fight your sister

Chapter 7 Beasts in human skin

"Of course they won't let me go."

Gu Zichen said this sentence without any emotion, and heard that An Yu was cautious for him. Who said that the rich man's life was better? Look at the young master of this rich family, how hard he lives? It's not as good as ordinary people as us, who will be happy tomorrow!

Gu Zichen's words did not get a response from Gu Shixing. He also didn't care at all and looked at Gu Shixing respectfully: "They locked me in the backyard. I pretended to faint. They hit me and I had to continue to pretend. I still had to pretend to splash me with water. Later, when they relaxed their vigilance at night, I sneaked out and was soon by that The thieves found that I ran down the mountain desperately. I couldn't see the path on the mountain at night, and I had to drill into the thorny forest..."

An Yu didn't expect Gu Zichen's ability to tell stories so well, and his acting skills were also first-class. Another advantage of lying without staggia was that he could not see his emotions. This story made An Yu almost applaud him. Gu Zichen stretched out the back of his hand and tilted his head, afraid that Gu Shixing could not see his scars, and Gu Shixing just frowned in disgust and interrupted his movements: "Then?"

"I don't know how long I ran. I was so tired that I fainted."

"Useless things!"

An Yu's fist was tightly pinched, and her teeth were about to grind her gums and bleed. She couldn't stand it. As soon as she was about to open her mouth, she heard Gu Zichen's emotionless voice continue to sound: "The child is useless. Please punish her."

And he was lowering his head and kneeling on the ground at this moment. An Yu was stunned. Gu Zichen, who pulled in front of them, was in such a position at home. An Yu tried very hard to see what Gu Zichen's expression was at this moment, but it was futile.

Gu Shixing looked like he hated iron and steel. He rubbed his temples, as if he had a headache. An Yu couldn't help complaining in his heart: His acting skills are too bad! Bad review!

"If the child can come back safely, what kind of punishment will be punished? Haven't you handed over the goods to Jun'er for tracking? I believe it will come out soon. Don't worry too much. Chen'er was injured and just got home. You are also real. You are so anxious to know what happened to him, and you won't wait for him to rest.

Hearing the sound, An Yu looked up, but it was the voice of the woman who was called the second aunt by Gu Zichen. If An Yu did not look up, she would have been deceived, thinking that the second aunt was reasonable and sensible, but she still saw the fake smile on Gu Fang's face that made people want to slap her.

"Since your second aunt begged for you, you can get up first."

"Thank you, Dad, thank you, second aunt."

After Gu Zichen got up, he did not sit down, but stepped back a few steps and stood beside An Yu. Gu Shixing's eyes naturally fell on An Yu. Only then did he remember that Gu Zichen seemed to have something to say, and the two seemed to be very calm. He taught Gu Zichen in public, and they also said something. No.

"When did you make friends?"

"They are the benefactors who saved my life after my child fell into a coma."

An Yu, the woman who took him up the mountain and slept with him by mistake, turned out to become his benefactor again. An Yu's eyelids jumped a few times. After blinking, she lowered her head and tried several times, and finally found a satisfactory arc and raised what she thought was the most flawless smile. Face, he nodded to Gu Shixing to show courtesy, and then said, "My cousin and I are villagers on the winding mountains. That day, I went to pick wild vegetables and accidentally found the second young master. Then I called my cousin and took him home to recover from his injury. As a result, the second young master woke up and didn't care about his injury at all. He said that he was going to find the goods and struggled. He fainted in a moment. Only then did my cousin find that he had a fever, a low fever caused by inflammation of the wound, and he was sweating coldly all over, which was scary.

An Yu immediately blinked a few times when her eyelids suddenly jumped. The watery eyes looked more simple and harmless, as if Gu Zichen was really sick to death at that time, and Hu Li also showed a little sadness, which attracted Gu Fang's lips were so happy that she had a proud arc. Seeing this, An Yu guessed that she must be thinking at this moment: Why didn't she die of illness? You deserve it!

Gu Shixing heard the words and saw that there was no flaw between the two, and then he continued to ask, "What happened later?"

"Later, my cousin went to ask for a doctor, but our pimples, the doctor lived too far away, and the second young master was seriously ill, which was endangered at that time."

"It's good that the doctor arrived in time, and the second young master saved the danger."

It was Hu Li who answered. He chose an angle that Gu Shixing and Gu Fangshi could not see, colored An Yu, and signaled her to stop. An Yu has always been very dependent and convinced of Hu Li, and immediately accepted the voice. Since Hu Li was willing to go out, she was also happy to be idle.

"If you get favors, you should repay each other. This is the truth that you taught your children to be a man, so the children brought them on their own initiative. The clip said that the place is really too poor. Their brothers and sisters are facing famine there at any time, so I will take them to Changdu to see if they can make a living."

"Since you are Chen'er's lifes lifesaver, you must be grateful."

After saying that, without waiting for An Yu and the others to make a statement, he nodded to Gu Fangshi. Gu Fang immediately took out two ingots of broken silver and handed them to An Yu with a smile, "Your brother and sister have just come to Changdu. You need to buy some clothes or something with this money. By the way, you need to make some money to stay in the inn."

