Capture the Beast

Chapter 147: End

Five years later.

About Yunzhuang:

Everyone in Dong Dai country knows that if they are bullied by evil people and there is no place to redress their grievances, they will go to Yunzhuang to find the owner's wife. Although the owner is not easy to provoke and often hurts people, the owner loves the owner's wife very much, so as long as he hides behind the owner's wife, he can get help immediately.

Yunzhuang does not receive martial arts people. Even if martial arts people have grievances to find the owner's wife, they can only kneel outside and wait. The most polite thing in Yunzhuang is to catch fast. Anyone who catches quickly has good wine and good dishes, and you can see the approachable owner's wife, so everyone named the owner's wife as the 'folk chief catcher'. This official is much more majestic than the real chief catcher of the imperial court, because this is the heart of the people.

I heard that the owner had been in a cup before, and he had severe pain once a month. It was not until after the young farmer was born that he got out of the cup. After the young farmer was born, as long as the young farmer is angry and wants to hurt the young farmer, the farmer's wife will cry and say that the lord's life was saved by the young farmer, and now the farmer is 'ungrateful'. Therefore, in Yunzhuang, the biggest is actually the young owner, followed by the owner's wife, and finally the owner.

In addition, there are two 'free meals' in Yunzhuang. I heard that the man who eats idle rice is angry with the landlord recently. The owner can't eat the food cooked by the man who eats idle rice, so he goes to Xiangzui Village at night, but the boss of Xiangzui Village is no longer Qin's mother. Later, Xiangzui Township was almost demolished by the owner's wife, which also shocked the government. Only at the end did the world know that Xiangzui Township was the dowry given to the owner's wife, which was written in black and white. The current boss of Xiangzui Township almost fainted, but fortunately, the owner's wife didn't care about the villain and didn't care about the current boss of Xiangzui Township.

There is also a special day in Yunzhuang. On the third day of every month, the owner will be furious. It is said that a woman in white always comes to Yunzhuang as a guest. The owner's wife is very enthusiastic, but the owner is very angry. On this day, no one except the owner's wife should stay close to the owner, so as not to suffer from the fish in the pond.

Mr. Dongliu, who was once famous, often took his wife to visit Yunzhuang after dissolving Dongliu Villa. Although Yunzhuang is not particularly welcome, he will not refuse. After all, the owner's wife and they were father and daughter, mother and daughter.

In a word, Yunzhuang is amazing and fun. Many people say that it is enough to die to be friends of the owner and the owner's wife in this life.

Huangfu Zhenglong:

Dong Dai has lost its queen, and the queen has been abolished and imprisoned in the cold palace because of the rebellion of the Hua family. Fortunately, Jin Ji, the owner of Yunzhuang, extended a helping hand, and the emperor saved the country.

The emperor still wanted to continue to pester the wife of Yunzhuang, but somehow disappeared later and stopped stepping into Yunzhuang. This matter has become the first mystery in the capital, and no one can solve it. The emperor was powerful and cold, and somehow let go of the master's wife. Although everyone said that the owner's wife was not beautiful, no one thought it was a good thing for the emperor to like the owner's wife. Three thousand beauties in the harem, the wife will suffer and not be as happy as the owner.

Only the emperor and a few people know - Huangfu Zhenglong is not Huangfu Zhenglong, but Fenghanlong.

The emperor had a handle in other people's hands. He hated it so much that he wanted to uproot it, but he gave up because it was less than one thousandth of other people's strength. As for the beautiful woman in her arms, it has become an impossible dream in her life.

Ye Bing:

After the queen was abolished, Ye Bing's deeds were exposed. The emperor was angry and wanted to kill him, but Yunzhuang intervened. The emperor let Ye Bing go and allowed her to wander around the world. And since Ye Bing's plan to persecute Jin Ji failed, he has never seen Bingying again. Even though he came to apologize in those years, he was never allowed to see Bingying. Jin Ji's jealousy has become more and more vigorous over the years.

After secretly seeing Bingying once or twice, Ye Bing confirmed that Bingying is extremely happy now. Jin Ji can indeed protect her and treat her very well. After being ashamed, Ye Bing went to a remote border town to be a catcher and wanted to do the same thing with Bingying in another place to survive this life.

