
Chapter 145 shady

But where did they know that they came from the strong forces in the dark forces on Mars, which are not something ordinary people can deal with. Howard does not know what the real intention of this group of dark strong men is. The purpose of coming to the legion is just in case, but in the end, it still can't be recognized by the chief consul, which is undoubtedly more It annoyed Howard, and his heart was even more eager to gain power to dominate all this by himself.


90% of the two hulls are hidden under the water. It's better to say that they are submarines. The speed is amazing, and a small part of the hulls that come out of the water also use various stealth methods. Coupled with high wind and waves, it is difficult for ordinary warships to find them with radar, such as those passing three nautical miles outside them at this moment. Although the two Chinese navy frigates had full radar power on, they did not find anything. After sending back all normal reports to the base, they sailed to their berthing port.

In a cargo ship, in the middle of the hull, there is a spacious hall decorated in a traditional bloody style, and three handsome old men drink tea feebly. The hammer waist pole in the middle: "It's really terrible. This kind of weather requires us old men to run from Mars to Earth... Well, we only came here more than once a hundred years ago? Now that this group of old guys have been dispatched to rob the divine court, it seems that the dark speaker and they are probably want to have a big fight with the bright divine court.

The old man on the left pouted and said, "Kui'an, we are old friends. Everyone knows that the loss of the two dark artifacts has broken our balance of power. The speaker's decision is not wrong. Before the divine court finds it, he directly caught them off guard and strives to get the most It's better to have high interests and even destroy their artifacts. This is the intention of this sneak attack to send our old dukes and the old wolf king.

The old man on the right put down the teacup, grabbed a piece of flesh and blood with his hand tremblingly, chewed it for a while, and sighed, "When we are old, we actually like sweets... All three of us are seniors, and it's useless to die. Let us be pioneers. Isn't this deliberately straining us? My arms and legs are not good... But who made these juniors disappointing?"

Kuian in the middle put down the teacup, looked at the 36 blood clans, dark warlocks and the strong men of the werewolves who were kneeling respectfully in the hall, and nagging, "You have to be sober. The success or failure of our group is related to the future direction of war. Don't lose the honor of your ancestors... Strive to kill them. Enemy, you have to work hard, you know?"

Lida, the old dark warlock on the left, grabbed a handful of fried pine nuts and put them into his mouth. He said vaguely, "This time, 2,000 horses are sent as the vanguard of the invasion of the earth. I hope you can do your best, understand?"

Light footsteps came, and a man came in like a shadow, bowed 90 degrees to the three old men, and shouted, "Lead, we..."

Rida gently flicked his finger, and the man screamed. He flew out like a projectile and hit the alloy deck outside heavily. There were several cracks of bones on his body, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Lida whispered, "It's really rude, young people nowadays... You young people, you should cultivate your mind well. Remember that the top masters are the kind of people who can calm down and integrate into the way of heaven... Report again, what did you just now?" Despite seven fractures on his body, the unlucky teenager rolled back to the hall, knelt down respectfully and shouted, "Comer, we will be on the New York coast in four hours. Please tell me."

Lida yawned: "Ah? Order? I don't have any opinion. Anyway, it's up to you. Our old man has no energy, and we don't have the strength or energy to think too much. You can do whatever you want to do... Charlie, you make the decision. Our three old guys just come to the town."

Obviously, Lida is very dissatisfied with becoming a member of the vanguard team, and she also feels a little careless when doing things.

Hearing Lida's order, Charlie was so embarrassed. In terms of seniority, these three old guys are much better than him. It's not the same thing for him to command. Anyway, these old guys will definitely intervene in the end. Even if he is a duke of the same level, Charlie's strength is still better than that of Qui-an, so those who have power can speak. Power is greater.


The chief consul promised to increase Howard's strength by a brigade, but did not explain the arms. Howard mobilized a brigade's armored assault brigade on his own initiative. He arrived at the military base by helicopter gunship and personally led the team to the expected beach in the south. However, the speed of the armored assault brigade Although it's fast, they are a long way from there.

More than 3,000 American military police hid boredly near the beach, and a lieutenant colonel whispered, "Fuck, who said there is a situation here? We have been here for so long, and we haven't seen anything except 12 people... It's the FBI's false information. Every time it's us who are unlucky, and in the end, it's always the unlucky ones among us who take the blame.

