
Chapter 130 Life and Death Choice


The heart nucleus beat violently. Every second, it beat hundreds of times. A powerful phagocytosis force waded directly from the heart, suddenly attracting those thunder and lightning, pulling the rapid into the heart nucleus as if tens of millions of rivers returning to the sea, and continuously rushed into the heart nucleus.

The heart core is Ye Lang's energy reserve. The energy used by Ye Lang on weekdays comes from here, so for these outflows of energy, the heart core is absorbed crazily.

However, it bursts out a large amount of phagocytosis in the core and keeps rotating.

Its speed is so fast that people can't even see its shape clearly. They can only see a bright jade light, rotating too fast, bringing out a huge vortex directly around the heart nucleus. The devouring power is emitted from this vortex.

Under the traction of this devouring force, they quickly rushed into the core before the thunder and lightning began to destroy. In the heart nucleus, it is full of ** Zhenyuan, and the morphological competition of Zhenyuan liquid has shown a semi-solidified state. It is changing to a solid state.

Once condensed into a solid, it is the king.

In this case, no matter how to practice, there is no way for the true yuan in the body to continue to increase, and the cultivation will completely stop. This is a disaster that everyone must experience, the great disaster of kings.

Because the thunder and lightning in this king's catastrophe is different from the catastrophe after the source condensed, in this king's catastrophy, although the thunder and lightning contain a strong destructive power, it also contains a mysterious power of creation. To condense the source, it is necessary to devour the thunder and lightning in this disaster. Refined the power of creation contained in thunder and lightning and integrates it with its own Zhenyuan Li.

With the power of creation, the semi-curing situation can be reversed, changed to curing, and finally condensed to the source.


With Ye Lang's will, he still kept making a sad scream in his mouth. If it were a normal king's disaster, such a scene would never happen. With him, 90% of them could resist and bear it, but now this disaster is already fucking abnormal and more powerful than twice as powerful. Naturally, the pain suffered also doubled, and the pain multiple rose straight up.

However, the scream was just to vent the uncontrollable pain in the body, but the sunlight in the eyes was always unusually clear and remained calm, but there was a faint trace of madness in this look. Gritting his teeth and persisting.

In this sea of thunder and lightning, countless thunder and lightning surged into his body all the time. Some of these thunder and lightnings entered the heart core and were gradually fused with the true element of the heart core. At this time, Zhenyuan Li was also constantly compressing ** and solidifying under the stimulation of the power of thunder and lightning. .

"I swear against the sky! Give it to me."

Ye Lang roared, immersed his mind in his body with supreme perseverance, and burst out a strong willpower to fight against the thunder disaster.

Ye Lang seems to have passed thousands of years in Leiyun, but outside, he blinked.

In the huge cloud, there is thunder sounding one after another, and the aura of the world around it is quickly swallowed into the cloud, enhancing the power of the cloud.

Suddenly, a stream of black gas poured into the sky into the clouds. With just a slight feeling, there is an extremely dangerous omen, as if there is an extremely evil power in it. These wisps of black gas appeared out of thin air in the void. As soon as he appeared, he rushed into the clouds. The scene. It's weird.

"This is actually the murder between heaven and earth. Why did it appear in the disaster of the boss's king? Is there any mistake? This is not what the king's catastrophe should have had.

The blue baby in the distance looked at the sky with great shock, and the black death kept pouring into the clouds. The blue baby knew exactly what it was! And what she can't believe is that Ye Lang's king disaster has completely left the original track, and everything has become strange. At present, all this is not what their poor little head can imagine at all.

However, there are a few good things to say, and the plan will never keep up with the changes.

Compared with now, Ye Lang did not intend to start the king's disaster at this time. If it hadn't been for the collision of the two extreme forces in his body, Ye Lang would not have acted like this. You should know that this matter has been completely out of Ye Lang's control. Ye Lang's least likes to do something uncertain, right. The current situation is very distressing.

The king's disaster is several times more powerful, and that's all. With his tenacious perseverance, he is confident and sure that he can support the past. He can bear the boundless pain and gritted his teeth. Anyway, although it is painful, he can temper his body, which is also a blessing and misfortune. It's not a waste of suffering.

But why does his king's catastrophy have the power of desire of heaven and earth? In this case, Ye Lang will definitely get out of control. Maybe it will make all the hidden dangers hidden in the meridians in the body burst out in an instant, and all of them will come to mind. At that time, even no matter how resolute the mind is, it will sink in an instant.

