
Chapter 124 Arms Maniac

After the bull head said something to the horse's mouth, a man in black took out a Seiko Swiss watch and began to time. This is what his so-called progress... After the two red archbishops looked at each other with a wry smile and shook their heads slightly, Mette said firmly, "Don't waste time. Come on, if we all die in battle, the Lord will let us go to heaven." Praise the Supreme Lord..."

Including those in the court, all the clergy drew a cross on their chest, and a thick or lightish white light appeared on their bodies. The dark delegation roared angrily. The moon in the sky seemed to change strangely. Ye Lang was keenly aware that the star power of the Taiyin Star had been greatly strengthened. This was the first time he had clearly felt the changes caused by the Taiyin Star when the orcs transformed. Ye Lang smiled bitterly. The power of these furry guys still has some connection with himself. How does this start? At this time, a powerful holy breath that was not suppressed by the power of the moon came from the interior of St. Paul's Church, dispersing the dark boundary laid by more than a dozen dark warlocks.

The clergy looked back in shock. A short young man came out trembling and panic. A pair of ancient armor was put on his body, and a long sword with white light was tightly attached to his hand. Mett exclaimed, "What's going on? Holy weapon, the holy weapon actually recognized the Lord without identification... Is it the dark forces that forced them to do this? The bishop of St. Paul's Church, who is also a bishop of the Diocese of New York, exclaimed: "Tes, what have you done? Why did you put on this suit of armor?

Tes almost cried, and he exclaimed, "Oh, my God, bishop, he, they moved and suddenly flew up and put it on me. I'm at your command. I've been wiping them well. I'm not lazy. They will move..."

Looking at him, he seemed to faint. The people of the dark parliament began to leave. Since the holy weapon has recognized the Lord, the Holy See has mastered his power. It is meaningless to continue fighting, and these things handed down from ancient times have been unimaginable by those noble bitter monks. There is no need to take risks. Go and forcibly destroy him.

Meite watched these creatures's rapid departure from the dark world and vowed in her heart, "Swear in the name of my Lord, I must ask His Majesty the Pope to concentrate the power of the Divine Court to sweep the dark council in the American region. They were so bold that they dared to besiege the sacred church..."

Suddenly, Mett and another cardinal thought of a problem, and the two hurriedly turned around and walked to Tes' side. Van Erster said kindly to Tess, "Take it easy, young man, your name is Tess?"

Tes nodded repeatedly, and he naturally knew what the clothes of Metz and another archbishop meant.

Mete smiled and said, "What is your identity in St. Paul's Cathedral?"

If Tes' identity is a priest or a priest, even the lowest missionary, he can be attributed to the infinite power of God. Tes smiled awkwardly and said carefully, "Me? I'm a handyman, and I'm a handyman who volunteered to come to church to do community work... I, I won't tell anyone what happened today, I."

Meite frowned, but immediately regained her kind smile and said loudly, "Praise the Lord, my supreme and omnipotent Lord, you have shown your prison power, like the grace of the sea god. You are really selfless and unbiased towards your lamb. You told us that even if you are not serving your servant, you can get your appreciation. Lord, you have given this lamb endless glory, and you have given him glory and strength. In the name of the Archbishop of the Red Cross and your most loyal servant, I bless this new holy knight. May the glory of the Lord accompany him forever.

All the clergy, including those in the cold-hearted court, began to praise loudly. Tesdily watched a group of senior clergy singing hymns beside him, and realized that it was the most outrageous experience in his life, so he let go and fainted... I don't know what the adults in the Vatican will look like when they know the holy knight and will faint when they just put on the holy weapon.

Ye Lang probably did not expect how crazy the dark world has been since he lost two artifacts. Since Ye Lang fled, the dark world has acted crazily, and the whole Mars has been involved in a crazy war, and the divine court, as the controller behind the scenes, has also been involved, and there is a big fight between the two races. Hands, many contradictions were stimulated in an instant. After paying great losses, the dark world could no longer stand it and poured out and set off a bloody storm on Mars.

