Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 6 Talent

Fat Ma looked at me suspiciously.

I was seen something wrong and said, "Fat Ma, why are you always staring at me?"

Fafang Ma said, "I have been looking for a loyal revolutionary comrade-in-arms for so many years. After my investigation for so many days, you are very suitable. I decided that it's you. Don't say anything. The organization trusts you very much."

I didn't have time to refute Fatty Ma's series of words, and inexplicably became his 'comrade-in-arms'. Since then, we have cooperated for decades.

I don't know the word inverted, but I'm not unfamiliar with it.

In those years, my grandfather seemed to be in this industry, but he was finally whitewashed, and my father's trace is also suspicious. Over the years, I have never seen him. When I was older, I simply disappeared. I have always grown up with my grandfather.

My grandfather is very kind to me, because our family has always been a single-line, so my grandfather loves me more.

When I was a child, my grandfather made up a story to tell me about the fight. At first, I really listened to it as a story, but later, after a long time, I realized a little taste.

Fat Ma gave me 'science popularization' this time.

Fat Ma is 25 or 26 years older than me. In the past, he followed his father to the ground before *. According to what Fatty Ma said, their family is an 'inverted family' from his father to his ancestors to..., Fatty Ma can't trace the source in one breath.

Anyway, generations have been in this industry. As the saying goes, 360 are the top. Fatty Ma's craftsmanship is absolutely speechless. These can be seen in the future grave robbery.

It's sunny. After working, after dinner, I went to bed, and Li Jie slept with him.

Fat Ma has been dealing with Li Jie very much. They don't like each other. They don't like each other. They have had conflicts and fought a fight. Maybe it's because I'm close to Fatty Ma, so he doesn't even like me.

But I'm too lazy to pay attention to him.

After finishing dinner, Fatty Ma and I lay on the bed and talked for a while, and then began to sleep.

When I slept until midnight, I was woken up by Fat Ma again.

I said, "What are you messing about at night?"

He whispered, "Let's go and touch the baby." I saw that Li Jie was still asleep, so I went out with Fatty Ma.

When he walked around the hillside behind the cave, Fatty Ma let go of his voice. He said, "Sao Sun, do you rest assured that your baby is always in other people's pockets?"

I looked at Fatty Ma with contempt and said, "When did you become your baby?"

Fat Ma did not answer me, but said, "Lao Sun, this is the first hard battle after we became revolutionary comrades-in-arms. We are only allowed to win, not lose."

I was told by the fat man that I inexplicably had **. I can't help but speed up my pace.

We each held a flashlight and began to walk towards the destination.

Fat Ma said to me on the road, "I have a thorough understanding of the surrounding environment these days, and basically no one will go to that place."

I said, "This matter can't be sloppy. Are you sure?"

Fatty Ma said a little, "Who wants this point to appear there? I have to deal with him."

I laughed at what he said, and Fatty Ma also laughed.

Soon arrived at the location of the mountain spring, and the fat man also found those treasures here.

I asked Fatty Ma, "To be honest, do you still have any other treasures?"

Fat Ma's eyes were a little erratic, and then his voice said sincerely, "No."

I don't think his words are really in-depth.

Fat Ma changed the topic and said, "The location of the tomb should be near here." I nodded.

Fat Ma suddenly asked me, "Lao Sun, do you know the specific location of that tomb?" I almost didn't come up. In this regard, I was an outsider. You dragged me into the thief's boat, and you actually came to ask me.

But I don't know the taste. I seem to really know something. In the past, I often listened to my grandfather tell stories and told similar things, that is, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, one person went to fight upside down and could judge the location of the tomb by thunder.

One day, three people went to fight upside down, but the leader didn't do it. The other two waited eagerly to ask, "Why do you still do it?"

The leader said, "Don't worry, you can go to the ground when there is thunder."

Although the two were suspicious, they had no ability and had to wait. Finally, there was a thunder in the sky. The leader immediately got up and listened. After a while, the thunder stopped.

The leader said to the two people who were still sitting on the ground, "Get up, the tomb is under your buttocks." At first, they didn't believe it until a shovel dug down. They couldn't help but be surprised. Sure enough, the tomb is hidden below.

After listening to this story, Fatty Ma hurriedly urged me, "Listen quickly!"

I said, "What are you listening to this night?" There is still a lonely star hanging in the sky, which doesn't look like thunderous weather. I thought about it and said, "Fat Ma, it's your rise, and you even came to ask me, aren't you a professional?"

Fat Ma couldn't understand what I said.

Finally, Fat Ma said roguely, "I'm only responsible for touching the baby, and I don't care about the rest."

I said, "Isn't your family fighting for generations?"

Fat Ma smiled and said, "Our family has been responsible for touching the baby on the ground for generations."

I'm speechless.

The fat man didn't know anything and pulled me over to get cold at night.

I said to Fatty Ma, "Why don't you end your work and go back to bed?" Just as I finished my words, there was a thunder in the sky. I was shocked.

Fat Ma said, "There is a muffled thunder on a sunny day. Someone must have done something wrong."

I was laughed at by Fatty Ma's words. Is what we are doing openly?

The thunder rolled over and over again.

Suddenly I want to hear where it's ringing.

I said, "Fat Ma, are you hungry?"

Fat Ma shook his head and said, "No." I listened carefully again. Sure enough, Fatty Ma's stomach is ringing. Suddenly, there was a muffled thunder in my heart.

"Is it..." when I spit out these two words. Soon deny your own ideas

Fat Ma's face was also surprised.

The sound continues, which makes me have to believe, although this idea is a little ridiculous.

"A sound from the ground," Fatty Ma said to me.

I can see that he is a little excited, but he can't determine the position immediately.

I also heard it. I quickly bypassed a few big trees and went up a small slope. Fat Ma also followed quickly.

The echoing voice became more and more real, and the ground was like boiling water, which was boiling enthusiastically.

I couldn't suppress my excitement and even said to the fat man with suspicion: "It should be here"