burial day

[0002]Miracle of life

The beast roared and his bloody limbs. The dense mountains, countless primitive and natural killings, blood and cruelty are staged... Yihe felt in a trance that everything in front of him was not real! Is this just a dream? Or is it an illusion caused by an external stimulus?

He is so empty in the mountains and forests!

Yi He didn't feel anything inappropriate. He didn't feel that he was missing anything, nor did he feel that the surrounding environment was missing anything. At this moment, everything around here is really terrible. Suddenly, I heard a roar of the beast...


The picture in front of me suddenly changed!

Mountains, beasts, and even the sound suddenly turned into a vortex visible to the naked eye, swallowing up the light and sound around them like a black hole. Then appeared in front of Yi He's eyes was a red world, as if there was a layer of blood in front of his eyes.

A beast roared up to the sky. It is eight feet long, wearing black and red scales, thick limbs, and a triangular pointed corner on the top of its head, but it looks like a triangle board at a 60-degree angle accidentally inserted and grew together with the head. However, the two eyes of this beast are small, and the small one is like a small sesame on a watermelon.

The two little sesame seeds emitted a red blood light and looked at the other figure in front of them! Yes, that's a man, a man wearing an ancient Taoist robe with hair and a three-foot sword. But that person seems to step on the void and stand in the air, but he is not like a mortal!

Three-foot sword, cold light feteers people.

Cyan long coat, Taoist bone fairy style.

The man pinched the formula in one hand, pointed his sword at the beast, and shouted angrily, "You evil beast, you are so fierce and domineering, but you can't be left. The sun and the moon are shining together, and the true words follow... town!" As soon as the sword was picked up, a yellow charm flew lightly on the sword body, and a strange word was written on it!

This word is the bottom of the word heart. On the left, the sun is on the top, the moon is on the bottom, and the upper half of the right is two "mi" with a word "word", and on the right is a "dry" word. The following is a combination of four words of "Changma Changge".

Yihe knows that this word is called "zhen"!

He can recognize this word, which is often mentioned by his family. His mother often said, "Left twist, right twist, a word in the middle, heart is at the bottom, the moon is beside, and Erlang Ge chases the sun!" This jingle is just such a word! Town, it means exorcism!

This is not a common word, but a symbol of a charm!

Just as Yi He saw now... The word on the yellow paper was suddenly swallowed up by a red flame on the body of the sword, and instantly bloomed with dazzling brilliance. The Taoist sword pointed at the beast, and the beast reluctantly let out a painful roar...

The sound seems to come from the depths of the soul!

Yihe seems to clearly feel the kind of unwillingness, unyielding, but suppressed by great mana! It was injured, and this time the wound came from the depths of the soul. The charm looked light, like juggling, and I didn't expect it to be so powerful.


Yihe doesn't know why he wants to open his mouth and shout. It seems that an emotion has influenced him.

However, he couldn't make a sound.

The beast staggered little by little, and its eyes were full of deep despair. That's it. Are you going to die? I'm not reconciled! Unwilling! Why?

The silent shout echoed in Yihe's ears. The voice seemed to have traveled through the ages, full of a kind of vicissitudes, with a kind of unwillingness, but turned into a deep hatred. The Taoist priest was still expressionless, and his light clouds were so ferocious and indifferent in Yihe's eyes.

Isn't it ruthless to be so indifferent?

Yi He's heart was mixed with despair, indignation and unwillingness, but he could do nothing but watch everything happen silently. Although the beast still struggled to stand up at the last moment, it was still unwilling to fall down because of weakness...

unyielding! Unwilling! No annoy!

The ancient wild spirit was deeply imprinted into Yihe's heart. The shock of this beast was too great. For a moment, he felt that the beast was himself, and he couldn't even bear that emotion - but in the end, it still wanted to stand up and roar!

Although, it fell down.

However, it stands - even though time passes, it still stands upright!

No one can defeat its spirit, no one can bend its backbone, no one can make him give in, even if it is coming, death! In front of Yihe's eyes, the picture gradually faded away. He seemed to feel his heavy breathing, and he was the only one in the dark.

Is that feeling unyielding? It turns out that the combat power, even if it is the backbone that does not bend down, is a kind of eternity! Yi He has clearly felt the enthusiasm of that kind of spirit. Even though many years have passed, the spirit is still so persistent, so... unwilling!

A person can't find any direction in the dark.

Darkness has great fear.

