fight your sister

Chapter 66 What is she

Only then did An Yu realize that she had come to the gate of Qionghua Tower, and there was a ladder in front of him. If Gu Zichen hadn't stopped him in time, he would have walked straight forward and fallen on all, attracting everyone to watch. If he was seen by Bai Yuling, it would have been a lifetime of black history!

She turned her head and smiled at Gu Zichen. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "It's okay. Isn't it thinking about how to face your childhood sweetheart in Qionghua Tower..."

A sentence immediately made Gu Zichen extremely depressed. What is his childhood sweetheart? It's right that he and Bai Yuling grew up together, but basically spent very little time together, but with Bai Rui... Thinking of Bai Rui, Gu Zichen couldn't help sighing slightly. As soon as An Yu stepped up the steps, she heard him With this shallow sigh, he immediately turned around keenly and found the solemn color on Gu Zichen's face.

She squeezed her lips and regarded Gu Zichen's mood at this moment as a worry, thinking that he must be worried about whether he would be too cruel for a while and hurt Yu Ling's heart.

The bottom of her heart was slightly so sour. An Yu ignored Gu Zichen's distraction at this moment and walked directly into Qionghualou. After entering, she ran directly to the counter and asked the shopkeeper Li with a smile, "Uncle Li, please ask, has the white girl come over?"

"White girl? Which white girl?"

When An Yu heard this, she knew that Bai Yuling must not have come yet. Otherwise, it was impossible for a person like Manager Li to recognize Bai Yuling and say that she was also the daughter of the governor of Changdu.

So she didn't ask more questions, pointed to Gu Zichen behind her and said, "Then please ask Uncle Li to open an elegant room for us."

Shopkeeper Li looked in the direction of An Yu's finger and suddenly remembered that she was the girl who came to Qionghualou with Gu Zichen and met Bai Rui that day. No wonder she felt a little familiar and not easy to neglect now. She immediately came out of the counter and took them to the second floor in person.

"How about this room? It's quiet. The window is facing downstairs. You can see the streets where people come and go, and you can also see the people who go in and out of the downstairs, which is also convenient for girls to wait for others.

"How did Uncle Li know that I was waiting for someone?"

Shopkeeper Li smiled and said, "As soon as you came in, you asked me if Miss Bai had come. I followed this guess."

An Yu also smiled and said a few polite words to the shopkeeper Li and ordered some tea. Then she sat down and said to Gu Zichen, "We should not be late, right?"

"and the future late, what's wrong?"

"If you don't come late, you won't be picked up by your childhood sweetheart. I made an appointment for this place."

Gu Zichen couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard the words and was deeply unhappy with An Yu's childhood sweetheart, but he also felt that An Yu deliberately spoke like this in front of him. He didn't know whether she was really unhappy or just wanted to hurt herself?

No matter what the answer is, he has to put up with it and go to An Yu's head to pull out the hair at this time. Doesn't he want to die?

"An Yu, Yuling and I are really not what you think."

"It's not what I thought, what is it like? She came to demonstrate with me. Do you know what the first thing she said after she stepped into the inner courtyard of the shop after you left yesterday?

Gu Zichen shook his head and said frankly, "I don't know."


"..." Gu Zichen was a little stunned. He didn't know what he had done wrong at all. Why did she suddenly scold herself?

An Yu saw his shocked appearance and now understood that this guy misunderstood her words. She had to open her mouth again to explain: "I didn't scold you. I mean, Bai Yuling scolded me as soon as he came yesterday, saying that I was shameless!"

Speaking of this, An Yu's heart was ignited by Bai Yuling. Because of Gu Zichen, it gradually began to burn. She stared at Gu Zichen and continued, "I really don't know where I provoked her. I met her twice. The first time you saw it, and she took gunpowder. It seems that he will choking with me at any time!"

"Hmm!" After snorting coldly, An Yu stared at Gu Zichen again, as if the anger in his heart would subside after staring at him: "Am I the kind of person who casually makes people choke people to be bombed as gunpowder bags?"

After saying that, An Yu couldn't help getting up and pointed to herself and said angrily, "Besides, why am I ashamed? Why am I shameless? Was it my wish for us to sleep together? Is it my fault?"

Gu Zichen couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips. The appearance that she wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh made An Yu very unhappy. She pointed to Gu Zichen and said, "Even if it was at the beginning, I have a certain responsibility, but as a woman, Gu Zichen, who of us will suffer losses?"

In the face of a woman who overturned the jar of jealousy in anger, she would not reason with you at all. Gu Zichen deeply understood this, so he couldn't help but lower his head and smile. Then he reached out and pulled her and motioned her to sit down. After An Yu shook off her hand and sat down dissatisfiedly, he whispered, "You are at a loss, I occupied Cheap."

