
Chapter 95 Receive Me

Speaking of this, George's eyes bloomed with strong hatred, and his fists were tightly pinched. The wounds that had been almost healed under the silver bullet also cracked again, and his eyes were blood-red. George gritted his teeth and said, "When I rushed over, my wife was dying, and those In my hand, I took my wife's blood-stained $500, so at that time, I was angry. I woke up the werewolf blood in my body. I killed the bastards, but my wife died and failed to survive, but she left me forever. Before she died, she asked me to protect the orphanage.

A drop of tears slipped down the corners of George's eyes. The man did not shed tears. Looking at George crying silently, Ye Lang felt a trace of weight in his heart.

After a long time, George seemed to clean up his emotions and then said, "Since then, I still worked hard, making money desperately, saving money, and sending the extra money to the orphanage. My money, plus the donations of some people who also came out of the orphanage, although not much, The money in the society is barely enough.

"But." At the end, George sighed helplessly. The sigh was full of helplessness and vicissitudes. "But in recent years, the society has donated less and less money, and there is no chance in the end. Even the pseudo-charity of those stars is gone, and the orphanage is now in danger of closing down. Once the orphanage collapses, there will be the poor orphans in it.

"So, I just came out to steal. My target is those big bosses and rich people, but no matter how hard I try, I haven't got enough money. Today, I also provoked these bounty hunters. If you hadn't taken action, I think I would have been killed."

"So!" Speaking of this, George's tone improved a little, stared at Ye Lang firmly, and said, "I want money, I want strength, I want to protect the orphanage with my hands, and you are the one who gives me hope."

"Receed me! I am willing to give all my loyalty! As long as you can give me a sum of money! Keep that orphanage alive! Let me not miss the appointment! Don't let me lose my promise before my wife dies.

Orphanage? Wife? Can we laugh happily together?" Hearing George's story, Ye Lang's heart resonated, and his face was slightly raised. In that ancient times, the orphanage where he had been living, although they alienated Ye Lang because of Ye Lang's ghost eyes, it was undeniable that Ye Lang still had feelings for the orphanage. Originally, this Alien space is a playground for Ye Lang. In terms of Ye Lang's feeling, the life in it is like an NPC in virtual online games. Ye Lang has never regarded them as real creatures, so he spares no effort to kill him. The former George made Ye Lang fall into deep thinking. Is this strange space real? If it is the real world, then...

"Promise me! I will always be loyal to you! I will never betray you! I just want some money!" Looking directly into Ye Lang's eyes, George said firmly and decisively with a plea.

"Well, I'll take you." He said to George, "Why don't you get up quickly? Do you like to kneel on the ground all the time? Go back for treatment. Let me tell you, if you leave a hidden disease on your body, I won't accept it if you have no value.

After saying that, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and left with elegant steps.

And when he heard Ye Lang's disguised consent, George was ecstatic, endured the severe pain on his body, laughed and struggled to get up from the ground, and chased after the elegant back

"Oh, life is really full of excitement." Lying obliquely on a luxurious sand, Ye Lang gently squeezed the red wine in his wine glass and sighed slightly, "But I like it."

It seems that the identity of the blood clan has really changed a lot. Will you like such an exciting life before you are alive? What is your current appearance because of the noble and lazy instincts in the blood clan? Or is it because there is no hatred in my heart now that I can be so relaxed?

Or both. After meditating for a while, Ye Lang smiled and sighed.

"Wow? What is this? Ivory chopsticks? Oh, praise Satan, what is this? Golden wine glass, it turns out that I'm not dreaming." However, compared with Ye Lang's leisure and enjoyment, George couldn't sit still. He looked at the utensils over and over again with his eyes shining and shouted incoherently, which was simply more aggressive than ** criminals seeing the eyes of beautiful women.

"Oh, my God, I absolutely regret that I shouldn't have brought this living treasure back." Leisurely and quietly tasting his wine, Ye Lang gently patted his forehead. Although he was like this when he first brought him back, he thought it would only be a few days later. His excitement passed and he was fine. Unexpectedly, it has been three days, and he is still the same as when he came back on the first day.

However, this is not the most exciting thing for Ye Lang. What Ye Lang didn't expect was that George said that he would give Ye Lang's baby, which was the most exciting existence for Ye Lang.

