fight your sister

Chapter 21 Who said this woman was stupid

"So, your father asked me to ask you two what you mean, or take this opportunity to give the matter?"

Gu Fang still took An Yu's hand. An Yu was so shocked by the news that she forgot to pull out her hand. She was dumbfounded, and Gu Fangshi saw her like this and said that she was so happy that she was dumbfounded, so she continued to say to Gu Zichen, "What do you think, Chener?"

Gu Zichen pulled An Yu's hand out of Gu Fang's hand and held it in his hand and said lightly, "My father and second aunt are worried about this matter. This matter is not urgent. The goods delivered to Asla were lost by me. At this time, the first thing is to find the whereabouts of the goods to reduce the loss of the family. As for the child's marriage Let's make a final deal after the goods are recovered!"

"Your father plans to go to Lord Bai tomorrow and let the officials deal with that batch of goods, so you don't have to worry about it."

Gu Zichen's face sank, and he couldn't help but increase his strength by holding An Yu's hand. He said coldly, "If the goods have not been recovered, the child will feel guilty. How can he get married after the heavy losses at home? I'll discuss everything with my father after dinner. I'm sorry to bother your second aunt.

Gu Zichen refused without hesitation, which made An Yu a little relieved, but he felt strange. Is he really so bad in his eyes? He can't wait to get rid of himself? Thinking about it, she didn't even notice that Gu Fangshi had left the room, and her hand was still written by Gu Zichen.

"How could this happen? Didn't the fox say that old Gu... Your father won't let you marry me?"

"Nedless to say, Fang is playing tricks. My father has always wanted me to marry a woman from a large family. She is probably worried that when I have *, his son will not be favored."


As soon as An Yu was anxious, she wanted to raise her hand to draw. Only then did she find that her hand was still held by Gu Zichen. She looked down and then looked at Gu Zichen and pointed to her hand: "Well... you can let go of me."

Although she didn't understand why Gu Zichen grabbed her hand at that time, when Gu Zichen let go of her, An Yu felt an inexplicable sense of loss. She shook her head and threw away these unknown emotions. She looked at the door: "Dead fox, why don't you come back?"

This shows An Yu's dependence and trust in Hu Li. Gu Zichen glanced at the door faintly and then asked, "Why do you put your things on others?"

An Yu turned around and looked at Gu Zichen puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Isn't this all your own business? Why don't you decide for yourself? Hu Li said bluntly, he is just a person who helps you. Is his opinion so important?

An Yu had to ask Hu Li's opinion on everything, and even his nod to be sure, which made Gu Zichen subconsciously feel very dissatisfied. Especially when he heard Gu Fangshi talk about marrying the two of them, An Yu's first reaction was still the fox, and Gu Zichen actually thought of Afraid of her uneasiness, he pulled her hand out of Gu Fang's hand. At this moment, when he saw An Yu's reaction, he felt that he was simply... stupid!

"If the fox's opinion is not important, is it yours? Fox is the closest person in the world to me. He won't leave me. I won't ignore me. He knows what I want.

"Do you have to marry with his consent?"


An Yu only feels that Gu Zichen is simply inexplicable now. She has always been so close to the fox. What does it have to do with him? What on earth is the fox in his way? Do you want to make him so disgusted?

Thinking of this, An Yu also stared at him very dissatisfiedly and snorted angrily, "Yes! If the fox doesn't let me marry, I won't marry!"

"Then marry him!"

As soon as Gu Zichen said his words, not to mention An Yu, even he himself was a little stunned. He didn't think at all that no matter what scene he was facing, he had never got out of control, but now because of An Yu's words, he acted like a childish ghost. He began to worry. An Yu was like a snail. Although she was inconspicuous, she could slowly... slowly... slowly penetrate into your heart, so that you will be unconsciously taken away by her.

He also seems to understand why such a wise person as Hu Li would willingly stay by her side to work for her, even as the second head of a bandit's nest.

"Gu Zichen, you should pay attention to your words in moderation!"

An Yu was very angry. She and Hu Li know more about the relationship between her and Hu Li. Both of them regard each other as very valuable friends and rely on each other, but they have no feelings of men and women. At this moment, Gu Zichen's words are undoubtedly not defiling the flawless feelings between her and Hu Li.

Gu Zichen can naturally feel that An Yu is really angry. At this moment, her eyes are wide and even a little red. Her chest is violently undulating, obviously angry. He moved his lips, but still couldn't say anything to apologize.

