burial day

[0085]Nuclear Strike

The world situation is not optimistic, and contradictions of all sizes are gathered together. But what does this have to do with him? Leaning comfortably on the sofa, holding a threaded book in one hand, Yihe easily read those small vertically typesetting seals. The beginning of the book is a word:


Then the description of the text is mysterious and mysterious, in the clouds, but it also talks about the power of heaven. Don't fight and succumb to others!

In the past, it was easy to think that the heavenly sword was a swordsmanship.

Now he knows that a three sword is a systematic name - who let more disciples like to use swords for this inherited thing? Thinking about ancient times, swords were extremely common, and I was relieved. Yi He put the book on his face!

"Daddy, what a fucking pit..."

Three swords, it turns out that no matter what weapon you use, whether you use it or not, there are three completely different methods. Either the power is overwhelm, or the sword is hidden without a front, or it is only fast and unbreakable.

In this door, there is almost an extreme!

And the more tricky thing was in the back. When Yi He asked Meng Yi what the door was, Meng Yi looked at him as if he were looking at a monster, and finally told the GUY that the so-called one is actually not a sect, but a general outline of martial arts practice. What does a three swords mean?

That is to say, if a person practices these three swordsmanships to the extreme at the same time, he can reach a level close to Taoism.

The so-called Taoist life is one, one and two, two and three, and three things are also born.

Three births of all things, so there are three methods, one is power, two is Tibetan, three is disease, and it can also be called Tianzang wind.

This is the so-called three swords.

Well, even if the current cultivation is the peak of the Yuanjing, this does not mean that the ancient literary level of a modern person can really be high to an unreachable bottom, at least he still doesn't quite understand these words. However, Yi He also knows that if he can collect these three intensive books...

Well, he and Meng Yi are now coming to Tian, and there are still two books missing from Tibet and Wind.

The collection of three secrets is the only one.

Yihe must do this, because this is a way of practice he found after his reincarnation. This is a fundamental way. If he can practice all three secrets at the same time, he is likely to reach the legendary level and compare with the creator in the novel!

If he can only practice one of them, I think he should have a golden fairy level cultivation, right?

The idea of Yihe is extremely beautiful.

He didn't think about why so many people have got these three secrets, but can only practice one of them? Could it be that there is no amazing talent among those people?

Of course, it is not. Which one is not the most outstanding character in the same era, whether it is Meng Yi who practices Heaven, Dugu Qiubai who cultivates Tibet, or Ximen Fuxue who practices Wind? It can be seen how difficult it is to practice three swords!

And aren't these three secrets the other?

Yi He speculated maliciously in his heart: "Is it possible that this "Heaven", "Tibet" and "Wind" still seem to be Zhang Xiaofan's three magic Buddhas and practitioners in "Zhu Xian"? In fact, there is also a heavenly book as the general outline? By the way, if this is the case, I won't be immortal. It's sad..."

"Even these three secrets have a general outline, but will the general outline come to me? If you don't look for me, will you die?"

Thinking about it, Yi He was a little entangled.

Sure enough, the so-called art comes from life and is higher than life. It is a little difficult for him to choose now. In the book "Heaven", it was just a general outline of Heaven, and nothing else was mentioned at all. Yi He wanted to get the secrets with Ximen Chuixue as soon as possible, but they said that they didn't know where the book had gone.

But fortunately, after the dictation of Ximen Fuxue and Yi He's record, a complete "Wind" also appeared, and Yi He remembered all these two secrets in his heart.

"Dugu seeks defeat, this Guy is still staring at Kunlun. Should I go to find him? Forget it, you have to be reserved. How can I do such a shameless thing? Yi He thought so and flew to Kunlun the next day - this fellow has never been shameless.

What's more, this is about your "in the next life" practice.

Unimpeded all the way to Kunlun.

"Brother, are you there?"

Yihe made a sound. Anyway, it's all about asking for people. A little politeness is necessary.

Dugu asked for defeat and laughed and let Yi go on. Unexpectedly, this place was made elegant by Dugu Qiuqiu, a thatched hut, a small red clay stove, a bottle of Erguotou, and the best Biluochun, each of which can show a refined taste. After taking a sip of tea, Yi He said his intention with great embarrassment.

When Dugu asked for defeat, he immediately said, "What else should I do, this? It doesn't matter. It's okay to tell you. These three secrets are not secrets, but the outline of martial arts in the world. There is no martial arts in the world. For example, the current martial arts school, Shaolin martial arts comes from Tian, Wudang is Tibetan, and Emei is Feng, which is a big representative, not to mention the small school!"

Yi's eyes lit up. The news was good. His ugly and ferocious face tried to squeeze out a smile that seemed to be dry for thousands of years. Yi He said, "Brother is really a good man. Wait, I'll take this book. You said... Well, the general outline is... and then!"

