burial day

[0041]Prince Zebra

Alice Group, as the investor of the youth idol drama Zebra Prince, held a press conference. This time, the main content is to talk to reporters about the launch of the broadcast - this kind of TV series does not involve politics, and it is very easy to pass the review.

The reason why the short-term ethical dramas of parents in China are rampant is also caused by the power of radio and television. It is said that the bright sword was entangled for a long time and deleted a lot, so that it was brought to the screen, not to mention others.

Yi He attended the press conference dressed as a zebra prince and fired a burst of electricity at the reporters... There is no doubt that Yi He's eyes are very charming now, and even Zhang Guorong and Liang Chaowei are not enough to see. His eyes can contain too many things, and he doesn't need acting or brewing.

With the end of the press conference, Zebra Prince landed at the ten o'clock theater on Mango TV. In the past, this period of this TV station was full of Korean dramas or braided dramas. Now a domestic "Zebra Prince" can simply make boys and girls crazy!

When the first episode of "Prince of the Zebra" was replayed on the second afternoon, Yang Bai from Beijing called Yi He again, and everything was unexpected. And Yi He hung up the phone a few times - Happy Dictionary? CCTV? Let's all play eggs!

Yi He felt that watching his own TV series with Su Xiaoru was a serious matter.

In the first episode, the zebra prince attracted people's attention with his unique iconic dress. His bicycle quickly passed through the fields, and the lazy and overflowing youth came to his face. Yihe's first appearance was full of an idol temperament, and the powerful aura has taken the lead--

Yihe is definitely not a little white face, and the zebra prince is not a cream boy.

In this way, in the first episode, Yihe attracted a group of fans with his strong charm - of course, the biggest attraction of Prince Zebra is the rival drama of Yihe, a pink newcomer and the popular pure actress Chen Yueran, emotional drama.

Countless boys and girls are crazy...

Immediately after that, those educational programs began to become popular due to the appearance of Yihe. And Yihe's remarks have also made many people begin to reflect on the current education - why can so many unreasonable things continue to exist openly? Why do students work so hard now?

Why is today's social morality missing?

Yi He's parents, Su Xiaoru's parents, did not watch youth idol dramas, but this time they made an exception. Because the leading actor of the TV series is Yi He, it has become a very proud capital. You can find someone to brag, or you can have fun in a low-key tone.

In July, the sun is like fire, like purgatory.

Although Yihe hates wearing that crazy zebra suit in the summer, he has to do the same now - star, this is the star, involuntarily!

Less than a week after the launch of Zebra Prince, Yihe has rejected the invitation of nearly ten entertainment programs. It's easy to have a hot summer day. Of course, he hopes to stay with Su Xiaoru for a while. He has now begun to hit his meridians again, and his mood is an important part.

Holding a cup in his hand with zebra-patterned gloves, he gently shook the ice inside with a thumping sound. It is easy to feel that listening to this sound has a cool feeling...

"If the world is three thousand feet of world, then the entertainment industry is thirty thousand feet. Xiao Ru, I have entered now. Really, the real clothes are so uncomfortable. If you had known today, why did you do it at the beginning?" Yi He stared at the ice with a sad face and muttered lazily and feebly.

Su Xiaoru said, "Without that day, why do you have money to support me now?"

Yi He said, "That's right. You are idle at home now... Then I should work hard to make money to support you in the future. Don't worry, my ability to make money is still worthy of affirmation. Although journalists come to my home to harass me every day, our kiss will soon recover the cost..."

Su Xiaoru rolled her eyes. She hated that kind of advertising company. The street was full of print advertisements, and the TV was full of drugs and health care products, which made people collapse. However, considering that it is not easy to make money, Su Xiaoru still generously forgave Yihe!

Su Xiaoru held her face and said, "Xiaoyi, in fact, you look pretty and cool now!"

Well, it's a very cool, black and white color, which makes the water have a cool pleasure of eating ice cream. But Yihe itself is not cool, tightly wrapped and closed... Yihe didn't want to dwell on this topic, but asked, "Xiao Ru, do you think we should go to that happy base camp?"

The invitation of Mango Channel, as an idol star like Yihe, it is quite beneficial to go once. Su Xiaoru thought about it and said, "Go ahead, this is good for you!"

"But it feels so troublesome!"

Su Xiaoru reached out and broke Yihe's face, kissed him fiercely, and said, "Go ahead, let's not get along with money. I'm the most annoying person to play big. Think about it, how much popularity can you increase by going to the mango platform once? Xiaoyi, don't you think it's profitable to open a brand chain of Zebra Prince?

Yi Heyi patted his thigh and said, "Yes, why didn't I expect it!"

Think about how many cities there are in the country? Think about how many cities there are abroad? As long as the marketing strategy of Zebra Prince is successful, the franchise fee of 30,000 yuan per store alone is enough to make him a multimillionaire or even a billionaire, and other future benefits are not included!

Is this still making money?

