Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

192: Kidnapped?

Stupid! I don't know how to get my own good after leaving. Even if I'm a hostage, if I see that I'm having a hard time, others won't pay, right? Jiang Muyan cursed in his heart, and then softly twisted his body into various curves to try to escape, but they were professional.

My wrist was tightly grasped, and there was no chance to break free at all. Instead, he sweated all over, so Jiang Muyan could only give up.

I kept gasping for breath, and then my body fell softly**. Forget it, let's take a break... I'm also hungry. If I had known it, I would have eaten more breakfast.

After his body slowly calmed down, Jiang Muyan suddenly found that there seemed to be a breathing sound around him. Maybe he had already been in the room, but he had never found it.

"Who are you?" Jiang Muyan held his breath and then asked gently. A terrible mood suddenly filled her whole body, making her unable to move for a moment. It seemed that as long as she moved, the other party would rush to her prey like a hungry wolf.

The man didn't say anything, but obviously his footsteps were slowly approaching him. Just as Jiang Muyan wanted to slowly retreat to one side, suddenly his whole body was pulled up by the man, and then his clothes seemed to have never belonged to him, and he was instantly evacuated from his body.

What does this person want to do? Do you want to be yourself...

Ah! Jiang Muyan's sealed mouth roared loudly, but he couldn't make any sound, only a whining sound.

But strangely, the man seemed to take off all his clothes and opened the door and went out.

By the way, she remembers seeing it in many movies, which are like this for the kidnapped hostages. Even if she takes off her clothes, she can break free from the rope in her hand, but she can't run out. How can she run away naked?

Fortunately, I'm in a hotel**. Even if I don't have clothes, I can barely drill into the quilt! Jiang Muyan moved his body hard, and then lifted it with his foot quilt, and his body got into it. Then she took advantage of the gap between the quilt and the bed, rubbed her head hard, and finally pulled off the black hood covering her head.

It's also dark around, and there is no light at all. Isn't this hotel too power-saving? Moreover, the protection measures against peeping are too advanced, and even the curtains are leaking...

Jiang Muyan looked at the switch next to him and was about to take the opportunity to turn it on. So even if he was done, at least he could see the person's face clearly?

While thinking about it, the door suddenly opened again. Jiang Muyan suddenly withdrew into the quilt and buried his head in it.

The man slowly came in, and then suddenly lifted the quilt used by Jiang Muyan to cover his shame and hide. Suddenly, the cold air made her body tremble slightly involuntarily. But the man covered the quilt again.

is too dark. She can't see the man's appearance at all. All she knows is that he is very tall and burly, which looks similar to Huo Yan. Ouch... Are you an idiot? He is a robber! How can it be compared with Huo Yan?

But it's okay. Although he took off his clothes, it was so dark that he couldn't see his body, could he?

Suddenly, the quilt was lifted again, but the bed around me sank slightly, and then a warm root appeared beside him. No way? That man... he wants to...

Thinking of this, she bit her teeth and immediately kicked the man as quickly as possible. No! Even if it's dead! She absolutely can't let this man give... Where can Huo Yan's face be put in this way?

No, no! Where can I put my own face? At this time, I still think about Huo Yan, okay! Even if Jiang Muyan doesn't admit Huo Yan, she has to admit that she has forgiven Huo Yan for a long time. Maybe... It's just a coincidence...

Before her feet touched the man's body, she had been gripped by the man's hand, and then her whole body was pulled under him by him.

Only then did I find that the man in front of me was already naked, and it was obvious that he had eaten her!

No! Absolutely not! Jiang Muyan kept struggling, closed his legs desperately, and wrapped his feet into a twist. Unfortunately, the man was so powerful that he only needed a gentle pull with one hand, and her solid defense suddenly collapsed completely.

And he also took advantage of this time to intervene his burly body between her legs. A strange fragrance suddenly floated into her breath.

No! Jiang Muyan felt scared at this time, and tears slowly flowed down the corners of his eyes to her ears. Huo Yan! You bastard! Don't show up when you show up. Where did you go when you show up?

