
Chapter 111 Queens

Some time ago, there were several large-scale gang conflicts in New York, and even heard that heavy weapons such as rockets were used. Under the pressure of Shangfeng, the New York Police Department began to clean up the whole dark forces in New York, and countless gang members entered detention centers, and a large number of them went directly to prison. The whole New York City is clean, and such an environment has also made such professional gangsters lose the capital to make a living.

In the past, they were actually pretending to be powerful, giving people a feeling that they were gangsters. Therefore, no one has ever asked them for money for food and drink. On the contrary, they actively contribute food and drink to avoid affecting the mood of customers.

But now, the gangs have been vigorously suppressed. Even those gang members who have not entered the class have suddenly disappeared cleanly. The original semi-public activities have been completely transferred to the ground, and it is estimated that they will not commit crimes against the wind for a long time in the future.

In this situation, the store's security guards shake up again and are no longer afraid of these maggots that they usually avoid. Give full play to your own functions and drive these professional gangsters out like garbage removal, and often add to each other.

At this time, professional hoodlums know that they can't provoke the many people and those who have retired from the army or have been trained in professional security. So these days, they are very unhappy and feel that they are about to get moldy.

So after hearing the "big deal", they put down their non-existent dignity one by one, saying that they must do a big job this time to maintain their hoodlums' faces.

But now, under the examination of Ye Lang's fierce eyes, they have no previous spirit and gather together intimidly and discuss with each other in a low voice. Ye Lang even heard one of the gangsters say to his companions around him that he wanted to go home, so that Ye Lang, who had excellent ears, almost didn't lie on the ground.

The best! And thirty-six of the best! Previously, I thought Ruofu was very professional, but he was much different from these guys. Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that Ruofu has had a personal level and has been promoted from a gangster to the level of the underworld.

After examining the gangsters, Ye Lang smiled brightly.

"Do you want to make money?" Ye Lang's face was full of demagogic smiles.

Nonsense! Almost all the hoodlums raised their middle fingers in their hearts! If they want to, how can they not want to make money? But they are like maggots. They are useless. It is even difficult to eat and drink outside now, and now they have to worry about being kicked out of their families. Besides, if there's nothing they can do, do they want this? They also like sports cars, villas, and charming beauties, but unfortunately they don't have the "benevil" in this regard.

Seeing that everyone did not answer, but from the eyes of the hoodlums, Ye Lang got the answer he wanted.

With a smile, Ye Lang continued: "Now there is a great opportunity to make money in front of you, which is to work for me. We won't talk about the content of the work, but I can guarantee that as long as you follow my words, it's not a problem to become a millionaire at all, and it's a federal currency!"

million federal coins? Of course, the hoodlums wanted to have such a day, but they were all in their dreams. But in fact, even if they work as hard as those manual workers, they may not make so much money in their lives. Therefore, in an instant, the eyes of 36 hoodlums lit up, and their eyes looked at Ye Lang were extremely hot.

Ye Lang was satisfied with everyone's performance and threw an olive branch again: "I will ask Ruofu to give you the specific work. You just need to be responsible for that part of your work. In addition, in order to celebrate you becoming my employees, I will give you a red envelope, which is the etiquette of our Chinese people!"

With a wave of his hand, Ruofu came out and handed out red envelopes on it to the gangsters with a tray. The anxious gangster couldn't wait to open the red envelope with Chinese characteristics and found that there were ten * in it, each of which was 100 federal coins*.

Federal currency is a common currency jointly issued by the nine planets. Its value is the most reliable, unlike the currency of the earth or the Bell coin of Mars. Because the war value has been changing, people like the federal currency the most.

The hoodlums who have never made so much money made a deep exclamation one by one. One red envelope is given 1,000 federal coins, which adds up to 36,000 federal dollars. From this point of view, Ye Lang's promised millionaire seems to be very realistic.

" Shame on you!" While distributing red envelopes, Ruofu warned in a low voice: " put away your expressions. Mr. Tang is a billionaire, and this little money is not a problem for him at all. As long as you work well for the boss, the millionaire will come at will!"

