Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 67 Seventy-nine

I looked up and saw that it was Fatty Ma, who was dragging me back hard.

The roar behind continued to ring, as if the whole martial arts arena was shaking.

I gasped and got up, and my heart was still hanging in my throat and didn't fall.

"Are you all right? Lao Sun.

"It's nothing."

"Look!" Fatty Ma suddenly shouted that his expression was a little wonderful. I quickly turned around and saw that the empty ground of the martial arts arena suddenly took out some big pillars. They stood soar in front of me.

I was still a little shocked. Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but be dumb. I quickly counted them and found a total of 25.

Suddenly, Fatty Ma shouted, "There is also behind Lao Sun."

I turned around and saw these abrupt pillars behind me, which made us unable to see the location of the clay figurines. I counted 24 pillars behind, a total of 49 pillars.

They occupied the martial arts arena in this way.

"Sun, are you all right?"

The voices of Zhang Tong and the clay figurine came from behind.

Fat Ma shouted, "We're fine. Don't move around."

"Okay, be safe."

After the words fell behind, everything returned to silence.

We are in the middle of these columns. Look at the material. These pillars should be made of stone. And these pillars are also engraved with patterns.

I carefully looked at the specific situation of my position. There are 25 stone pillars in front and 24 in the back. Will this be a set porch?

It suddenly occurred to me that my grandfather once said that some unique numbers in ancient times have their special meanings. For example, the Tang monk in Journey to the West had to go through the true scriptures in 1998. It is impossible to have less than one difficulty or more difficulty, and Sun Monkey was refined in the stove for seven or 49 days. These numbers themselves The meaning is extraordinary.

I scratched this information in my mind, which seemed to let me capture some information.

It seems that Monkey Sun was refined by Taishang Laojun, and Taishang Laojun is the founder of the Taoist family. If you think so, will this organ have anything to do with Taoist academics?

Although I guess so, it's actually dark under the lamp and I don't know anything.

Fat Ma also looked for it with wide eyes.

Looking at these obstructing stone pillars, Fatty Ma was also worried, but he did not act recklessly. In this mausoleum, Fatty Ma finally learned to be obedient.

But more importantly, Fatty Ma has accumulated wealth here and can wash his hands. In the rest of his life, he has earned enough money.

This is purely a brotherhood with Lao Sun.

Anyway, this is also the work of Fat Ma's harvest.

Each of the stone pillars is about two meters high, which is higher than our heads. Therefore, the range of sight we defined has become narrower.

749, I meditated on this number, but there was not enough information in my mind.

"Fatty, have you been on the ground for so many years, have you seen this thing?"

Fat Ma shook his head: "Mom, such a mysterious thing is the first time to marry a new daughter-in-law!"

When I saw Fatty Ma say this, my heart suddenly sank.

I look at the stone slab I stepped into just now, which has recovered. The difference is that there are more stone pillars around it.

I looked at the position where the body fell on the ground and appropriately avoided the place where these stone pillars suddenly appeared. All these eyes raised my eyes and gave me a little hope again.

Maybe the location of those bodies is still our hope to break the situation.

"Lao Sun, what can you do?"

I shook my head.

Fat Ma suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "I have a way. Do you want to listen?"


"Lao Sun, you see that there are so many gaps between these pillars. It's better for us to go directly through these gaps. If we can't keep these stone pillars together, it's just a way to scare people." Fat Ma said proudly.

"Fat man, who the mother's idleness will bury so many stone pillars under the ground to play blindfolding." I retorted Fat Ma.

"I still have a way," Fatty Ma suddenly shouted. I climbed up the stone pillar first to see the situation here first." After saying that, without waiting for me to answer, Fatty Ma touched the stone pillar and just used a little strength.

Suddenly, the roar sounded again, and several unprepared fire dragons appeared in surprise, and Fatty Ma was coldly burned, "Ah!" Fat Ma screamed. Go back.

I quickly grabbed Fatty Ma and stabilized his body.

There was a fire on his arm, and I hurriedly helped him put it out.

"What the son of a bitch." Fat Ma said angrily.

I hurriedly asked about Fatty Ma.

"Don't worry, Sun, I'm fine." Fat Ma put down his arm covering his face.

Although he avoided the fire dragon, his face was still blackened and his eyebrows were burned out.

Fat Ma stared at me and asked, "Sun, what's your vision?" Are you jealous that I'm more handsome than you? Some things are decided, and you can't blame your father or your mother!"

To be honest, what I admire most is Fat Ma's optimistic character. No matter what disaster he suffered, Fatty Ma can laugh.

Fat Ma is still waiting for me to reply.

I had to tell him not to talk nonsense. Fatty Ma smiled proudly: "Acknowledge it!"

I'm too lazy to pay attention to him.

"What happened to those fire dragons just now?" Fat Ma suddenly asked in a serious way.

"It should be a fire buried in a stone pillar." Fatty Ma and I are not unfamiliar with the word Fuhuo, and it's not that we haven't encountered it before.

But this is the first time I've heard of the ambush buried in a stone pillar.

Fat Ma came to his senses and stared at the stone pillar.

I told him not to move again to avoid fire.

Fat Ma can still remember it in the few hours after he suffered losses.

There were some burn marks on the stone pillars that had been put on the fire just now, and the pattern on it also darkened. At this time, I went to observe the pattern on it.

But I still dare not touch the stone pillar with my hands. After all, there is a lesson from Fatty Ma.

The pattern on it is clear and complicated, and there is no trace of damage. What seems to be engraved on it is why it is so familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it for a moment.

Where have you seen these patterns?

And the patterns on several pillars near here seem to be related, like one after another.

I can't help but guess that this is also a map. I thought so, but I don't know the patterns on the rest of the pillars for the time being.

The current position is really embarrassing, and I seem to have seen the pattern on it somewhere.