And at this moment, it has invaded the earth. After hundreds of years of suppression, the Light God's court has long forgotten how terrible its former enemy was. In the case of intentional or unintentional circumstances, the Light God's court was retreating and in chaos for a while, and this discovery of two artifacts caused the dark family. Concerned, under a period of psychological imbalance and power contrast, the dark clan decided to destroy the light artifact to recognize the Lord, and did not expect to fail because of the appearance of a Tesla.

The number of artifacts has a lot to do with the final comparison of the forces of the two sides, and Ye Lang not only destroyed the water elf's staff of the dark world last time, but also completely refined the ghost lamp, which is also the main reason why the dark world goes crazy. The cost of losing two artifacts has not yet been revealed, but for the future The war situation will have a serious impact.

So this time, the dark world wants to destroy the recognition of the light artifact at any cost, so as to achieve the purpose of the balance of power. As soon as they see the success of Tesla's recognition of the Lord, they quickly retreated. One is that the artifact that recognizes the Lord is not easy to destroy again, because the owner can easily put the artifact into the body. Second One reason is that the Bright God Court will not watch the play. Once entangled, after all, the earth is still the headquarters of the Light God Court. After a long time, the dark forces will definitely suffer losses.

So the dark world led by Charlie retreated as soon as he saw that the situation had become like this. Ye Lang is very afraid of what happened to his organization tonight. You know, so far, Ye Lang has gathered so many useful core talents, each of whom is his own treasure. Losing any of them is a fatal blow to him. In Blue Baby's plan, Jack The ability to block and assassinate, Ruofu's spiritual power and computer ability, Hans's fighting power and his ability as the second staff officer, Heim's military rule ability are all indispensable part of the Longting organization. Once something happens to any of these people now, that is to say, a department of Ye Lang will be established. That is, paralysis, so I'm afraid only Ye Lang himself knows best how much the loss is.

It is precisely because Ye Lang is very clear that he is very afraid. Ye Lang is too confident that his personality charm can be well controlled by everyone. Ye Lang is actually not very clear about the enmity between Jack and the divine court. He only knows that Jack seemed to be a god before. A theocracy knight and other characters in the court later killed the divine court for some reason, and it happened that Ye Lang saved him when he was making a plan.

As for some reasons, no one knows so far. At least no one in the Longting organization knows that Ye Lang respects the privacy of each member, so he hasn't asked. However, after tonight's incident, Ye Lang feels that it is necessary to know some of Jack's secrets, otherwise because of Jack If the reason exposes the whole Longting organization, then the result is not acceptable to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang laughed slightly and looked at Jack sitting on the sofa with great interest. Heim danced with his pistol, sat in his old position, stroked the blue on his forehead with his left hand, and looked at Jack hummingly. Hans stood in the bar and wiped his wine glasses desperately to watch the bustle.

Jack waited for a long time, but Ye Lang still didn't say a word. He smiled bitterly: "Boss, I'm sorry, what do you think I should do? I admit it anyway. I just went to see the style. Who knew that I would face them?"

Ye Lang snapped his finger, took off his coat stained with blood on his body, and said repeatedly, "Aha, Jack, dear Jack, you directly challenge the two red archbishops [wants to be the duke of the blood clan, the handsome strong man of the human race.], more than a dozen bishops actually said that they were just looking at the wind. You are so great. You, once the servant of God, are really an honest lamb. Didn't God teach you to strictly prohibit lying?

Jack spread out his hand and motioned to Heim, "Heim, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry to go out, so I knocked you unconscious. It's up to you. I can retaliate whatever you want. At most, I'll beat you up."

Haim smiled: "Well, it doesn't matter. I don't have much interest in beating you. My hands will hurt. If there is another such situation in the future, please tell me first, and I will treat it as if you have knocked me unconscious. After receiving the guests with a bitter smile, he looked at Ye Lang and said, "OK, boss, there is no problem with Heim. What are you going to do to me?"

