burial day

[0120]Break through the immortal barrier

A nest of ants hurriedly crawled out of the cave, and a tragic flood flooded their nests. A long branch fluctuated in the ants from time to time, and the person holding the branch made bad laughter in his mouth, harming the group with incomparable malice.

Yihe shook his eyebrows and did this very fulfilling thing incomparable comfort. The blood and tears on the other side shook their heads - how old are they? Children may not necessarily do this kind of thing that harms the ants' nest, so that their mother will scold them, but this guy...

It's really speechless!

Blood and tears nibbled on a few spiritual fruits boringly, and the strong aura floated between the lips and teeth, which was very comfortable. Blood and tears ate two fruits and asked Yi He, "What should we do if we control the power now?" Those offended forces have been offended. You met the assassination of Luoxia Mountain last time. What about next time?

Yi He shook his head with a headache, threw away the branches in his hand, and said, "I don't care. Anyway, whoever kills me is not killed. I'm used to being killed. Whoever jumps out to deal with us, after we go back, it will be fine. Tears, baby, what kind of posture do you think is better for us to change tonight? Old man pushing cart? Guanyin sitting lotus? A pillar of Optimus Prime? Or the thirty-six formula of Dong Xuanzi?

Blood and tears said, "You are so shameless to say this in broad daylight!"

Yi He rolled his eyes and shouted, "Who said that the 3D love action scene I made was very wonderful? Who said that my action scenes are exactly the same as the real one? Who even forgets to sleep every day and shakes people up in the middle of the night, saying that he wants to carry out a great cause for the benefit of his children..."

"I ignore you!"

I stared fiercely, and blood and tears flashed away. Yi He claps his hands, shakes his head, and continues to squat down to harm the nest of ants. In fact, Yi He has a headache now, because it is too messy to control it now. The situation in the demon world is like a gunpowder barrel, and it may explode as soon as he appears--

Any major social change will inevitably lead to a war!

Don't ignore those conservative forces at any time.

After creating this gunpowder barrel by himself, Yihe, the originator, did not know how to deal with it. He simply locked himself at home to make a 3D love action blockbuster, and then secretly sold it to those adolescent restless little guys. Yihe made a lot of extra money.

Although he has done a lot of shady things, Yi He still hasn't thought of any way to deal with the current troubles. He has stayed at home and is going crazy!

A smart computer, which is all in the home. Although the configuration of this computer is very high, the computer is a computer. How can it be compared with going out to have a walk? On this day, Yi He finally decided to go out. Since he can't think of a way, don't think about it. Let's take a look. Maybe there will be a way.

The water is naturally straight to the bow!

The latest model, which looks like a flying saucer the size of a car, was released by Yihe. Yihe drilled in and left the city. Tens of thousands of red on the map, the blue area kept flashing. The red area was the enemy's power, and the blue area was its own people.

Generally speaking, the two forces are still very average, but the decline in the overall strength of the red forces can also be seen by people. If it hadn't been for Yihe's adoption of the strategy of defending the city, there would have been no need to occupy it, then these red areas It has long disappeared.

Landing at a small blue dot in a red area, Yi He ordered a little drink in a bar, ** sat at the bar and drank it, shaking his head with the music on the stage. Just as he was happy, someone outside shouted that the red side had invaded. A group of people in the bar shouted and took out their weapons one after another-- —

Weapons, which look like incomparable science fiction, are like those weapons in Star Wars. With the combination of high technology and magic technology, a group of people ran out and came back after more than half an hour to continue drinking.

Yi He was surprised and asked, "What's going on?"

The bartender threw away his weapon, looked at Yihe with contempt and said, "Isn't it rare? We are the blue base in the red zone. It's strange that the group of indigenous people don't harass more than ten times a day. However, these individuals are not strong, their weapons are worse, and they are killed by us every time..."

Another drunk continued, "That's right, that's a group of fools who come to send a group of people every time to let us move our hands and feet!"

Yi He rolled his eyes. This kind of scene is just like an Indian. At that time, the Indians were so provocative. Many times, as soon as they entered the west, the Indians could only have all-round three-dimensional cups - the slaughtered party, sometimes it was not without reason.

Even if it is a dog, as long as it doesn't bite, people rarely have nothing to do to kill the dog.

He curled his lips and said, "It's stupid!"

"That's not an ordinary fool... This is not a peaceful place, but I like it. This kind of life is simply beautiful, isn't it?"

"This is a place full of **!"

Yi Hechong raised his glass.

