Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 32 Raising the Body

If raising a corpse in western Hunan is also a strange skill, from the death to the preservation of the corpse to the final zombie, you must seize the best opportunity, otherwise once the corpse is cheated, it is not a joke.

It is said that the corpse craftsman in western Hunan was on the way to deliver the corpse, all with a bowl of water,

As long as the bowl in the hand holding the water does not burst, the body will not fall down. In the process of sending the corpse, the dead body is no different from the living person, but it can't speak, and its walking posture is slightly different from the living person. It completely follows the person holding the flag. The person who holds the flag walks the dead, and the person holding the person who holds the flag also stops the dead. This kind of corpse delivery team is really common in the western Hunan area at the end of the deep years of the Yunming Dynasty. There is a saying that "three people live in a shop, two people eat", which refers to the corpse delivery, which means that the one who can't eat among the three people is a dead person.

I looked at the dry ghosts on the ground, which reminded me of what it looked like when it was alive, but I couldn't help but think that if they are created by Xiangxi magic, they may not be ordinary methods, because ordinary methods, zombies may only be preserved for a month, and then they will open like normal people after death. It begins to rot.

And these only dry ghosts, but they don't, unless they cheat after becoming zombies, I'm surprised to think of this.

At this time, the clay figurine reminded, "Don't take it lightly."

I withdrew my eyes from the body of the ghost. The three of us met more than this ghost before. Maybe the others were still staring at us!

Except for a few more scratches on Fatty Ma's forehead, everyone was basically not injured.

The clay figurine simply helped Fatty Ma deal with the wound. At the same time, the previous pillar of light was still lit in front of the tomb road, looming, giving me the feeling that it was still moving forward.

"What's wrong with that ball of light, grandson?" Fat Ma asked.

I shook my head to show that I didn't know. But I feel that it is by no means good. Because this tomb road alone is very strange. If you want to continue to move forward, you should be more careful.

I asked in a low voice, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, Brother Sun." Xiaonan took the lead in returning.

The hills nodded to me, A Lan and Bai Shu were silent, and Fatty Ma had already shouted that he was about to leave.

I held the dagger in my hand and grabbed the flashlight with one hand. After dozens of steps forward, we haven't walked through the road ahead, which is completely strange. And the beam of light also disappeared at this time.

I couldn't help moving my eyes to the beam of light. From where I was, it seemed to be covered with a thick fog, which was very hazy.

I reminded the fat man next to him, "Pay more attention to the top of the tomb."

Fat Ma answered, and the flashlight had been shining on the top of the tomb, still covered with dense moss.

I took my eyes back from the beam of light in the distance and threw it back to the top of the tomb. At least two dry ghosts are hidden in the dark.

I walked carefully, as if I had put a weight in my heart, and I was depressed. Finally, the familiar road has been completed, and the next step is unknown.

The flashlights we use are ordinary, which can be seen at a distance of dozens of meters, but their flashlights in the hills are different from us. The flashlights they use can find a distance of more than 100 meters.

But it still can't shine at the end of this tomb.

My heart is getting heavier and heavier, and my eyes dare not leave the top of the tomb for too long, and there are also many crises in front of me.

The moisture in this tomb is so heavy that it seems to have a wet musty smell when breathing.

Suddenly, Alan, who walked at the end, shouted. When I turned around, the hills had cut Alan's hair. The dry ghost is holding Alan's black hair in his hand.

Alan didn't say anything, but directly took out the explosive he had configured, but was quickly stopped by the hills.

Alan was unwilling to take back the explosives.

Suddenly, the claw stretched out again and grabbed Alan's shoulder. Alan struggled, but couldn't break free and was pulled back.

The hill grabbed Alan's hand and rushed behind Alan. He made a knife-shaped with his hand on the devil's claws.

Baishu has removed the crossbow from his back.

I held him down and said, "There are too many people."

Bai Shu was stunned first, and then put down the bow and crossbow.

The dry ghost was hit by the hill and cried in pain, and his claws actually shrank back. After A Lan's force point disappeared, he almost lost his center of gravity, and Fatty Ma hurriedly helped Alan.

After the dry ghost was in pain, he actually retreated and the hills caught up with him, and the mud man's speed was not slow.

I chased after two steps, but I didn't expect that the godhead came back. Fortunately, the hills bowed their heads and dodged.

The hell continues to retreat. The clay figurine did not stop and continued to catch up.