After asking about the secrets, Yi He immediately left in a hurry. Dugu Qiubai shook his head with a wry smile - he could make friends with Yi, or it can be said that everyone was originally a weirdo.

Yi He seems to be such an inhumane weirdo, or it can be said that he disdains it at all.

I don't think it's rude to seek defeat!

On a small island in the East China Sea, it is easy to sit cross-legged and mind.

All three secrets have been got, and they are remembered in the depths of my mind. Once he had these three secrets, Yi He was surprised to find a fact that these three secrets themselves do not seem to be secrets, but a description of artistic conception, moves and speed.

And the combination of three books is just like three talents.

"Heaven" is artistic conception, "Tibe" is a move, and "Wind" is speed.

The sky is clear for thousands of miles, and there are clouds, lightning and thunder. The tiger roaring mountain forest is the sky, and the dragon Kyushu is also the sky. The landslides and the earth crack, the earth shakes, the sea and mulberry fields. These are all the sky.

There are infinite changes. All changes are hidden. Isn't it unknown?

The unknown is the most unpredictable.

What is the wind? The wind does not have to be fast. The typhoon is the wind, the cyclone tornado is also the wind, the cold current from Siberia is still the wind, and the ocean current hidden underwater is also the wind, so the wind does not have to be fast. All kinds of wind can be wind.


Yi He himself is extremely surprised. How did he come to these conclusions?

Everything seems to appear naturally in my mind.

Li Tiannian's figure appeared in his mind again. It seems that Li Tiannian said such a truth when he taught him knowledge in just a month or two. The difference is that Li Tiannian was to open the wisdom of Yihe, but now, wisdom helps him open the mystery contained in the three secrets!

Yi He felt that his heart suddenly became bright. It turned out that later generations misinterpreted the meaning of the three secrets. Maybe they have carried them forward. Anyway, these secrets no longer have the original taste. Yihe restores this taste.

In this case, is this appropriate no matter what kind of skills you have practiced?

Being blown by the sea breeze, Yi He quickly thought of his next step - his property should be transferred, and there will soon be a war in Europe. If his money is not transferred, he will probably die in the bank. So the first half of his hard work will not be in vain?

Thinking of this, Yihe called Ryan as soon as possible and ordered him to transfer his assets in any form and transfer them to the territory of the First Emperor of Qin. He doesn't dare to go to the east. In case he accidentally gives you a dictatorship and harmony, who will you ask for money? Insurance is certain!

People in the eastern mainland are panicked...

Some scattered sects have taken root here, and disciples have also participated in the state department. After years of blows, blows and blows, the situation of smuggling is much better now - the most important thing is that it is more inconvenient to go out now.

It takes five people to go to the toilet, and the most indispensable among Chinese people is the informer. The result is obviously easy to see. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. They can't jump on you or run away from me, so they just eat and wait to die.

The network has been completely shut down.

The TV has only one channel, and it is bombing all day long!

All capitalism, and even Qin Shihuang's current "feudal society" has become their biggest ideological enemy, which is almost crazy.

Countless people are innocently involved.

The fat and tender rich businessmen who have been raised suddenly became poor and put in prison by the dictatorship - under the current situation, the basic contradiction in China is the contradiction of the gap between the rich and the poor, so they can only solve this problem ruthlessly. But they ignored a greater contradiction than the contradiction between the rich and the poor-

Contradictions between officials and the people.

The dominious civil servants are disgusted, but this has not been solved at all. The treatment of those rich not only does not eliminate contradictions, but also makes people more panicked and no one is afraid!

Mountain rain is coming and the building is full of wind.

Qin Shihuang gently knocked on the table and crossed his legs. "Have the golden people played music for them recently?"

"It's released, but it doesn't seem to work!"

A manager began to report in detail.

At the beginning, those small resistances were bloody suppressed. Now in panic, many resistance organizations have moved underground. The eastern region seems to have become stable, and the dark tide is not visible at all. Qin Shihuang frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly laughed:

"They're done."

If you want to die, you must first make people crazy!

They have gone crazy.

The assets under Yihe's name began to move from Europe to Xianyang. In Xianyang City, the new Zhouyi Building began to select the address and recruit employees. Qin Shihuang quite agrees with this good thing about digesting the labor force.

If people have something to do, they won't have any unhealthy thoughts.

Today, with the rapid development of informatization, the recruitment problem is not a problem, and the talent problem is not a problem. The imprompous war situation in the West made everyone focus their eyes on it - civilians are worried and watch the bustle, while Qin Shihuang simply saw money.

This is not a very simple Qin people. Their two eyes are full of golden gold.

If you have money, you have resources. Only when you have resources can you develop.

