
Chapter 33 Battle Legion

The east is dominated by the Crescent Legion controlled by the Bayue Consortium, the south is controlled by the local dark creatures of the Black Death Legion on Mars, and the West is controlled by a group of wild beasts. Humans rarely dare to step into this area, while the north is the most chaotic area on Mars. This is the nature of an alliance. The military regiments are under the public control of the 18th warlords. When there is a foreign enemy invasion, the 18th warlords will be consistent with the outside world, and when no one invades, they will continue to fight internally. One is to fight for territorial control, and the other is to support the war and train the most powerful alliance legion to guard against the attack of the other three major forces.

In the north of Mars, the benefits of joining the army are countless. It can not only exempt families from forced taxes everywhere, but also get a chance to ascend to the sky. As long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to get a variety of powerful martial arts, spells, animalizing fluids, and even God's armed forces.

Of course, there are many people who want to enter the military force as much as the gravel of the Ganges River, but the strictness of the Crazy War Corps can also be said to be unprecedented.

First of all, those who enter the Crazy War Corps must be extremely good soldiers in the Martian army, and those who are innocent and foreign or have major problems should not be required. This alone has effectively prevented the leakage of martial arts in the Crazy War Corps, and at the same time basically put an end to the attempts of some intentional people in the enemy country against it.

Secondly, those who can enter the Wild War Corps must be those under the age of 30 and over 15 years old with excellent physical fitness. There are only a few exceptions. This determines that the vast majority of people who can join the Crazy War Corps are the juvenile legions in Mars. In Mars, the law stipulates that people under the age of 30 are minors, which is simply unimaginable in the 21st century, but in this era when people have reached the average age of 200 due to general martial arts and genetic optimization or modification, this is very normal and necessary, and it is also acceptable.

Finally, and most importantly, the people selected must be tested. This test is actually a one-year special training, and all those who fail to pass will be eliminated. And those who can pass are the official members of the Wild War Legion, who automatically become second-lieutenant-level soldiers. And even if it can't be made, it will certainly double its strength and enhance its ability a lot, which is also the goal of the major warlords.

The military discipline of the Wild War Legion is extremely strict, but it is also the most relaxed. The most important thing is that any member of the Crazy War Legion cannot pass on the martial arts he learned in the Crazy War Legion to anyone in his life, otherwise the Wild War Legion will definitely kill him for a lifetime, and the people he taught him will definitely have no good end.

In the military camp where Ye Lang and others are now, the environment here is extremely harsh. Ordinary people can't survive here at all, but Ye Lang has to stay here for a year.

A total of 100,000 people were selected for the test this time, and the maximum number of places selected was 10,000. Of course, if you don't meet the standard, even if there are only ten people in the end, you will never receive more than one person, but on the other hand, if 20,000 people meet the standard, you can only take the first 10,000.

Although the number of participants is as high as 100,000, the past facts have shown that there are only about 1,000 people who really reach the standard in the end, and the success rate is only 1%.

You can imagine the difficulty of joining the Wild War Legion.

At this moment, Ye Lang finally understood why Heifeng wanted to join the legion. Even Heifeng did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy all aspects of the relationship. With the help of a perfect file made by Heifeng, Ye Lang successfully began his life on Mars.

The warship landed in a desert and paused when it was only 200 meters from the ground. The desert below suddenly became windless, and the dust in it suddenly arched and slipped down to both sides. A moment later, a deep and infinite black hole appeared in front of him. The warship soon disappeared into the black hole, the wind and sand rose again outside, and the black hole disappeared in an instant. Everything is fine as if it never happened.

Under the desert is the largest military base owned by the Wild War Legion in this area. The warship landed smoothly at the third berth in the base, and all kinds of personnel in the warship were immediately lined up and walked out of the cabin.

Ye Lang was accompanied by the temporarily reorganized fourth special brigade, and the instructor who led the special training team turned out to be the night, and he was still a major.

The formation of the Martian army is divided into three parts: the first part, and of course, the most important army composition - the space fleet. On Mars, the space fleet is divided into six major battle armies, which are controlled by three major human forces. Each battle corps has five fleets, which are divided into three squadrons. Each fleet has 100 large battleships. Because each large battleship accommodates 500 troops, a detachment has 5,000 troops, a team of 15,000 troops, a brigade of 50,000 soldiers, and a fleet has an army. 150,000 people, a squadron has about 500,000 troops, a battlejun tuan has about 1.5 million troops, but a warship has 5 million troops, and the entire Mars space fleet has about 20 million troops, which is the largest in other countries today. Of course, it also occupies the most important position among various armies. After all, it is now the space station; the second part is the army, which is the foundation of the stability of the whole Mars. On Mars, each colony has an average of 500,000 troops. Modern war is accompanied by space warfare, but it is still a very limited colony with rich mineral reserves and superior living environment, so the role of the army in the war is important and absolutely indispensable. The current so-called army can definitely be called the great integration of the sea, land and air forces in the 21st century; the third part is also the lowest of the three, but it is also the most indispensable, that is, the Mars Reserve Army. It is the foundation of the other two forces, and also serves as the patrol and security between various areas in Mars. After all, in this era, cosmic pirates in space have gradually flourished, and they often * merchant fleets disturb the space order. The military strength of the Mars Reserve has always been between tens of millions.

The total military strength of the Martian army is between 50 million. It includes not only these three armies but also some other special armies, one of which is the Wild War Legion. It can be said that there is a soldier and an absolute military power for every 1,000 people on Mars.

Few people know how many people there are in the Wild War Legion, and even the night is vaguely revealed to him, but it is certain that the Wild War Legion is definitely a powerful department.

The 100,000 outstanding soldiers who were approved to participate in the special training of the Wild War Legion were carefully selected from various services in various military regions on Mars and were temporarily reorganized into ten special training teams, 100 brigades and 1,000 teams for easy command and management.

Although Ye Lang was arranged in the fourth special unit, the black wind pulled Ye Lang aside, saying that there were other arrangements for Ye Lang. Ye Lang doesn't care. Anyway, it's safe. Ye Lang thinks that the black wind will not harm him, and Ye Lang thinks that the black wind does not disdain to take so much effort to harm him. After understanding the strength of the night during this period, Ye Lang clearly understands that the major-level double-department perfect warlock wants to kill himself. What kind of profession is a rookie? That's a matter of every minute.

"Brother Ye, where are you going? Why don't you come with us?" A teenager with a strong physique saw that Ye Lang did not walk with them and hurried to Ye Lang and asked in surprise.