Ye Lang sat on the sofa opposite him and said with a smile, "Well, because you hurt me, so just deduct your dividend this year. Of course, you must explain the level of hatred between you and the divine court. We must pay attention to this issue today, otherwise the lives of everyone here will be finished at any time because of your impulse. I can't afford to accept this price as a boss, Jack, what do you think?

Jack smiled bitterly: "Boss, I haven't been with you for a day or two. I have accepted my fate for a long time. My life is yours. I can't control it for a moment today. I saw a cardinal who made me such an archbishop. Three years ago, as the strongest theoist knight of the young generation, I guarded the territory of North and South America on behalf of the divine court. Because of my sister My sister's innocent disappearance continues to be traced, and the results make me find some amazing secrets, but these secret spearheads are directly pointed at the headquarters of the Divine Court. Based on the clues, I have found that a large number of women are missing every year in North and South America, and these abducted women are sent directly to the damn Cardinal Archbishop of America. Of course, this is the beginning of the incident. Except for beautiful women, drug smuggling, arms trafficking, and private parties, the United States is simply ubiquitous, but my sister has become their sex. The slave played to death. No one knew that I had a sister in the divine court. I was thinking that I had a friction with the forces of Mete. This ridiculous divine court was rotten. Meite's behavior was still customary in a certain part of the divine court. It was ridiculous that when I sued Meite to the Inquisition, I found that I had done more. A big mistake, how small the personal power is in front of a terrorist force. In the end, it was not Mete who accepted the verdict, but me, and my crime was exactly what those bastards did. Boss, what do you think I should do? Can I let go of that group of people? And the ridiculous divine court, sooner or later, I will kill the Vatican and destroy the icon of Jesus.

Ye Lang nodded and his face became serious: "Very good. Since you know who your enemy is, it's easy to do. Give me three years, and I will bring this beautiful head to you." Ye Lang gave Jack a promise, a promise that looked particularly arrogant in the eyes of others.

You should know, who is Mete? It was a cardinal archbishop with great power, equivalent to Charlie's first-class strong man. Such a person seems to slaughter ordinary pigs and dogs in Ye Lang's mouth. If this is at the headquarters of the Divine Court, he will definitely be laughed to death, but Ye Lang said it easily.

There is a reason for Ye Lang's ease, because he has absolute self-confidence. Compared with Jack, Ye Lang's ambition is boundless. Jack's enemies are at most the six-level of the Duke-level strongman, while Ye Lang's enemy is the emperor-level, the nine-level strong, and the strongest in the solar system.

If Ye Lang can't even kill a small six-level strong man within three years, I'm afraid it would be better to get rid of the idea of finding Yuwen's invincible revenge.

The main reason for giving Jack this promise is that Ye Lang wants to practice his determination to move forward, and the loyalty of Jack and other core members.

Ye Lang raised his right index finger, shook it in front of Jack, and warned him, "And Jack, you have to remember that if things are not completed satisfactorily, then don't regret it and don't try to forcibly remedy it. Our current strength is not enough to deal with the current manpower of the divine court. Do you understand? You must learn to make trade-offs. You have initially re-entered the rank of major. As long as you continue to practice, you are likely to achieve the effect of rebirth before me. At that time, you are the so-called general. Are you still afraid of not retaliating against your enemies?

Jack muttered, "Yes, yes, boss, I listen to you. I won't be impulsive anymore..." He waved his fist heavily and smiled fiercely.

Ye Lang evacuated his muscles and bones and said with satisfaction, "Well, all the problems have been solved. Hans, when it's dawn, you can go to the gate to welcome the newspaper and see what the headlines are. I'm looking forward to the performance of the tabloid reporters of the Global Daily... I really don't know how the divine court will hide something. I'm really looking forward to it. ."