An Yu was not polite. After taking over the two taels of silver, she didn't have time to praise Aunt Gu's richness. She used so many pieces of silver to send the life-saving benefactor. She saw Gu Shixing waved his hand and pretended to be generously to Gu Bo beside him and said, "What other inn do you live in? Gu Bo immediately ordered his servants to prepare two guest rooms. Their brother and sister have just arrived in Changdu and are not familiar with the place. Let's live in Gu's house before they find a job.

Hu Li hooked the corners of his lips and took a sarcastic look at the broken silver in An Yu's hand. Then he seemed to change his face. The peach blossom eyes flew, and the mocking smile immediately turned into gratitude: "This... How can this be embarrassing? It's really too troublesome for Master Gu.

"It doesn't matter. You are tired all the way. Uncle Gu, take them to rest first!"

An Yu twisted the burden and followed Gu Bo. Hu Li took advantage of the turning around and reminded her in An Yu's ear with a voice that only she could hear: "After we leave, Gu Zichen will have a hard time."

"What? So why don't you find a way?"

Hu Li stared at An Yu and was speechless: "This is someone else's territory. What can I do!"

An Yu turned around and looked at Gu Zichen. He stood there so quietly, and there was still no expression on his face. She finally understood why he had never been happy, angry and sad, because he didn't know what happiness was, what was anger, and what was happiness. I'm afraid the only thing in his life is sadness. When An Yu turned around, she happened to see the silence emerging in the shadow under Gu Zichen's eyelids. It was a kind of silence to give up everything. An Yu was anxious and immediately roared at Hu Li: "I don't care!"

"Why are you so ignorant?"

Hu Li said this sentence a little loudly. Gu Shixing and others heard it and looked at their brothers and sisters doubtfully. Hu Li smiled awkwardly and pointed to Gu Zichen, but this was said to Gu Shixing: "Let Master Gu laugh. My sister is more afraid of life and wants the second young master to accompany her..."

Gu Shixing looked at An Yu unhappily, and then said coldly, "When she just mentioned saving Chen'er, she was not afraid of life at all."

"Because those are all good memories!"

An Yu immediately retorted. After that, she lowered her head as if she was afraid and twisted the burden in her hand. Her voice was so low that only she could hear it: "What's more, saving people is a good thing. Of course, I won't be stingy to share it with others."

"That's all. Since they have a good relationship, let Chen'er accompany her!"

After saying that, Gu Fang also wink at Gu Shixing. Gu Shixing then let him go. An Yu pretended to smile at Gu Zichen happily and said, "Second young master, let's go."

Gu Zichen didn't expect that she was helping herself get out of this punishment, but how could she avoid the fifteenth day of junior high school? However... When Gu Zichen's eyes touched An Yu's bright and flawless eyes, there was still a warmth in his heart. He nodded and walked towards An Yu.

"Dad? I heard that Zichen is back?"

As soon as An Yu was about to step out of the threshold of the main hall, a young voice came from her face. She raised her eyes slightly, and what reflected in her eyelids was a man in dark blue gorgeous clothes. His height was similar to Gu Zichen. There was still some similarities between their eyebrows, but his figure looked much stronger than Gu Zichen's. . At this moment, Gu Zichen found his existence after stepping into the door because he was walking behind.

Gu Zijun scolded Gu Zichen: "You have lost such a large number of goods, and you have the face to come back?"

"Brother, I'm worried. I really almost died and can't come back."

Gu Zijun was blocked by his teple words and couldn't speak. He immediately snorted coldly and walked in.

At this time, Gu Zichen whispered to An Yu and Hu Li in a voice that only they could hear: "This is the Gu family. This is my father, my brother and my aunt."

In a short sentence, An Yu was heartbroken. She never lacked the warmth of her family. In her last life, she had her favorite parents, a brother who loved her as a girlfriend, and a beloved pet. Although her family is not rich, she has never lacked food and clothing, warmth and love.

In this life, even if you travel into this body and become the master of the tiger village, everyone in the tiger village is united. Everyone loves each other like a family, and never lacks warmth and love. Born in the beautiful Gu family in the eyes of outsiders, the eldest son of Gu Shixing, the richest man in Changdu, the ideal husband in the eyes of all the women in Changdu, lives such a chilling life.

"Who are those two? Where are they going?"

When Gu Fang saw his son coming back, he immediately turned into a real mother. He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead and said, "Your second brother was in trouble outside and almost died. It was the help of the two brothers and sisters who saved his life. Now they are going to live in the house for the time being."

"What? Dad, how can you allow Zichen to mess around like this? Unexpectedly, all cats and dogs are brought home!"

"Who do you think is the cat and dog?"

Gu Zichen turned his back to Gu Zijun, who had already walked into the main hall. His voice was not small and there was a trace of emotion, which made An Yu feel distressed for Gu Zichen: "You are the young master of the Gu family. Your words and deeds represent the whole Gu family. How can you speak so rude and unqualified? If this spreads, the face of the Gu family will be favored by you. Sweep it all!"

Gu Zichen's words can be regarded as a bad breath in An Yu's heart. Hearing her secretly cheering, this kind of person is really too weak. Even if he wears gorgeous clothes, he is just a beast in human skin! Don't be arrogant. If you have the ability, don't fall into my sister's hands. At that time, I won't be able to eat it!