The hills lifted her hair, and I caught up with the hills, only to see a few red marks on her forehead. Are you all right?" I asked.

"It's okay", he said and wanted to chase him forward.

As soon as he started, the clay figurine turned around and ran back, shouting, "Run."

"What's wrong?" I asked in a hurry.

In just a second or two of delay, I saw four or five dry ghosts coming out, and my heart was furious. The three of us ran back at the same time and shouted, "Run."

When the people in front of us saw that we were in a hurry, they ran forward without hesitation.

But we underestimated the speed of the dry ghosts crawling at the top of the tomb, and we couldn't run them in the tomb.

Alan, the hills shouted Alan.

Alan, who ran in front of her, immediately stopped. She knew the intention of the hill.

When we passed her, she threw a 'cold fireworks' made by herself. With the sound of 'dissipation', a blazing light came out, accompanied by the sound of screaming.

Alan turned around and immediately caught up with him. We didn't dare to stop. The beam of light in front suddenly became brighter and brighter. It seems that it is intentional or unintentional to guide us.

There were endless screams behind, and a strong smell of gunpowder filled the tomb, and the light gradually darkened.

I suddenly thought of Xiaonan and shouted anxiously, "Xiaonan."

Xiao Nan answered behind me. I took two steps and let Xiaonan run in front of me.

Fat Ma also asked a little confusedly, "Maoman, what happened again?"

"Fat, so much nonsense, run away first," the clay figurine replied.

Fat Ma turned to ask me, and I answered the same,

The horse plate simply ran down without looking back, and soon came out.

We ran for about five minutes. Fatty Ma picked up a flashlight that fell on the ground, stopped and shook towards us.

Our steps also stopped. First of all, I looked back and there was no sign of a god ghost. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fat Ma shouted, "I picked up a flashlight."

Everyone gathered around, and Bai Shu recognized it at a glance. This is a popular flashlight, that is to say, the beam of light we saw before is the light emitted by this flashlight.

And the flashlight fell in this position, indicating that the trend may have disappeared in this position.

Bai Shu turned off the flashlight.

And this tomb still extends down, and it is like an abyss that has been leading us to the depths.

There is a dilemma, now.

Bai Shu couldn't help shouting, and the sound echoed in this narrow space, but there were no waves.

The clay figurine squatted on the ground and said, "The footprints are very smooth, and there are no hasty traces."

His words attracted all our attention.

The clay man continued: "It's very strange. We didn't find footprints before, but footprints appeared here. There was a distance between them and they couldn't connect at all."

After such a reminder from the clay figurine, I also remembered that when we hurriedly retreated, the clay figurine said that there was no trace of walking down on the ground. Now it appears here again, but it is very depressing.

Others seem to understand. But Bai Shu understood very well, and his face was slightly pale.

"You mean this flashlight is not popular," Alan asked directly.

"This possibility is not ruled out," the clay figurine returned in a low voice.

A ridiculous idea came to my mind. Maybe the trend did not look forward at all, but the strange smoke disappeared, or this person did not exist at all.

I shook my head to dispel this ridiculous idea or speculation.

There is no doubt that the flashlight on Baishu's hand is popular, but it is not certain that the flashlight has lost its trace here.

Since entering the mausoleum, first Lao Shan had an accident, then black glasses, and then it was his turn to be popular.

Does it really play a role in the formation in the mouth of the hills?

"Go on," the words "Hills broke the deadlock.

The footprints have been extending down, and we continue to pursue them. The footprints are very smooth, just like our steps at this time.

It can also be seen from the distance between his walks.

Does Fengxing deliberately put the flashlight here to give us a hint or warn us?

I closed my mind and said, "When you picked up the flashlight just now, which way was it going?"

Fat Ma touched the back of his head and said after a while, "It seems to be in our direction!"

"Are you sure?" I stared and asked.

Fat Ma said again, "It doesn't seem to be."

"Is it or not?" I asked in a hurry.

Fat Ma finally said firmly, "Definitely."

I meditated, maybe the trend is really giving us a hint. But I can't remember anything to remind us. I don't know his nature.

I looked at the hills and asked, "What kind of person is Fengxing usually?"

When I asked this question, the hills understood what I meant, and she hadn't spoken yet. Bai Shuxian took the lead and said, "Fengxing is my brother. I know him. He is cautious and bold and carefully said that he is a good man."

After listening to Bai Shu, I didn't refute him, and there was no reason to refute him.

If according to Baishu, then the trend is likely to give us some hint.