Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

267: "Dream" Huo Yan

" you and Jiao Hongting got married?" Jiang Muyan looked at Jin Cheng and finally couldn't help asking.

"No." Jin Cheng shook his head and said. After a year... the agent really began to appreciate me. I left the bar. Because I needed to go directly to South Korea for professional training as an idol star, I resolutely left, but I didn't know that after I knew the news, I wanted to see me..."

"Later..." Jin Cheng suddenly got up and slowly walked to the window: "Later, she had a car accident on the road and lost consciousness from the beginning of her neck. I didn't know about this until I arrived in South Korea. I wanted to go back to see her, but... My agent signed an agreement with South Korea at that time, and I couldn't go back at all.

So you stayed in South Korea? And didn't go to see her?" Jiang Muyan was a little contemptuous. His woman had such a big thing, but he didn't go back?

Seeing Jiang Muyan's expression, Jin Cheng raised his head and then looked at Jiang Muyan: "Do you know that you have been valued by South Korea because you are an orphan? 100 million! If I break the contract, I will lose 100 million. Even if I am willing to accept it, what can I do to make up for it? What's more, I don't even have a dime. How can I go back to China?"

"So...what happened later?" Jiang Muyan looked at his angry face and then asked softly.

"Later? I was in South Korea for three years. As soon as I came back three years later, I went to find her, but Jiao Hongting stopped me. Don't let me see her. So I don't know where my heart is at all. Jiao Hongting has never given my heart a chance to explain. Jin Cheng closed his eyes and seemed to suppress his anger.

"Now you understand?" Jin Cheng opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Muyan and said.

"So that's it. No wonder you will..."

"Five years. I begged her for five years, but she never let me see her heart. Even if it's wrong, you have to give me a chance to modify it, right? But she didn't even give me a chance. Now that Jiao Hongting is a big sister in the entertainment industry, I am less likely to defeat the media. We still have to rely on your media."

"So...what are you going to do now?" Jiang Muyan looked at Jin Cheng and asked.

"What should I do? Keep asking her and continue to know where she has gone. If I don't find my heart and explain everything in those years, I will never stop. Jin Cheng's originally gentle-looking face suddenly showed a firm look.

"Then you and Fan Lin..."

"The entertainment industry needs headlines, gossip, and a lot of things, which I can't control. All right. Let's get back to the story? Today's question, my answer. Jin Cheng's recovery is very fast. He must have learned how to adjust his mentality in the face of various different problems for a long time.

The interview was soon over. Jiang Muyan wanted to leave, but was stopped by Jin Cheng: "Wait."

"Mr. Jin Cheng..."

"Can you write my previous words in the article?" Jin Cheng suddenly said.


"Because I want you to see it, but... she won't let you write this. My purpose is just to let her... see it."

"Okay!" Jiang Muyan nodded and then left.

When Jiang Muyan walked downstairs, he found that Huanzi had been waiting downstairs: "Hey... won't you go up when you arrive?"

"Please, interview... I'm already late. Why bothering you? Besides, my stomach still hurts a little. I can't use the toilet rudely in front of my idol!" Huanzi stared at Jiang Muyan and said.

"Then... get in the car! Today's harvest is quite good. Jiang Muyan said mysteriously.

"Really?" Huanzi's face was full of excitement, and she knew that Jiang Muyan had come out, and there must be some good topics to see.

"What is this?" Jiao Hongting threw the manuscript in her hand on the table and then looked at Jiang Muyan. Is that what he said? Can this be convincing?

"Editor-in-chief Jiao, I don't understand why this can't be convinced. I think what Jin Cheng said is very sincere and may not be false?" Jiang Muyan said deliberately, and she didn't know why, she just wanted to help Jin Cheng.

"Lies, nonsense. These are fake at first glance..." It seemed that she felt that her attitude was a little too extreme, so Jiao Hongting was silent for a moment and continued to say, "What we want is not speculation, but the truth. Have you confirmed all these facts? If you are gently stabbed by other magazines, you will make a big hole.

"This... I haven't confirmed it." Jiang Muyan said honestly.

"I don't know what Jin Cheng put on you, but whether this person speaks or does things, he must be energetic. I think you have a husband and should understand that this guy is lying. That's why I let you go. If you can't control it, I'll let others go. Well, go down quickly and find some other topics to make up for it.