Cold capacity:

After Leng Rong died, Ye Bing buried Leng Rong in front of Fengshan wooden house out of morality. He felt that Leng Rong might like to be there, where there were memories of Leng Rong and Bing Ying. However, in order to hide his eyes and ears at that time, Ye Bing did not set up a monument, and Lengrong's grave was an unknown tomb.

Later, Bingying secretly set up a monument for Lengrong. Anyway, he was also her first man, and he officially worshipped heaven and earth and entered the bridal chamber. Jin Ji didn't know about this, because the man is very jealous now.

The tablet reads: The tomb of my beloved husband's cold face, and my beloved wife Ximen stands with ice.

Leng Rong finally got a dead Simon Bingying, not our heroine.

Women in white:

Bingying didn't remember the urgent matter until the second day of the bridal chamber, which was about the woman in white. Under her repeated unremitting questioning and torture, Jin Ji finally reluctantly recruited - the woman in white was Princess De.

Princess De, the proud princess who did not get Jin Ji and had never married in her life, turned out to be the leader of the Western Regions. It seems that Princess De is not very satisfied with the queens of the country of Yala, so she became independent.

Strangely, Princess De visited several times, but Bingying became good friends with her. Princess De is not bad, and even the pride of the children of the world. Bingying really doesn't understand why Princess De did that with Jin Ji at the beginning. It was also from the mouth of Princess De that Bingying knew that she was thrown into the wolf pack by Princess De's waiter because of Jin Ji, and Princess De killed all the male waiters in anger.

Princess De has a deep affection for Jin Ji, but it's a pity that the time is wrong and the method is wrong, and she can't deeply understand Jin Ji as a man.

"If I had known that he was so afraid of men and women, I don't think I would have adopted the method of forced marriage." Princess De later said this to Bingying herself.

However, Princess De is bold and can afford to let go, and she will no longer harass Jin Ji. On the contrary, every time she comes to Yunzhuang, she looks for Bingying. Unfortunately, this unexpected thing made the owner of Yunzhuang furious, and the third day of each month became a taboo day in Yunzhuang.

Bing Ying, Jin Ji:

"Jin Ji, as the owner, don't you think you can't even discipline your son well? Is it too failed?!!" Bingying angrily raised her waist and shouted at the leisurely man. Unfortunately, her voice was limited, and she was excited and turned out to have a violent cough.

This time, several people were shocked.

"Little sister, are you all right? Jin Ji, you are also really good. The little sister is not in good health, can't you obey everything? Big brother Wen Chenyang was the first to make trouble.

"Mrs. Zhuangzhu, drink water and calm down." Several busy servants came forward to pay tribute.

"Mom, I'll pat your back. Don't be excited." Jin Yun, the owner of Shaozhuang, then smiled flatterly, but he was much more naughty than his father. He completely forgot that his mother was angry with his father because of his naughty behavior.

The last silent person was Jin Ji, who put his hand on Bingying's shoulder and said nothing.

Others don't know, but Bingying knows - he is giving her true anger to help her calm the airflow in her body. She then waved his hand and smiled playfully: "How can I be so vulnerable? But then again, Jin Ji, do you care about your son?"

"You bullied me again." Jin Ji complained in a low voice, "If I really care about it, I'm afraid you will be more excited."

Suddenly, everyone laughed. Bingying tightened her son's neck and threatened, "If you dare to be naughty again, I won't help your father beat you in the future!"

"I saved Dad's life, and Dad won't beat me." Jin Yun was not afraid at all and danced.

As the saying goes, happiness makes him sad. Jin Ji accidentally touched Bingying's face when he danced, and his nails suddenly scratched a blood stain on his mother's face. Everyone calmed down, and Bingying shouted pain unnoticed.

"unfilial son!" Jin Ji waved his hand, and the palm wind bullied Jin Yun's small body, making Jin Yun fly out of the village like an arrow from the string. This fall to the ground is amazing.

"Bastard!" Bingying scolded, followed her fiercely and quickly chased in the direction of Jin Yun's fall. With her light skills, she can naturally catch up with Jin Yun, not to mention that Jin Ji only used a successful force to shock Jin Yun.

Wen Chenyang looked at it, squeezed his lips and smiled, "Ji Ji, you did it on purpose."

Jin Ji could not deny it and turned around and left.

This kind of thing should be the most common thing in Yunzhuang, right? Everyone is tired of playing, but only the family of three is not tired of it. It's really...