In the winter, Belgium was suddenly attacked by the angel army, and the war broke out in full-scale - the invisible body was in the flames, and the dark chains under his body turned red under the flames. His skin was so hot that his whole body was full of ulcers and blood bubbles, even immortals, could not withstand such torture.

But Cain suffered hundreds of years of fire here in order to refine this chain seal. He is now used to it, and the rest of the habit is a kind of endless numbness.

"Have you started?"


"Very good!"

Cain walked out of the purgatory and asked a simple question. Then his hand flashed with a black light, and the void was pinched hard. He prepared for the collapse of chess pieces for nearly a thousand years - dozens of angels suddenly exploded, and even a piece of tent burned up. The fire was raging, and angels flew all over the sky.

Pieces of white feathers fell one after another, and the scene looked like a heavy snowfall. A more vivid description is that it is a fried chicken nest.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


The angels took out their weapons in panic.

When they rushed out, they found that there was no one around. However, they were at a loss. The rack fighters that had just taken off from a military base formed an echelon and carried out a carpet-style straf shooting at here with rune bullets produced by Qin.

Angels fell one after another.

Then, a bomber dropped three* here.

The international convention stipulates that the war between human beings is strictly used* - but now, it is the juncture of human life and death, and their enemies are not human beings, so it is understandable to use *. And the United States regards it as an opportunity to destroy*.

A rolling column of smoke rose to the sky and turned into a huge mushroom. The whole sea choked violently, and the ocean current under the ocean broke through the power of confinement on the water, and the waves were turbulent in an instant.

"Bomb, bomb, sink these bitches!"

It's just that the tents of the Angel Legion are too many, which can be said to be covered by the sky and the sun. Their momentum looks like a splash of stone splashing in the lake and pond, and then calmed down after a moment. The two fighters that rushed up in front were pierced by spears, and the pilot also died.

Even the rack plane behind suffered the same fate - angels can fly, which limits the power of air strikes. After all, the flight of the aircraft is not as flexible as those angels.

In the coalition headquarters, Commander-in-Chief Devich roared at a subordinate: "You stupid pig, do you know how many excellent pilots have been lost by your stupid decision? Ten, ten, do you understand?" After a roar, the subordinate whispered:

"However, our strategic intention has been achieved, and we left a signal there that tomorrow, our nuclear bombs can carry out carpet bombing there..."

"Stupid pig, angels can fly!"

This is undoubtedly a difficult war. Flying angels, even if the nuclear warheads are powerful, their lethality is limited. But without nuclear warheads, there is nothing they can do. This is the only chance, and they have no choice.

A lieutenant colonel suggested that nuclear warheads are surrounded by the middle, so that as long as they do not leave the atmosphere, those angels can't fly. Moreover, the explosive power of thousands of nuclear warheads is absolutely not to be underestimated, and at critical times, it can even be detonated in mid-air.

The commander-in-chief had a gloomy face, "What about your opinion?"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

The commander-in-chief took off his military cap, threw it on the table, and said, "Okay, the nuclear attack will start at 3 p.m. tomorrow!"

The nuclear strike was confirmed in this way.

At 3 p.m. the next day, countless warheads suddenly appeared in the blue sky. These warheads fell from the sky and then exploded like a concentric circle. Then a rocket sent the warhead into the mushroom cloud. The explosion continued, and the mushroom cloud and mushroom cloud were entangled together.

There is no scene of plum blossoms blooming everywhere, but countless mushroom clouds are connected together, forming a large dark curtain, just like the scene of the volcanic eruption, which is extremely spectacular.

The explosion lasted for three days and three nights.

As early as when the nuclear warhead first sounded, countless Qin warlocks began to go to various places and cover the Qin country with a super complex and large array.

The roaring explosion is almost possible to destroy the world and sink the earth. Qin Shihuang let go of the door, and countless foreign refugees poured into the State of Qin, filling the labor gap. Nuclear pollution spreads all over the world, but it can't enter the defense network arranged by those warlocks.

It can be said that after having a computer, those arrays that I didn't dare to think of before also appeared in reality with a mathematical formula. Among the many answers, there is always the latest answer.

The largest skyscraper in the center of Daqin is actually a super-large electronic computer, which adopts the latest technology. The mainframe alone is full of skyscrapers, and each floor is full of mainframes and various heat dissipation equipment.

How can this be tough?

A nuclear strike can be called a disaster of annihilation. But radiation will always pass, and thick-skinned Americans have entered the territory of Daqin and began to avoid the crisis of survival.

And the eastern continent has once again ushered in a great panic.

Although they also arranged some formations - this scale really has nothing to compare with the Great Qin Dynasty of the First Emperor of Qin. And it is mainly concentrated in government agencies, and civilians are concentrated as if they were in concentration camps. Thinking about the leader's single room, they are just a burst of grief and anger.