However, this lieutenant colonel's words are not right. In addition to these twelve unlucky people, there is actually a group of people hiding in the dark and arranging a horrible array waiting for the arrival of the dark world forces.

On the periphery of the array, several cardinal archbishops and referee knights of the Inquisition sat together and were planning.

Mett naturally has the greatest power to speak as the first Cardinal. Since he last won over Tes, his power has become stronger.

"This time we gather all the strong men in North and South America and must kill this group of Martians at one time, okay?"


The Bright God's Court is still busy arranging the 'Light Array', and two special ships carrying 2,000 dark members have arrived at the sea off the beach, only one kilometer away. The mechanized assault brigade led by Howard is still about four hours away from here...

The twelve blood soldiers showed their strength. In the shocked eyes of the American military police, they glided more than 300 meters like big birds and landed on the beach... The highest-ranking colonel brigade commander in the distant headquarters saw this behind the scenes through the battlefield real-time communication system. He moaned in pain and issued a loud order: "Ask for reinforcements. It's the dark clan, and we can't deal with it."

In the senior commander of the army, there are rumors that the top government has hidden something, and some strange things exist, and the brigade commander is lucky to verify these words.

York led 20 blood clans to the wave.

York asked in a low voice, "Is there anything unusual?"

The military police two or three kilometers away are ready to attack from their field bunkers, and sniper guns, mortars and other heavy weapons are also ready.

The twelve blood viscounts whispered: "There are some soldiers in ambush in the rear, but their strength is very weak and does not have any impact on us. One hundred blood viscounts can kill them."

York nodded: "Well, kill them and move quickly." He made a few strange and sharp whistles, explaining his request, and immediately, a hundred blood viscounts came over.

A little exchange of opinions, and the blood clan attacked. Their bodies blended into the wind, and a strange wave of ** hid towards the military police who lined up.

The colonel's brigade commander is still considering whether to withdraw, and the blood clan has left him no room for thinking. A full moon-like beauty, a breeze-like gentleness, but with the cold sword light of winter has cut off the necks of 17 soldiers.

The blood fog began to spread, and these American military policemen were fighting against enemies they didn't know at all and couldn't see at all. Howard, who has always been shrewd, also made a big mistake. He should inform the federal government of this information, not the regional government led by the incompetent consul. However, his power determines that he can only be responsible to the regional government...

The brigade commander looked at his soldiers being killed like chickens and roared desperately: "I can't retreat, order them, fight back with all my strength, spread all the munitions on the beach, and kill a few... Why didn't the damn fleet? I need support at sea, understand? Kill their ships and support us with heavy fire.

The small American fleet received the message, and their commander was shocked. The warning radar found nothing at all. They have been searching for a long time based on the French naval port and have not found any large ships. Is it a submarine? But in any case, they have to rush there, hoping it won't be too late.

The killing continues, and the land under his feet shakes irregularly. Often a sharp sword penetrates through a soldier's lower body, and then the sword quickly shrinks back to the ground. There are strange fluctuations in the wind, and where the fluctuations pass, there are always soldiers' heads cut off; these soldiers don't even dare to get close to the big Tree, two soldiers have leaned against the tree and shot randomly, and then the blade from the tree cut open their entire spine...

These military policemen were desperate and began to pour their firepower on the beach. Anyway, they were always a soldier, policeman, or agent... How could they be killed by the enemy for nothing without destroying an enemy?

The firepower of the 30 caliber gate mortar laser gun is still very powerful. For the first time, the shells fell into York's master group. They just escaped. The laser flew in the screams. In the screams, dark shadows were blown out of the wind. The blood clan was most afraid of lasers, which is also considered to be regarded as Hundreds of blood masters were shot into powder this time...

York roared, "What are you doing?" Kill those gunners first."

The wind passed gently. After passing the gunners of the mortars, the wind had turned into blood-red and hated the bloody viscounts, making their blades stay on the bodies of the gunners for a second. This second was enough for them to turn these living people into meat foam and then swept away with the wind. _____________________________

Several archbishops in the core group of the Bright God Court looked at the invasion of the dark clan with a fierce look. The leaders among them were just Mette and others who were ambushed by the dark clan last time.

I don't know why this pioneer invasion of the dark world seems to be well known by Meite. He took the three red archbishops and seven theotheistic knights to wait for rabbits on the south shore of the sea line, and set up a net to wait for the big fish in the dark world to be hooked, but he never thought that his plan would actually At the beginning, I was completely messed up by Howard's stinky move and had to start planning in advance.