After saying that, Jiao Hongting seemed to be a little anxious to drive Jiang Muyan out. And her attitude made Jiao Hongting more sure that there must be a real part in Jin Cheng's words. Otherwise, how could Jiao Hongting be so easily provoked? And Jin Cheng is right. She will never allow this paragraph to be written, in fact, to protect her sister.

After tapping on the keyboard, Jiang Muyan leaned his body against the stool and frowned. Today, Huanzi went to Fang Kun's place, and she will definitely not come back in the evening. She should also think of something to do.

Slowly walked to the TV and picked up the tape of a horror film. Is it a ghost? In an instant, I remembered everything when I and Huo Yan watched the horror movie that day. So sweet, so... ouch... what are you thinking? Is it spring again?

Jiang Muyan scolded himself, then sorted out his things, and then picked up the fruit wine in the kitchen. He opened the lid and took a sip.

I don't know who invented the fruit wine. It tastes good and is really suitable for girls to drink. It has the taste of wine and fruit. The taste is first-class, and people can drink a lot unconsciously.

Jiang Muyan watched the movie, drank fruit wine on an empty stomach, and unconsciously fell asleep. But I didn't hear a person open the door and slowly walk to her side. Then he stretched out his hand and gently stroked her hair.

Huo Yan frowned and looked at the pile of wine bottles around her. He couldn't drink and always drank. Didn't he know that fruit wine can't be a drink? Shaking his head, Huo Yan gently threw away all the wine bottles. Then he slowly hugged Jiang Muyan back to **.

He admitted that he was a little despicable, used Fang Kun to take Huanzi's key, and then went to match it. It's convenient for you to sneak over.

Only in this way can he look at her quietly. It's twelve o'clock, and he knows that her sleeping bug will knock at ten o'clock, especially when there is no one. So he made up a time when she would not wake up. It was enough to smell her again and see her.

Tomorrow is the day of amniotic fluid piercing. If... that woman's child is really his own, then as a soldier, he can't let it go like this. So the road ahead will become more difficult, and it may really become a thing of the past between him and her. It's just that he doesn't want this.

Thinking of this, he sighed deeply and then touched his painful temple.

"Huo Yan..." Jiang Muyan, who suddenly slept in the dark, made a soft call, which shocked Huo Yan slightly.

"Huo Yan? Is that you?" Jiang Muyan's voice sounded so vague, but he was still drunk.

"It's me... What's wrong? Unsn't it? Huo Yan didn't want to talk, but he had to speak. He didn't want her to feel helpless. He wanted her to find him anytime and anywhere.

"It's you..." Jiang Muyan suddenly smiled gently, then put his hands around his neck and leaned her body tightly against him: "It's you."

The murmur, coupled with her lazy call, made Huo Yan's already restless mood more affected. He firmly took off his shoes and squeezed himself into her little **: "It's me."

"I... I miss you..." Jiang Muyan blurted out, and then naturally leaned his leg against him.


"I miss you..." Jiang Muyan said again, and then suddenly looked up as if he was smiling with him, as if he was talking to himself, and then buried his head in his chest.

"Me too." As soon as Huo Yan said, he took off her clothes as quickly as possible and waved her hand. Her clothes peeled from her body as if they were props that listened to the magician's call.

His body is hot and leaning against her body. He never know why, as long as this can make Huo Yan crazy. Every minute and every inch of her is so beautiful that it makes it difficult for him to control himself. In his eyes, only she, only her everything, can arouse him a little desire.

"Huo Yan..." His hands grasped Huo Yan softly, and his lips opened slightly, exhaling warm air, with the intoxicating aroma of fruit and wine, making Huo Yan feel like he was drunk.

He knew that it was not good to take advantage of people's danger, but Jiang Muyan had such magic, which turned his proud self-discipline into a pile of waste paper. His hand slowly slid from her collarbone to the hill on her chest, which was his favorite place and her extremely ** place.

These are all he knows. It's also what he can't give up. She gently picked up her petiteness and twisted it skillfully with her fingers to make her body fever again.

"Oh..." Jiang Muyan was obviously very useful. He raised his body slightly, approached his source of heat, and twisted his waist a little uneasily. He was a little irritable...

"Yan Yan... Do you know it's me?" Huo Yan looked at Jiang Muyan's confused eyes and asked. He doesn't want another man in her dream to be his own. After resisting his own needs, he became much more patient.

"Ye�. Huo Yan..." Jiang Muyan smiled and was extremely bright and lovely, but his body took the initiative to meet him.