Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

111: Three years in the army, sow race Diao cicada

Listening to his 'certification' from the little girl's mouth, Huo Yan was not only not angry, but also had a kind of emotion that quickly overflowed from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Muyan, this little girl who makes him willing to hold it in his hand and put it on the tip of his heart!

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry!" At this time, Huo Yan had too many words to tell Jiang Muyan. He wanted to tell the little girl that he missed her so much, in the morning, at noon, at night, and even dreamed about holding her.

Huo Yan finally understood that the little girl was a charming person who fell into his heart and eroded into her bones. Now she took the initiative to come to him for the first time. For Huo Yan, it was absolutely of great significance and moved.

In the past, if any woman dared to run to the barracks to be so coquettish with him, it would be strange that Huo Yan did not directly swung her arm and take her out, but now, if it were his little girl to do this, Huo Yan only felt that the little woman in front of him was extremely warm.

Jiang Muyan, who had a lot of grievances in his heart and wanted to vent with Huo Yan, heard Huo Yan saying sorry in his ear, and the grievances in his heart disappeared inexplicably.

Finally, he no longer resisted Huo Yan's approach and withdrew his little hand on Huo Yan's chest. Gradually, Huo Yan only felt that the little girl's soft arms slowly wrapped around his waist.

"Huo Yan, I finally saw you!" God knows that she was really at a loss outside the gate of the Luhang Group just now. If she hadn't met Li Guoqiang who came back from the meeting, she really didn't know how to contact Huo Yan.

Just one sentence made Huo Yan, an iron seven-foot man, have an impulse to shed tears. What the little girl said just now was very light, but it made Huo Yan feel that she really cared about him and really misses him.

He hugged the little thing in his arms harder, and Huo Yan couldn't help kissing the soft hair of the little girl. "Good girl, thank you for your hard work. Don't be afraid now. You're home!"

Yes, no matter where she goes, Jiang Muyan can feel the warmth of home as long as Huo Yan is there, which is also the unique male charm given to her by Huo Yan.

Hu Yan and Jiang Muyan felt the warm breath from each other. At this moment, the room was quiet, and the two were silent. As if they were holding each other so tightly, they could feel the feelings from each other's hearts.

After a while, Jiang Muyan, who was tightly held by Huo Yan in his chest, listened to the very regular heartbeat from Huo Yan's chest and looked up at Huo Yan, "Huo Yan, do you miss me?"

When asked this, although Jiang Muyan's small face was a little shy, a pair of clear eyes looked at Huo Yan firmly, as if telling Huo Yan with such a move that she would not escape the relationship between the two in the future.

He put his resolute chin slightly against the top of the little girl's hair. Huo Yan lowered his voice and replied affirmatively, "Daughter-in-law, I miss you very much!"

For Jiang Muyan, Huo Yan always felt that there was no need to hide his feelings for her. To put it bluntly, Huo Yan loved Jiang Muyan as a girl and wanted to hold her hand and live with her for the rest of his life.

And as a professional soldier, he is straightforward and cheerful, which also makes Huo Yan show his feelings for her in front of Jiang Tong's shoes every time he faces Jiang Muyan.

Huo Yanxin said that the little girl didn't believe in his feelings for her and always thought that they barely got married at the request of her parents. If she didn't take the initiative, it was estimated that the girl would be abducted by other men.

Huo Yan didn't forget that not long ago, the little girl was stubborn and divorced him every day!

Huo Yan's words made Jiang Muyan feel reassured in an instant. Looking at Huo Yan, Jiang Muyan buried his little face in Huo Yan's chest again, "Huo Yan, I miss you so much too!"

The little girl's words made Huo Yan a little ecstatic, but on his face, he was still calm and serious. "Hmm, why do you want to come to me? I didn't call me in advance. I heard from Lao Li that you stood outside for a long time. Is it cold? Daughter-in-law, why don't you cherish your body so much? You caught a cold a few days ago, and now you are messing around with your body again. If you catch a cold again, you will feel uncomfortable crying!"

Holding Huo Yan's waist tightly, Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan's face scolding him, but his little face was not afraid at all. Jiang Muyan finally understood that this man was a paper tiger. Although his face was fierce, what could he say was not distressed and pity for her?

Jiang Muyan is not a fool, and how can he not hear the concern in Huo Yan's words? He looked at Huo Yan coquettishly. Jiang Tong's tone was soft.

"Huo Yan, don't be angry with me. Didn't I tell you? I miss you, so I came here! I'm in good health. Don't make a fuss. It makes me feel as weak and sick as Sister Lin.

"As for..." wrinkled his nose, Jiang Tong's tone paused, and then continued to answer Huo Yan's series of questions. "As for why I didn't tell you in advance, of course, it was a temporary inspection. Comrade Huo Yan, you don't even know this, do you?"

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at the little girl in his arms with a smile. Comrade the head of the regiment seemed to be quite interested in the topic of Chagang, "Oh, Chagang? Daughter-in-law, why don't you believe in yourself and your influence on me?

