fight your sister

Chapter 56 Whose pig's feet get out

An Yu still squatted and stretched out her left hand to touch the soft ruler. As a result, she touched one foot. She swept over with the corner of her eyes and found that it was a man's foot in black boots. Her soft ruler was lying under her feet. She was immediately angry: "Whose stinky feet, get out of me!"

Gu Zichen's face was difficult to see the extreme, but Xu Changqing looked at them like watching a good play and did not remind An Yu. An Yu held a soft ruler in her hand and wanted to pull out. As a result, the foot was still there. She was suddenly furious, loosened her hand holding the soft ruler, and directly slapped the foot: " You can't understand people's words, right? Take the pig's trotter away!"

For good, with Xu Changqing's lesson, An Yu was not going to be cruel. She just wanted to push this foot away and let herself pick up the soft ruler he stepped on. As a result, she obviously heard a muffled hum from the top of her head, but the foot still did not move away. She was about to be angry, but she noticed that there was Something is wrong...

This shoe...this muffled hum...

An Yu raised her head in an instant, and what was right was Gu Zichen's sight that was almost spewing fire. There were only two words in her heart. It's over!

In her hurry, she didn't expect that the person who stepped on the soft ruler would be Gu Zichen... And why didn't this guy make a sound? Still refused to move his feet. Thinking of this, An Yu immediately stood up and looked at him with a burning fire of anger: "Why are you here?"

An Yu said as she stretched out her hand to pull Gu Zichen and looked down at his foot: "Does it hurt? I'm afraid that I will accidentally cripple another one, and I won't work hard..."

It's okay if she didn't say this. Gu Zichen's face was not good-looking, and even the cold air all over his body became stronger. He looked down at An Yu deeply and walked towards the stone table beside him without saying a word.

He stared fiercely at the culprit Xu Changqing, and found that he didn't know when he had come to the group of embroidered girls to talk and laugh. An Yu suddenly woke up that this guy... The cliff was intentional!

"Well...are you all right?"

Gu Zichen raised his eyes and glanced at her. It seemed that he was really angry. An Yu couldn't help feeling a little guilty. How did he yell at him just now? Stinky feet...get out of here... pig's feet... embarrassing!

Realizing that his basket was a little big, An Yu had to show weakness: "Well, you don't say anything when you come here. I don't know it's you."

Gu Zichen was still silent, didn't even look at her, and almost practiced his magic skills to ignore her.

"Well, I shouldn't have said that your feet are stinky feet. I apologize."

Continue to be silent and ignore it.

"Uh... I'm deeply sorry for being excited to say that your feet are pig's feet."

Gu Zichen stared at An Yu and couldn't be silent, let alone ignore it. He wanted to sit aside and calm down, so as not to have a chance to get along with her, which was a waste. However, this woman continues to provoke regardless of whether it is good or bad. This is undoubtedly not a test of Gu Zichen's patience and self-restraint!

Gu Zichen had to admit that in front of An Yu, those who were patient and self-restrained were all bullshit and farting! Would someone else have beaten her long ago? Although it is likely that she is not her opponent at all, she is even likely to be beaten by her!

"I have apologized to you three times, and you still have a dead fish face? I said it's not intentional. Do you want to be so stingy and demeaning?"

Look, Gu Zichen feels that his understanding of An Yu has risen to a level. It is completely useless to be calm and noble in front of her. She can absolutely destroy all your cultivation without any effort, and any camouflage in front of her is completely vulnerable.

Now it has become his fault... Gu Zichen looked at her speechlessly and couldn't help doubting his taste. Is he really a little heavy? Why did you fall in love with her?

"How about it? Are you still used to it?"

Gu Zichen knows that if he doesn't speak again, he will really have to have a life case. She is likely to beat herself to death! At this time, Gu Zichen suddenly found that it was really self-abuse to fall in love with a violent girl...

And An Yu's roar to her mouth was interrupted by Gu Zichen's simple concern. She was just guilty that she became more and more irritable to cover up the panic caused by not getting his answer. Now, Gu Zichen didn't mention what happened at all, but asked her softly. Are you used to it here?

An Yu is a person who eats soft but not hard. Gu Zichen's move undoubtedly did not hit her soft ribs. An Yu suddenly felt depressed like the angry ball and could only nod: "There is nothing to be unaccustomed to. Master Xu is a good person and taught me a lot of things."