"I don't know why you suddenly become like a fire-breathing dragon and spray it when you see anyone, but me and the fox... It's really not what you think. I hope you don't say it again in the future, let alone say it in front of the fox. I can guarantee that if he knows that you insulted our friendship, he will Angrier than me!"

When An Yu said this, she let herself take a deep breath and try to calm herself down. Gu Zichen was still cold, but she didn't know that he was not feeling well at this moment, but it was too late for An Yu to calm her emotions. How could she notice his subtle changes?

"I didn't mean to."

"Forget it..."

"I'm sorry..."

Listening to a lame apology and saying it out of Gu Zichen's mouth, An Yu was stunned. She looked at Gu Zichen in a daze, as if the whispered apology just now was her own hallucination. Gu Zichen felt uncomfortable because he apologized. At this moment, he was stared at by An Yu like this, and his whole body suddenly felt bad. He coughed dryly, "Why are you looking at me like this? Haven't you seen such a beautiful person as me?"

An Yu laughed, okay... This guy really can't make people angry!

"Yes, how can you look so good!"


Gu Zichen saw her smiling brightly, with big and bright eyes. She looked even more beautiful at this moment, and there were two deep dimples on the fat cheeks of some babies. Usually, if An Yu smiles a little, the dimples will be exposed, not to mention that An Yu is extremely cute now. Gu Zichen is so smooth. He also said, "Yes, how can it be so beautiful?"


An Yu only thought that he was praising his own beauty and couldn't help but be ansed. Gu Zichen withdrew his sight, looked outside the house and said to An Yu, "It's getting late. Please help me call Qin Xin and ask her to bring me a suit of clothes. We will go to the canteen for dinner tonight."

Ah? Why did you go there for dinner?

An Yu didn't like the atmosphere of Gufu. Originally, it was good to hide here and eat alone. As a result, after Gu Fang came to reveal the bomb news, Gu Zichen took the initiative to go to the canteen to eat with Gu Shixing.

She suddenly felt that this was the rhythm of seeing her parents-in-law? Wait... Gu Shixing is his father-in-law, but the second aunt is not a mother-in-law? An Yu thought about it and didn't realize that her focus had begun to deviish.

"Don't be nervous. It's just a simple meal. You can't live in Gu's house and hide in the room all the time, can you? What's more, did you hear what the woman said just now?


"She said that my father would hand over the goods to the government to deal with... What were you thinking just now?"

An Yu was a little embarrassed. She would not tell Gu Zichen. When she heard Gu Shixing want her to be her daughter-in-law, she didn't hear a word of what Gu Fangshi said one by one!

"The government? That won't work. In that case, the tiger village will be exposed!"

Gu Zichen looked at An Yu's appearance and finally recovered.

"So let's go and have a look at it at night. This matter definitely can't disturb the government..."

"Why do I feel like you don't want the government to intervene more than me? The fox said before that he was fully prepared. Even if the government really intervened in the end, he could guarantee the safety of the tiger village, but you... As the second son of the Gu family, shouldn't you hope to catch the goods as soon as possible? In fact, if the government intervenes, it will be relatively fast.

An Yu's words gave Gu Zichen a new view of her again: Who said this woman was stupid?

"Do you really think every bandit nest is as stupid as your tiger village? When the people of your government swagger over, the people of the Qingming Gang have already run away!"

"How come? They won't receive inside information!"

Gu Zichen was speechless and just praised her for being stupid... He had to continue to say, "If the Qingming Gang didn't have the news of his own collection, how could he intercept my goods faster than you?"

An Yu thought for a moment and looked at Gu Zichen with her eyes shining: "Damn! Is there a traitor?!"

Gu Zichen was stunned and then nodded: "I haven't thought about this. It's just because the Qingming Gang has always had their own people collecting information everywhere, so I went to the clip in advance. I didn't expect to be robbed."

After saying that, he looked at An Yu, and his eyes were full of thoughts: "But you reminded me that there may be other inside story about this matter... I changed the time to leave early to get to the clip road. I made a temporary decision. Is the people of the Qingming Gang really so well-informed? Or as you said, there was a traitor?"

An Yu looked at Gu Zichen's meditative appearance and was itchy. She really wanted to take a picture of him with her mobile phone. Unfortunately, Nima was in ancient times. She was still a soul wearer, and the mobile phone did not follow! Therefore, she could only look at Gu Zichen's handsome and unique appearance, silently flowing saliva...

Gu Zichen... Whether it's smiling or cold, that face is really fucking handsome!