Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 84 She

Fat Ma also laughed a few times.

It is extremely dark here, the space is extending infinitely, and there are still many unknowns waiting for us to step on.

Some thick columns stand out to block our sight, so the visibility is not so ideal, and we are very careful at every step.

The ground is messy, and all kinds of junk items have been eroded by years.

"Oh! Unexpectedly, there are white bones." Fatty Ma said in surprise.

Following the light, I looked at the ground. There was a white bone on the ground, which looked like a hand. I took a few steps closer and slowly squatted down.

Zhang Tong also squatted down with me.

I picked up the white bone and looked at it. Some places were already yellow and dark. Zhang Tong pointed to the white bone and said, "This white bone has been at least a hundred years old."

Hearing this sentence, I looked at Zhang Tong doubtfully.

Zhang Tong explained, "Bone also has bone age, which can be judged by this."

I suddenly realized. After staring at the white bone for a while, he threw it on the ground.

And Fatty Ma has already left with his feet swaying, looking for other things.

Darkness spreads here, and we can't see our faces clearly.

The clay figurine always followed the body and never left half a step.

At this time, my searchlight is 'old', as if it is about to go out at any time, and the dark yellow light can only slowly shine close to the front.

It was getting darker and darker. Finally, the light suddenly went out completely, and I fell into darkness in an instant.


At the moment when the searchlight went out, a sharp scream came, which made people feel a little creepy and empathetic.

"Grandson, what's wrong with you?" Fat Ma shouted quickly.

"It's not me"

My answer suddenly made the atmosphere here strange.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked myself in a low voice.

In this environment, it is really difficult not to think about other aspects, weird and gloomy...

"Look for..."

A few rays of light moved around. I took out the spare flashlight in my backpack. In an instant, my surroundings lit up, but the next second I was shocked.

I saw a bloody man lying at my feet, with her face down and covered in blood.

I subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and my heart rose to my throat. In an instant, there was a chill in all my blood.

Zhang Tong was shocked beside me and stepped back, but his hand kept holding my hand, and his face was full of panic.

I looked at the man lying in front of me, took a deep breath, and then called the clay figurine and fat horse over.

Six people reappeared and looked at the person lying down.

After staring for a while, Fatty Ma said, "It should be dead!" With that, he gently touched the man with his foot...

"Maybe," I followed Fatty Ma's words.

"This is probably the same group of guys before"

I know who the group of people in Ma Fatty's mouth are.

Fat Ma touched the body again. Seeing that there was no response, he said, "Let's see if there is anything valuable left."

Fat Ma squats down...

"Move" I suddenly shouted.

"Not dead yet."

After Fatty Ma heard it, he tossed it as quickly as if he had been electrocuted and took his hand back.

"Grandma, Grandson, don't scare me!"

Fat Ma seems to be a little scared.

"Dead people are not afraid, what are you afraid of living people?"

"Mom, a living person is *!"

I was speechless for a moment.

Since she was a living person, there was no reason to die, so I squatted down and turned the man over. Her messy hair covered her face.

I tried my nose with my hand, which was very weak, but at least I didn't die.

I lifted her hair to see the true face of Lushan, but when my hair was lifted, not only me, but also others were shocked again.

"Song Ran" Zhang Tong shouted.

Although the blood stained her face, I seemed to be able to see her face more clearly. Her eyebrows and other things made me feel more familiar.

A voice suddenly sounded in my heart: "Maybe she is not Song Ran!"

The sudden voice of "It's important to save people first" sounded.

I stepped back a little, and the clay figurine helped examine the wound, and finally said, "It's really strange."

"What's wrong?" I was in a hurry to ask.

"The blood is dry, but it's all epidermal wounds, and the pulse beats strongly."

The clay figurine simply helped her bandage the wound, and then fed her some water. Halfway through the feeding, she was choked up.

After waking up, he grabbed the kettle from the clay figurine and poured it into his throat vigorously.

Her black hair was stained with her face, which made me unable to see clearly.

Looking at her behavior, I doubt whether she had never drunk water in her last life.

With a 'bang', the kettle was thrown aside.

She still asked for water.

I quickly handed over my kettle. She took it and poured it in. After the second pot of water went down, she finally stopped, then gasped violently, and then wiped the blood on her face with her hand, making her face more dirty.

"Comrade Ma, do you still have water?"

Fat Ma's eyes turned around and didn't hand over the water. But he asked, "Who are you?"

She stood up slowly.

"Song Ran" Zhang Tong suddenly shouted.

But she didn't respond.

"Who the hell are you?" I couldn't help asking.

She turned her eyes to me, standing in front of me, looking at me calmly.

At this time, I dare not meet her eyes.

"Old Sun, don't you remember me?" She asked me tentatively.

I looked at her with some doubts, but my heart was already uneasy.

I stared at her and waited for her to say it herself.

After about five or six seconds, she spit out a few words from her mouth: "I'm a hill."

These four words, like thunder on the ground, suddenly made me a little confused.

"Do you think you are a hill?"

"Well," she nodded.

"Are you really a hilly girl?"

"If it's fake!"

I looked at the person in front of me. Although it was a little dirty, some breath really couldn't hide it.

Maybe she is really hilly.

Is it really a hill? Inexplicably, such a question came to my mind.

Yes. Suddenly there was an affirmative answer.

"Hill girl, what are you doing here?" Fatty Ma suddenly asked.

But I haven't waited for the hills to answer.

Zhang Tong took the lead and said, "Isn't she Song Ran? Why did it become a hill again?"

"She is a hill."

Fat Ma ignored me and Zhang Tong's words and still stared at the hills, waiting for her answer. Fatty Ma's eyes condensed, and I have never seen him ask a question so seriously.

She didn't answer so quickly, as if she was thinking about something.