Ye Lang suddenly remembered another question and asked Jack strangely, "So, Jack, tell me, why didn't those dark councils kill that Tes?" Wouldn't it be more direct if they killed Tes and then destroyed the two artifacts? I know they cherish the lives of their members, but if they can hit the divine court, they won't care about a little sacrifice, right?

Jack said simply, "The artifact can be destroyed, but the artifact that has recognized the Lord, his divine power can never be destroyed. The divine court can pour the magic power on it into any appliance of the same nature. Although the effect is slightly worse, there is not much difference.

Ye Lang. He shouted, "So that's it, I understand. So, the best way to deal with these artifacts is to seal them, isn't it? So those lucky vampires have to run away with their swords. Does their supreme council have a way to seal the artifact?

Jack nodded and agreed with Ye Lang's statement. Ye Lang smiled and rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Really... I can't see such a funny thing. I really want to see the sealing method of the Dark Warlock. Unfortunately, unfortunately, the Dark Parliament will never be happy with me. Go to observe their actions."

Jack looked at Ye Lang a little strangely. He really didn't understand why Ye Lang was interested in these.

Ye Lang became in a good mood. He shouted and gathered a table of mahjong and began to gather people to gamble. Lan Baobao sat on his lap with a smile and played cards for him randomly, making Ye Lang lose for a while, while Hans, who was sitting under his hand, was full of smiling and repeatedly playing cards...


At dawn, Hans went out to wait for the newspaper, and Heim was forcibly dragged into the gambling by Jack.

Ten minutes later, Hans came in with a surprised face: "Boss, there is no news about St. Paul's Cathedral in the newspaper. The news director of Global Daily vowed to send reporters to go as soon as possible... Similarly, there is no news about the church in tabloids like Xinhua Daily, and even more than 20 police officers were suddenly seriously injured and hospitalized.

Ye Lang quietly snatched back an eight-cone from Jack's hand, lost a 40,000 yuan, and said coldly, "Is that so? Very good, very good, Jack, look, look, the strength of the divine court is not what we can imagine. The Global Daily is the owner of the materials of major organizations, but this time there is no movement at all. Their power is really strong."

Jack snorted coldly, didn't say anything with a gloomy face, and threw a card out randomly. As a result, he took advantage of him, and Heim ate his card with a smile.

Ye Lang stood up and stretched out and said, "I'm so tired. I'm so tired. Jack, I'll warn you for the last time. To be honest, if you hadn't been lucky last night, my strength would have supported you from a long distance, and you would have been killed. Remember, you only have one life. You can waste your life, but don't involve your partner. Let's take a break. That's all for this time. There's nothing to say.

vaguely, several people with particularly keen sensitivity, such as Ye Lang, Hans and Jack, vaguely felt that there was some strange vibration from the sky, but it was very weak. Ye Lang shrugged his shoulders and pulled the blue baby to discuss the next thing.

Fighting each other with the dark world is a good thing for Ye Lang. No matter who is sad, he is happy. As long as he can stabilize his position in the United States, in the next three years, Ye Lang will sweep the earth's underworld and build a huge underworld empire.

An hour later, Ye Lang was called over by Hans: "Boss, the FBI asked to see you. Well, it's a senior inspector."

Ye Lang muttered a few words: "Senior inspector? Hans, have we had any fights recently? Are there any dead or other violent crimes?

Hans also shook his head in confusion and said, "Recently, everything is normal in the field. Several kids who like to make trouble have been taught a lesson once and dare not come back. The wind is calm, and we have nothing to do with them. What's more, didn't you just send a batch of money to their boss half a month ago?

Ye Lang wore it again with an unhappy face and went to the living room on the second floor.

The serious senior police chief, about 40 years old, stretched out his hand with a smile: "Mr. Cang Yan, it's not easy to see you for a long time."

Ye Lang's hand also stretched out and held his hand: "This is... I basically know all the FBI police officers, but you are rare."

The inspector introduced himself: "My name is Tony."

Ye Lang said politely to the inspector, "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Tony. You are..." He stretched out his hand and sat down on the sofa.