"No, how could this happen? Why did so much killing suddenly pour into my body? The king's disaster shouldn't have these things? Is it because I didn't belong to this world. God is punishing me? Is it possible to erode my will with such a strong desire to kill? Ye Lang is in the thunder cloud and is single-mindedly fighting against the thunderstorm. But at the beginning of the confrontation, when it was halfway, I immediately found that the surrounding scene seemed to have signs that it was difficult to grasp.

I only feel that in Zhou, it seems that I am suddenly in a full place, surrounded by endless power, desperately drilling into my body.

In just a moment, Ye Lang clearly felt the power of the massive desire to kill. You can definitely drown yourself in an instant.

"Ghost eye pendant, give me the power to devour this desire."

Without any hesitation, his heart moved, and the ghost eye pendant at the core of the heart immediately showed a layer of demonic jade light. In this jade light, a strong phagocytosis burst out without any sign and appeared in the whole body, quickly swallowing the huge power into the ghost eye of the ghost flame pendant.

The ghost eye pendant itself evolved by the power of devouring. It is the best object used to devouring the power, which can not only absorb the power within itself, but also help the ghost eye pendant accumulate the power needed to repair it.

"Daily, this God is pure-hearted, but I won't let you be at your will and fight with all your strength."

The ghost eye pendant in the heart core trembled at the same time, and the ghost eye pendant quickly appeared black lines at a speed visible to the naked eye. These black lines were densely all over the whole ghost eye pendant in an instant, which looked so scary

At this moment, even ordinary people can feel an extremely powerful and strange spirit in the ghost eye pendant, which looks unusual and strange.

"The ghost eye pendant has been filled with black desire."


Countless thunder and lightning grazed wildly outside the body, constantly pouring into Ye Lang's body, accompanied by the power of endless desire to kill. Almost in a blink of an eye, Ye Lang's body was full of the power of black desire. These forces of the desire to kill were not absorbed by the ghost eye pendant and immediately poured into the core of the heart.

Quickly entered the original black cloud, and fog became bigger and bigger, and expanded quickly. In a short moment, it was already full of more than half of the heart core. If it continues like this, I'm afraid that it won't take long for the whole heart core to be destroyed by this power.

Once the heart nucleus collapses, it is equivalent to completely destroying its own foundation, and even the flesh will burst and turn into powder.

"Who on earth wants to harm me and can get such a huge desire to kill? What should I do and what should I do to resolve this crisis?"

At this almost desperate time, Ye Lang's brain started at an unprecedented speed, and countless ideas kept flashing in his mind, and a feasible method emerged, but they were all denied in an instant. The more he was at this critical moment, the calmer his mind became. In an incredible situation.

Quick, fast, fast!! He shouted crazily in his heart and quickly conceived of a solution.

However, the power of desire to kill is actually one of the strongest forces in heaven and earth. It is really tragic to be attacked by the power of desire at this critical moment.

As the most terrible power between heaven and earth, the power of killing desire should not have appeared in this level of god conversion disaster. Ye Lang was even more puzzled why he encountered such a terrible situation. First, it led to the collapse of the whole plan due to the destruction of the military fate, and even the dragon court. The location was exposed, and then after it came out, the strong men he saw attacked, which triggered Ye Lang's tyranny, and even made Ye Lang want to kill them in an all-round way.

With the stop of Blue Baby, Ye Lang seemed to want to resist the killing power in his brain, but it led to a full rebound of the killing power of the army. Finally, he also led out the little silver dragon hidden in the dragon pattern. The little silver dragon, which has never exploded, is extremely powerful at this moment. The two strongest forces are in Ye Lang's brain collision is not a joke. In just a few seconds, Ye Lang's brain area has been destroyed by more than 50%. In order to save himself, Ye Lang had to go crazy. In order to contain the confrontation between the two forces, Ye Lang came up with a way that could not be done.

At this moment when all the strong men attacked a hundred miles of New York City, in order to ensure the safety of Longting, Ye Lang suddenly thought, what would happen if the king's disaster was triggered?

When he thought of the beauty of it, Ye Lang couldn't help but be moved. Why did he say so? You know, from the current situation, Ye Lang could not intervene in the confrontation of the two supreme forces in his body, and if Ye Lang did not intervene, then the result waiting for him was that. Ye Lang's brain was broken and died. Second, for the strong outside world, you should know, what are all the strong men in New York City? What concept?

New York City has a resident population of 50 million, which still does not count the strong base of the floating population. According to the ratio of 1 to 10,000, there must be no 10,000 people who can grow into a strong man at the level of lieutenant, and 100,000 people make a school officer, one million a general, and 10 million yuan. Handsome.