Ye Lang and others can enter the heterogeneous space for bloody trials, mainly relying on an artifact, which is the fierce key (blood key) in the thirteen artifacts, and the fierce key has magical energy. It is said that it is the key to open the gate of hell. Those who can use it can pass through the gap of time and enter any Foreign bodies and the space for human survival.

And what Ye Lang wanted to sigh about was not this. What he wanted to sigh was that the world still existed. Good people had good things. Ye Lang, who had no expectations for the baby George wanted to give, was shocked on the spot when he got the lamp-like baby.

George can only initially sense that this item is magical, but Ye Lang, who was immersed in divine observation, was directly pulled into a fantasy world. In the end, if it hadn't been for the power of powerful divine consciousness, I'm afraid that Ye Lang would eventually be swallowed up by this treasure. If Ye Lang hadn't been an eye for playing with the soul. , now it's a big trouble.

However, after the life-death experience, Ye Lang was followed by surprises, which can pull Ye Lang's soul into the treasure in the fantasy. Among the thirteen artifacts, there is only one, that is, the ghost lamp - the light of the ghost lamp can make people hallucinate and control people. The behavior.

Ye Lang, who checked the information of the thirteen artifacts, soon thought of the ghost lamp.

When the ghost lamp was bought, Ye Lang still felt unreal for a while. A treasure that could kill countless people was simply given by himself. This is also known by other hard-working testers. I'm afraid they will spit three liters of blood to show the unfairness of the world.

And when Ye Lang also asked George how he got this artifact, he actually got a result that continued to make him speechless. The artifact flew to the door of the orphanage and was picked up by a child and handed to him. Fortunately, George

I have a little eyesight and have been collecting it carefully. I didn't hand over this treasure until I met Ye Lang.

"Di Didi", just as Ye Lang sighed infinitely, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Eh? Do you have any information?" Hearing this sound, Ye Lang suddenly became interested. Although he had got an artifact, this artifact was obviously not the artifact required by General Dao Xingkong, and what he wanted to find did not seem to be this one, so Ye Lang did not intend to crush the return ring and leave this strange space.

However, thinking of the strong man of the Holy See who was killed last time, it is obvious that the next action must be more hidden. If they find it, it must be more troublesome.

However, there is no time to sigh so much for Ye Lang. The phone is still ringing. Thinking of what happened last time, Ye Lang was helpless and afraid. He shook his head, threw out what happened last time, and picked up his mobile phone, "Hey? What information do you have to say?

"Boss, there are a large number of dark forces and Holy See forces in *, which seem to be fighting for an artifact, and a spiritual staff seems to be what the boss is looking for." The little brother on the other end of the phone seemed to be extremely excited and shouted that he had finally found it.

Ye Lang checked the artifacts that are most likely to make a daylight ring among the thirteen artifacts, and came to the conclusion that this elf water wand is the most likely. The spiritual wand, which is originally the water wand of the elf clan, has the ability to recover. After being cursed by the blood clan, it can induce new abilities of members of the bleeding clan and also trigger humans or animals. Ability.

So he put all his forces on looking for magic wand artifacts, but he didn't expect to really find it.


"Okay, I know. Please continue to monitor and keep me updated." Hearing this, Ye Lang also nodded seriously and said to the intelligence personnel on the phone. No problem, I'm willing to serve the boss," after saying this gently, they hung up the phone.

"It seems that *, no, it should be said that the United States is going to change." Slowly putting down the mobile phone that was already blind, Ye Lang muttered in his heart that the strong dark forces gathered*. I believe that the Holy See will not have received the message, right? At that time, if you fight, I believe that the whole * may be razed to the ground, right?

Top strong, even if they are called humanoid nuclear bombs, it's not a big deal to destroy one or two cities, right? At that time.

"I don't care. Let's talk about what will happen later." Ye Lang hesitated to think about it. The spiritual staff of water has become the target of public criticism. With countless strong people staring at it, it will definitely be a fierce battle. It is impossible to get a ghost lamp.

"Didi", and at the New York airport at this moment, I saw several people in holy white robes get off the plane and let the passengers at the airport look side by one, just because these people's clothes are too strange.

"Hey, listen." Without caring about the strange eyes of others, a man with a silver sword on his back whispered to his companion next to him, "This time our task is to kill the blood clan who killed the great deacon. This is a task set by His Majesty the Pope himself. Just in case, Yicai sent me as a holy knight, so you can't make any difference, you know?"

"Yes, I know, Lord Hoya Knight."