Tony shrugged his shoulders in the helpless posture unique to American people, shook his head slightly and said helplessly, "I'm in charge of some special cases, so I rarely deal with big shots like you, and this time I also have something to ask Mr. Cang Yan for cooperation."

Ye Lang nodded slightly: "It is our duty to cooperate with the police to maintain social stability. We are all law-abiding citizens. What kind of case is the senior inspector of the FBI Special Investigation Department?" From Tony's words and deeds, Ye Lang slightly guessed the institution Tony belonged to.

Tony said bluntly: "A special plane belonging to the Vatican's court was shot down by light air defense* and crashed into a private house. According to the analysis, the attacker may have used a laser* made in the United States. We would like to ask Mr. Cang Yan, do you have any relevant information? Do you know who has been talking about buying such arms recently?

Ye Lang's heart moved. It turned out that the vibration was because of this, and the turnaround of the divine court was shot down? I don't know if there is a big man like a cardinal on it. If so, I'm afraid that the crazy trial and mad burning situation in the Middle Ages will appear again? The revenge of the divine court is not fun.

Ye Lang smiled and said, "I am a law-abiding citizen, Mr. Tony. Do you think I will sell arms? That's really terrible. How can I know these things? Ye Lang was a little nervous. There were eight lasers* in his secret arsenal. In case the FBI really grasped some information, he really couldn't eat it and left... Maybe that * was really sold by him. Ha ha, this is really a lot of fun.

The main reason why Tony came to Ye Lang this time is that Ye Lang is actually the largest arms leader in the United States, especially the military's high-end products are Ye Lang's main source of income, because in fact, these military firearms are sent to Mars. The quartermasters of the Crazy War Legion contacted Ye Lang on a single line, and everything is collected. They are all S-level secrets, which is why Ye Lang can be so powerful in just one year.

Behind Ye Lang, there is a fierce battle legion that improves grass-roots soldiers for Ye Lang, and Ye Lang repays the fierce battle legion with various powerful military arms of the earth, which is also a mutually beneficial thing. You know, the level of scientific and technological development between the earth and Mars is thousands of years different. After receiving Ye Lang's armed support, In the west battlefield of Mars, they were in the limelight, but they didn't make the starry general's mouths crooked. It's not that they didn't find someone to go to the earth to engage in armed materials, but no one could be as strong as Ye Lang. Ye Lang's methods were extremely terrible, except for the core material and terminal weapons such as S-transiastic nuclear bombs. Ye Lang didn't do it. In addition to getting it, even if it is a starry warship, as long as the Crazy War Legion wants it and the price is fair, Ye Lang can find a way to get it.

So it is absolutely right to say that Ye Lang is the biggest arms leader.

Tony stared at Ye Lang and said sincerely, "Mr. Cang Yan, I don't say anything meaningless and hypocritical. You know what kind of person you are, and we also have some information. However, compared with other big bosses, you are the most peaceful, so we don't want to offend people like you. Give me something I want to know and I'll leave right away.

Ye Lang picked up the wine glass presented by Hans, took a soft sip, smiled and said, "Is that so? So... um... this is very difficult."

Tony looked at Ye Lang and said seriously, "The above has put a lot of pressure on us. I hope you can understand. We have the information of all the bosses in New York City, but we are not very familiar with some channels, so please cooperate. The special plane attacked this time belongs to the divine court, which is likely to have evolved into a particularly serious incident because of the divine court. If our comprehensive investigation damages Mr. Ye Lang's interests, I'm afraid this is also what you don't want to see, right?

Ye Lang ignored his euphemistic threat and said, "I still don't know what you mean, alas, but if you can guarantee something, maybe I can recall something." Since Tony himself admitted that they didn't know some channels, he would not know what his inventory was. Ye Lang suddenly relaxed.

Tony nodded and said understandingly, "If you can provide some unique and valuable information, of course, I will be happy to give Mr. Cang Yan some special care in the future."

