
Chapter 67 Hellfire

When the paladins stopped, there were only four people left on both sides. Of course, excluding Ye Lang, who was watching the bustle, the Grand Duke and the Cardinal were both strong men equivalent to the level of a young commander. For Ye Lang, who had only a major rank, he was absolutely impossible to forcibly fight against, not to mention that there were next to him. Several paladins and dark mages equivalent to general-level paladins and dark mages, to put it bluntly, one of these eight people can come out casually and kill Ye Lang in minutes. Of course, there is a premise that their physical condition is intact, and Ye Lang does not launch dragon and beasts.

He doesn't have much affection for the blood clan, and he has a hostile mentality to the divine court, which is due to the nature of the blood clan. The situation on both sides is relatively delicate. The paladins have sacrificed. If they can kill the Grand Duke of Lulu or three dark mages in the remaining eight minutes, then the cardinals will not be in danger, because the restraint of the dark forces of the holy power, the three dark mages cannot kill a cardinal by magic alone, but only In the case of a single grand duke, the archbishop is not afraid, and if they can destroy all the dark mages and grand dukes in only three minutes, they can also suspend their sacrifices. Although they will lose their defense and are unconscious, they can still recover in the hands of the Pope. Thinking of this, Mosa considered the current situation and chose the Grand Duke of Lulu because of the variety of the dark mage. Mo Sa cut the legs of the elephant and George, and the other two paladins also flashed to the side of the alley. One stabbed the heart of the alley, and the other cut the neck of the alley. Seeing the attack of the paladin, George retreated aside and performed the holy spell - the magic drive. The surrounding black fog resisted the holy light on his body. In terms of the natural nature of the holy light, the three dark mages who knew that the Dark World Paradise could not support for a long time also gave up the confrontation and launched other dark magic to attack the three. Under the holy light, there is a light nearby, but within ten miles, the ground is full of corroded potholes. The body has also been corroded.

When the three people were besieged with a great increase in strength after their sacrifice, Lilu took advantage of the super regeneration power of the blood clan and exchanged a light injury for a life. One dodged and escaped from the encirclement. When his body retreated, he knew that it was difficult to escape. He instantly disintegrated and became hundreds of bats scattered. These hundreds of bats It's all turned by his blood energy. Only one is an ontology, which is a life-saving escape skill that can only be used at the grand duke level, and the three of Mosa can only chase and cut it randomly, while the lucky road escaped from the attack range of the three of Mosa.

The dodging bats flew behind the three dark mages, and dozens of bats merged into the pale Duke of Lulu. After escaping his life, he really regretted that he did not even bring the marquis in order to grab the merits. He came here at the fastest speed and began to ambush George with several dark mages. Damn, the bastard count of that family told me that he only found a cardinal secretly escorting a sacred weapon with dozens of low-level believers. Now three powerful and sacrificial paladins have emerged. I have sent someone to report my actions to the Dark Society. If I don't succeed, I'm afraid that my family will become affiliated with other families in the future. I must complete this task at any cost. If I grab the holy weapon, I may become a member of the council.

Watching the three Mosa release the sacrificial skill, of course, the dark association that has fought with the divine court for thousands of course knew the weakness of the sacrificial art, and began to hide their bodies and waited ten minutes later to work together to attack George.

The Morsa people, who knew their weaknesses, knew that things were not good after the failed attack on the Grand Duke of Lulu. Although they tried their best to catch up, the three dark mages and the Grand Duke of Lulu had hidden. They could only search around with powerful holy power, but they were always dodged by the enemy when they touched the dark force. And Ye Lang relies on the unique divine idea of cultivation, and it is even easier to avoid the search of holy power. In the consumption of time, Morsa knew how bad he was today, so he quickly let George return to Vattigo, the holy place of the earth, and the three of them tried his best to hold back the enemy.

George didn't want to fight here at all. After all, he is not a knight, has no knight's spirit, and has a good excuse - to protect the holy weapon. When he was about to speak, the understanding Morsa knight had already opened his mouth. Answering, George flew quickly to the location of the spacecraft they had prepared in advance. The three were ready to sacrifice. At the same time, they began to pray. The holy power on their bodies instantly enveloped within a miles, forming a holy power net the size of a football eye. The three dark mages who were ready to follow were blocked by the holy power spreading around by the three paladins. They could only dodge around the net. If they dodge in time, it was likely that He was cut by the fast paladin within the scope of the holy power under the sword, and only the Grand Duke of Lulu turned into a bat and quietly followed. Of course, there was Ye Lang who reversed the holy power by divine thoughts.