That is to say, among the people who attack this time, there are at least five strong men at the marshal level and 50 strong men at the general level. If you calculate like this, then it will be a lot of fun for Longting. At present, there are only four * peak strong men in Ye Lang's organization, although each of them has a young marshal level. The ability of other strong people can't withstand the problem of the large base of the other party's strong people. That is to say, Ye Lang can kill them all now, but Ye Lang is absolutely unable to ensure that his subordinates will not lose, because after all, he is just a person and has not reached the point where he can resist the sky alone.

So Ye Lang did not intend to do it himself at all. In addition, there are problems in the brain, causing a natural disaster is definitely the best choice.

At present, this effect is indeed good. Those attacking strong men suddenly fled crazily when they saw the king's catastrophe together. You know, for the group of top strong men among them, once the catastrophe covers them, they will definitely be involved in it. The natural disaster is ruthless, and Ye Lang dares to go crazy. , but it doesn't mean that they also have the courage to go crazy with Ye Lang. You know, Ye Lang's king disaster belongs to the mutant disaster, and its unpredictable nature is extremely strong. Who knows what will happen in this disaster?

So as soon as they saw the terrible power of black desire, this group of people ran away. This is not a treasure hunt. They came to die at all. What happened in Manhattan has been completely out of control, including a large number of people and horses under Ye Lang who fled so crazily. With the continuous expansion of the disaster, The whole Manhattan area suddenly fell into a panic.

You should know that even if Ye Lang's power of the blood dragon is, it does not mean that he has mastered these forces. It is only temporarily bound in the body. In the body, there are still many forces that Ye Lang can't control. These are the causes of various unexpected situations, such as the small silver dragon in the brain. There is no bird Ye Lang at all. Ye Lang really has nothing to do with the little silver dragon. At this moment, after the little silver dragon's territory was invaded by the spirit of destruction and killing, the terrorist forces that broke between the two almost killed Ye Lang directly. If it hadn't been for Ye Lang's recent control of his own power, it might have triggered a catastrophe. He has no ability. In that case, Ye Lang will be tragic.

What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?

It constantly echoes in his mind, and all kinds of methods are rejected in an instant. The power of the black desire to kill in his body is simply to completely drive him crazy. Every additional point of the power of desire to kill is equivalent to approaching him one point on the way to death. In a blink of an eye, the cloud of desire in his body will make his heart The space in the nucleus is full of two-thirds of the range. Although Ye Lang does not know which of this black desire belongs to, no matter which one the heart core is fully invaded by it, it is a sign of Ye Lang's complete enchantment.

At this critical moment, a spiritual light flashed quickly in his mind, and he also captured this spiritual light in an instant. Thinking about it, he had the idea of giving up completely on the spot. However, when he saw the power of desire pouring into his body, a sudden appeared in his mind. A kind of crazy idea.

"Anyway, it's time to continue, and it will definitely be difficult to escape a word of death. Although this practice is very dangerous, it is a really feasible method. Die as soon as you die. Today, I will fight before I die, whether it is dead or alive, depending on God's will.

The eyes that had been closed suddenly opened. In his eyes, he could see a completely crazy look. When he reached the point of a desperate situation, he was also dead. If he did not enter, he might have a glimmer of life. At this time, there was no other choice.

"If you don't go crazy, you won't survive. No matter who wants to hurt me, as long as I don't die this time, I will definitely liquidate this account in the future after I go out, ah!! -- Let the power of the desire to kill come more fiercely."

Ye Lang shouted crazily in his heart, and his whole mind instantly entered a crazy situation. At this moment, he couldn't be crazy.

The heart core is running crazily, and the mind moves one after another with the power of desire. Immediately, it was madly poured into the heart nucleus, and at the same time, a mass of blood kept rapidly entering the heart nucleus along the eight strange meridians, and quickly rushed into the power of infinite desire together. It keeps rolling and refining inside.


With a cry of pain, Ye Lang seems to be planning to refine this murderous desire. This idea is crazy and unimaginable, absolutely since ancient times. Unprecedented things, even among the ancient practitioners, have never made such a crazy move.

You should know that few ancient practitioners dare to control the power of the desire of heaven and earth. You should know that once this power is uncontrollable, it is very easy for practitioners to get lost in the abyss of desire, never extricate themselves, and will bring great damage to the whole world.

Ye Lang's idea is actually an extreme manifestation of madness. In order to resist all kinds of strong pressure, he is completely desperate. If he doesn't succeed, he will become benevolent. Either die or live. It's that simple.

If Ye Lang can come down as originally planned, step by step, he will have absolute control over his own strength. His own foundation will be extremely solid and have extraordinary benefits for climbing to the peak. At this moment, even if Ye Lang's crazy move is successful, it will not It must be a benefit, whether you can master your own power.