"What were you doing just squatting on the ground?"

"Oh, Master Xu is teaching me basic skills and learning how to visually measure the size."

Speaking of this, she immediately remembered what had not been done just now. She immediately went back to pick up the soft ruler on the ground, which was no worse than the last cut cloth. An Yu danced happily. She shouted to Xu Changqing not far away, "Xu Changqing, I finally cut it accurately!"

Xu Changqing smiled and did not look back at her. Instead, she raised her hand and made an OK gesture to her. An Yu understood and began to worry about whether she had hit it by mistake. She immediately squatted down and meditated on a value in her heart. She picked up the scissors and cut it down. After that, she measured it immediately, and the accurate score was still not bad. She was happy. He immediately turned around and smiled at Gu Zichen, "I practiced all afternoon and finally succeeded!"

Gu Zichen nodded, and the corners of his lips gradually curved. At this moment, he was carrying the sun on his back, and the faint light shone on him, making his whole body coated with a warm color, covering the indifference he usually showed. In addition, the smile he showed because he saw An Yu happy, he was also It's a little brighter.

An Yu looked up and saw this unforgettable scene. Looking back many years later, she would blush for this moment of heartbeat, because she was not only stunned by Gu Zichen, but also almost drooling. If Gu Zichen hadn't reminded her in time, she would have lost her face to 20. It's been three years today!

"It's getting late. Let's go back."

Gu Zichen didn't see An Yu's eyes like a colored woman, but between An Yu's ferocity, he could only change the topic and point it directly, so as not to embarrass her or himself. At least so far, he hasn't seen much of An Yu's embarrassment, so he stood up and walked to An Yu's side. "We'll eat outside at night before going back."

"Uh...what are you going to eat?"

An Yu stood up and walked beside Gu Zichen. When he passed by Xu Changqing, he took the opportunity to say to An Yu, "Remember to tell him that you want to send a new model."

On the way, Gu Zichen finally couldn't help asking An Yu, "An Yu, how much do you know about Hu Li?"

"What do you mean?"

The two were chatting, but Gu Zichen suddenly asked about Hu Li. An Yu subconsciously took precautions, because she really knew too little about Hu Li, so Hu Li was the key protection object in her heart. As soon as Gu Zichen asked, she showed It's like an old hen protecting a chicken.

"Don't be nervous. I just think he is like a mystery."

"So what? He won't have any harm to you. Besides, the trust between me and Hu Li does not build a secret between them.

Hearing this, Gu Zichen was a little curious. Does An Yu also have a secret? Will you also hide Hu Li?

"So, you also have something to hide from Hu Li?"

An Yu thought about the fact that she was a time traveler. Although she did not take the initiative to tell anyone except her time travel compatriot Xu Changqing, she did hide him from a certain perspective, so she nodded: "Everyone has their own privacy. Since Hu Li didn't tell me, it shows that Things have no impact on the feelings between us. Why should I force people to ask questions? If he thinks it's time to tell me, or wants to tell me, he will naturally say it.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help looking at Gu Zichen: "What's the purpose of asking me about Hu Li?"

Gu Zichen was stunned when he heard the words. He was still thinking about whether to tell her Hu Li's identity. As a result, seeing her trust in Hu Li so much, he thought not to be this ugly person. Who knew that An Yu actually bit him again. Gu Zichen felt that he had done it himself and was so careless to An Yu. It doesn't matter what Hu Li is. The important thing is that he is Hu Li!

"What can I do? I just want to see if he has the ability to find out the middleman in such a short time.

After prevaricate for a reason, An Yu did not doubt it. Instead, she nodded confidently: "Don't worry, since he promised me, he will definitely bring an intermediary to come to you in the past two days to torture you, er, torture to force a confession!"

Gu Zichen took her speechlessly into a small restaurant, which was a noodle restaurant opened by a middle-aged couple. After An Yu sat down, she did not ask him why he came to eat in such a seemingly ungrade place. Anyway, for Gu Zichen, An Yu had long felt that he was not as indifferent as seen from the outside, and he would come to be so popular. When you come to the place to eat, you can see that he is actually not a young master.

So, she took the opportunity to show him that she wanted to open up a new market for Fengwu's business. After hearing this, Gu Zichen thought for a moment and asked her, "Have you drawn your new drawings?"