Endless darkness swept all over the place. Yi He didn't know where he was, but he could feel his breathing, his heartbeat, and that idea was still so clear that he could not feel the fear of darkness at all. Darkness, what's so scary?

Only the spirit of the beast is the most terrible thing in the world!


The heart has never been as powerful as it is now! Expand, contract, and pump blood to the whole body. Every beating of the heart seems to make Yihe feel comfortable. But he can't see his own situation - his body is bleeding out!

With the current body, he can't withstand the power of that blood at all. The fragile and slender capillaries were broken, and the pores on the surface of his body were unable to suppress such river-like blood!

The alarm bells in the ward.

A doctor in a white coat and two little nurses quickly ran over and asked as soon as they opened the door, "What's going on?" After receiving the first aid order, the doctor and nurse were obviously fully armed, and now there are only two eyes left outside. Yi He was sent by the police. Of course, they dare not neglect it!

It is more appropriate to take care of Yihe police, or surveillance! The policeman said, "I don't know what's going on. The patient just began to bleed. I was worried about something wrong, so I quickly called you here!" Look!" The police lifted the quilt on Yihe's body.

It's shocking!

The white and blue patient's uniform has been soaked in blood, and as long as the quilt is in contact with the easy-to-compart body, it has also become a shocking blood red. The doctor was shocked, but quickly calmed down and ordered, "Hurry up... Comrade police, please help me push the emergency room!"


The hospital is a place accustomed to life and death. In fact, most doctors can be indifferent to the life and death of individuals. Seeing and getting used to it, everything is floating. Push the bed with wheels all the way, went into the elevator, went downstairs, and entered the emergency room. This short process made the four people breathless... The doctor said, "Comrade policeman, wait outside. We need to give first aid!"

The policeman nodded and waited outside. After watching the operating bed push forward and closing the door, he began to take out a box of cigarettes and kept smoking one by one... In the emergency room, the doctor ordered decisively: "Xiao Zhang, the patient may have lost too much blood and transfusion first. Xiao Li, please check how the patient is doing now!"

After the order, two nurses and a doctor got busy. Xiao Zhang took an emergency blood type test and prepared for a blood transfusion, while Xiao Li began to check the basic situation of Yihe now... "Body temperature, 49℃! Oh, my God, he is still alive at such a temperature!"

The red number on the electronic thermometer is heart-pumping.

The doctor was also shocked. It is estimated that the mouth under the mask has been opened into a big egg shape. After about ten seconds, the doctor asked in a very uncertain voice, "Is this a problem with the thermometer?" Xiao Li said, "No, I played twice, the first time 47.6℃! This is the second data..."

"Impossible! Give me a call!"

Xiao Li called the doctor, and the temperature was normally maintained at 36.7℃. Then it is easy to test again, and the value is still stable at 49℃! Xiao Li and the doctor looked at each other and couldn't speak - a high fever of nearly 50℃. Is this guy superhuman?

Then...blood pressure 342... monster! This guy is not a human at all! A doctor and a nurse had the same idea in their hearts. How can a normal person be so perverted? Just as these two people stared at each other, Xiao Zhang also shouted... "It's impossible, he doesn't have a blood type! Dr. Wang, they are all paired, and there is no matching blood type..."

Dr. Wang was speechless, "What should I do?"

Xiao Li whispered, "Why don't we call the dean?" As soon as Dr. Wang heard that it was such a way, he did not hesitate to open the door and out of the emergency room. The waiting policeman has finished smoking his last cigarette, and there are 20 messy cigarette butts on the ground to form a very messy figure.

Well, it's very abstract!

"Doctor, how is the patient?"

Dr. Wang was in a hurry to call the dean. He said perfunctorily and said, "The patient's situation is more complicated. Let me ask the dean first... Hello, dean? My Lao Wang, yes... yes... Yes... There is a little situation here. Do you think you can...what? Oh, oh... Listen to me, that's what happened..."

It took less than ten minutes for Dr. Wang to tell the dean so much. The dean came with the expert in the hospital. At present, the dean said, "Immediately send the patient to the special care. The expert group will go and have a look. The emergency room here is too small..." So, Yi He, who knew nothing, was pushed out again and went up to the top floor in the elevator.

After careful and detailed testing, the experts were shocked to find that Yi He did not lose too much blood except for sleeping... His face was ruddy and his breathing was strong and powerful. Of course, his heartbeat, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature exceeded that of normal humans!

A person shed so much blood without ischemia!