"Which region is this army from? Damn bastards, they can only bring all the dark clan into the encirclement. Unfortunately, now that they are disturbed by this group of damn soldiers, it may become very difficult for them to enter the game again."

Meite shook her head: "Regardless of him, regardless of him, it seems that they are not without resistance from their offensive just now. It's enough for us to do our own things... Human life is determined... Since this unit is so unlucky to appear, they have to destroy them all and kill them all. "

The seven theorist knights silently rolled up a fishy wind and rushed down.

The fist knight waved his palm and roared. The two blood viscounts were abruptly dug out of the soil by him, and then stepped on his big foot and turned into meat mud.

The ethereal knight roared directly, and the air within ten meters on his side suddenly became empty and howled. More than a dozen blood clans melted in the wind flashed out with their heads in their arms, screaming, and blood gushed out of their ears.

The wind spirit knight himself was also integrated into the wind, and black flashes kept flashing. It was that he waved his claws quickly, and the bodies that had been opened and bursting blood appeared out of thin air.

The earth spirit took the same way as the wind spirit, but he integrated into the earth, and a pillar of blood spring strangely emerged from the ground.

Flying is proudly flying in the air, and shuttle-shaped lightning flies from its claws. Once it hits the ground, it will be a dull explosion, which is no less powerful than the large-caliber mortar.

The giant knight stood still stupidly and racked his brains to think, "They have all been killed, so who should I kill?" The cold air outside made him a little impulsive to hibernate, and his head was inflexible...

A firelight exploded on the giant spirit knight. It was a gun grenade fired by the frightened soldiers at the giant spirit knight. The giant spirit knight had not yet reacted. Countless bullets shot at him, which made him in pain all over...

Then, the seven remaining blood clans rushed over the giant spirit knight, and seven swords hit the giant spirit knight and knocked him hundreds of meters away.

The giant knight is angry. He is a person who acts on instinct. How can he know what is good or wrong? The beastly giant spirit knight hissed at the dark sky and became huge. Then he shook his huge figure and rushed to the beach.

The dark world has all come ashore. Now that they know that someone is ambushing behind them, they are also lined up in battle formation, ready to give each other a good look. However, everyone, including Charlie, who has landed, is very optimistic: "It's just 3, 5319 ordinary soldiers, and 100 blood clans are enough to kill them."

The hidden methods of American soldiers are really weak, and the blood soldiers often find them easily.

The dense blood brigade carried the munition boxes and was ready to leave here as soon as possible. Hundreds of good hands have been lost. Now there can't be any more losses. I think it's also a fire. It was actually blown up by the other party's shell and sent back to Mars. Don't it make people laugh?

Then, these dark people saw the most feared nightmare in their lives: a giant man, staring at the fierce fiery red eyes, and six people who burst out with extremely strong breath rushed over here, opened their mouths, and countless saliva dripped from his huge hook teeth...

Charlie almost cried, and the strength of the seven theoist knights came. Although Charlie's power is stronger than them, the light of the innate attributes vaguely restrains the dark power, not to mention that these seven are the strength of the * peak period. It looks so scary that they have just entered the Duke period [equivalent to the young commander period] Charlie, who has been less than a hundred years old, dares not directly collide with this group of people face to face.

Everyone had a sacred weapon, which infinitely narrowed the gap between Charlie and them, which made Charlie still fart. Charlie screamed, "Damn it, turn around collectively and go back. There is no way to attack here."

The dark clan absolutely obeyed his order, and the girl ran away. Is it the honor of the race? Bah, it's the 31st century now. Who cares about this? It is true to leave your life to enjoy it.

When they were about to cast blood escape or spells, the Bright Divine Court had launched a 'light array', and infinite light shot out. Within ten miles, all the spells lost their function.

Charlie's mouth slowly opened wide. He is worthy of being an old man. He knows that even if he calls out those three old people to help in this situation, it is useless. Does the divine court only make such preparations?

Behind the seven theocracy knights will definitely be archbishops. As for how many there will be, this is not a problem. Whether it is a few archbishops, even if there is an archbishop-level strongman, this battle does not need to be fought at all. It is not balanced at all. They also know that it is just a vanguard, and the core force is not at all. Powerful, and the other party is obviously pouring out, which is simply bullying people.
