Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 17 Collapse

Dead silence, leaving only dead silence, the sound of heavy breathing in my ears, Zhang Da has disappeared, and his words still seem to echo in the air, "I haven't lived enough..."

The quicksand quickly filled the quicksand pit that Zhang Da had fallen into, and everything seemed to have returned to its original state. But we are still shocked and immersed in the situation just now.

"Everyone is dead, don't look at it," suddenly the sound of Fatty Ma pulled us back.

My hands drooped weakly, Zhang Tong's face was bloodless, and Huang Linyu's anger was full of regret.

Don't think about those useless things. Now the key is to deal with the current situation.

I closed my mind and sighed.

Fat Ma picked up the machine gun and said, "I'll go straight to blow them up."

"Don't mess around."

"Dianjin, when did you become so fearful!"

The clay figurine did not answer, but went straight to the pussy soldiers closest to the coffin and tried to pass through them, but at this time, a surprising scene appeared. The pussy soldiers seemed to have survived and tried to prevent the clay figurine from approaching the coffin as much as possible.

Fortunately, the mud man was well-handed and retired in time.

"See it?"

We all nodded.

"Either these stones are like what the fat man said that they live, or they are organs. If they are organs, I'm afraid that all the stones here are one, and if one of them is destroyed, I'm afraid the consequences will be more serious."

What the clay figurine said is the way.

The fat man was speechless for a moment and took back the machine gun.

And I prefer to believe that this is an organ, because I don't believe in the existence of ghosts. I also understand that we can move your whole body with one hair, so what we need to do now is to calm down and then figure it out.

I looked at the sand that devours Zhang Da's life. The light shone on it, but I couldn't tell that the ground was made of sand. The method of the owner of this mausoleum or the designer of this mausoleum is really sinister and vicious.

At this moment, the front and back roads are blocked, and we are fighting against trapped beasts.

It's important to find out the mechanism first. I carefully searched along the guardrail, and the rest of the people also joined quickly. Five minutes later, everyone gathered together.

But the answer is no, and we haven't found a mechanism.

I began to look out of the guardrail. On the wall and ceiling, I looked carefully inch by inch, but there was still no clue.

Wh if the mechanism is on the stone carving itself, Yu Angrily suddenly said.

This sentence is like an enlightenment to me, and the tone is a little flustered: "Yes, yes, you're right."

I quickly ran to the two moving yin soldiers and stood at some distance. I began to looked at them.

After about a minute, the fat man asked, "Lao Sun, do you see any clue?"

I didn't squeak.

These yin soldier carvings are similar to human beings, except that the head is not human. Since the arm can move, will the mechanism be on the arm?

It is not like that the arm carving is basically traceless. Other parts? None seems to be there.

At this moment, there seems to be two people in my mind. One gives the answer and the other immediately denies the answer. But in the end, I still have no clue.

"Sun, are you all right?"

I shook my head, and sweat had flowed down my cheeks.

"You're too nervous," said the mud.

"No," I immediately denied it.

I grabbed the corners of my clothes to erase the sweat on my face, and patted my forehead with my hand to keep me awake as much as possible.

"Maybe the organ is no longer on these yin soldiers at all."

"Where is that?" I blurted out.

"Maybe it's on that coffin," the clay figurine said in a low voice.

"It's impossible. We haven't touched the coffin. How can we trigger the mechanism?"

"Maybe it has touched the mechanism since we came in."

I was silent, and the clay figurine may be right.

From beginning to end, we didn't have a chance to get close to the coffin. Maybe we should try to get close to it, but it's not easy to talk about it. Looking at the two yin soldiers in front of me, my head is big.

"Can you find a way to get close to the coffin?"

"You didn't see any chance just now."

"Otherwise, we will destroy them directly, and then we will take the opportunity to rush over," Fatty Ma suggested.

This is also a way, but it is the lowest way, but now it seems to be the only feasible way.

"I agree," the clay figurine agrees with the fat man's method.

The fat man also looked at the mud man and smiled.

"What about you?" I turned around and asked Zhang Tong.

"Listen to you," Huang Lin took the lead. Yu Nu's answer was the same, and Zhang Tong was silent and finally agreed.

After the agreement is reached, the plan should be given to Zhou Shi, otherwise there will be another leak and it may lead another life. I don't want to see this situation.

After discussion, there are two dangers. The first danger is the person who has to rush over first, and the second danger is the person in the palace. So after Fatty Ma shoots, we must face these two problems.

The fat man said that he was the first, and then I will be the last.

"I've wanted to blow them up for a long time. Are you ready?"

"Well, I'm ready."

Zhang Tong and the other two rushed over in the middle. At this time, they were ready to wait for Fatty Ma to shoot and then rush over.

"Open it." After saying that, the gunshot sounded, and the bullet hit the stone sculpture and made sparks, shining in the darkness. Suddenly, just as the gunshot sounded, a "rumbling" sound also resounded in the air.

Oh no! The sound made the guardrail collapse.

After the fat man rushed over, Zhang Tong and the others also followed. At this time, the guardrail is like a built building block that suddenly collapsed.

I was horrred.

"Run," the clay fig man urged.

I hurriedly followed. Just as we were all close to the coffin, the guardrail just broke from my heel, and I sucked the cold air.

Seven people stood on the flat ground where the coffin was placed, and the rest of them disappeared in an instant.

It's horrible. If the fat man had rashly smashed the carving of the yin soldiers just now, we might have been swallowed up by the sand at this moment.

Looking at the ruins in front of me, I feel like I'm in a dream. Everything changes too fast and happens too fast.

The sand is like a big mouth, slowly devouring these ruins, and several yin soldiers are still standing.

Just when we thought it was safe, the whole tomb suddenly shook. I looked up at the dome, which seemed to be tearing.

If the tomb collapses, we will definitely die, and there will be no chance to survive.

I'm a little panicked, mother, it's really raining all night!

"What should I do?" The fat man asked.

"Wait for death," the clay figurine answered.

"It depends on luck." Yes, at this time, it only depends on luck. If you are lucky, you won't die, but the situation is a little uncertain.

The tomb shook violently and dropped a lot of gravel blocks. We kept dodging and our body was unstable. If we accidentally fell down, I guess it would be a dead end!