Ye Lang smiled with satisfaction and said to Tony, "Thank you for your promise. A gentleman will definitely keep his promise... Well, there is a special villa in a garden community in the West District of New York. Well, his roof is golden. His master may know something... Of course, because something Some relationships, I didn't tell you the above words, did I?"

Tony looked at Ye Lang and asked doubtfully, "What kind of person is this master? Channel or intermediary?"

Ye Lang looked at Tony, turned his eyes and stopped talking. For a long time, after drinking enough of the wine in his hand, he slowly said, "He? He is a big man, a heavyweight figure... Ha ha, a heavy firepower figure."

Tony understood something and cursed Ye Lang secretly in his heart: "I guess this heavyweight is still unhappy with you, otherwise how can you say it so happily?" However, on the surface, he still smiled and expressed his gratitude to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang smiled and saw the guests off. When he arrived at the gate, he asked by the way, "Mr. Tony, why did those people attack the special plane of the divine court? Is there any big man on it?"

Tony answered him by the way: "Big man? No, there is no one above except two unlucky pilots. What on earth do they want to do? God bless, the two cardinals are not on the plane, otherwise..." Tony's face also had a little frightening. If the two cardinals were on the plane, I'm afraid that the home of the executive in the United States would be brutally attacked by Christians all over the world.

Ye Lang watched Tony drive away after getting in the car and stood at the door and meditating: "Well, the people on the plane are probably under the hands of Mete, so that they may escape from such a situation. Well, they can still have time to take away the artifact... It's strange,"

Ye Lang suddenly smiled: "Is it very good? This matter has become more interesting..."

Ye Lang staggered back, and the matter of the artifact was over. It was more or less complete. Although I don't know if the dark council did these things, what is the inside story and what does it have to do with Ye Lang? Where is the final where of the artifact and what does it have to do with Ye Lang?

This is how things in the world have universal connections, which is indeed a fun thing.

The main reason why Ye Lang can become such a powerful arms merchant is that he holds the ghost lamp representing the fantasy field, coupled with the hypnotic ability of Ye Lang's six reincarnation eyes, which makes Ye Lang run rampant in major military bases. Of course, Ye Lang has selected some core forces at present, which is not special. A strong small country will attack, and there will be bases guarded by strong officials, so the safety of the operation is particularly high. Of course, occasionally Ye Lang will also take some risks to rob the American region.

However, what Ye Lang didn't expect this time was that the * used to attack the bright court in the dark world was actually sold by himself. As a result, he came to warn him, which made Ye Lang more alert. It seemed that his tail sweeping work did not seem to be so good. Others Ye Lang was found on the day of the incident, which proved that Ye Lang's action was not as safe as expected.

Ye Lang is a person who has advanced and retreated. After these two days, Ye Lang has understood many things. It's time to rectify.

The impact of the rapid development of the organization has also gradually emerged, and Ye Lang feels that it is time to start rectifying the internal affairs. It has been a month since the incident in the divine court, and everything seems to be calm. No one lost, and Mete finally successfully sent the artifact back to the Vatican through some secret channels. The action of the dark parliament was a complete failure. The FBI leaders were reprimanded and deducted about a month's bonus, but it was nothing serious.

In this month, Ye Lang continued to collect forces and eliminate some uneasy factors, such as spies of certain forces. The whole Longting slowly walked behind the scenes, as if he planned to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

And the only one who is a little depressed is probably the arms dealer who was found by Tony. Because he once sent a small batch of arms of not very good quality to Ye Lang when delivering goods, Ye Lang rudely sold him. As a result, the day after Tony came to the door, the guy ran away and ran to Xia Wei. The beach near Yi has been free, and it seems that there is no hope to go back in my life.

Still sitting in the general manager's office on the 23rd floor, looking at the rare sunshine shining all over New York City, Ye Lang sang loudly: "Hallelujah... Praise God, dear, you have finally made this dead city of New York a little shine."