The body is still struggling, but the hands tied behind him need no strength at all, and the mouth is still tight, and you can't scream.

seemed to understand Jiang Muyan's intention, and then the man gently took off the cloth from her mouth.

"Bastard! Let go of me!" Once the mouth is free, it will scream unreasonably. Haven't you seen a woman? Help... Help..."

She doesn't want it, Huo Yan, Huo Yan, where are you? Whoo...

The man didn't say anything, but seemed to be very interested in Jiang Muyan's words, and then his fingers gently teased her soft bun, just like teasing before the cat wanted to eat the mouse. It is to disintegrate Jiang Muyan's patience.

And Jiang Muyan's heartbreaking cry doesn't seem to be heard by others at all. What kind of hotel is this? The sound insulation effect is great, isn't it? My voice is about to be hoarse, but there is still no movement? Jiang Muyan, who slowly lost confidence, has lost his original popularity.

"Don't..." Found his hand moving on his little meat bag without hesitation, Jiang Muyan finally softened, and then immediately cried and begged for mercy: "Please...don't..."

The man didn't say anything, but replaced his hand with his lips, as if the sweetness had never disappeared.

"Please...don't do this..." Jiang Muyan's body trembled slightly. She hated such a feeling, was disgusted by being touched by someone other than Huo Yan, disgusted that she could not escape at all, and disgusted the man in front of her...

But tears of humiliation flowed rampantly on my collapsed mood. Jiang Muyan hardly knew that he had so many tears. It turned out that if it hadn't been for the fact that I had encountered such a thing, I wouldn't have known that I had been branded by Huo Yan at all. Except for him, strangers could not enter!

The man's hand suddenly became gentle, slowly wiping away her tears, and then his fingers gently slid along her cheeks to her collarbone, and then gently moved back and forth along the collarbone.

"Please... I beg you, I'm married. I have a husband, please don't treat me like this..." In English or Chinese, Jiang Muyan himself did not know that he had repeated similar words several times, just so that the man in front of him could retreat.

I don't know whether marriage stimulated the man or a husband stimulated the man. Anyway, after she said it, the man in front of her was obviously slightly stunned, and then the action was not as gentle as just now. When Jiang Muyan was not fully ready, he suddenly put Jiang Muyan's buttocks slightly at the fastest speed. Lift up.

Then the sharp sword on his lower body seemed to find the scabbard that suits him and rushed in...

That tingling made Jiang Muyan's heart suddenly lose a large piece, empty and nothing. Only Huo Yan's angry face was left. Why are you doing this? Why did you leave Huo Yan? Why come to England? Why?

Guilt, self-reproach, and the current humiliation surged into her mind like a flood, making her unavoidable.

Huo Yan... From now on... I'm afraid I can't be with you anymore! Jiang Muyan flashed such an idea at that moment. Then suddenly, his brain and body seemed to be dead, and he did not resist at all, allowing the man on his body to keep climbing his body. Lost the courage to struggle.

Just like this... It's also good to die... Jiang Muyan smiled bitterly, then closed his eyes, and then involuntarily exhaled a name: "Huo Yan..."

At this moment, suddenly the man seemed to hear her, but stopped his movements, and then slowly put his head to her ear: "I'm..."

Is it an illusion? Why does she feel that Huo Yan seems to be talking to herself? Jiang Muyan blinked his eyes.

"Punish you for not listening to me and for leaving me without permission." The voice still continued in her ears, and with the sound, her body was still constantly punished by the men on her body, raging a good field in her body.

"You are mine and will never leave me. Do you know?" The sound continued.

Now Jiang Muyan seemed to have regained his senses, and then her eyes began to live. She looked at the man on her body who had an unfamiliar fragrance but almost breathed... He... Is he?

"Daughter-in-law... Now you listen to me!" The man on her was obviously gloating and then said to Jiang Muyan.

Huo Yan! He is Huo Yan! Jiang Muyan heard a familiar voice and looked at the man who was still undulating on her in disbelief. Is he really Huo Yan?


"What am I?" Still so domineering: "Who made me unable to taste meat for so many days? Why don't I taste enough at one time?"