Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

163: Happiness comes too suddenly

For Huanzi's proposal, Jiang Tong's shoes, who had long wanted to go out to bask in the sun, could only raise his hands and feet to agree.

When Huo Yan came into contact with Jiang Tong's deer-like eyes full of desire, he was only funny in his heart. Did Jiang Muyan forget that he had just promised her?

A kiss for her freedom to go out and bask in the sun.

However, since Jiang Muyan didn't expect this, Huo Yan will definitely not take the initiative to mention it. Anyway, he still has a long aftertaste and a long aftertaste of the little girl.

Under the urgent gaze of Jiang Muyan and Huanzi, Huo Yan finally nodded. Seeing Huo Yan nodding and agree, Jiang Muyan almost jumped up excitedly.

Oh, my God, why does she have a sudden feeling of happiness!

Sure enough, she has been locked in the ward for too long. Now she urgently needs to breathe the fresh air outside to prove that she is still alive!

Jiang Tong's shoes, who got freedom, couldn't wait to fly out immediately. Seeing her in a hurry, Huo Yan quickly grabbed her and carefully put on a down jacket and a thick scarf.

"Daughter-in-law, remember to call me if you need anything, okay? Go for a drink later. Don't drink coffee or anything cold, remember?

Seeing Huo Yanluoli talking a lot about this and that, Jiang Muyan, the party concerned, had not had time to complain, and Huanzi beside him was completely unbearable.

Oh, my God, is this big man who is wordy in front of her or the silent leader Huo she knew before? She died just by hearing what he said.

Jiang Muyan, who is really sorry, can still laugh heartlessly, with a happy and sweet little appearance. Sure enough, it's not that the family doesn't enter a family. At this glance, they are a perfect match!

Huanzi, who was afraid that Huo Yan would continue to talk, quickly pulled Jiang Muyan, and then said to Huo Yan, "Big commander, it's okay. Don't worry if you give the person to me. I think you can just be a baby nanny when you retire."

"Huanzi!" Jiang Muyan, who was dissatisfied with Huanzi's ridiculing of her man, stared at her with big eyes, as if she had become a bad person.

The little expression of anxious to protect her husband was simply sour in Huanzi's eyes. "Well, if I continue to talk about it, I will really become a bad guy in your mind. Let's go. Let's just linger, and the sun will set."

After saying that, regardless of Jiang Muyan's reluctant little eyes, he directly and forcefully pulled Jiang Muyan out of the ward.

As a heartless family, Jiang Tongshe immediately forgot Huo Yan in the ward after leaving the ward. That excited little emotion almost released her whole body.

The two leisurely came all the way to the garden behind the hospital inpatient department and stood under the tree. Through the gap between the leaves, the thin light and shadow were scattered on Jiang Muyan's white face, forming a beautiful and fresh picture.

Huanzi, who has always been envious of Jiang Muyan's good skin, expressed considerable contempt when he saw Jiang Muyan instantly turning into a little fresh goddess from two fools.

Won, Jiang Muyan is absolutely intentional!

Knowing that her skin is so good, she still shows off in front of her. Be careful that she is jealous and buy a bottle of sulfuric acid to use it as a lotion for her, so that even saves money for her plastic surgery in the future.

Jiang Tong shoes, who didn't notice Huanzi's dark thoughts at this moment, only felt as if he had just been released from prison. Seeing everything, he felt extremely beautiful.

That's right. After this incident, she is also a person who will not die. For the rest of her life after the disaster, Jiang Muyan feels that she needs to be more frank and straightforward about her future life and feelings in the face of Huo Yan.

Especially during his hospitalization, Jiang Muyan saw all the meticulous efforts of Huo Yan and engraved them in his heart. To be honest, Jiang Muyan suddenly felt very afraid in the past few days.

I'm afraid that if Huo Yan signed the divorce agreement two years ago, even if they meet again two years later, they will only have nothing to do with their ex-wife and ex-husband.

What's more, maybe Huo Yan has found a good woman again, got married and had a child. At that time, he will really miss a peerless good man like Huo Yan.

"Huanzi, I suddenly feel that I am very lucky and happy!"

Hearing this, Huanzi looked up at Jiang Muyan with a white and red face, and then agreed, "I can see that the commander is a good man. Don't let other women take the opportunity to abduct him away."

"I believe that Huo Yan is not that kind of person!"

The sky was clear and the sun was shining. Jiang Muyan and Huanzi, who were talking about various topics in the hospital garden, didn't know at all. After they left the ward, the ward suddenly became extremely lively.

Yu Xiaoxiao, who is personally acting as a hard laborer, is looking at the colorful ribbons in his hand with resentment. His eyes are very depressed and his expression is very haggard.

"Hey, you guys have gone too much!!" As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Yu Xiaoshao was once again cheated by the three people in front of him who claimed to be his good brothers in his life. At this time, the uprising finally broke out.

