Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

323: Eat hot pot

While apologizing and leaving, the old man soon disappeared into their eyes.

Con Sichen sighed disappointedly and then gently inserted his hand into his hair: "It's really disappointing."

Jiang Muyan looked at him, but he was secretly glad that the old man had just appeared, otherwise he might have had an unclear relationship with Kang Sichen. But now, even if two people want to continue, even if they want to, I don't think a man like Kang Sichen who cares about the atmosphere will not continue.

But she also looked straight at Kang Sichen. I haven't looked away for a long time.

Kang Sichen was so disappointed that he was almost able to have a closer behavior with Jiang Muyan here. This feeling was that Kang Sichen had never felt before. The feeling of heartbeat was like he would suffocate in an instant. Really...this good! Is that so?

Kang Sichen smiled secretly, and then turned his head to find that Jiang Muyan was staring at him closely, very curious, and then asked gently, "What are you looking at?"

"I found that your eyes are... dark green?" Jiang Muyan suddenly opened his mouth.

"Yes, I haven't told you, am I mixed-race? My mother is a foreigner. Unfortunately, the appearance comes entirely from my father, so ordinary people can't see it. Only my eyes can prove it, but the dark green eyes look like ordinary black and brown eyes during the day. Kang Sichen said.

Really? Great, there is a mixed-race friend around me?" Jiang Muyan is obviously very happy.

Kang Sichen looked at her and knew that her happiness was not fake. Would she be so happy if she was just a mixed-race? But if this is a bonus point in her heart, it's also good. Very good, I finally made some progress today. I almost kissed and the identity of a mixed race... Very good!

Jiang Muyan looked at his superficial smile and suddenly had a strange idea. If he was not so handsome, would he have almost done something that he would regret?

If Kang Sichen's hair is bald, and then his skin is not so good, but full of acne, and then he is not so tall, he may know his shoulders... Thinking of this, such a picture suddenly appeared in Jiang Muyan's mind, which suddenly made Jiang Muyan laugh and can't suppress it. The smile made her body swing back and forth involuntarily.

"What's wrong?" Kang Sichen was slightly stunned, and then held her hand tightly.

"No...what... it's funny..." Jiang Muyan suppressed his smile and then said to Kang Sichen.

"Okay, but let's wait until we go down." Kang Sichen looked at her body for fear that she would accidentally fall.


"Can you tell me what you were laughing at just now?" Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan and asked.

"I was just laughing... Forget it, it's nothing, it's just a woman's joke." Jiang Muyan said with a smile, and then walked forward. How much does it cost to pack the whole park?

"You will never believe that it won't cost much money in one night." Kang Sichen said.

"Ha ha, so that's it... But it seems that such a romantic thing still needs money to do it." Jiang Muyan sighed and said.

"Ha ha, not necessarily... Money can only make the whole thing better, but nothing will change the whole atmosphere... Also, I spent money today, but I was still destroyed, didn't I?" Kang Sichen looked back at Jiang Muyan and said helplessly.

"That's true. Money will not be omnipotent after all." Jiang Muyan nodded and said.

"It's too late. I'll take you home." Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan and said that although his tone was still full of disappointment, he knew that Jiang Muyan wanted to go back.

Jiang Muyan actually didn't need to say that he wanted to go back, but looking at Kang Sichen's so lost expression, she didn't know what happened, but she changed her words: "I'm so hungry. I'm doing an interview at night, and I didn't eat anything? I don't know this time, do you have any other places to recommend?"

"Hungry? Yes, you didn't eat anything at night!" Kang Sichen suddenly realized, and then secretly blamed his carelessness: "This time..."

Conchen took out his mobile phone: "I can ask Ster Li to open the kitchen at home, or call..."

Jiang Muyan gently covered Kang Sichen's mobile phone with his hand and then put down his mobile phone: "At this time, I don't want to eat anything else, but... I really want to go somewhere."


"Hot pot restaurant!" After Jiang Muyan finished speaking, she took Kang Sichen to a hot pot restaurant near the park. She almost forgot that there was a hot pot restaurant next to the park that could last until 2 a.m., which was quite famous. At this time, of course, eating some hot pot warms the heart and stomach.