Ye Lang observed the two sides of the war. The dark mage's spells were strange and changeable, and although the strength of the paladins increased greatly, they seemed to use a kind of disintegration with the demon. Similar methods stimulate the potential in the body, but they can't hold on for a long time. When the power dissipates, it is time to die. He turned his head and chased him in the direction of George and Lulu. Dragon Ball is a good thing. Grab it if you have a chance.

After all, the speed of the blood clan is not overshadowed. Ten miles away, they caught up with George, and the two were entangled. George knew his situation and was very anxious, but after all, the strength of the Grand Duke of Lilu was not easy to deal with. For the grand duke-level blood clan who fight with their hearts, there is generally nothing. It's dangerous. When you really can't avoid it, you can exchange minor injuries for time. Although the resilience of the blood clan is affected by the holy light, it is still very fast. After a while, he saw the three shadows chasing behind him. George knew that he couldn't get away, but Li Lu knew that he was a little closer to the status of the dark council. Who dared George dared to move in the base camp of dark creatures? It's not that he was looking for death.

Since he couldn't leave, George also stopped his anxious attack and began to pray. After all, the battle of the archbishop is still very terrible, but as the great duke and dark mage of the blood clan, as long as you are careful, the battle will be won. After all, the cardinal praying on the opposite side is not the kind of old man. Although he is already the archbishop of the red, the holy power is still not as strong as those people. Ten to nine is stable.

'Dong, Dong, Dong' looked at the heads of the three Mo Sa thrown in front of him. George was more determined to die together. His right hand reached into his arms, took out his carefully preserved sandalwood box, and opened the box. There was a red transparent bead on the red aster cloth. There was a red light flowing in the beads, and the big After opening, there was also a layer of flame-like light began to sway. When he found this holy weapon, George only knew that the holy weapon was very powerful, and the holy weapon seemed to be conscious, but it seemed to be asleep, and the power did not emanate, just waiting for the Pope to be brought back to the Vatican himself to activate the spiritual knowledge of the sacred artifact. I have no choice but to take this holy weapon now. The power in this holy weapon is the opposite of the dark power, and it should not hurt myself. With the power of this holy weapon, maybe I still have a way to survive.

After thinking about it, George no longer hesitated. He held the Dragon Ball with his hands and began to pray. The holy power around him began to concentrate on his hands and began to flow into the Dragon Ball through his hands, trying to wake up the spiritual knowledge in the beads. Looking at George taking out the dragon ball, he thought that the other party wanted to surrender, but when he saw George begin to pray, he knew that the other party might want to deal with himself with a holy weapon that had not been unblocked (generally, after the new holy weapon is found, it must be unblocked by the Pope and the research of researchers before it can be used). He knew what would happen if he didn't stop it. In this situation, the four used the strongest power to attack the past. The three dark mages spewed out a mouthful of blood together. The blood synthesized a hexagonal star in the air. Bloody runes appeared in the hexagonal star, and a powerful dark force formed a hell black fire (that is, a dark fire) in the air like George.

The summoning of hellfire, which belongs to the forbidden spell level of the dark series, has exhausted the magic of the three dark mages. The power of hell fire is also a top fire skill in the real world. Ye Lang did not expect that the dark mage, who is not a powerful figure in his eyes, could work together, although he knew at a glance that these three mages could do this The summoned underworld fire has little control, but he, who is also practicing underworld fire, clearly feels that this is the real underworld fire. Although the summoning of hellfire is a forbidden spell, it has a big disadvantage, that is, people who do not have enough power can't control it freely. It was also when the three dark mages found that George was praying to summon the holy power to pour into the strange holy weapon and could not escape, they joined hands to forcibly summon hellfire to attack.

Watching the three dark mages forcibly emit a hellfire beyond their ability, the great Duke of Lulu also gathered all his blood to compress, and a red blood cell also appeared in the heart of the passer-by. After a complex compression structure, it formed an egg-sized skeleton. In the memory of this skeleton leaf wave, it is a "vampire black hole" that can only be used at the upper level. This spell constructs the blood energy into a skeleton that is constantly compressed inward. The smaller the compression, the better the effect, and the suction function is very well. Where the blood skeleton hits, it will constantly generate suction power, producing an attraction similar to a small black hole, which can destroy everything around it. It belongs to the top magic of the blood clan. If the reason why Ye Lang knows this spell is that Mofa cares for him, what forces his enemies will be this time, what are the characteristics of their combat skills, and what their main skills have made a detailed introduction, and Ye Lang clearly remembers that this combat skill is the top of the Caesar family. The strongest skill of the family.


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