This is simply a fruit-eating robbery!

Su Xiaoru's words suddenly opened Yihe's thinking. For the specific business operation, the company registration Yihe was handed over to the vampire Ryan. The so-called people make the best use, just letting him take charge of the advertising company is simply a little loss - Yihe will never let himself suffer losses.

As soon as the matter was explained, Yi He was idle again. In the afternoon, Yi He put on other clothes outside the zebra, covered him with a big mask, sunglasses and hat, and drove directly to the mall. Since you are going to attend the Happy Camp of Mango Station, it is natural to choose some suitable clothes.

Su Xiaoru directly took Yi Heben women's clothing - there was nothing Su Xiaoru's favorite in the men's clothing, so she simply went to the women's clothing. Under the strange eyes of the salesman, Su Xiaoru changed clothes one by one and tried one to see how to match Yihe properly.

The biggest tragedy of the matter is that there is nothing suitable for easy to fit here, just buy a few seasonal cotton pantyhose, gloves and so on...

Su Xiaoru said depressedly, "Why are there no clothes you need in the store?"

I don't know what Yihe muttered, and his voice was drowned by the mask. Before there was any reaction, he had been pulled into another store by Su Xiaoru.

Time passes little by little while shopping, and Yi He now has the desire to die. In the summer, especially in the hottest afternoon, it is lucky not to cover it. By the time Su Xiaoru showed great mercy and took him home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Pushing Yihe to sit on the sofa, Su Xiaoru suddenly smiled and raised her hand to pat Yihe's hat. Unexpectedly, she took a picture of a bird's hair. God knows how the bird's hair got on Yihe's hat. Su Xiaoru took off Yihe's hat, went to the mask, asked him to take off his clothes outside, and said, "Oh, I'm exhausted!"

Yi He sweated, "I don't want to go shopping anymore. People ask for money to go shopping. I'm going to death!"


As a woman, Su Xiaoru expressed her firm opposition to Yihe's proposal to never go shopping. Without saying much, Su Xiaoru was satisfied with taking out some of the pantyhose she just bought today and asked Yihe to try them one by one.

The two of them had dinner at 11 o'clock.

Then, as usual, go to the rooftop to meditate, practice, and impact the meridians... Although there is still heat on the rooftop, the wind here is cool and comfortable. Yi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and his body quickly suspended, motionless, like a sculpture.

Since entering May, Su Xiaoru has not allowed Yihe to take off her clothes when practicing, and now she is easy to sweat for fear that he will catch a cold.

At midnight.

A wisp of yang in Dantian appeared, and the familiar road began to impact the meridians. After Yihe had several experiences, the impact of the meridians was no longer brave and straight ahead. Instead, it has become steady, step by step, move forward one point, widen two points, and strive to keep the opened meridians from closing.

The idea of Yihe is successful. Although the time to open up the second vein of Rendu may be much longer than before, now, every point is also real and there is no moisture.


The preliminary preparations for going to Mango Station are still continuing - Su Xiaoru has no opinion on the failure of CCTV, but she is particularly concerned about Mango Station and always hopes that Yihe can complete this task beautifully. In a blink of an eye, another four or five days passed.

Yihe's clothing was still a little difficult. Mango Channel called again, and finally the two sides negotiated. Su Xiaoru was very reluctant to let Yihe wear a zebra suit to participate in the Happy Camp.

The two got on the plane together. Su Xiaoru told herself that there was actually no time to prepare for this. It was already the most perfect state to be able to do this. Su Xiaoru doesn't have to dress up so beautifully, but her fiance must become the focus of attention--

Women always have some vanity.

Yihe knows that he should satisfy Su Xiaoru's vanity, so in his daily life, he listens to Su Xiaoru what kind of clothes he should wear - even if the hot weather can make people dehydrate, it is the same.

On the plane, Su Xiaoru grabbed Yihe's arm and whispered, "I'm a little nervous!"

Yi He patted Su Xiaoru's arm and said, "What are you nervous about? I'm on the program, not you!"

"I'm just nervous."

It's easy to roll his eyes, and he can't do anything about it.

After getting off the plane, I went all the way to the headquarters of Mango TV, rehearsed and recorded. It was not completed until late at night. The next day, this program could be broadcast. Yi He and Su Xiaoru pushed away the dinner of He Jiong and others - although he knew that both He Jiong and Xie Na could actually be friends.

But Su Xiaoru was really too nervous. When she saw He Jiong and others at close range, she was so nervous that she didn't know how to speak. Yihe could only leave her contact number to say goodbye.

Outside the airport, several big stars were fully armed and can't be recognized. Yi He said a few words, and the time was almost up. He had to board the plane quickly. He shook his mobile phone and said, "Brother, stupid sister, I have your phone number. I will definitely ask you for help if I have anything in the future!"

Several people waved their hands, and Yihe came and went in a hurry.