Hearing Yu Xiao Shao's roar from the bottom of their hearts, Huo Yan and the others had time to open their mouths to hit him. As a young child, Comrade Zhong Xiaoru, they began to educate someone.

"Haoran, just let you hang these ribbons on it. Why can't you even do this? There are so many complaints? If you really don't want to do it, then go home first and let me do it!"

After Zhong Xiaoru finished speaking, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to climb up and down.

Seeing this, Yu Haoran had been scared for a long time, and all negative emotions dissipated without a trace. He didn't care about the ribbon in his hand. He quickly ran to Zhong Xiaoru's side and reset her on the chair.

He was still nervous and repeated, "Daughter-in-law, don't move around, okay, auntie, I'll come, can't I come!"

After saying that, seeing Zhong Xiaoru looking at herself in disbelievously, Yu Xiao's desire for victory and defeat was instantly activated. He tied the various ribbons left on the ground to his waist, put on the most dazzling national style, climbed up, climbed up the ladder and hung ribbons.

That posture, not to mention, professional and meticulous, is definitely a qualified laborer.

Zhong Xiaoru was very satisfied with this, Huo Yan was very comfortable, and Fang Kun Ye Zixiang was very surprised!

Seeing that Yu Haoran actually behaved obediently and grew up together, he knew more about Fang Kun's children's shoes than Yu Haoran's own parents. At this moment, he said that he could not calm down at all.

Who can imagine that Yu Haoran, who used to regard women as clothes and brothers as siblings, is now actually eaten to death by a little girl and let him go east. He absolutely dares not go west and let him climb the stairs. He absolutely dares not go down the stairs.

It's so sad to change like this!

Fang Kun, who couldn't help making fun of Yu Haoran's words, now stood leisurely in the ward, with his hands on his chest, and said casually, "Lao Si, remember to hang up better. Anyway, you have done it all. Don't come back to work later."

Yu Haoran, who was standing on the ladder and trying to hang the ribbon, replied to Fang Kun angrily, "Second, you should be vicious and be careful to repay him."

"No, I won't be accepted by Xiaoru like you. You know, women who like me are almost lined up from the city hall to the East Gate."

Seeing that the topic was related to his daughter-in-law, Yu Haoran could not calm down, hanging a ribbon full of resentment while maintaining Zhong Xiaoru.

"Second, you are crazy. I don't believe it. No woman can control you in my life. Look at the boss, an iron man. In the end, it's not in the hands of Jiang Muyan. If you want me, this is all fate, and you can't resist!"

"Oh... Lao Si, is this what you said? Now I really want to doubt whether you are still the same as before.

For Yu Haoran's fate, Fang Kun, who had not yet met the woman he was destined for, sneered and said that he would never believe this nonsense.

What a joke? If his good life fell into the hands of a little girl, wouldn't it make people laugh? In this regard, with the lessons of Huo Yan and Yu Haoran, Fang Kun secretly made up his mind that he would not follow in their footsteps and become a veritable wife slave.

"Believe it or not, daughter-in-law, do you see, is it okay for me to hang up?"

"Not bad."

Such affectionate interaction fell into the eyes of Huo Yan and the three people. They had different tastes. Huo Yanxin said, "What should I do?" After a while, he began to miss his little girl again.

And Fang Kun only felt that Yu Haoran is really enough. Do you want to be so happy and disgust others?

Only Ye Zixiang, who has always been watching coldly, is depressed now. He looks out of the window and doesn't know what he is thinking.

When everything was ready, looking at the lonely ward just now, it suddenly turned into a sea of joy. Ribbons flew, balloons scattered on the ground, and there was a faint fragrance of roses in the air. Everything was just for the woman in Huo Yan's heart.

"Brother Huo, are you sure you don't know these surprises we prepared?" It was Zhong Xiaoru talking. Just two days ago, Zhong Xiaoru learned the news of Jiang Muyan's hospitalization from Yu Haoran. Zhong Xiaoru was so angry that she almost didn't talk to Yu Haoran for a day.

When she needed help most, it was Jiang Muyan who helped her. They were not only good friends, but also good friends. Even Zhong Xiaoru felt that the relationship between her and Jiang Muyan was absolutely not inferior to any pair of sisters.

But it was her friend who valued so much that she was hospitalized and such a big thing happened. Yu Haoran actually hid it from her. Although Zhong Xiaoru also knew that Yu Haoran was afraid that she would be anxious and not good for the baby in her stomach, every time Zhong Xiaoru thought of this, she had all kinds of complaints about Haoran.

Fortunately, Jiang Muyan is almost fine now. Today, Yu Haoran took the initiative to apply for the layout of the ward to offset the mistakes he had made before. For Yu Xiaoxiao's such a positive transformation, Zhong Xiaoru decided in her heart that she would forgive him for hiding something from her this time.