Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

408: Engagement Ceremony

Leaf? Does Kang Sichen already know?" Yu Haoran asked Ye Zixiang.

"Ye�. I have sent someone to talk about it." Ye Zixiang said as if nothing had happened.

"If he knows, we can't continue." Fang Kun also muttered.

When the three people were frowning, Huo Yan came in and looked at both sides: "What's wrong with you?"

" boss, Kang Sichen knew that it was our idea that the photo was missing, so I can't help you." Yu Haoran looked at them and then lowered his head and said.

What photo? What are you talking about? Huo Yan frowned and asked.

"Have you not told the boss yet?" Fang Kun looked at Huo Yan's blank face and quickly turned his head to ask Ye Zixiang.

"When we discussed that day, the boss was also there. Didn't he say no?" Yu Haoran thought for a moment and answered.

"But I don't agree." Ye Xiang's words are always like a hammer, hitting everyone at once.

"What the hell is going on?" Huo Yan asked.

Yu Haoran looked at the other two people. Obviously, he didn't want to open his mouth, so he had to put everything on himself, so he told Huo Yan that they stopped Kang Sichen's credit, card and all the savings and cards, and then how much in all the industries he ran. There are some "materials" added, and the most important thing is...

Ye Zixiang also invited the most famous demon thieves, and then brought out several precious photos of the Kang Sichen Exhibition Center.

But now is not the time for the commendation meeting, because Kang Sichen has also known the truth.

After listening, Huo Yan didn't say anything for a long time. The dull breath made everyone a little scared and afraid of getting into trouble.

"Big?" Yu Haoran's short temper finally asked.

"The only reason between me and Kang Sichen is to talk. But he won't touch me, and I won't touch him. You broke the rules. How can I compete fairly with Kang Sichen in the future? Huo Yan did not have a reproachful tone, but he understood the meaning clearly.

"I'm sorry, boss." Yu Haoran also lowered his head.

"Forget it. I was drunk and didn't hear what you said, so I let you do it. I am responsible for this matter. If Kang Sichen is not satisfied, just come to me. Huo Yan sighed and said.

" boss, in fact, we are not messing around. Ask Fang Kun!" Yu Haoran glanced at Fang Kun and said.

"Big brother, in fact, Huanzi told me that after my sister-in-law and you ended the marriage contract, she would be engaged to the boy Kang Sichen. If we don't do anything to keep Kang Sichen, then our sister-in-law will be engaged to him. How can we accept this? That's why I did it with both of them." Fang Kun said 5110.

"Engagement?" Huo Yan's face was full, and then walked to Fang Kun: "Kang Sichen and Yanyan are getting engaged?"

"I don't think there should be anything wrong with what Huanzi said." Fang Kun thought for a moment to confirm.

" boss, now these things have been done. Conschen will come back by plane tomorrow and will be with his sister-in-law... I got the news today that they have arranged everything, such as engagement hotels and dresses. It's time to send an invitation. I guess it will happen within this month. Yu Haoran knew that it would make Huo Yan angry, but he did have to say it.

Huo Yan picked up his clothes and wanted to rush out, but when he arrived at the door, he hesitated two steps, stopped, and then slowly walked back. The expression on his face also went from anger to pain, and finally endured: "I know."

"Big? That boy is going to attack his sister-in-law. Have you put up with it?" Yu Haoran originally watched Huo Yan go out, and he also hurriedly followed, but suddenly saw Huo Yan turn back, and then it seemed that the clouds had disappeared. Is this still his boss?

"For a while, I have more important things to do!" Huo Yan said lightly.

"My wife can't keep it. What else is more important than this?" Yu Haoran looked at Huo Yan sitting down and immediately said, "You are not the boss we used to be!"

After saying that, Yu Haoran turned around and went out.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Fang Kun quickly caught up with him, and then looked at Huo Yan with puzzled eyes.

"Will you understand?" Huo Yan didn't go out, but looked up at Ye Zixiang and asked.

"I don't understand." Ye Zixiang shook his head, "However, if it were me, I'm afraid I would do the same."

"Yes, the last information was very useful. I added some more. Take it." Huo Yan threw the thing in Ye Zixiang's hand and said.

"As long as it's useful, it's just the boss. If you don't speed up, your sister-in-law will really want to..." Although Ye Zixiang's face has always been like frost, he is also faintly worried from his narrow eyes at this moment.

