fight your sister

Chapter 60 Room Interrogation of the Middleroom

Gu Zichen lit the candlestick all the way and walked about dozens of steps. Then he reached the bottom. He picked up the torch on the stone wall, lit it, turned around and looked behind him. Hu Li and Liu Tuntun also came down. Then he raised a torch to see the secret room clearly.

The secret room was empty. Except for a table and a few benches, it was a trembling man not far away. The man did not bind him with any torture tools, not even a rope. When he saw Gu Zichen and others, he immediately showed a frightened look. He wanted to hide but there was no way to avoid it at all. He only I can stand in the corner and look at the three of them cautiously and fearfully.

"This..." He looked back at Hu Li and Liu Tuntun, and both of whom also showed doubts. It seemed that they had come to this secret room for the first time. Gu Zichen thought about this time and the old cold attitude. Presumably, they contacted him as soon as they caught the middleman. Therefore, the man leaning against the corner was Zhong Intermediate?

"Are you the middleman who contacted the clip mountain tiger village?"

That man recognized Hu Li. When Hu Li appeared with An Yu before, he hid in the dark and saw him, but later when he talked to An Yu about the robbery, Hu Li was not there. When he saw Hu Li, he knew a lot in his heart, and Gu Zichen also recognized him. Now all the things became clear, and he dared to come to settle accounts with him.

The middleman nodded. Since he has been caught in this secret room, it is useless to deny it. Since they have not embarrassed themselves and have not even made a kidnapping posture, it shows that they still have useful use and will definitely not embarras themselves for the time being, so the middleman is a little relieved.

Gu Zichen and others were too lazy to talk nonsense with him. The three sat next to the table. He pointed to another empty seat and said to the middleman, "Brother, why don't you sit down and talk?"

The middleman looked at the three of them suspiciously and slowly approached the table. Since he dared to do business with the bandits, when he was the middleman, he risked his life to make money. He also met many people of all kinds of people naturally had his own vision and was sure that the three of them would not kill him. Don't worry, as long as you don't lose your life, everything will be fine.

"What's the name of this guy?" As soon as the middleman sat down, Gu Zichen still looked expressionless and asked this sentence coldly. The middleman looked at him, but did not treat himself as an outsider. He took the kettle and poured himself a glass of water. He had never dared to drink it before, but he was afraid that there would be medicine in the water. At this moment, when he saw the three of them sit down, they all poured it for himself. After drinking the cup, he abandoned his doubts.

"The surname is Song, and everyone on the road calls me Lao Song."

"It turned out to be Brother Song."

"Master Gu, don't call me like that. You are a rich brother of a large family. People like me can't afford it."

Gu Zichen was stunned. He didn't mean to get close to it, but at least he had his own stockade, and he was used to calling him brothers and brothers in the stockade. This old Song looked obviously older than them, so he called it so casually, but he didn't expect that Song would still mind.

He straightened his face and then asked, "The reason why we invited Lao Song here must have guessed our purpose."

Lao Song looked at Hu Li, who squinted his eyes, and Liu Tuntun with a decent face, and then nodded: "The matter of Jiazi Mountain is indeed the tiger village I contacted, the way to their big boss."

Maybe he didn't guess that Lao Song would be so direct and told them directly without even considering it. Gu Zichen subconsciously looked at Hu Li, and then Hu Li asked, "Since you know our purpose, what do you think of Lao Song?"

"What can I think of? People like us who take money to do things just rely on being a middleman to make a living. At the beginning, employers and your bosses knew that I was only responsible for contacting this matter. After contacting the two people, I got money, and this matter had nothing to do with me.

"Your employer doesn't care whether this is successful or not?"

"Oh... So far, the employer doesn't know that the goods were not taken away by others. He thought I was looking for the Qingming Gang."

Gu Zichen frowned slightly, and a trace of sharpness flashed in his eyes. Then he looked at Lao Song, as sharp as a cat and a mouse: "Lao Song means that the purpose of this employer is to let you find someone to rob the goods, as long as the Gu family is not allowed to deliver the goods smoothly?"

"Actually, I'm also quite strange." Lao Song nodded to answer Gu Zichen's words, and then he said, "ordinary people come to contact us for this kind of business. They either eat black or really want that batch of goods, but this employer asked me to order the robbers as long as the goods are taken away. This is also the reason why he has not come to me again. Probably what he cares about is not This guy doesn't want to..."