It's just that Kang Sichen looked at the smoky store and was a little resistant, but he knew that Jiang Muyan liked it, so he had to follow him in.

When all the dishes and a big pot bottom appeared in front of her, Jiang Muyan felt that his saliva was about to stay. In fact, it is false to say that she is hungry. Although the interview is true, she has filled her stomach with snacks in the venue before this. So she won't be hungry at all, but hot pot... well... she absolutely can't do it.

Kang Sichen has a completely different expression from Jiang Muyan. This big pot smells good, but it looks like a messy dish... Is this really delicious?

"Let's go!" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen, and then rudely picked up a big bone and began to nibble. Kang Sichen took two sips of the drink, but did not move his chopsticks.

Jiang Muyan's love for hot pot is that when everyone is around the hot pot, she will always have hot pot in her eyes.

"Waiter..." Jiang Muyan suddenly looked up and shouted at the door. Kang Sichen also looked up at her.


"Give me another plate of sheep and scorpions!"

"Okay!" The waiter walked away.

"Why don't you eat it?" Jiang Muyan finally had to ask. She found that during her long time of gnawing bones, Kang Sichen just looked at her, but did not want to move his chopsticks.

"I... I'm not hungry..." Kang Sichen looked at the big pot and said.

"Ouch... the hot pot will not be full..." Jiang Muyan waved his hand boldly and said.

"No?" Kang Sichen looked at the pile of bones and then stared at the so-called sheep scorpion on the plate that was brought in. Is this... called a sheep scorpion?

"'s delicious. There is not much meat, but it mainly depends on your teeth..." Jiang Muyan took one and then bit it as if he hadn't eaten for a few days, and then bit it fiercely.

Kang Sichen looked at the hot meat and finally couldn't beat Jiang Muyan's fierce eating appearance, and then he also picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as the meat came to the mouth, the original disgust suddenly dissipated. The meat is very crispy and the taste has been immersed in the meat. It tastes really good.

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and said.

"It tastes really good. Even with good tableware and time, it may not make the meat so tasty." Kang Sichen nodded and said, and then picked up another piece.

Jiang Muyan ate a love, and Kang Sichen ate a fresh meal. The two of them ordered four plates of sheep and scorpions, and finally leaned against their backs and took a rest.

I looked dizzy at the waiter on the other side. The two people were dressed brightly, with straight suits and elegant dresses, which tasted more handsome than ordinary diners!

"It's so comfortable..." Jiang Muyan went outside. After eating hot pot, he also temporarily forgot the cold and felt hot and comfortable all over. On the other side, Kang Sichen gently wiped his sweat with toilet paper and felt the aftertaste of the spicy taste of his lips.

"Let me say? It tastes good. You should know that for ordinary people like us, even if you have any trouble, you can throw it away. Jiang Muyan said to Kang Sichen.

"A brand-new attempt is really worth it." Kang Sichen also nodded and said, "It seems that you have to get a hot pot master at home in the future."

"Haha, who specializes in getting a hot pot chef at home?"

"Don't you like it? Then you can eat it every day... And the dishes can be fresher and the taste will be better, won't it?" Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan and said, and then gently wiped the sweat left by her with toilet paper.

Jiang Muyan was stunned, and then continued to walk forward as if he hadn't heard it.

"Yanyan..." Kang Sichen stopped Jiang Muyan, who was walking forward, and then came forward and gently wrapped his hand around Jiang Muyan's hand: "Thank you."

"Me?" Jiang Muyan turned around with an expression and then pulled his hand out of his palm.

"Because of your relationship, I saw a completely different world, really. I knew you were my inspiration, but I didn't know that your inspiration came so suddenly, so... it made me feel warm and completely different. It gives me an impulse to try everything in the world.

Looking at Kang Sichen's sincere expression, Jiang Muyan didn't know what to say and could only look at Kang Sichen in a daze.

Conshin looked at her and suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I think it's really suitable for kissing you just now, but it's a pity that my bad smell has not been changed, so my mouth is still full of the smell of hot pot. I really can't let myself kiss you." Kang Sichen is very honest.

"Haha... So this is it. Have you forgotten? My mouth is also full of the smell of hot pot!" Jiang Muyan began to regret after saying that, as if he were looking forward to his kiss.