He already has this noisy girl. How can he have the energy to provoke other women, stupid girl? Huo Yan really wants to see what Jiang Muyan is thinking about all day long and dares not believe his character.

Jiang Tongshe, who was suspected of his charm, defended unconvincedly at this time, "Why don't I believe in myself and you, but I heard that the female soldiers in your army are beautiful one by one. When they wear military uniforms, they are called a valiant and heroic posture. It's hard to guarantee that Huo Yan won't be dazzled!"

Just after Jiang Muyan finished saying this, Huo Yan, who had coveted the little girl's delicate lips for a long time, simply bit the little girl's lips fiercely.

This kiss is accompanied by three points of missing, three points of punishment, and three points of turbulent desire.

"Well..." Jiang Muyan, whose lips hurt and couldn't speak in an instant, were staring at Huo Yan with a pair of delicate eyes, as if he didn't understand Huo Yan's abrupt move.

Waiting for Huo Yan to** the little girl's lips and teeth fiercely, he let her go for the time being with satisfaction. Looking at the little thing's red cheeks, Huo Yan was distracted.

Knocking on Jiang Tong's shoes on the forehead, Huo Yan said angrily, "Bad girl, do you think the army is a beauty contest? I'm still picky. Haven't you heard the mantra of 'Staying in the army for three years, sows compete Diaochan'? If the female soldiers in the army compete one by one, which is comparable to Xi Shi Diaochan, how can I lose and marry you!"

Huo Yan, who deliberately said it with great regret, really pissed Jiang Tong's shoes to death. A pair of big eyes stared at Huo Yan's Jiang Tong's shoes fiercely. At this moment, his hands were folded at his waist, and he looked like there was a female tiger.

"Huo Yan, who do you think is grinding people? Are you still at a loss? Thinking of me as a young and beautiful girl in her twenties, I have no place to regret marrying you so confusedly!"

"Oc, if you regret it, then we'll just go through the divorce procedures tomorrow, so that you and I won't be upset when we see each other, hum!"

Head Huo suddenly pinched the big palm on the little girl's thin waist. At this moment, he frowned and looked serious, and his expression was domineering. "The little girl is so bold that she dares to say that she wants to divorce in front of your husband, and she doesn't see where she is now. She wants to divorce. There's no way!"

"It seems that if I don't clean you up, the little girl will go to the room to lift the tiles. Tonight, let's see how I deal with you, daughter-in-law!"

Huo Yan became more and more depressed. When he said the last sentence, his thin lips deliberately approached the white ears of Jiang Tong's shoes. The warm and itchy masculine breath made Jiang Muyan of ** couldn't help shrink his neck.

knew that Huo Yan was not really angry, but was scaring his Jiang Tong shoes. At this time, although he was a little afraid of the blazing fire in Huo Yan's eyes, his eyes did not retreat, but still looked at Huo Yan stubbornly and firmly.

"Huo Yan, you will bully the small with the big and the weak with the strong. Are you still a man? You open your mouth and want to deal with me. Even if I really want to go to the house to expose the tiles, what can you do with me? I tell you, if you really dare to bully me, I will tell my parents to help me revenge, hum!"

Looking at Jiang Muyan's little arrogance of 'I have a backer, I'm not afraid of you', Huo Yan's serious face for a long time, suddenly broke his work, and he couldn't help but look at the corners of his mouth. Now he looks at Jiang Tong's shoes, which is as gentle as water.

Pinched the little girl's tender and slippery face, Huo Yan sighed, "Little girl, you have many ways. You see, I've been eaten to death by you. How dare you see other women? You just put 120 hearts. Even if our parents don't deal with me, the organization will have to deal with me first."

Jiang Tongshe, who was amused by Huo Yan's words, has already forgotten the 'crime evidence' that he had just accused Huo Yan. The two of them just talked like this and enjoyed the rare sweet time of them.

When Huo Yan touched Jiang Muyan's hands were a little cold, he quickly turned on the light and boiled a pot of hot water in the kitchen, ready to warm the little girl's hands and wash her feet in hot water.

While boiling water, Huo Yan said that the little girl's physique is too bad. When next spring comes, he will have to grab her to practice well. Otherwise, he will not be distressed by her illness and cold in the end!

Sitting in a somewhat empty room, Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan, who was busy for himself. His long military green coat and military coat had been taken off and put aside. Huo Yan was now wearing a thin light green military shirt, and his shirt sleeves were hand in hand. The man's strong half arm was exposed on his wrist.

Compared with Huo Yan's thin clothes at this moment, Jiang Muyan couldn't help looking at his thick self, which formed a strong contrast with Huo Yan.

Jiang Muyan can't figure it out. Why doesn't Huo Yan feel cold when wearing such a little clothes?

On the contrary, when I wear it so thickly, I still feel chilly and my hands and feet are cold. Sure enough, the physique of soldiers is not comparable to ordinary people!

Thinking of the matter of physique, Jiang Muyan suddenly thought of Huo Yan's domineering strength in **, and... It was so good that she always wanted to faint and die!

Jiang Muyan gritted his teeth with hatred. In that kind of thing, Huo Yan is a perverted beast!