Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

403: Warm Lunch

With thick dark circles, Jiang Muyan kept yawning and then walked out of the door.

"Oh, were you a thief last night?" Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Muyan's sleepy face and then asked.

"Don't mention it, I didn't sleep well. The whole thing feels so uncomfortable." Jiang Muyan yawned again and said.

"Ok, okay, go to sleep for a while. I miss you. You really are." Jiang's mother sighed and then pulled Nian Nian out.

Kang Sichen saw Jiang's mother leave, and then slowly came over and touched Jiang Muyan's dark circles: "Is it the relationship between recognizing the bed? Look, people who don't know think your eyes are really big!"

"Are you laughing at me?" Jiang Muyan gave him a white look.

"Okay, go and have a rest. I'll call you before lunch." Kang Sichen bent down and kissed Jiang Muyan's forehead, and then followed Jiang's mother and left.

If it's Huo Yan, he should be happy to see that he wants to stay in the room, right? I will definitely rush into my bed immediately and occupy it, and then with myself...

Hey, I've been thinking about the mess all night. Isn't it enough for me? Jiang Muyan shook his head and then covered himself in the quilt.

He fell asleep in a daze. Jiang Muyan didn't know how long it had been. Suddenly, a small palm gently stroked his face over and over again.

Jiang Muyan opened his eyes and saw the head of Nian in front of him.

"Mom! Get up! We are going to have lunch! The sun has found your ass!" Nian Nian said loudly when he saw Jiang Muyan who opened his eyes slightly.

"Okay, mom is getting up now." Jiang Muyan stretched out and then slowly got up from **.

But I saw that in addition to Nian Nian, there was another person in the room, that is, Kang Sichen sitting on the opposite sofa.

"Yes, my uncle and aunt have passed. Nian Nian must follow me, so I can only bring her here. Kang Sichen seemed to say with a trace of regret.

Why is it regrettable? Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and felt strange, but he didn't think much about it. Let's get up first.

It's just that Jiang Muyan was embarrassed to be stared at so bluntly by Kang Sichen. I could only look at Kang Sichen with my eyes, and then smile a little awkwardly.

Kang Sichen is not a fool. He suddenly seemed to understand something, so he immediately stood up and said to Nian Nian, "Come here. Uncle will take you outside. Mom can change clothes."

"Oh, but why go out?" Although Nian Nian followed obediently, he asked in his mouth.

"Because we are boys? Boys need to change girls' clothes and respect girls' choices. Kang Sichen taught as he walked.

One side of Nian Nian nodded incomprehensiblely, and then followed Kang Sichen to the door and gently closed the door.

Jiang Muyan quickly got up to freshen up, and then changed into a capable clothing, a thick T-shirt with butterfly sleeves, a pair of milky white jeans, and a purple down belt. Tie your hair high and look young and energetic.

As soon as Kang Sichen at the door turned around and saw Jiang Muyan, who had been dressed up, he was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

"What's wrong? It's funny!" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and then asked.

"I really don't want to bring my thoughts, otherwise I can wake you up with a kiss." Kang Sichen's face had a fake smile, which made Jiang Muyan's head untouchable.

However, Kang Sichen will never force himself to do things he doesn't like, which Jiang Muyan can absolutely guarantee.

"Mom, I can also call you up with a kiss!" The following Nian Nian immediately looked up and said proudly.

"Yes, yes! You are the best!" Jiang Muyan gently nodded his nose, then took his hand and walked forward.

Maybe because they have been waiting for too long, Jiang's mother and Jiang's father have already eaten and are waiting for Jiang Muyan and the others to come.

"Are you full? Your father and I want to call you, but Si Chen just won't let you sleep a little longer. Well, we're hungry. Let's eat first." Jiang's mother pointed to the empty plate in front of her and said.

"It's okay. You can eat well. Anyway, after sleeping for a long time, I'm not very hungry. Jiang Muyan said with a smile.

"No! Eat regularly! Have you forgotten that I am a living example? Conschen frowned, then picked up the menu and simply ordered something.

"Ha ha, that's it, that's it. Eat well. I just waited for you, but Si Chen didn't eat either. You happen to be together, Nian Nian, and go with grandma!" Jiang's mother smiled, and then pulled Nian Nian and left the scene quickly like a kite.