This is unbelievable.

An expert said, "It's hard to believe that this is a normal human being! For the time being, we can only say that this is a rare disease, but how the quality of this disease is, I can only propose to set up an expert group and integrate experts from Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities to study together..."

At the expert meeting, an expert made such an opinion. After listening to this, others also nodded and did not have any opinions. After all, the level of experts is also large. Although they are all industries that fool people - but the specific level of your ability to fool people depends on your ability!

Three hundred and sixty lines, the top one is the truth.

He opened his eyes blankly and left the blood-red world. With a blood-red vision, Yihe felt that his head was still slightly heavy. I wanted to raise my hand and rub my head, but I saw blood on the back of my hand... "What's going on? Why did I shed so much blood? What is this place?"

With a "thump" in his heart, Yihe sat up with an ominous foreboding. He seemed to have installed a spring, and the speed was so fast that even brought out a gust of wind. S a closer look at the surroundings, white walls, various instruments, living rooms, TVs, computers and so on...

After a long time, Yi He carefully moved his arms and thighs. He was afraid that the action would be too big and pull his wound. But then he found that his concerns were superfluous! Except for the frightening blood on his body, his trauma has already healed.

got out of bed.

Yi He groped here bare, found the bathroom, and released water to wash the already dry blood on his body. As soon as the blood is gone, Yihe feels extremely relaxed. He said to himself, "What do you care what the place is? Just take a rest and ask when the master comes?"


As soon as the door bolt moved, a female nurse with a medical record came in. As soon as she saw Yihe, she was as surprised and said, "Are you awake? Great, I'll check your current physical condition..." Yi He looked at the female nurse coming, but her heart was confused... Why is this a nurse? Is this a rich family equipped with private doctors?

Immediately, he denied his idea!

Even the richest people in the small county where Yihe lives can't afford to support a private doctor, let alone a nurse. Then, there is only one possibility left! Yi He didn't talk to the female nurse. He quickly ran to the window and looked out - opposite was the building of the TV station.

That's right!

This is the hospital.

It's just that Yihe himself doesn't understand how he got into the hospital? And still such a luxurious ward? At this time, he thought of asking the little nurse, "Sister, how did I come to the hospital?" The little nurse said, "You sent it yesterday and shocked the expert. Sit down first and I'll check it for you!"

I looked at the body temperature, heart, blood pressure, pupils... and the little nurse said, "Well, it seems that there is no big problem." Yi He said, "There is no problem in the first place. I want to ask if I can be discharged from the hospital now?" The little nurse shook her head and said, "No, the expert told you to observe here for a few more days!"

Yi He curled his lips helplessly and said, "Then can I go out for a walk?"

"Well, I'll ask."

The little nurse came over a short time after she went out and said to Yi He, "Well, you can go out for a while, which is very good for your physical recovery!" Yi He said, "But I'm really okay. Look, this is a flying kick..." Yihe's hand held on the back of the sofa, and his body turned lightly. His left foot slipped an arc on the tip of the little nurse's nose, bringing a cool breeze!


The little nurse was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and said, "Wow, do you know kung fu?"

Not to mention that the little nurse was stunned for a moment, even the originator Yi He couldn't believe it. The one just now was also a little difficult for him, so he had to support something with his hand. But his foot just now is fast, agile, and even accurate.

Yi He thought to heart, "Isn't it a blessing of misfortune and suddenly become a master of martial arts? Strange, when I first started to do it, I seemed to feel a little more relaxed than usual... And that dream, by chance, inevitable, or hallucination? Forget it, I don't want to. Let's go out first!"

Yi He said, "Of course, I am not only good at kung fu, but also a master of kung fu!"

The little nurse said, "Okay, let's talk as we walk, take the elevator or take the stairs? Climbing stairs should also be very good for the body. Why don't we take the stairs? Well, if the director knows that you are a martial arts master, all the problems must be solved..."

Yi He asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

The little nurse said, "Of course it's your problem. You don't know how lively the hospital was last night. Your high fever has reached 49℃, and your blood pressure is more than three times that of a normal person, but your pores are still bleeding outside. At that time, you looked scary. Later, the experts studied overnight, and there was nothing they could do. You are still so normal!"

Easy to listen stunned, saying in his heart, is this still a human being? If it hadn't been for the little nurse's expression, he would have thought that the little nurse was joking with him. After a long time, Yi He said suddenly, "Sister, don't you scare people so much? That temperature should be about 39℃, right?