He doesn't think Bingying is such a careless person.

"Do you think that after you took the people to make such a scene in Xiangzui Township..." Bingying smiled faintly: "Do others not know that today's thing was done by Bingying, the boss of Xiangzui Township?"

Ye Bing suddenly became at a loss: "I'm sorry... I..."

"Forget it, I know what you think. I just hope it won't be an example, otherwise you will bother me a lot. Bingying saw that it was going to be dark and knew that she was going to ask Jin Ji, so she hurriedly said goodbye to Ye Bing and turned back to her room.

At this moment, Jin Ji has not yet appeared, and naturally only Huangfu Ruoxi is accompanying her. The current way she gets along with Huangfu Ruoxi is also very strange. After all, Huangfu Ruoxi has always felt guilty about her since he knew that he was the culprit of her, so he served her and made her comfortable.

Bingying looked sideways at the 'teen who poured hot tea for her and rubbed her shoulder behind her. She couldn't help but have a headache: "Ruoxi, you really don't have to do this..." Even for Jin Ji, she has no hatred, let alone the ignorant 'Huangfu Ruoxi'? He made up for her mistakes in this way, which made her feel guilty of 'bullying him'. As the saying goes, 'Those who don't know are not guilty'.

Huangfu Ruoxi said cautiously, "Bingying, is there something I can't do well?"

Huangfu Ruoxi is a ** child. Although he also felt Bingying's uncomfortableness, he felt more of her obedience. He felt that she liked him for her, and maybe she didn't realize it herself. Every time he rubbed her shoulders, he felt the relaxation of her whole body and the enjoyment of narrowing her eyes.

"You..." Hearing his caution, Bingying gave up preaching, turned to close her eyes and looked up slightly: "Forget it, you can do whatever you want." In fact, she is quite good to him. She protects him and takes care of him every day, and has been patiently comforting him without thinking about it.

She sometimes wondered if she refused to tell Jin Ji the whereabouts of Chaozhu. Do she also have the idea that she doesn't want such a lovely Ruoxi to disappear? After all, if Jin Ji is united day and night, the 'Huangfu Ruoxi' will disappear, and only the indifferent Jin Ji will exist.

In this warm atmosphere, time passed slowly. It was not until Bingying felt the force on her shoulders disappear that she opened her eyes, looked at the cold and handsome man with silver hair and smiled, "What's wrong? Are you not used to serving me as soon as you regain your senses?"

To be honest, Ruoxi's face changes slightly, which is very beautiful. It is no longer that kind of pure beauty, but wild beauty, which is very attractive to women. Moreover, Jin Ji rarely speaks and never smiles. It's easy to look like a red night, and he can't help falling in love with him.

"No." Jin Ji replied stiffly. Then he sat down in front of her and looked at her and said, "What's wrong with me?" If she doesn't find him, she won't wait for him in the room on time. She must be busy downstairs, although he doesn't think it's worth her to be busy.

Bingying smiled. He was really smart as usual. She stretched out her hand to take out the collected evidence from her arms, handed it to him, and said, "This is evidence that my uncle has betrayed the country. I want you to send it to the emperor and let him handle the uncle."

I don't know if she has ever touched chaotic beads. Under the influence of chaotic beads, she has no martial arts for an abnormal time than Jin Ji. So every time Jin Ji changed people, she was still the same.

She doesn't want to deal with Huangfu Zhenglong again. She is not afraid or disgusted, but simply doesn't like it. So she wanted to ask Jin Ji to go. Besides, what Huangfu Zhenglong was most afraid of was Jin Ji. She wanted to see Jin Ji crushing Huangfu Zhenglong's momentum. She could have sent Ye Bing, but she didn't want Ye Bing to provoke the queen - Jin Ji and she had already provoked the queen, and it didn't matter if she provoked her again.

Jin Ji looked at her and did not reach out to answer: "The queen didn't touch you, but you have to touch her people first?" People in Dongdai know that the queen loves her younger brother Hua Yuan the most, and the great general Hua Anjing loves the queen the most. Because of this, Huayuan dared to be lawless, and the emperor never checked him, and no one dared to put his affairs in front of the emperor.

Of course, Bingying knew the status of Huayuan, and also knew that the reason why those people had no way to sue was that the officials above did not dare to accept it, so she sued once and was beaten once. But she had to brush her tiger's beard once. She smiled and said, "The Western Regions was invited by the queen, haven't you forgotten? Now that the queen has taken action first, we have become enemies with the queen. The matter of the Western Regions has not been solved. We may face danger at any time. Why don't we fight back first and let you taste the queen?

Maybe when I promised those people last night, one of the reasons was that the perpetrator was Hua Yuan, the younger brother of the queen. Although the queen saved her a lot of trouble, it was for herself, not for her, and she didn't need to be grateful.

Jin Ji took the evidence of guilt, glanced at it faintly, stuffed it into his arms, and asked, "Are you sure that Feng Hanlong will handle him?"

"He self-prouted Mingjun, and such obvious evidence of guilt appeared in front of him. Even if it is the queen, he should have a way to shut the queen shut up." Bingying felt a little dizzy, so she supported it with her hand. Huangfu Zhenglong will definitely do Huayuan, and on the queen's side, he also has a way to keep the queen from saying anything. However, it is very difficult for Huayuan to die.

But according to the law of her era, Hua Yuan did not commit murder, nor did she reach the point of killing. She doesn't insist on this. Although she firmly believes that Hua Yuan did not commit murder because he did not have it - if necessary, he would not spare other people's lives.

Jin Ji stretched out her hand, took her away**, and then whispered in her ear, "Before you change, take a break. I'll be back soon." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the room, closed the door and went straight to the palace, disappearing into the night.

Bingying closed her eyes, and there was no reason why Jin Ji whispered before she left.

Outside the courtyard, Ye Bing stood under the tree with blank eyes. Bingying would rather let Jin Ji go to the palace to meet the emperor than let him go. Does she not trust him, or does she not want to have any more contact with him? He forced her to save those women this time. She had no choice but to cooperate with him, didn't she?

Unfortunately, Ye Bing forgot that those criminal evidences were originally collected by him. If Bingying doesn't trust him, how can she let him go to the officials' homes to collect criminal evidence?

The authorities are just a mystery.