Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

077: Angry Queen

"Come on, don't look at me with that suspicious look. With your eyes, you can see that there is a ghost. Tell me, which man did you fool around with last weekend? Don't change the topic and perfunctory sister me."

She is as shrewd and sharp as Huanzi. At this time, she won't give Jiang Muyan a chance to breathe. She is actually dishonest and wants to change the topic. Is she so perfunctory?

Jiang Muyan, who was seen by Huanzi's careful thoughts, had no choice at this moment. After thinking about it, he simply lay on Huanzi's ear and whispered. When Huanzi heard Jiang Muyan say, "Actually, I was married two years ago, and I spent the weekend with my husband", Huanzi, who had always been calm and calm, was finally Someone was surprised.

He looked at Jiang Muyan's Huanzi for a minute. When he came to his senses, he directly pinched Jiang Muyan's neck, and his expression instantly changed from his mother to a stepmother. "Jiang Muyan, you stinky girl. We have known each other for so long that you didn't even tell me. It's hidden enough! Okay, you don't treat me as a friend at all. Get out of here. I don't want to see you now!"

Huanzi, who was really surprised by the shocking news of Jiang Muyan, rolled in his heart. At the thought of being as shrewd as himself and being cheated by Jiang Muyan, Huanzi gritted his teeth with hatred and had the impulse to chop Jiang Muyan and feed the dog.

However, she was so angry that she couldn't talk to this girl, but Jiang Muyan lay on her with a shameless face and kept acting coquettishly towards her, "Huanzi, sister Huanzi, Queen Huanzi, I was wrong, I'm wrong, please don't be angry with me!"

Seeing someone's extremely innocent eyes, Huanzi couldn't get angry even if he was angry again. He nodded on someone's forehead angrily. Huanzi looked resentful, "Don't talk to me for a day. Go away. I'm still angry now!"

Seeing that Huanzi's tone eased, the big stone in Jiang Muyan's heart finally fell down and twisted Huanzi's arm like a child. At this moment, her expression was like a pity.

"Huanzi Huanzi, I know you're the best. You promised me that I won't be angry again, right? Huanzi, just promise me..."

Although Huanzi was very ashamed of someone's little trick of pretending to be pitiful and coquettish, he could not stand Jiang Muyan's mistake and begging for mercy. He had already forgiven Jiang Muyan's in his heart. At this time, he was very curious about Jiang Muyan's mysterious husband.

"Yeah, if my sister forgives you, it's okay! Tell me the beginning and end of the matter honestly. If you dare to hide it, be careful of my sister's punishment!"

Hearing Huanzi say this, Jiang Muyan knew that Huanzi was forgiving himself. At this time, Jiang Muyan, who dared not hide anything, was about to tell Huanzi about himself and Huo Yan when he saw Qiao Jie suddenly rushed to him with a cold face.

"Miss Jiang, I don't think the magazine asked you to come back to chat during working hours. If you have any personal matters, please talk about it after work, OK?"

Qiao Jie, who spoke a little strangely, now looked at Jiang Muyan with strange eyes, as if she had horns on her forehead. Jiang Muyan, who was inexplicably scolded by Qiao Jie, didn't know what happened to Qiao Jie.

Why did Qiao Jie have to aggravate his tone on the word 'private' when he was talking? She just said two words to Huanzi. How did he know that they were not talking about business?

Jiang Muyan, who instantly felt that he had been treated differently by Qiao Jie, was angry, but at this time, a group of people in the magazine opened their eyes and looked at her and Qiao Jie's good play. Jiang Muyan gritted his teeth and finally decided to endure it!

She has a lot of adults, and Jiang Muyan, who is not as knowledgeable as Qiao Jie. Jiang Muyan, who moved away from Huanzi's side, smiled brightly now. "Editor-in-chief, Huanzi and I were just discussing the theme of the A edition of the magazine. Is there any problem?"

Qiao Jie, who was gorgeously choked by Jiang Muyan, didn't know what he was thinking at this moment. Qiao Jie became more and more angry about the friendly smile on Jiang Muyan's face.

No wonder Qiao Jie is angry now. Last Friday afternoon, he planned to call Jiang Muyan for dinner, but as soon as he left the office, he didn't look at Jiang Muyan's figure.

When Qiao Jie drove out of the underground parking lot, he happened to see Jiang Muyan on a Land Rover car with a smile. Qiao Jie dared to swear that the other person sitting in the car was definitely a man!

Seeing that picture, somehow, Qiao Jie was in a mixed mood, and the kind of loss in his heart was as if his favorite toy had been robbed. Qiao Jie's face was extremely ugly at that time.