This city is an interesting place, isn't it? He found a hotel nearby to stay. Yihe took several cards that stored unrememberable numbers for him to enjoy the best treatment. Lying in the most luxurious single room, Yihe looked at the ceiling in a daze.

What on earth did you bring to the demon world? In the past, there was no internal struggle in the demon world, but now there are, and the new forces and traditional forces have become two major unresistible camps - blood and tears have complained more than once that the current situation is too bad and the people who watch it are too distressed.

As the daughter of Blood Futu, Blood and Tears think from the perspective of the whole demon world, and naturally she will have this feeling.

The demon world without technology has no strong power and no internal struggle. Some people in the demon world without technology resist, and some people have mastered the deep laws, but what can this do? Infighting inevitably happened. Those traditional cultivation forces stubbornly adhered to their traditions and sent their own warriors to die--

It seems that this can show their courage and indomitableness, as well as their unremitable determination and courage to maintain tradition with this emerging force.

However, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This truth is the hard truth. To put it simply, it is the law of the jungle. Their practice system can no longer keep up with this era. The pace of life created by Yi He is thousands of times faster than before, so that everyone's practice is no longer a matter of killing time.

Within the scope of what they can do, all members can improve their cultivation through scientific and technological means. At present, all the people in these forces already have the peak cultivation of the golden immortals and systematically learn some theoretical things to discuss how to create some spells.

Specially cooperates with the magic system of cultivation, so that these golden immortals have more than 100 times the combat effectiveness of ordinary golden immortals. If the indigenous Jinxian is illiterate, then the Jinxian among these forces is the most at the level of junior high school graduation.

That's a cultural person.

At present, major research institutes are making every effort to overcome the implantation of armor, space folding, Xuanxian DNA and various true essences and Yuanshen essences. It is no exaggeration to say that with the cooperation of those senior immortals, the research results have far exceeded the overall level of Atlantis-

After all, the level of partners is different, isn't it?

However, what is particularly tragic is these indigenous people. They still need to practice hard as before, and most of them stay below the level of the golden immortals. It's too hard not to mention that more immortals are simply cannon fodder, and can only drag a knife out to die--

It's no wonder that Yihe is relaxed looking at the people in those bars.

How many powerful immortals are there? Although this base is said to be small, it is also equivalent to half of South Korea's land area. How many people can the towering skyscraper accommodate? So many golden immortals, each with a mouthful of saliva, can drown a large number of masters, come to a troubled fairy, it's simply looking for death!

The life in the small city is extremely comfortable, and Yihe's heart calms down little by little. He touched his nose and sighed his fate. Why can't he enjoy the fruits of science and technology? In his current state, he can't use those potions at all, which is so disappointing.

Driving his own flying saucer, Yi He swayed directly from the city into the blue area and hovered directly over a large sect. Yi He arrogantly used the loudspeaker to start shouting: "Hey, all of you listen, I'm merciful. Don't force me to be barbaric. Do you understand? So, now, let's be very civilized and talk about it in a civilized way!"

With a cold hum in the mountain gate, a Xuanxian fully spread his power and roared at Yi He: "What is the way of civilization? Is there such a civilized way as you? You are a group of robbers, you..."

"Whatever you say, now I just want to tell you not to make trouble in our territory and commit suicide in your own place. Don't want to provoke any conflicts, otherwise the conflicts will not arise. I promise you all lie down. If you don't believe it, you can try it. I also has a temper!"

After saying this, Yihe opened the flying saucer and left.

These people really treat themselves as soft persimmons, don't they? If you bully your wife during the retreat, you can't stand it as a man. Yi He is an ultimatum this time. Next, if they don't know how to restrain themselves, Yi He doesn't mind carrying out a hysterical revenge.

Yi He's idea is so unique - in those years, he was not closed, and the two sides were in a confrontational relationship. He did not say that he bullied him. When he closed, when the matter fell on his wife, it turned into "bullying". This kind of excellent talent was simply a thousand years!

When the flying saucer flew all the way, it accidentally caused a wildfire. When the fire was put out, the people here counted the losses. Probably hundreds of immortals have died.

After Yi He left here, he went to other blue areas one after another. He recorded and played the same words directly. After saying that, he left without any mud and water. This seemed to be a declaration of war against all forces. But what can they do? Can they fight? Do they have an army armed with high-tech weapons?

The cold weapon magic weapon is a big cup of technological weapons. When you don't encounter it, you will never think of the huge gap!

It has been more than ten years since I wandered around and went home. The so-called farewell is better than a new marriage. After the couple turned upside down, like glue, they began a normal life. Yihe began to run the research institute, paying attention to various departments and so on. How to say? Life is on the right track, and things are not as easy to imagine.