Blue Baby sat on the sofa in the corner and answered the question, "Boss, this Swiss F-winged Ferrari is so exquisite. It is limited to ten vehicles worldwide. What do you think of this red one?" The big watery eyes looked over with evil light.

Ye Lang was in a good mood and waved his hand: "Okay, baby, ask Hans to order a few cars. We have one... Of course, you choose first, hey..." Sure enough, Blue Baby's face is good. Ye Lang probably doesn't know that the price of the world's limited F-wing Ferrari is 30 million federal dollars. If this is manpower For one, Ye Lang will cost at least 180 million.

180 million federal coins are a sum of money that can provide a 10,000 brigade to march for a year. When six brand-new Ferraris were placed in front of Ye Lang in a few days, Ye Lang knew what physical pain was. After signing, Ye Lang's first words to Hans was: "Go back and grab a vote for the Storm Company. Damn, it came to me and grabbed me back.

But Hans did not nod his head and agreed, but said hesitantly, "Boss! The boss behind the Storm Company is the Nalan consortium. Didn't you say that we should not embarrass the Nalan consortium when we operate in North America? But are we really going to rob Storm now?

Hearing this news, Ye Lang hesitated. Yes, there is a strange rule in Ye Lang's organization, that the development of the organization is carried out without harming the interests of the Nalan family. Here, except that Nalan Yaoyue, the first successor of the Lanbao and the Nalan consortium, is the best sister. In addition to the relationship, there is also Ye Lang's nostalgic thoughts.

Ye Lang is sure that the Nalan consortium must have a lot to do with Nalan Youruo, so this is the order.

Just when Ye Lang hesitates,

Ruofu suddenly knocked on the door and came in and said strangely, "Boss, that old guy Cruise asked someone to send you an invitation to attend the opening ceremony of his new venue. What do you mean?"

Ye Lang asked with a little surprise, "His new field?" Did he open another horse farm? How much does this old guy think he doesn't have enough money? Of course, no one will think too much money... Okay, okay, prepare a good horse feed. Let's give him some face and attend this celebration.

Hans Zou frowned and said, "The boss has crossed the boundary this time. It seems that he has begun to interfere in the casino business of other big bosses, and his new field happens to be not far away from Brownie's territory. Isn't this obvious preparation to grab the territory? Did he want to take advantage of this opportunity to develop when he saw us shrink? Is this old man not sick? He can't see our intention so clearly?

Ye Lang laughed and said, "The intention is obvious because you are in the bureau, so you can see that the intention is obvious. You should know that in addition to him, Zu Lan has also made a lot of money in New York. Our retreat has become an opportunity for them to compete for territory. Recently, we have been raised too fat and it will take some time. Digestion, so it's up to them to make trouble. Of course, the benefits in front of them are not necessary. That's a fool. Let's go and have fun. If there is a chance, we can also make a guest star as a blackmailer and let Cruise make money for us at the front desk, and we can just develop behind the scenes. I promise that according to Brownie's nature, there will definitely work today. Move, and his action just makes a contribution to our plan, hehe, let's go."

After saying that, Ye Lang took his men to Brooke's new casino. New casino in Cruise

Ye Lang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I'm a straightforward person. Cruise, aren't you afraid of Brownie... Look, the other bosses are here, but where is Brownie? You are robbing business with him." Ye Lang secretly greeted the two New York bosses who were entering the door. The two returned a gift with a smile and went to flirt with the maids who gave wine and food.

Cruz looked a little ugly. After a while, he said, "Well... Boss Cang, I hope you can understand that the last time I came to you, we were all ready and wanted you to buy it. You know, Brownie's men are very unreasonable. I just want to redistribute the benefits, and other bosses have no objection, but he wants to..."

Ye Lang interrupted him and said bluntly, "Oh? Cruise, I'm afraid you also understand that as long as you don't interfere in the business of other bosses, who will object? But Brownie is different. His main financial source is in the casino. He will not be willing to give up his profits... If you want me to buy shares, don't you just like the people and guns in my hand?