"That's..." That's right...

Before An Yu finished her words, she saw Bai Yuling standing at the door. She hadn't seen it a moment ago. She sat down and in the blink of an eye, Bai Yuling appeared at the door. Obviously, after hearing Gu Zichen's words, she couldn't help her excitement before she appeared.

From Bai Yuling's injured and eager to swallow herself alive expression, it can be seen that the girl must have eavesdropped on herself and Gu Zichen outside the door. Alas... Bai Rui is such a bright and free person, how can she have such a sister?

He raised his chin to Gu Zichen, and An Yu motioned him to turn back. Only then did he find that Bai Yuling was already behind him. He was a little embarrassed, not because he was about to be caught between the two women, but because of his words that he had just flattered An Yu. He was also 100% sure that Bai Yuling must have heard it.

"Brother Zichen! do you..."

Bai Yuling was so angry that she couldn't speak clearly. She pointed to Gu Zichen and An Yu. The accusation could only turn into a question in the end: "Why are you here?"

"I heard about you looking for An Yu in the shop yesterday, so I accompanied her to have a look."

"Come and have a look with her? Oh..."

With a wry smile, Bai Yuling slowly stepped inside. It was not until Gu Zichen's side that she stopped and hooked the stool next to her with her. As she sat down, she said coldly, "Brother Zichen, you don't trust me so much? Do you think I will do something to hurt Miss Ann?

"Yu Ling, I know you so well."

Bai Yuling snorted coldly and stopped talking to Gu Zichen. She looked directly at An Yu with resentment in her eyes, as if she was warning her. Don't think that you brought Brother Zichen and let him be your shield, and I would admit defeat!

Since they have received such an obvious warning as Bai Yuling, how can An Yu pretend to be stupid? What's more, she brought Gu Zichen not to give Bai Yuling a majesty or something. She just felt that with this man, she could at least have some scruples. If she took out the set in the clip mountain tiger village, Bai Yuling would definitely not be able to stand it.

No one thinks about it, she has to think about Gu Zichen. Even if he really doesn't miss Bai Yuling at all, he still has to face Bai Rui, right? She can't be so selfish that Gu Zichen even gives up her friends for herself. What's more, no matter what Bai Yuling and Gu Zichen say, they also have some feelings. If he doesn't miss the old feelings at all, he will stand on his side and call Bai Yuling indifferently and ruthlessly, he is not the man she favors to An Yu.

So, An Yu looked at Gu Zichen, who was also looking at her. She raised her hand and touched him and whispered, "Otherwise, can you avoid it first?"

Gu Zichen suddenly had a feeling of being hit, but it was really outrageous for him to be sandwiched between two women. An Yu could tolerate his unreasonable troubles. It was already the limit of her tolerance to follow him. He would not look so in his eyes and said to her, "Then I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he also nodded to Bai Yuling and stood up and walked out of the door. He happened to meet Xiao Er who brought tea. Gu Zichen watched Xiao Er put the things away. After Xiao Er left, he also thoughtfully closed the door.

"Well, I have lifted him away. If you have anything to say, just say it directly!"

Bai Yuling did not expect that Gu Zichen had really obeyed An Yu's words, but she did not know that Gu Zichen was giving them the opportunity to get along alone and also raising An Yu's momentum. Indeed, as Gu Zichen said, he knew her too well.

He knew that Bai Yuling's personality was strong and competitive. His appearance seemed to be weak, but his heart was extremely **. He accompanied An Yu was not worried that An Yu would not know the light and hurt Bai Yuling. On the contrary, he was worried that Bai Yuling could not control his emotions and do something bad to An Yu.

As a result, Gu Zichen was so confused. In fact, although Bai Yuling felt unwilling and wronged, now she couldn't show any momentum in the face of An Yu. She didn't know where to open her mouth. She could only look at An Yu with her lips tightly, with disappointment, sadness and sadness in her eyes. Of course, there are also unwillingness and resentment.

An Yu closed her projections one by one. Since she decided to eat Gu Zichen's lean meat, she was ready to face all kinds of coveters, not to mention a Bai Yuling, that is, tens of thousands of Bai Yulings. She came to fight one by herself and two of them to fight each other. If she went together, she did not mind group beatings.

"What? Aren't you very anxious when you came to see me yesterday?

"Leave him."

"Ha? Did I hear it right?"

Bai Yuling despises such a careless woman as An Yu. She always feels that only a woman born in a large family like herself can be worthy of Gu Zichen.

What is her An Yu...? Why do you take away my beloved as soon as you appear? She doesn't deserve it!