Yi He mocked himself and said, "This man really can't take himself seriously." This time, he obviously looked up at himself, such as the war of the demon world, but in fact, it was just a tragedy. After figuring this out, Yihe's life became more and more interesting.

Dealing with the fairyland needs to be discussed from a long-term perspective, but life here has to continue!

Driving a small flying saucer lingers between cities, Yihe is busy with his own career, and even his practice is a little lazy. One night, after dreaming that he was born by Nuwa**, he threatened to arrest his wife without practicing. This is the suppression of this guy, and this is the beginning of practice.

After having a scientific cultivation system, there is no bottleneck in cultivation. Everything has deep rules for analysis. After more than 200 years, it has reached the peak cultivation of Shangxian.

What made Yi He very unhappy was that he and Blood and Tears had not had a child until now. Blood and tears were anxious, and he was even more anxious, but at the critical moment, he had to comfort his wife. It is said that there may be more fierce battles in the future. Without children, there is no drag.

I went there, and everyone knew that his heart was hurt!

Ask the sky why you are infertile. Heaven tells Yi He that you are too obscene... When the time slips away quietly, 500 years is just a flick. On this day, the dark sky suddenly has a big whirlpool. The dark whirlpool seems to connect to the other side of the starry sky, and the huge city actually began to make some strange changes.

The ground trembled, and all the technological things on it turned into huge monsters thousands of miles tall under an inexplicable program combination. These monsters sprayed fire under their feet and rushed into the darkness. After about a month, the group of scientific and technological forces completely disappeared from here.

The fire demon world is still the fire demon world of the indigenous people!

In a cave, the blood floating slaughter sighed: "If you should go, you will eventually go, but this is also good. At least my demon world has left seeds. Even if something happens, we will not destroy the clan. As long as people are alive, there is still hope!"

The indigenous people in the demon world cheered, and they didn't know where the group of people who passed through the whirlpool went. In the world, there is a huge whirlpool rhythm in a corner of the universe, and thousands of miles of robots flew out of it, forming a huge army.

Yi cooperated for the commander-in-chief of this operation and gave the first order - each city echelon to find a suitable galactic wall as a foothold, and set up a moving array. Each city can occupy a galaxy and concentrate and education the life currently in this universe!

Giant robots began to migrate under the manipulation of those people. Space radar explored the surrounding environment, and 365 cosmic holes in the universe were directly discovered. Soon these points entered the database and became their public resources.

Three hundred and sixty-five caves of the universe.

One of the acupuncture points representing the spiritual platform is the location of the fairyland and the fire demon world, which is really unexpected. The other 364 are not known by what creatures are occupied - but these are not important. The important thing is that these acupuncture points are very good!

With these points, Yihe suddenly changed the idea of directly living in the mortal world. His idea turned to occupy these caves. After a short meeting at the senior level, those large robots immediately turned around. The dimension of the void was disordered under the dual effect of fairy power and technological means. The next moment, they directly appeared at the opening of a cave!

A strong and aggressive energy scanned into this hole. The image in the hole appeared on everyone's computer. This turned out to be a worm hole. Many of the disgusting bugs in it turned into blood under the first scan of that energy, but the main body was still intact.

Blood and tears said, "This hole is really disgusting. Do we want to settle down here?"

Yihe touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Well, of course, it is good for us to study the implanted armor and strengthen DNA technology. These bugs have strong vitality and hard shells. How many times do you think we can be more powerful if we have their characteristics?"

"Then won't we become monsters?"

Yi He said, "This is evolution. Evolution by the power of nature is too slow. Although it is said that life is for you to evolve, passive acceptance is not as good as taking the initiative to fight, and we can only deal with those powerful enemies by gaining strong power as soon as possible!"

Those saints are frightening to think about. The immortals like Xuandu * mage alone are so powerful to that extent, so how powerful are the saints?

There is definitely a gap between Xuanxian and Juexunxian.

When Yihe thought of these enemies, he would feel powerless, as if an explosive shell had been confined to the inside of the shell. It was not a dumb fire, but had exploded, but could only be injured internally. That feeling makes people want to die.

But the enemy is so powerful, what can he do? With a sigh, Yi He muttered to himself, "Monsters are monsters. Monsters are not monsters. I don't care. As long as those saints can be pulled off the horse, even if they are dead, what is it? There is some hatred that I can never forget!"

Blood and tears whispered, "Yi Lang, I'll accompany you."