On the way back, Su Xiaoru was no longer nervous. This result made Yi He very depressed. She listened to Su Xiaoru keep talking to Yi He: "I didn't expect that He Jiong was still easy to get along with, and Xie Na was the same. She couldn't see a big card... This time she didn't run for nothing, and she met a star!"

Yi He said, "Stars are also human beings. Isn't your husband the best example?"

"You are different from them!"

Yi He wanted to tell Su Xiaoru that her answer was also very special, but Yi He didn't say that he still needed to refresh himself in order to resist Su Xiaoru's language offensive, and then have a good sleep... Tonight, she was destined to stay up late again, because Su Xiaoru said that she wanted to see Yi He's performance:

Damn happy base camp!

It is easy to compensate Su Xiaoru to watch TV, and even without Su Xiaoru, he still has to shock his meridians at midnight. The matter of practice is the water grinding day after day, which can't be delayed... Yihe hasn't practiced martial arts for several days.

Yi He is really tired these days and runs around, so Su Xiaoru also opened one eye and closed one eye about martial arts practice. Every time Ye Tong calls, Su Xiaoru, a little traitor, will help Yi He hide it.

After all, practicing martial arts is a technical thing——

The homework of Yihe every night is actually enough. The rest of the martial arts practice is just to master some fighting skills, and it doesn't matter much to delay for a day or two. In front of the TV, Yihe raised his head and straightened his chest and sat straight, holding a box of ice cream in his hand...

"Report to Comrade Su Xiaoru, the Happy Camp has not started yet!"

"Continue to investigate, don't delay the fighter plane!"

"Yes, sir!"

Yihe answered here, and Su Xiaoru was busy cooking in the kitchen. When Yihe reported that the Happy Camp had begun, the meal was also ready. Su Xiaoru simply put the food on the coffee table, and the two ate while watching TV.

During the meal, Su Xiaoru made a name-name criticism of Yihe - "Don't you know the principle of Yi contract, sitting like a clock, standing like a pine, lying like a bow? It was crooked just now! Next, I will announce the punishment. The ice cream will be confiscated at noon tomorrow. Just keep it hot!"

"Report, sir, it's not that you don't do your best, it's that the communist army is too cunning!"

"Ba Ga!"

"Sister Kong, spare your life, as long as you spare the small ones, whips, candles, bindings, dripping wax, we can do whatever we want!"


Su Xiaoru's face turned black, snorted, and said, "No serious, is it endless? Eat. Do you want to tie up? Drop wax? If you want to have fun after dinner, I'll let you have enough fun. At that time, don't say that I bully you, huh..." Yi He was embarrassed and quickly laughed and said, "Xiao Ru, don't take it seriously!"

"Eat quickly!"

The burden in the scene on TV is obviously not as happy as these two people.

The most direct consequence of watching TV while eating was that Su Xiaoru ate nearly twice as much dinner as an exception. The two resolutely implemented the three-light policy of eating out, eating all and eating all. After eating, the happy base camp was also over. Su Xiaoru rubbed her stomach and burped: "It's so bloated. I ate too much!"

Yi He said, "I'll rub it for you!"

The conscience of heaven and earth, this should not be an advantage, right?

Gently and gently clockwise on Su Xiaoru's bulging belly, Su Xiaoru hummed comfortably in her nose. Yihe remembered to eat or not, and joked, "Whose little pig ran out?"

Su Xiaoru pinched Yihe's arm and said, "You don't have to rub your stomach and talk so much nonsense!"

"Okay, I won't talk!"

Yi He that night was still quiet. After that, he went back to his room to sleep, but today Su Xiaoru seemed to be more serious with him. Yiyi entered the door and saw Su Xiaoru turning out some medical gauze from somewhere. Yi He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "Xiao Ru, why are you not going to sleep?"

Su Xiaoru smiled strangely and said, "Xiaoyi, didn't you mean to play with binding at that time? Let's tie it up today..."

"No, sister, I said it's fun. The company has something to do tomorrow, and I haven't taken a shower yet. My body stinks. Sister, my meat is not delicious. Look at my small body, I can't stand such a fierce activity at all... Whoo-hoo, sister, please forgive me, I'm going to die..."

Yi He is going to cry, but he doesn't want to play this game.

Su Xiaoru's smiling face suddenly pulled and said, "What did you just call me?"

"Sister, no, Xiaoru... Xiaoru!"

"I'm going to teach you a good lesson today."

Su Xiaoru stormed away. Yihe hid far away and didn't dare to lie towards ** at all - he was caught by Su Xiaoru, which was a death. Or worse than death.

Just escaped for a while, but he couldn't escape for a lifetime. When Yi was unlucky, he would still be unlucky. Su Xiaoru didn't know how long he ran back and forth in the living room and bedroom. He was tired and panting. He pointed to Yi He and said, "Do you hear it? Don't run. If you run again, I will You're welcome!"

Yi He said, "You can't run, but you can't tie people up!"

Su Xiaoru quickly compromised: "Don't bind people."