However, what he is worried about is not that Jiang Muyan will be with Kang Sichen. What he is worried about is what will happen to Huo Yan if he is really together? Even if he defeats the nine-tailed fox in the end, I'm afraid Huo Yan will be depressed!

"I know, so we have to speed up." Huo Yan took a look at Ye Zixiang: "As a soldier, of course, I put these big plans that affect the country first! What's more, if I let go, it's not a pity that my parents, you, and Yan's family will be hurt. Isn't it?"

"What's your plan, boss?" Ye Zixiang looked at Huo Yan and said.

"I won't forget the duties I have to perform, but..." After a pause, Huo Yan turned his head and looked at Ye Zixiang: "But no one said that men can't be crazy for women."

" boss, you mean..." There was a trace of confusion in Ye Zixiang's eyes.

"Whether it works or not, it's always good to have a try. Notify both of them and stand by at any time!" Huo Yan smiled and then said.

"I know." Ye Zixiang nodded. The boss was still the boss. Although he was caught, he still couldn't change his temperament!

It's night.

The most luxurious hotel.

The atmosphere is vigorous and Tangbi is brilliant.

Some warm playing songs keep circling in the center of the venue.

Some celebrities from all walks of life dressed decently and whispered to each other with wine glasses.

In the makeup artist.

Jiang Muyan looked at the face in front of the mirror that had been given by a famous makeup artist, and grasped his skirt tightly and was so nervous.

Not because there are many people outside, but because the relationship between himself and Kang Sichen will be a step closer.

"Oh, my daughter, why are you so nervous?" Jiang's mother saw Jiang Muyan's expression and said with a smile.

"Mom, there are so many people outside!"

"Yes! Nonsense! Kang Sichen's reputation is not too many people to invite. He has already considered it for you. Jiang's mother said with a smile.


"No, but! You are already very good-looking. You don't have to talk. Just stand beside him. The wives of those celebrities on TV are all like this, but they should be wise as soon as they open their mouth! Do you understand?" Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Muyan and said.

"Don't tell me that there is nothing left. I'm so nervous." Still wise? It's lucky not to be nervous!

"What? Are you all right?" Kang Sichen's voice at the door was very soft.

"All right. No... it's not good!" Jiang Mu's words are incoherent.

"Okay, okay!" Jiang's mother glanced at her and said to the door.

Conchen suddenly came in, dressed in a black tuxedo, with a pure white shirt, a black ring bow tie, and his narrow body, which was simply a model's reincarnation.

"Don't be too nervous. Those people just think they are wood." Kang Sichen walked to Jiang Muyan and said jokingly in her ear.

How is it possible? You really, why did you invite so many people? Jiang Muyan continued to glance at him.

"Okay, you don't like it. Don't invite them when we get married in the future, okay?" Kang Sichen comforted, "I just want more people to see that the relationship between me and you is about to come to fruition."

"But it's just engagement! It's not a marriage. There's no need to be so grand!" Jiang Muyan said.

"How can that be? Even if you want to, I don't want to." After saying that, Kang Sichen put Jiang Muyan's hand on his elbow: "I've finally caught you, and I don't want to let go."

Looking at Kang Sichen's appearance, Jiang Muyan put down his snacks slightly, and it's good to treat them as if they are all wood. Anyway, if there is a problem, Kang Sichen and Li Stele can take care of them without having to explain by themselves.

"Okay, we can go." Kang Sichen walked forward slowly. Although Jiang Muyan was a little reluctant, he still followed him obediently.

The light is dim outside. A spotlight swept to the stage. Kang Sichen and Jiang Muyan slowly held hands with each other and walked to Taichung.

steward Li picked up the microphone: "Thank you for coming to our engagement ceremony of Mr. Kang and Ms. Jiang today..."

Bala Bala, Jiang Muyan's mind was full of steward Li's mouth, but he didn't hear a word. He only felt that there seemed to be some sound buzzing outside her ears, which made her feel a little deaf.

Looking at the stage secretly, everyone's eyes were almost on her. Some women's eyes were jealous, some were puzzled, and some looked up and down, or asked others about Jiang Muyan's identity.

It seems that this natural qualification can only be worthy of Kang Sichen under the background of your own fascinating back and scenery.

"Okay, let's congratulate Mr. Kang and Miss Jiang on getting married as soon as possible!" Li was obviously the first time, so what he said was a little strange, but these feelings were nothing at all under Kang Sichen's identity.

"Why congratulate?" Suddenly, a man's voice floated in from the door, loud and... familiar!

Jiang Muyan opened his mouth slightly and looked at the door.