"You didn't eat it either? What time is it now? Is your stomach all right? Jiang Muyan shook his head. How could he not understand his mother's thoughts? However, Kang Sichen's stomach is not good, and he really can't not eat for a long time.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter once. Besides, it's not that I don't eat. It's just that the time to eat is not right." Kang Sichen smiled and said, "You are so thin, you should eat more!" A woman has had a child, but her body shape has developed horizontally. How about you? It's also horizontal and inward development.

After saying that, Kang Sichen deliberately pinched Jiang Muyan's arm and said.

"I don't know. The big concept has eaten all my nutrition." Jiang Muyan said with a smile, "Be done, in a world where thinness is beautiful, there is nothing wrong with me being thin."

"There is nothing wrong with it. But I can't stand it! I hope you can be fat and round. At least they know that I raised it well at a glance. If you are thin and dry, the Women's Federation should trouble me!" Kang Sichen said jokingly.

Women's Federation? How do you know these things?" Jiang Muyan asked curiously that Kang Sichen was a man who didn't know anything in his impression. He only saw the scenery and the scenery he wanted to shoot. How could he know these messy things that he didn't know much about?

"Learn. I used to pay too little attention to, so I don't know. Now it's time to learn to return to Earth from Mars. Kang Sichen just finished speaking, and the food was served.

Jiang Muyan and Kang Sichen ate quickly. If you don't eat all the time, Jiang Muyan doesn't feel very hungry, but as soon as he touches the food, he will suddenly feel hungry. However, I suddenly felt hungry and unbearable.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Kang Sichen pressed Jiang Muyan's hand, then picked up a napkin from the side, and gently wiped the food residue from her mouth with gentle eyes.

"Thank you!" Jiang Muyan was a little embarrassed. It seems that this scene should not be about himself, but should be missed, right?

"I finally know why I miss eating like a chin. The meal is full of tables and faces. It seems that I have learned too much from you." Kang Sichen said with a smile.

"You made fun of me again! Eat yours!" Jiang Muyan pretended to be angry, and then continued to bow his head and start eating.

"Good!" Kang Sichen did not take advantage of the victory, and then bowed his head to eat.

Maybe this kind of life is suitable for you. Although there is nothing very exciting, at least the peace between the two of them is also a kind of life, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Muyan smiled and then looked at the ring on his finger, just like this ring. Although it was not so gorgeous, it was very expensive. This is the essence of life.

After eating, Jiang Muyan and Kang Sichen went outside and went to Nian Nian.

The five-day cruise, leaving only the last night.

Jiang Muyan hugged his clothes tightly and walked to the deck. The sea breeze blew on her face, and there was a faint knife-like pain. She shook her body involuntarily. Then wrap yourself tighter.

The five-day cruise ship really made her put down a lot of things, but when she thought of what she had to face when she went back, she retreated a little. I don't know if I have become stronger through these 5 days?

"What's wrong?" Kang Sichen suddenly stood beside her from behind and asked softly.

"How do you know I'm here?" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen curiously and asked.

"Ha ha, I can't see you in the room, and you don't like to go to the bar or dance hall here. The playground is too noisy and you can't swim, so there is only one place, right?" As Kang Sichen spoke, he took off his clothes and covered Jiang Muyan's body.

"It seems that you can really see through me." Jiang Muyan said with a smile that his clothes were very warm, which made her feel a little difficult to give up, so she could only hold it tighter. By the way, you gave me the clothes, so what should you do?

"Look!" Kang Sichen showed Jiang Muyan his clothes. The thick cotton-padded jacket stuck to him. Last time I gave you the windbreaker, I froze to death. I knew that chasing girls in winter and needed to take perfect warm measures. Otherwise, if the girl hadn't been warm, her love words would be frozen!"

"Dating Sanbao." Jiang Muyan suddenly muttered.

"Dating Sanbao?" Suddenly, Kang Sichen leaned over and looked at Jiang Muyan: "If this is the case, that's the four treasures."

"Don't listen to Huanzi's nonsense. She has a lot of messy ideas." Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and said.

"Ye�. But my favorite is the human warm clothes!" After Kang Sichen finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed the railings on both sides of Jiang Muyan and circled Jiang Muyan in his arms.

Kang Sichen's body is very tall and warm, but Jiang Muyan always feels that something is missing in his heart. What is it? Make myself a little confused.