Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

211: The beginning of the transformation

Although Jiao Hongting is not a person in the entertainment industry, her popularity is not very well known to the public, but the stars of all sizes in the entertainment industry know her and know that as long as it is the character that Jiao Hongting is staring at, if she can't become popular in an instant, she will definitely make her notorious.

At a young age, he has almost mastered the lifeblood of many magazine news, and is also a new generation of news speculators. Therefore, as long as she is a little active, almost all people in the entertainment industry will be alert. In recent years, because she has been living in Singapore, she has not been very involved in the domestic entertainment industry, so not many people mention it.

But now that she has come back, everything will become different. All the star agents have begun to make orders one after another. Generally, it is the stars who escape from the golden hunters in the entertainment industry, with the exception of Jiao Hongting, who come to her one after another. Among them, Jin Cheng is no exception.

But in terms of Jin Cheng's current reputation, there is no need to go to Jiao Hongting to hype. His purpose is just to need the whereabouts of his heart.

What is unwilling to eat is what it is now. Two bosses, one is paid his own salary, one is the reason for his own salary increase, and the other is a worker at the bottom of society. The three people are not very harmonious, but they have to stay here and eat at the same restaurant and the same table at the same time.

"How long will you be here this time?" Jin Cheng finally said.

"I don't know. Mr. Jincheng, I'm different from you. Your work is all up to you, and mine... can only listen to the company. Jiao Hongting said a word without hesitation.

Next, there was a long silence. She could have a good lunch tomorrow morning, but Jiang Muyan still ate slowly and had to eat slowly... Outside the box was the place where Huanzi and they ate, but she couldn't go out to eat Haisai with them.

Speakingly speaking, she didn't provoke anyone? Why do you always feel that your career is not smooth?

"Huo Tuan, it's been three days. This is the task list and the progress of completion in the recent period. Take a look." Lao Li put a record book in front of Huo Yan.

"Ye�. Let it go." Huo Yan nodded, then gently pushed his hand, and the record book was pushed aside.

"Huo Tuan..."

"Lao Li, let me be quiet for a while."

"But what's wrong with you? After dinner, I will teach those monkeys. After that, you will be like this. Even if the sister-in-law is wrong, as long as you put down the pimples in your heart and talk well, sister-in-law..."

"Lao Li?" Huo Yan raised his head and looked at Lao Li with an anxious face in front of him: "Can you leave me alone for a while?"

"...Okay." Lao Li nodded, then turned around and walked out. After so many years of cooperation, will he still not understand Huo Yan's personality?

Huo Yan waited for Lao Li to go out and looked at his mobile phone. There was no phone call. Except for the small party between Fang Kun and them gave him a text message notification, there was no text message.

After he left, did Jiang Muyan completely abandon himself from her world? Is this what you want? Huo Yan closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang, and Huo Yan picked it up without thinking: "Hey?"

"Brother Huo Yan?" Obviously, it was not Jiang Muyan at the other end of the phone, but Su Chang's voice. Huo Yan suddenly lost interest.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to say Dong Ying..." Su Chang hasn't finished yet. Huo Yan's voice was faster than her.

"If it's a little shadow thing, I can't come out now. You can let Fang Kun and others deal with it first." Huo Yan said it like hanging up the phone, but Su Chang didn't seem to let him go.

"Wait... Brother Huo... I also want them to deal with it, but you know Dong Ying, she doesn't care about them at all. It's useless for me to call them?" Su Chang's voice sounded pitiful.

"I'm in the army now. I have a task and it's not convenient to come out. That's all." Huo Yan hung up the phone before saying goodbye. Then he sighed and closed his eyes. Why not it's you? Why not you? Don't you really miss me?

"How's it going?" Dong Ying walked to Su Chang's side and asked gently.

"Your brother Huo Yan has a task and can't come out. He wants to ask me if I'm going to ask you to take care of you." Su Chang also said helplessly. This is not her problem. Huo Yan has always been unwilling to take the bait, and she can't help it, can't she?

What's more, to be honest, she is now trying her best to bring Huo Yan here. Even without Dong Ying, of course she needs to work hard. So it's not her fault.

"So that's it. No wonder. He is desperate to work. Hearing this, Dong Ying immediately woke up with a slight smile on her face.