Throughout the weekend, Qiao Jie, who was almost repeatedly on the picture of Jiang Muyan's car. When he finally went to work on Monday, Jiang Muyan was about to ask her why she went last Friday, but as soon as he came out, he saw her and Xiao Huan smiling happily.

Qiao Jie's heart was unbalanced at that time. Mao's wonderful weekend was entangled with what he saw on Friday, but Jiang Muyan was so happy that he was so happy.

So, Qiao Jie, with a gloomy face and a strange tone, said what he had just said coldly. After saying that, Qiao Jie regretted it the next second. Obviously, what he wanted to say was not that sentence at all. Why did he say it so thoughtlessly?

He was about to say something to make Jiang Muyan have Qiao Jie under a step, but before he could speak, Jiang Muyan blocked him, and he looked like 'I'm working'.

Jiao Jie suddenly felt kind-hearted!

For Mao, he will care about such a woman who is neither gentle nor beautiful. What kind of style is he, and Jiang Muyan and Huanzi also have this doubt.

Seeing that everyone in the magazine was watching the battle silently, Qiao Jie did not want to be one of the protagonists of gossip topics after dinner. At this time, his face not only did not improve, but became more and more gloomy, like the forerunner of the upcoming storm.

"Very good! Since Miss Jiang is discussing the theme of version A, please come to my office and tell me more about the results you have just discussed!"

After saying this, Qiao Jie, who was very free and easy, ignored the strong appeal of everyone to continue watching the battle, returned to his office calmly, leaving Jiang Muyan with an innocent expression, and the magazine who could not understand the development of the plot routine.

Jiang Muyan, who didn't know what medicine Qiao Jie took wrong today, only shrugged his shoulders carelessly and walked towards the editor-in-chief's office with a righteous expression.

It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided!

Once it comes, it's safe!

Jiang Muyan, who repeatedly said these two words in his heart, comforted himself in his heart. If Qiao Jie really dares to maliciously trouble her later and picks bones in the egg, she can't stand it anymore, and she doesn't need to put up with it anymore. At worst... At worst, she will leave!

Through the matter between her and Huo Yan, Jiang Muyan, who has understood a lot of things, is evil from the side, and the courage is fat and fat. Jiang Muyan said in his heart that although this magazine is good now, if the editor-in-chief can't tolerate her and has to trouble her, then at worst, she will not stay here, and she has his own place to stay. Thirty years later, she will develop better than this editor-in-chief Qiao!

Jiang Muyan, who had such a fearless mentality, was not nervous at all. When she entered the editor-in-chief's office, the people outside chattered and discussed.

Colleague A looked at the direction of the editor-in-chief's office with great concern, and his tone was pessimistic. "It's over, A Yan seems to be more or less auspicious this time, and he is hated by the editor-in-chief! How dare you contradict the editor-in-chief in public and don't give face to the editor-in-chief, tut... I'm dead!"

Compared with the pessimistic theory of colleague A, colleague B felt a little unable to agree. Colleague B shook his head. At this time, his tone was quite calm and objective to express his views. "Don't you think that the war between the editor-in-chief and Ayan seems to be a weak party. In fact, the editor-in-chief is blue by A Yan's face every time. What!"

After thinking about it, the people who felt that what their colleague B said made sense nodded again coincidentally, while colleague C, who had another optimistic attitude, was so empty and amazing.

"Wow, the editor-in-chief is really domineering and powerful! A Yan is really happy to be in such close contact with the editor-in-chief every day. Maybe the editor-in-chief and A Yan have been in love for a long time. It's not that enemies don't get together, and finally write a romantic and touching office romance!"

"Cut..." Such a ridiculous hypothesis was instantly criticized by everyone. C, a colleague who was despised by everyone for her IQ and imagination, deeply felt that she was really not from everyone in the same world. The girl in the two-dimensional world did not understand!

The two parties in the anti-audience population are now sitting in the office with a calm expression, and the other standing without much cares about the wandering eyes. In the eye game, it seems that no one will take the lead in making concessions.

Qiao Jie, who was almost angered by Jiang Muyan, now understands that Jiang Muyan went home on the weekend with ambition and leopard courage, right? In less than a week, she was not afraid of him.

Qiao Jie was very curious about what Jiang Muyan was thinking. At this moment, he coughed softly and took the lead in breaking the silent situation of the two. "Miss Jiang, tell me, do you and Xiao Huan have any good suggestions on the topic you just discussed?"

I knew that Qiao Jie would not let her Jiang Muyan go so easily. At this time, he had already figured out the words to deal with. Looking at Qiao Jie sitting there, Jiang Muyan answered the question and said, "Editor-in-Chief, can I sit down and talk?" What answered her was Qiao Jie's agreed look.