Speaking of this, he took a careful look at Gu Zichen and made sure that he had no intention of harming him. Then he continued: "His purpose does not seem to swallow this batch of goods, but to prevent the Gu family from achieving this shipment. Master Gu, let me ask more questions. Are you offended something? Did you go with me?"

It is also difficult for Lao Song to think so. In fact, if it were someone else, they would think so. If this matter spread out, most people will definitely think that it was done by the He family. The He family is not short of money or that batch of goods, but they have not received Asla's customers, and only they will interrupt the Gu family to complete this. The possibility of a transaction.

Gu Zichen sneered in the bottom of his heart. It seemed that Gu Zijun was not as stupid as he saw on the surface.

"Who is your employer?"

Lao Song smiled, but there was no initial fear at all. Instead, there was a risk: "Excuse me for telling you that those who come out have their own rules. We can't disclose the information of employers and robbers."

"Then you still admit that you have contacted the business of Tiger Village?"

"Hu Er's family came in person. I can't hide this matter at all, and there is no need to do this, but you want to know about the employer from me. I'm sorry, I have nothing to say."

Hu Li narrowed his peach blossom eyes, and the corners of his raised eyes inadvertently flashed a trace of light under his feet. He changed his posture, put his left hand on the table, and knocked on the table intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was thinking about how to deal with Lao Song, but the secret room was quiet for a long time and did not hear him say a word. Words.

Gu Zichen is not in a hurry. After this period of contact with Hu Li, he also knows him quite well. The more silent he is at this time, the more it shows that he already has a plan in his heart. He doesn't say anything, but is just trying to hook Lao Song.

"I didn't expect that Lao Song was still a righteous person."

Lao Song was slightly stunned and snorted coldly and stopped talking. Hu Li stood up. He smiled and said, "Since Lao Song is so righteous and moral, we will not be embarrassed by you. We might as well tell you that the young master in front of you is responsible for escorting the goods this time. You tell us that we will not only replace you. In addition to keeping it secret and ensuring that you have nothing to do, it will also give you a large amount of household expenses, and you don't have to do such a dangerous thing in the future.

Speaking of this, Hu Li deliberately paused for a moment before continuing: "Of course, if you don't want to violate your rules, we won't force you to give you a night's consideration. I will let Lao Leng prepare delicious food for you and will never treat you badly. Lao Song, think about it carefully. Just give us the news tomorrow.

Lao Song felt that this matter was very strange and indescribable. He immediately asked, "If I still don't tell you who your employer is tomorrow, what will you do to me?"

Hu Li looked at Lao Song with a smile and saw that he had goose bumps all over. Then he said slowly, "Of course, we let you go. What we want is the news of the employer, not your life. Besides, although I have done such a robbery, I have never hurt anyone, and everyone in the Taoist can also inquire about it. We will never do what is difficult for strong people.

After saying that, Gu Zichen also stood up and took the lead in walking towards the secret road. As soon as he stepped up the steps, he stopped and looked back at Lao Song as if he had thought of something. "by the way, give you a chance not to toast, eat and drink. You want to use this night to escape. The person who came back is the coffin. You If you follow the rules, we will keep you fine. If you don't follow the rules, it will be easy for this coffin shop to transport a body out.

After saying that, he looked at Hu Li and Liu Tuntun behind him. Liu Tuntun was looking at him in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to say such a thing. After sneering at Lao Song with a blank face, he put a torch on the stone wall and took the lead. Hu Li followed closely. Liu Tuntun was stunned and immediately stepped forward. Climb up.

Lao Song looked at the shadow of the three of them leaving, and his fear arose spontaneously. His scalp was numb, and cold sweat came from his forehead to the soles of his feet.

Out of the secret room, Hu Li sat in the old cold**, still smiling that he couldn't see any emotions. Looking at Gu Zichen, who also couldn't see emotions, "Why don't you ask me why I let Lao Song go so easily?"

Gu Zichen was not surprised at all. He raised his eyes and hooked the corners of his lips, but mocked with a little disdain: "You have your purpose, and I also have my plan."

"Oh? What's the plan? Let's talk about it."

"I think we should have thought of a place on this issue."

He did not directly answer Hu Li's question. Gu Zichen's confident appearance completely aroused Hu Li's curiosity. Although he knew that Gu Zichen was absolutely capable of reviewing everything in his family, Hu Li had not tested how deep this man was for the time being. At this moment, he wanted to try it. After a try, he tilted his head and asked with a smile, "Then tell me first. What's my purpose?"