"Well, what do you say? Of course, other women will try their best to get close to him, but what about you? Instead, you have to think about how to give people space. You should know that a man can't give him too much space. If you give him space, it is equivalent to locked you up. Don't say I didn't teach you?" Su Chang lay on Dong Ying's ** and then stuffed a plum.

"Su Chang, do you think we don't want to do anything with Brother Huo Yan..."

"What did you say?" Su Chang stood up and looked at Dong Ying in front of him. Does this guy want to retreat? She can fight, so what should she do in the future? Now she has to use her identity to get close to Huo Yan? What's more, slowly, as long as Dong Ying makes Huo Yan more and more annoying, then in comparison, she can get more and more praise from Huo Yan.

"I feel like I've been using Brother Huo Yan. I really don't want to..."

"What are you talking about? You... I said that you didn't make up your decision at all! Look, you are still the home of the army. You don't have the courage to do things as much as your father. Su Chang did not allow her to have any chance to quit the game. As long as she didn't shout to stop, she couldn't stop!

"But... if Brother Huo Yan finds out one day, I will no longer have a face beside him." Dong Ying looked up at Su Chang and said, "I have played the identity of a hangover during this period, but Brother Huo Yan hates this the most..."

"Before you saw Jiang Muyan, do you think Huo Yan is a good match for her?" Su Chang asked.

"This..." Dong Ying really doesn't want to say what she thinks and doesn't deserve it. Brother Huo Yan is a soldier with a rigorous attitude and is very intuitive to see things, but Jiang Muyan is like a person with no rules at all. If the two had not been together, she would never feel that Huo Yan was big. I like such a hairy girl.

"Isn't it right? This is what you think... and it's mine. I think you are more suitable for Huo Yan. Love... Do you really think it's such a simple thing? What love at first sight, what long-term love, what the greatest thing... wrong!" Su Chang continued to eat plums.

"Love is great, because love is the only thing that does not pay attention to equivalent exchange. If you don't like it, you will definitely get it, but if you don't work hard, you will never get it. People who fall in love at first sight often because they have something they like, so what if not? We can only create it ourselves.

"So do I really create the fate between me and Brother Huo Yan now?" Dong Ying looked back at Su Chang and asked.

"No... you are turning Huo Yan's feelings on the right path." Su Chang shook her head and said.

"Is he... wrong?"

"I said that there is nothing wrong with love. It's just that he didn't follow the route he should. If after a period of time, he still feels that you are the most suitable for him, but at this stage, he is trapped by Jiang Muyan. All we did was help him get out of that illusion and tell him that there were more suitable people here. That's you... Dong Ying!"

"I...suitable for him." Dong Ying said word by word like a repeater.

Yes, you are suitable for him, you are only suitable for him, and he is also suitable for you, only suitable for you! Remember?" After saying that, Su Chang saw that Dong Ying's expression had stabilized a lot, and a trace of guilt flashed in his heart.

To be honest, it is amazing that Su Chang's identity can get a friend like Dong Ying, not to mention that Dong Ying also trusts her very much. But she is still taking advantage of her... No, what mess is she thinking about? If you want anything, you must fight for it with your own hands. This is her survival creed.

When she first used her body to exchange for the expensive coat she had been like for a long time, she was destined to have such a life. As for Dong Ying... How can she know herself? Everything is arranged, her life is rich, her social status is fixed, and there is no harm. But she...

"Su Chang? What's wrong?" Dong Ying's head suddenly rushed into Su Chang's sight.

"It's okay. I'm thinking about what to do. I think you should ask those guys first to see how long Huo Yan will be in the army. Even if we can't meet him, we can't let Jiang Muyan touch him. Su Chang looked at Dong Ying and said.

"Ye." Dong Ying has lost her mind. On Huo Yan, she feels like a puppet involved by Su Chang, but if she doesn't do so, I'm afraid she won't be able to get close to Huo Yan in her life.

At least in recent times, her car accidents and drunkenness have finally brought her closer to Huo Yan after becoming an adult.

"He will be there for about two months. They don't know the details. Brother Huo Yan's orders are immediate, so if he doesn't say it, no one knows the specific time." Dong Ying hung up the phone and said.

"Well, in that case, what we can do is to monitor Jiang Muyan. As long as Huo Yan appears beside her, it's time for us to get close." Su Chang said.