Finally, Ruofu proudly took out the new silver card from his pocket and said flauntly, "Do you see? This is the silver card of the Financial Bank of New York, with a minimum amount of 500,000 federal dollars. This is my first commission to become the boss!"

Ruofu did not lie, but he deliberately said that he was a perfect warlock. So the already exhilarating gangster sighed again, and the eyes of the silver card were so hot. The mentally sensitive Ruofu instantly grasped the greed in the eyes of his companions, put away the bank card alertly, and blocked the sight of the gangsters who seemed to be able to penetrate himself.

When Ruofu returned behind him, Ye Lang said again, "Now, I want to ask, you didn't want to work for me? Maybe what I want you to do will be illegal, even killing and arson! So, are you still willing to work for me?

As Ye Lang's voice fell, Ruofu behind him escaped from the silver card and shook it, and said a word silently - willing. So the gangsters who had just been a little wavering because of "killing and arson" immediately followed Ruofu's words and said together, "Yes!"

"Haha, that's good! So from tonight, you will be my men. In this case, let me make it clear to you that the orders I have given must be carried out and must not violate the rules I have set! If someone dares to disobey my orders or break the rules, then--

As Ye Lang's voice grew, Blue Baby kept watching, with no intention of interfering at all.

When everyone looked at Ye Lang doubtfully, he fixed his eyes on the metal lid of more than 100 pounds on the nearby trash can, and then made a move casually.

With a bang, the metal cover was rigidly pulled off. If removing the metal lid can only shock the gangsters, then when Ye Lang turned the metal lid into a shiny metal ball like kneading dough and finally turned it into a pool of liquid gold water, most of the gangsters fainted, and most of the rest were incontinent, and the last ones It collapsed on the ground, as if the bones of the whole body suddenly turned into rubber!

Alas! This is a professional gangster! Shaking his head and handing over the aftermath to Ruofu, Lan Baobao and Ye Lang, who had finished the performance, left.

If the hearing of these gangsters at the scene remains normal, they will hear two more and more distant voices.

"Ye Lang, do you think these gangsters can do it?"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. At most, we also implement the plan. Don't be afraid that they don't have confidence..."

"...Ye Lang, you are too sinister!"

"Thank you for your praise..." Queens, New York, used to be a gang. However, unfortunately, in the previous crackdown, 90% of the gang members entered the big class room and ate public food.

Because the atmosphere of crackdown has not passed, even if someone wants to occupy here, they still stay in the dark under the current circumstances. Therefore, Queens is basically a vacuum zone at present. After a few days of investigation, Ye Lang decided to start from here first.

Of course, there is another important reason for choosing Queens, which is Queens Station. Occupying the station has many benefits for Ye Lang. One, their "Longting foreign trade" itself needs stations to transport goods; the other, the station with huge flow of people is also one of the best sources of intelligence - of course, it is a place with sufficient oil and water. However, Ye Lang, who is not determined to make money, is not ready to develop in this regard. It is the most important part of Ye Lang's plan to give these oil and water to those scattered people and make them their own eyes and ears.

Ruofu came to Queen's Station with ten gangsters. Naturally, the current gangsters are completely different from before. After washing away all kinds of pigments on their hair, removing dozens of metal hanging on their bodies, and replacing them with suitable suits or security uniforms, they really look like dogs.

The only thing that can tell their previous identity is the mixed atmosphere and movements that were difficult to change during that period. However, it is obvious that Ruofu has a good solution, that is, whenever they show their mixed temperament and movements, they will use the most basic mental hypnosis and restrain their behavior with violence.

The gangsters were scared, their eyes were full of fear, all the habit movements disappeared, and the hoodlums' breath on their bodies disappeared cleanly. Their whole faces were tight, and with their suits or security uniforms, they were very masculine.

The gangsters who were warned by Rufu once before they arrived at the station maintained this state and went to Queen's Station under the leadership of Rufu. A few minutes later, Ruofu sat in the manager's room and cordially discussed with the manager about the chaotic situation in New York during this period of time and expressed that the "Longting" security company under Ruofu's name was willing to undertake the difficult task of stabilizing Queen's Station, and in view of the new establishment of the security company, Queen's Station would be discounted.


The legendary New Year's greeting is coming again. Oh, too.